View Full Version : New Member PM45 Break-In

03-06-2012, 05:53 PM
Today I was extremely excited to start the break in of my PM45. During separate sessions with a light cleaning between, I ran 400 rounds through my gun. UMC, PMC, Magtech, and PowerBall. I am very pleased with every aspect recoil, functionality, ergonomics, and mostly how accurate this pocket rocket is. No FTE's, FTF's, failure to lock, etc. But I ran into a major issue half hay through the process. One of the five round mags failed to go into the mag well. Upon inspection, the left rear corner of the mag was split about quarter of an inch. I continued to use the remaining mag and then oduring the last ten rounds the second mag failed. This time both sides split at the top of of the mag. Glad I bought two 6 round spares to finish my break in session.

Handed the mags to my dealer and they are going to handle dealing with Kahr for me. Now I am at a crossroad. Love the gun, hate the mags. Did i get a bad batch or is this common? Waiting running the replacement mags before I make a decision on what to do next. This is after all intended to be my primary CCW gun.

03-06-2012, 05:59 PM
Split at the top... hardly ever hear of that.

Once in a while a .45 mag lets loose. The 40's seem to have the most issue with corner splits for some reason. Its not an unheard of thing. I've got a small junkbin full of dead and derelict magazines that have split, blown bottoms out, cracked lips off... collected (and moved with me five times) since about 1978 or so. Folks make a huge deal over it, but Colt, Browning, Sig, Smith... and all the aftermarkets like Randall and MecGar and such... they all split on occasion. I know it sucks to have two bad experiences. I've got seven Kahr .45 mags... no issues (yet).

03-06-2012, 06:12 PM
I am glass is half full person, normally. So when I get the replacements I will put them through the paces. I have had mags bust from heavy use in other rigs, especially those used in USPSA compitions when they hit the deck. But not right out of the gate at the range. Would rather not have keep spending loot on ammo to test them out more than I normally shoot.

03-06-2012, 06:13 PM
that sucks... once again more excuses for kahr....... 1 of my pm 40 mags split in under 300 rounds. its bs. send them back,be without a usable gun for 2-3 weeks. or pay 30 bucks+ for a new one. bs on all 3 ocations. and once again i love my pm 40, but ive never had a glock mag fail, or any other mag ecept a kahr mag actually. QC kahr QC....................

03-06-2012, 06:17 PM
I am glass is half full person, normally. So when I get the replacements I will put them through the paces. I have had mags bust from heavy use in other rigs, especially those used in USPSA compitions when they hit the deck. But not right out of the gate at the range. Would rather not have keep spending loot on ammo to test them out more than I normally shoot.
+1 there is no excuse for this.... dont let people tell u its "normal" or "ok" or "no big deal" its BS plain and simple......:mad:

03-06-2012, 06:21 PM
its not normal, its not ok, but neither is it a big deal

a cracked barrel - BIG DEAL
a blown frame - BIG DEAL
magazine failure... every manufacturer has had it happen at one time or another

03-06-2012, 06:30 PM
it is a big deal when it leav's u with a useless gun...... and youre not rich with many others to take its place

03-06-2012, 06:34 PM
It is useless for the moment as a carry gun, cause I never intended to use the 6 rounder extended mags when carrying due to how they stick out further than I like.

03-06-2012, 07:14 PM
I didn't realy read any excuses from CJB, he just stated what his knowledge has been with outher guns, Kahr is not the lone ranger with this mag thing, It seems worse reading it here on this forum. It is never good but u have a choice, If it pisses u, then peddle the fokking kahrs and buy a gun that absolutely u can guarantee will never do such a thing. I don't think I have ever read of glocks doing thaty, so that would be a first place to start.

Do u reall think kahr likes to see this sh-t happening?. Do u realyl think they are doing nothing about it??? I don';t have an answer for what is causing it . I have theories but you can't live on theories. they are smarter than I am.

I feel for Tac45 shooter but he is probalby the only one here that is taking it in stride, and its his fokking gun. He should be the most pissed,,,, but not happy but also willing to get it worked out.

03-06-2012, 07:15 PM
+1 there is no excuse for this.... dont let people tell u its "normal" or "ok" or "no big deal" its BS plain and simple......:mad:

u tell um jerstolp:behindsofa:

03-06-2012, 07:42 PM
I'd probably call or email Kahr yourself and let them know that you had two mag failures this early in the game.
I think there were indeed some bad mags put out obviously but awhile back Wyntrout had like 5 or 6 go bad and kahr was able to recreate the issue and found that it was the gun being out of whack and he ended up with a new gun.

Kahr will undoubtedly replace the mags but they also may want to look at your gun and make sure whatever ailed Wyns gun isn't an issue with yours.

Beings you had two split this early and so close together I'd be concerned about the gun in this case but of course only Kahr can make the call.

03-06-2012, 08:08 PM
Thanks Jocko. It isn't the end of the world. This my first KAHR, so I am bummed out for the moment. But, I deal with a local shop and they take good care of their customers especially those who are regulars at the range and choose the little guy over big superstore. Even though they are helping me, ordering new mags express (hopefully). I amstill going to contact the regional KAHR rep and have a discussion with him voicing my current disappointment and inform him what occurred during the first go out of the box. Will try and get them to spring for an extra mag or two to boot.

03-06-2012, 08:10 PM
Banana I will definitely follow that course of action with KAHR. Thanks.

03-06-2012, 08:15 PM
Sorry Bawanna spell check jacked up:)

03-06-2012, 08:48 PM
Sorry Bawanna spell check jacked up:)

Oh, he's been called worse than that! :behindsofa:

03-08-2012, 05:57 AM
New mags on order. Only time will tell. Rather than deal directly with KAHR cust service, I called their regional sales rep. Very helpful, he explained that they had some issues with mags splitting and that no issues with the guns were found. Outsourcing is the issue he claimed as well as mags not meeting the design specs. So I bought two six rounders, not for carry just as extra for the range until I get the five rounders. No issues with the six rounders about a hundred round through each as of last night. Both cs and the sales rep claimed if the mags were to fail, they would fail early. So that is encouraging, I hope. The saga continues:)