View Full Version : P40 vs PM/CM40

03-06-2012, 09:04 PM
Hi Kahr guys. First post. Kahr shopping for first time.

I am looking to replace a Glock 27 extended mag with something slimmer in the same .40

It is for conceal carry, primarily IWB.

I already have a pocket 9mm and it's the slimmest made and as such fairly suspect in reliability. But for the many times that I know I'm heading into dangerous situations, I'm a fan of .40 cal. I know that slimmer is better in concealment while length isn't a big deal to hide IWB.

Since all the .40 Kahrs are the same width, and the polymers are nearly the same weight, in your opinion is the PM/CM40 significantly more concealable than the P40 in an IWB situation?

I'm talking Jeans and a T shirt tucked into a Tuc N Go IWB holster.

So far, the only physical deterrent I see for Conceal Carry is the extra 1/2" longer grip, (which of course for firing is a big plus). What am I missing?

I have been advised that the PM40 has too much side-to-side torque while the P40 cancels that issue. I am also wondering if a P40 is much more accurate than a CM40.

Thank you in advance.

03-06-2012, 09:13 PM
port the fokker and u will enjoy any kahr 40 cal better..

03-06-2012, 09:46 PM
The P40 should be ever so lsightly more accurate than the PM40/CM40 because of the longer barrel and 3 finger grip. But so would the CW40. For in the waist, I'd go for the slightly bigger gun (P/CW). No problem concealing it on the waist. And, IMO, I'd save money and get a CW40. Same gun as the P40. Go for the P40 if you want the black DLC finish, which is nice! Quite a bit more than the CW40, though.

03-07-2012, 10:42 AM
Thank you for the comments.

J-footin; I am glad to hear that someone else thought the larger is fine IWB. It will do double duty as conceal and also in forests/hiking/camping/kayaking/fishing. Thanks for the nod on accuracy. Accuracy is important since I regularly encounter aggressive wildlife- they tend to move quicker and I have found that poorly placed shots do not deter wild animals.

At this moment, price isn't an issue; I just found a used P40 at my LGS for about the price of a new CW40 and new CM40. Used is broken-in and thus trigger is smoother.

Jocko; some of my barrels are ported and they are limited to daytime use or range paper punching. However, I won't be porting any new active use CC weapons to avoid night flash.

03-08-2012, 05:40 PM
Thank you for the comments.

J-footin; I am glad to hear that someone else thought the larger is fine IWB. It will do double duty as conceal and also in forests/hiking/camping/kayaking/fishing. Thanks for the nod on accuracy. Accuracy is important since I regularly encounter aggressive wildlife- they tend to move quicker and I have found that poorly placed shots do not deter wild animals.

At this moment, price isn't an issue; I just found a used P40 at my LGS for about the price of a new CW40 and new CM40. Used is broken-in and thus trigger is smoother.

Jocko; some of my barrels are ported and they are limited to daytime use or range paper punching. However, I won't be porting any new active use CC weapons to avoid night flash.

check out Wyntrout's thread. He has a lot of pix of his ported P40 in action and says that the flash is nothing to worry about.

03-08-2012, 06:36 PM
check out Wyntrout's thread. He has a lot of pix of his ported P40 in action and says that the flash is nothing to worry about.

Thanks. I'll do a search for the thread. My ported barrels spray sparks all over the indoor range ceiling!

03-08-2012, 06:54 PM
I think porting looks great on a gun but since I don't have a 500 mag shooting ++P++ I don't feel the need for it. My mk40 has noticebaly more recoil than my mk9 but still tolerable,just grip it good. Just my 2 cents.

03-11-2012, 03:46 PM
I haven't had any issues with flash or debris on my ported P40. Makes a much louder BANG when I fire it and the muzzle flip is reduced slightly.


03-11-2012, 05:27 PM
cw40 will fit the bill since you have that rohrbaugh (i am assuming) in your pocket line up...

03-11-2012, 06:25 PM
check out Wyntrout's thread. He has a lot of pix of his ported P40 in action and says that the flash is nothing to worry about.

Speer and a couple of other manufacturers make bullets especially designed for short barrel guns, and they have a very quick complete burn with lessened muzzle flash.

03-11-2012, 08:48 PM
In my limited testing, the Winchester PDX1 in 165-grain had the least flash... a lot less than the one I chose... Speer 165-gr Gold Dots.



03-12-2012, 07:02 PM
I may have another ported barrel for a P40. I have a friend who sold his P40, but the buyer was not interested in the ported barrel. If anyone is interested, let me know, I will find out how much he wants for the barrel.

03-12-2012, 07:57 PM
If you're not going to pocket carry, I'd choose the P40, (actually the CW40 since I'm cheapskate). You get an extra round in the mag, and can get the 7 round mags for a spare, although I think they work in the PM/CM 40 as well. I don't have much trouble concealing it with jeans and an oversize tshirt.

03-12-2012, 11:09 PM
I haven't had any issues with flash or debris on my ported P40. Makes a much louder BANG when I fire it and the muzzle flip is reduced slightly.


looks nice, how much?

03-13-2012, 06:04 AM
looks nice, how much?

My P40 is my dedicated CC firearm for when I feel the need to CC (I usually OC a full sized 1911). I had though about selling it when I picked up a compact size 1911, but it is a brick to carry and conceal. The P40 offers me a light weight firearm that I can conceal and not feel like I am carrying it at all.