03-04-2012, 10:20 PM
On the chance that new range reports might be getting old, but I had to share my experience also.
One word for it... flawless :D. No issues, not a single malfunction with 224 rounds fired today.
I could not be happier! I have been spending a fair amount of time here reading up and getting some tips, so thanks to all of you for that.
To top it off, my first round was a bullseye from 21 feet :) I was shocked to say the least, but a nice way to start off a trip to the range with a new PM9. I was going to post a pic, but not quite sure how to do that yet. I still need to get used to the longer trigger on the Kahr, as my first shot was consistently better than those that followed.
I used several types of ammo, WWB, Remington, Speer Golden Saber and Winchester PDX1, all of which fed reliably.
I had none of the potential issues I had read about. Slingshot method to load a round worked just fine too.
One question for those that have the black models. Any special care or cleaning tips to protect the finish on the slide or touch it up later if needed? It looks a bit dull after cleaning, so I just wipe it down with a silicon clath afterwards.
Thanks for the tips, help and a place to spend my spare time!
One word for it... flawless :D. No issues, not a single malfunction with 224 rounds fired today.
I could not be happier! I have been spending a fair amount of time here reading up and getting some tips, so thanks to all of you for that.
To top it off, my first round was a bullseye from 21 feet :) I was shocked to say the least, but a nice way to start off a trip to the range with a new PM9. I was going to post a pic, but not quite sure how to do that yet. I still need to get used to the longer trigger on the Kahr, as my first shot was consistently better than those that followed.
I used several types of ammo, WWB, Remington, Speer Golden Saber and Winchester PDX1, all of which fed reliably.
I had none of the potential issues I had read about. Slingshot method to load a round worked just fine too.
One question for those that have the black models. Any special care or cleaning tips to protect the finish on the slide or touch it up later if needed? It looks a bit dull after cleaning, so I just wipe it down with a silicon clath afterwards.
Thanks for the tips, help and a place to spend my spare time!