View Full Version : Slide release blow off. WTF?

Bug Splat
03-04-2012, 06:45 PM
Never had this happen before. Was shooting my K40 with Ranger-T's and on the last round of a mag the part blow out the side and landed on my bench. Took everything apart and it all looked fine. Ran another 3 mags without an issue.

The release does not come out easy on its own. I have to use a tool to pop it out. Has this happened to anyone else? The ammo was very hot from what I could tell. Lot more flip and pain in my hand than any other defense ammo I have run.

03-04-2012, 06:59 PM
not ammo related, possable and I say possaboyt on the right side where that slide release pin protrudes, It might have gotten bumped and moved it outward jsut enought that a few rounds took it out of thegun. ur right that slide release is tuffer than hell to ge tout, so if it wqas in correctly, my bet it got bumped solmehow or it was not allthe way in in the first place. keep an eye oit but I think it is all OK.

ammo will not cause it,,

03-04-2012, 07:04 PM
You'd think it would give some warning.

I gotta ask... it was the ENTIRE release, with pin, or just the part you press with yer thumb? They're two pieces, got me wondering if they're pinned together still, or ever were.

Bug Splat
03-04-2012, 07:06 PM
Thak Jocko, I feel better now. I'll run a few mags through her next week just to make sure it was a fluke.

Bug Splat
03-04-2012, 07:30 PM
You'd think it would give some warning.

I gotta ask... it was the ENTIRE release, with pin, or just the part you press with yer thumb? They're two pieces, got me wondering if they're pinned together still, or ever were.

It was the whole thing. Lever and pin. It happened when I was trying a mag dump as fast as I could. I was really testing the function of the Ranger-T's I bought to make 100% sure it fed. Its very possible that the combo of the follower pushing up and my finger pushing on the pin from the right side popped it out.

Bug Splat
03-05-2012, 11:30 PM
Ok guys I found something odd. I've been looking over my slide release and notice something that I thought was normal but now I have doubts. Check out this picture and tell me if it looks wrong....


compared to Kahrs picture...

Most of my hill is not there. Mine just has 2 little peeks on each side. I have looked at it very carefully and its not modified. There are not tool marks like Bubba used a dremel. It looks very clean and intentional as if it came that way from the factory. Wanted to get some feedback from everyone before I ordered a new one from Kahr.


03-06-2012, 12:50 AM
If it was my gun I would get a new slide stop. There is a utube about a K9 takedown trick. He inserts the mag pulls the slide back to lock then just pushes the pin out. If you check it out you'll see. I'm going from memory from watching it weeks ago.

03-06-2012, 06:22 AM
Looks like that little radius part (which holds it in) is not there... bad casting or cracked off.

03-06-2012, 06:46 AM
E-mail Kahr with the picture and request a new slide stop pin. It should be in the mail within a day.

03-06-2012, 10:36 AM
very very rare . Never seen a slide stop that had that part ever broken off. Karh will replace it for u. That is a forged slip stop lever so what does that tellyou??? No better IMO than a MIM slide stop lever.

Neither ever really give any issues.

03-06-2012, 11:21 AM
The slide stop on the K series is retained on the other end opposite the lever part. I see the notch that corresponds with the little spring that holds it where it belongs.

I'd still replace it but I'm not sure it's gonna cure the popping out issue.

I could be totally off on this one too, I'm only running about 60 % today.

Bug Splat
03-06-2012, 11:42 AM
Do you guys think Kahr will replace it even if its 12 years old and I'm not the original owner?

03-06-2012, 12:02 PM
The slide stop on the K series is retained on the other end opposite the lever part. I see the notch that corresponds with the little spring that holds it where it belongs.

I'd still replace it but I'm not sure it's gonna cure the popping out issue.

I could be totally off on this one too, I'm only running about 60 % today.

that ridge that is no longer there is on the inside of the slide, therefore the only way that lever can pop out is if the half moon is lined up correctly and then the pih popped ou.t the way it is now the only thing holding that slide st\op in is that spring pin in that ridge, and basically that ridge is what works the slide stop lever upward to It serves two purposes b ut that inside part that is broekn off is just a bad part and who knows maybe the clown that owned the gun before this fella tried to bang that p;in oput without lining up the half moon on the slide and broken that peace off. It is really underr no stress when thengs are right.

so IMO he needs to replace it be it free or if it costs him. it is 12 years old so if kahr replaces that slide stop for him, KUDOS to kaqhr,m if they don't well it is stillonly fair.:behindsofa:

03-06-2012, 12:19 PM
I had an issue with my K9 where the end of the pin flew off. It broke where the hole had been drilled to pin the lever on. I guess possible a hairline fracture. Anyway I called Kahr and even though I wasn't the original owner and the gun was out of warranty the guy I talked with said that this part should never fail and sent me a replacement.
Notice in the pictures that the end of the new lever has a beveled rear edge instead of the original square edge. How many manufacturers do you think are adding machining operations to improve their products rather than looking for shortcuts? I compared the sizes of the 2 parts with a set of dial verniers and every dimension was virtually identical. They may have been at most a couple ten-thousandths different. Awesome quality control on 2 parts made maybe a decade or more apart.


