View Full Version : Mitt Romney
03-05-2012, 07:13 PM
Mitt Romney:
So far, Mitt Romney has refused to respond to his NAGR Gun Rights Survey, perhaps because when Romney was Governor of ultra-liberal Massachusetts he signed a bill to ban an entire class of firearms.
Would he do the same thing -- or even worse -- as President of the United States? His record indicates that he would.
Mitt Romney supports the Brady Registration Act, mandatory 5-day waiting periods, mandatory firearms ID cards, the Federal Feinstein Gun Ban (so-called "assault weapons ban") and he signed the Massachusetts Semi-Auto Ban in 2004.
He even went as far as to say that he supported Massachusetts' tough anti-gun laws: "We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them... I won't chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety."
And to throw fuel on top of Mitt Romney's anti-gun fire, he received the endorsement of John McCain recently, who himself has recorded promotional commercials for anti-gun groups hell-bent on restricting our Second Amendment rights.
03-05-2012, 10:38 PM
I Don't trust Mitt at all, but if he gets the nomination we have to vote out of the current resident. We also need to clean out congress too.
03-05-2012, 10:48 PM
Just one of the reasons that I'm supporting Santorum.
mr surveyor
03-05-2012, 10:57 PM
more ron paul or stay home crap
if ron paul doesn't get the nomination are you gonna just stay home on election day and let the current "occupant of the white house" stay for another four years??????????????
03-06-2012, 03:34 AM
Yup, when they take my gun outta my cold dead hands, that's when I'll vote for him!
03-06-2012, 03:40 AM
are you gonna just stay home on election day and let the current "occupant of the white house" stay for another four years??????????????
He's gotta go
IMO, by all indications at this point, Romney will eventually get the Republican nomination.
I didn't vote for him here in FL in the primary. He's too much of a moderate for my conservative liking plus I just have a hard time trusting the man.
That being said, I will vote for him in the general election if that’s what it comes down to. The current resident of the WH has got to go. This country can’t afford another 4 years of him and his attempt to bring this nation down.
I like Santorum but honestly, I don't think he has a chance, especially after today’s primaries are over.
Ron Paul is nothing more than a spoiler taking up space and a few votes that should be going to a real candidate.
Newt, well Newt is toast.
03-06-2012, 04:47 AM
I am a Massachusetts residents and I have to say, your informationon Romney is incorrect:
Legislation: During the Romney Administration, no anti-Second Amendment or anti-sportsmen legislation made its way to the Governor’s desk.
Governor Romney did sign five pro-Second Amendment/pro-sportsmen bills into law. His administration also worked with Gun Owners’ Action League and the Democratic leadership of the Massachusetts House and Senate to remove any anti-Second Amendment language from the Gang Violence bill passed in 2006.
Here is what the bill that supposedly banned Assault Weapons people like to harp on actually did:
Chapter 150 of the Acts of 2004: An Act Further Regulating Certain Weapons (
This is a perfect example of don’t believe in titles. The bill was the greatest victory for gun owners since the passage of the gun control laws in 1998 (Chapter 180 of the Acts of 1998 ( It was a reform bill totally supported by GOAL. Press and media stories around the country got it completely wrong when claimed the bill was an extension of the “assault weapon” ban that had sunset at the federal level. They could not have been more wrong. Unfortunately for the Governor, someone had also wrongly briefed him about the bill. As a result the Lt. Governor and the Governor made statements at the bill signing ceremony that angered GOAL members. The following is what the bill actually did:
1. Established the Firearm License Review Board (FLRB) ( The 1998 law created new criteria for disqualifying citizens for firearms licenses that included any misdemeanor punishable by more than two years even if no jail time was ever served.
For instance, a first conviction of operating a motor vehicle under the influence would result in the loss of your ability to own a handgun for life and long guns for a minimum of five years. This Board is now able to review cases under limited circumstances to restore licenses to individuals who meet certain criteria.
2. Mandated that a minimum of $50,000 of the licensing fees be used for the operation of the FLRB so that the Board would not cease operating under budget cuts.
3. Extended the term of the state’s firearm licenses from 4 years to 6 years.
4. Permanently attached the federal language concerning assault weapon exemptions in 18 USC 922 ( Appendix A to the Massachusetts assault weapons laws. This is the part that the media misrepresented.
