View Full Version : Is this where our kids and grandkids are headed?

03-07-2012, 05:57 AM
I know - this is a gun forum. I just thought the following is so important it needs to be spread far and wide if we're to keep our country on the right path.

03-07-2012, 06:49 AM
Pretty sad :=[

03-07-2012, 06:51 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about the kids. When I was a kid my American dream was to ride a Harley and get laid and I turned out all right, didn't I? :)

03-07-2012, 07:00 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about the kids. When I was a kid my American dream was to ride a Harley and get laid and I turned out all right, didn't I? :)

Sorry but I have to disagree with you. Maybe you were just kidding.

When I was young I had aspirations similar as yours. My way of achieving them was to work for it.

I have 3 kids with an age spread of 15-23. I can tell you that too many kids have an entitlement attitude like I have never seen before and it can rub off on our children. My middle child came home talking that crap mentioned and told me one time that it was my job to provide him with the same things that his friends parents provided them (car, cell phone, money for dates, etc...) I promptly told him that my job is to make sure that he can succeed in life on his own, and he can start by getting himself a job if he wanted anything.

Well my oldest has graduated college and the middle has finished high school on their own now and both are now in the US military. They had an awakening in basic training and realized that all those things me and their mother told them was correct and told us so.

Unfortunately too many end up going to a college where their skulls full of mush are molded into thinking that liberal entitlements are fair, and thus we end up with the current pres.

I'm done now because that whole situation really Pi$$e$ me off. :mad:

03-07-2012, 07:10 PM
I guess you missed the smiley face. The parents have eighteen year to formulate the proper attitude and work ethic in their children. If the parents fail in their job their kids will fail in life. You do your best and then kick them out of the nest. That's all that you can do.

03-07-2012, 07:12 PM
wow... all i can say is wow... Im 26, so not much older than these kids i guess, but this is still mind blowing to me... i have always been taught to work for what i want, and to work hard.
i will say the government (tax refund) and others (bday money) paid for my new kahr :D haha

03-07-2012, 07:30 PM
If, as it seems, the vast majority of young 'uns today believe in the tooth fairy, what future do the smart kids have? They will be slaves to the parasite class unless something drastic is done.

03-07-2012, 07:36 PM
yqtszhj said,
"Unfortunately too many end up going to a college where their skulls full of mush are molded into thinking that liberal entitlements are fair"

And to your point, the push by the Fed that everyone must go to college or never have a good job, is really just to further the indoctrination by the liberal professors.

03-07-2012, 08:06 PM
I know - this is a gun forum. I just thought the following is so important it needs to be spread far and wide if we're to keep our country on the right path.

Sophomores at a third tier college. Probably all liberal arts majors. Not really worried about America from their answers. Just get me the damn fries.

03-07-2012, 09:52 PM
I guess you missed the smiley face. The parents have eighteen year to formulate the proper attitude and work ethic in their children. If the parents fail in their job their kids will fail in life. You do your best and then kick them out of the nest. That's all that you can do.

Sorry. I saw the smiley after I posted. I figured you were fooling around.

Didn't mean to go off but that video really hit a sensitive spot.