03-06-2012, 12:44 PM
in the past few years kahr has beveled that end of the slide lock leverj. It certaily looks neater. I have seen the pin break off of these forged slide lock levers before but it is so so rare. Onmy PM9 I can twirl my lever around that pin and the pin never moves. I really like it that way as now only the lever is being move dupward by te magazine follower. NOt really sure if they are supposed to be free whgeeling like that.

Bug Splat
03-06-2012, 01:21 PM
Well, sent them an email with a picture. I guess I will see how good their CS is.

03-06-2012, 02:40 PM
My bet 10 bucks to a donut u get a new slide stop in the mail no charge..

03-06-2012, 03:07 PM
:(That is a forged slip stop lever so what does that tellyou??? No better IMO than a MIM
Just a point of order....its machined, not forged.. But how bout rhat casting line on it?

03-06-2012, 03:33 PM
Just a point of order....its machined, not forged.. But how bout rhat casting line on it?

Kahr Slide Stop Pin
Kahr Arms, a revolutionary company committed to quality, went to the extreme in researching the material for the slide stop pin. After exhaustively surveying and testing numerous unique steel alloys, a proprietary steel with unmatched toughness and elongation characteristics was selected. The material is so tough that, in order to manufacture the part, grinding operations have to be employed.

Although the material and the manufacturing process greatly increase the cost of the part, we feel that the resulting performance benefits vastly out weigh the expense incurred each time a Kahr pistol is assembled. This is just another example of Kahr's commitment to provide for you quality, unmatched at any price

than likely the lever itself is a MIM part even in the PM series, except for the special steel pin which is in the forged/Machined slide stop lever.:behindsofa:

03-06-2012, 04:23 PM
Doesn't matter, his looks toast - be it wheat toast or rye toast... its still ready for the jam!

03-06-2012, 04:46 PM
agree **** happen and being used we don't know how this gun was if any abused. trying to force the slide stop out without lining up the half moon on the slide, just will damage somethinhg and this little inner lip sure could be the cuolprit of abuse. I norally put a dab of grease on that lever channel where the slide rides by it hundreds of times, in my case 32K times.

03-06-2012, 05:39 PM
Not a bad idea! The grease that is.

03-06-2012, 06:12 PM
every once in awhile I do come up with an idea that sticks to the wall, Just sayin!!!

Bug Splat
03-06-2012, 06:25 PM
I just started using a tiny bit of grease in place of gun oil about a month ago. What a difference that makes. My carry pistols would dry out really fast with oil and most of it ending up in my holsters but grease stays put.

03-06-2012, 06:33 PM
a wise man indeed. Try TW25 in the syringe, super sh-t.


BUG SPLAT, what a signature line:D

IO wanted to use dip sh-it on my signature but Bawanna already had it.:behindsofa:

Bug Splat
03-06-2012, 07:37 PM
HAHAHA thanks

Bug Splat
03-17-2012, 12:44 AM
Well, no part. In fact, not even a reply from Kahr. :(

03-17-2012, 02:34 AM
Muggsy is right. That seems like another first here. Stuff happens!

Kahr should send you another slide lock quickly.


03-17-2012, 10:43 AM
Why not send another inquiry? Who's to say your first one didn't get lost somewhere in cyberspace?

Bug Splat
03-17-2012, 01:45 PM
that's ok, I already ordered a new one along with a set of triji sights. :D

03-18-2012, 05:23 PM
a set of dial verniers
every dimension was virtually identical....on 2 parts made maybe a decade or more apart.

Dial verniers.... the entire phrase suggests a sort of steampunk apparatus, with counter rotating circular Vernier scales, rather than a fixed scale and single indicating pointer....

The fit on parts used to amaze me. Old FN GP vs Browning High Power. One made per-WWII, the other made in the late 1980's. Fifty years - and guess what? - a hundredth of a millimeter is still the exact same length as it always was, and all variations of it, equally, are unchanged. You'd expect things to vary over time, and the style of things do. But sizes don't vary, as they keep making them the same way, over and over. Imagine the 1911, whose slide stop pin is about .198 inches or so. Still the same. My non-A1's parts (about 1915) fit the newest guns and the reverse is also true. Amazing? Maybe. Just for consistency sake I guess.