In 1998 the Massachusetts legislature passed its own assault weapons ban (MGL Chapter 140, Section 131M ( This ban did not rely on the federal language and contained no sunset clause. Knowing that we did not have the votes in 2004 to get rid of the state law, we did not want to loose all of the federal exemptions that were not in the state law so this new bill was amended to include them.
5. Re-instated a 90 day grace period for citizens who were trying to renew their firearm license. Over the past years, the government agencies in charge had fallen months behind in renewing licenses. At one point it was taking upwards of a year to renew a license. Under Massachusetts law, a citizen cannot have a firearm or ammunition in their home with an expired license.
6. Mandated that law enforcement must issue a receipt for firearms that are confiscated due to an expired license. Prior to this law, no receipts were given for property confiscated which led to accusations of stolen or lost firearms after they were confiscated by police.
7. Gave free license renewal for law enforcement officers who applied through their employing agency.
8. Changed the size and style of a firearm license to that of a driver’s license so that it would fit in a normal wallet. The original license was 3” x 4”.
9. Created stiffer penalties for armed home invaders
03-06-2012, 04:14 PM
the fee went up from $25 to $100 he said if you want it you pay for it.
03-06-2012, 04:59 PM
Folks, you need to ask yourself, which would be MORE likely to impact your gun Rights...
A Republican President that wins nothing from taking any kind of anti-gun stance, and who has reaffirmed his support of the 2A (you ought to read these):
Or a committed Leftist, who has continually campaigned on anti-gun platforms, has no concerns about re-election to moderate his anti-gun, anti-2A moves, and that will probably get to nominate another Supreme Court Justice (or even two) that will set the 2A back for generations?
Seriously, why would Mitt Romney ever take an anti 2A stand? What does that get him?
He would alienate his Republican base and ensure he is never re-elected, and yet never get any credit form the Leftists for the trouble (Republicans never do).
His 2A record in MA is exaggerated to the negative, and he consistently reaffirms his support now...
Even if Mitt wanted to lean anti gun (which I don't think he is), who do you think would be easier to pull back to the Right - Romney or Obama?
Obama has an AG that defended a terrorist and traffics guns to Mexico in order to build an anti-2A narrative, and a DHS Sec that has defined terrorists as being people very much like us on this board, while ignoring actual terrorists...
All the people that state that Mitt Romney is just like Obama... I have to think that they are Democratic plants. Or just have no political insight whatsoever. Is Romney the most Conservative person? Nope. Is he a Leftist/Communist redistributive confiscator like Obama? Absolutely not!
Santorum is a nice guy, is Conservative on the social issues. But he is a stated big gov guy, just like Newt. Both believe that the fed gov can 'fix' things in America. Neither has Executive experience either, where has that gotten us with Obozo?
Romney has proven leadership experience, in public office (Governor of MA), in private life (many successful business ventures), and in private/public partnerships (the 2002 SLC Olympics).
He has done all of those things successfully also, which is something I think we need for the country right now.
Romney wasn't my first choice, we are all looking for 'Jesus on the ballot', but that doesn't exist.
We need Obama retired.
We need someone who understands business and how things run.
We need someone that has proven himself able to fix broken organizations and make them leaner and more responsive.
Right now, that person on the ballot is Mitt Romney.
You don't have to love him (I don't), but you should probably hate the thought of another Obama term more than you have reservations about Romney. That, I do.
Think about it.
03-06-2012, 05:39 PM
I don't care much for Mitt but if it comes down to Mitt vs Obama guess where my vote goes...I keep asking myself, is THIS the BEST group of candidates the Republicans can come up with???....I'm not happy with how this thing is going either but we got to stick together and be realistic...
IMHO Newt is the best candidate to take on Obama head on but he doesn't have the money or support and will hopefully be the Vice Presidential pick...
Santorum is a good man with many things going for him I like and respect but the Moderates and Independents will run away from him over to the Obama camp...
Ron Paul I also like and respect but is unelectable due to his isolationist views and somewhat unrealistic foreign policy ideas...If Ron Paul were a real Patriot he would realize that his candidacy is just mucking up the waters and if he really cared about America's future he would man up and step down...
Folks like it or not we got to put whoever the Republican nominee is in the White House in November...If all you are worried about is 2nd amendment irights then think about another 4 years with Obama...If you don't think he's going to come after your guns this time around you better think twice....Whats to STOP him, his new Supreme Court???
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