View Full Version : Question Regarding NEW PM9

03-06-2012, 06:15 PM
Hi all. I just purchased a "new" black slide pm9 (was used but never fired so says the guy I bought it from). I did the 500 slide racks and took the gun apart to clean it this evening. A few things I noticed that I need some clarification on.

1). The trigger is somewhat gritty. I have heard rave review about how smooth the tigger is supposed to be on these. Pulling the tigger back is very smooth, but if you release the tigger slowly after pulling back, there are 3-4 distinct clicks and you feel each one of them. Not sure if this is the spring or...? Maybe this is normal, but not what I was expecting.

2). The slide is somewhat sloppy on the frame. I can actually wiggle the slide a little up and down on the frame. It doesn't feel tight like all of the other pistols I own (LCP, Nano, M&P 45, Kimber Ultra Raptor II, Glock 27).

3). I noticed some discoloration on the inside of the slide. Not sure what this would be? It looks like it got hot, kind of a blue/purple discoloration. I'm not sure how to upload pics of this.

I appreciate any info you can provide.

03-06-2012, 06:58 PM
1). The trigger is somewhat gritty.
2). The slide is somewhat sloppy on the frame.
3). I noticed some discoloration on the inside of the slide.

1. Part of a good prep is starting with a CLEAN pistol. Detail strip the slide, clean that striker channel out. You'll find that initial shooting will smooth things out, but getting grit and micro particles from there - good thing. You can also try spraying it clean via the plastic-safe brake cleaner method (though the little cleanout hole under the slide). Dont get break cleaner on plastic frame etc etc... even though its plastic safe - play it safe. Its not unusual to need a little shooting to smooth things up - using my own PM45 as an example, was a lot smoother after three or four boxes of ammo.

2. There should be just a little play, but not a whole lot. The front play is governed by the thickness of the steel rails in the frame's hood section, and the width of the corresponding grooves in the slide. It is highly improbable that you have thinner rails in the frame - they're not machined but made from stamped stainless steel. Could have wide slots in the slide, but again... you'd probably see some sort mis-cut evidence. In all likelihood, things are just fine.

3. Hard to say. My DLC PM45 had some brass staining under the slide, some powder residue on the slide and all sorts of dark, hard to clean, stuff in the barrel. Could be powder residue... general grunge. May not clean all that easy. Could be slight imperfection in the finish? Dunno. If its not on the outside of the pistol and doesn't effect shooting... go with it, because its gonna be filthy by the time you get done breaking it in.


03-06-2012, 07:04 PM
they don't finisn the under side of the slides near as good as the outter ortion. That is normal. accept it. what CJB said about the trigger is right, u probably should take the entire slide down and clean inside the striker channel. That gritty feel is more than likely there . The slide is normal, nothig wrong with what ur calling play.

Best advice I can giv eu is to take the gun out and shoot it and quit nick pickin it. U won't find a better trigger system, It willsoot better than u can shoot it. the dlc is very durable and extremely attractvie on that gun. I won an lcp and I sure don't consdier it tight by any means..

03-06-2012, 07:15 PM
First: Welcome to a great forum (fellow noob here) and congrats on the new pm looney! If it runs anything like the rest, or like my cm, you will love it!

CJB & Jocko: Ive seen it mentioned before that its not a bad idea to detail strip n clean all that out. I never did this with mine, just used the nifty lil clean out hole, and everything has ran fine so far. Im sure at some point my curiosity will get the best of me and I will detail strip it, but as for now is it something i should mess with if everything is going great? I never did the detail strip for fear of messing something up, or losing a part cause ive never detail stripped anything. Thanks in advance for the answers.... man i love this forum!

03-06-2012, 07:30 PM
I normally don't recommend tearing the slide down part for part as that clean out hole normally will do it all BUT that being said if ur industrieous and with the good photo tutorials on this forum on how to take the slide down, then I would also recommend at least one good take dwon to be guaranteed u got allthe crapla out of the striker channel Then after that I feel totally confident that clean out hole will keep it perfectly clean. I can say in my 32K rounds I HAVE NEVER HAD MY STRIKER CHANNEL DOWN. I have only taken the back slide backing plate off to insert the 5# striker spring and I never went any further. I believe in IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT. IMo if u feel a gritty trigger, normally it is i the striker channel. CLEAN IT. If it is all smooth as butter and u have used the little clean out hole THEN STICK WITH IT. One should spray clean in that little hole EVERY TIME U CLEAN THE GUN. It should be part of the cleaning procedure. How long does it take to spray clean that striker channel???10 seconds at best. always error on the side of caution...

If u take that upper slide down, I would suggest for the first time u do it all in a big see through plastic bag, so when things fly, u will be able to find um Loose that microscopic striker block spring and ur fokked. Pyrohafe, IMO leave ur gun alone and keep doing what u have been doing..

03-06-2012, 07:46 PM
If it works well now - dont fix it!

03-07-2012, 12:16 AM
As for Question #2...Is the slide sloppy while gun is empyt or loaded? Mine has a little play when empty, but is nice and tight when loaded.

03-07-2012, 07:37 PM
I haven't tried the detail strip yet, only a standard field strip and clean. I will give that a try to see if it smooths out the trigger. I actually haven't loaded the gun yet. I just noticed that the entire slide moves up and down a little when pulling the tigger and wondered if that was normal. Not trying to nit-pick, just wondering if the gun is supposed to be like that or if it needs work. Again, none of my other pistols' slide has any vertical play.

03-07-2012, 08:42 PM
That is normal. Probably won't be noticeable when the gun is loaded.

03-07-2012, 08:48 PM
FWIW, the very classic (and classy) Browning High Power, with its vertical trigger arm, that pushes on the rocker... will lift the slide slightly. Normally the cartridge at the top of the magazine lifts the slide the same amount (just zero's out all the play in the upward direction), but when its empty, you can detect that play in the mechanism. It all has zero bearing or effect on function or accuracy. Its there by design, as a zero slack fit would not operate.