View Full Version : Pocket Lint

03-07-2012, 05:27 PM
And now for something really different......No politics in this thread but I'm going to blame Obama for it anyway...It had to be his fault this happened...

Thought you folks that pocket carry might find this interesting...I right front pocket carry my PM40 in Wrangler jeans...This is the only way thats comfortable for me as I don't like IWB holsters...

It all started with my Gerber folding knife I carry in my left front pocket along with loose change and anything else I might need...I have had this knife for about 6 months or so now and the little button to open, close and lock the blade got real stiff and would hardly move...

I sprayed the he!! out of every place I could with Jocko brand brake cleaner and then finished with some Rem oil but that just made it worse...I got brave and took the thing apart to see what might be wrong...The side covers were held on with something like negative #12 size torx screws (had to buy a bit at Sears because my sets smallest size was a #6) I'm talking tiny screws but I got um out finally...

Springs and little parts went everywhere but I caught everything ok and found the problem...There was about 5 lbs of lint packed into every tiny nook and cranny that you couldn't see with the side covers on...Got all that cleaned out and somehow put it back together and it's now good as new but this got me to thinking how much lint might find it's way into a pocket carried pistol even in a holster so I started turning the front pockets of my jeans inside out when they come out of the dryer and use a hand vacuum to clean up whats left of the lint before hanging them up...

Check inside your pockets sometimes and see what crud is in there...I now keep my pistol carrying pocket as clean as possible and in the future will do more maintenance cleaning to the PM40 every couple weeks or so even if I haven't shot it....Never hurts to keep things clean!!!!

03-07-2012, 05:33 PM
Just to be clear here folks, he means his woman turns the pockets out and vacuums before SHE hangs em up.

Sheesh getsome, man up! What happened to the guy in the door of the helicopter with the machine gun.

Sorry Ms. Melissa, I know I got a beatin coming and I deserve it too.

03-07-2012, 05:42 PM
Hey I ain't no hen pecked wimp of a husband and I'll have you know I run this household with an iron fist!!!!....Hold on a second, Yes dear what is it, I'm just on the horn to Bawanna...Yes honey bunch I'll be right there and yes I know I promised you a back rub and I will do it right after I draw your bath...Yes sweetness I will.......Sorry I gotta go....:blushing:

03-07-2012, 05:57 PM
I hang dry my pants. Helps with lint and they'll last longer. Dryers are death to denim especially.

03-07-2012, 06:08 PM
We need more threads like this one! :D

03-07-2012, 07:57 PM
I right front pocket carry my PM40 in Wrangler jeans...

I sprayed the he!! out of every place I could with Jocko brand brake cleaner and then finished with some Rem oil but that just made it worse

There was about 5 lbs of lint packed into every tiny nook and cranny that you couldn't see...but this got me to thinking how much lint might find it's way into a pocket carried pistol even in a holster so I started turning the front pockets of my jeans inside out when they come out of the dryer and use a hand vacuum to clean up whats left of the lint before hanging them up...

First of all - I carry my PM45's the same way, same brand of jeans. The PM9 does the same duty at times.

Second of all - spraying the hell out of every place you could - like the cats rosette, the hinges on the drier door, the garden gnome, that old box of frozen peas at the back of the deep freeze... does indeed help. You did right by downing a shot of Rem Oil after all that spraying, as I know how it can make ya thirsty. Best not to drink Rem Oil and drive (as you sorta hinted at).

And lastly - there's a secret to pocket carry. Go commando. Thats it. Simple. Why go commando? Because when you go commando, your boys are gonna pull all the lint from them pockets, even by the process osmosis, through the pocket material itself. They'll be the next best thing to a black hole for lint. Any doubt? If so I can post unretouched photographs as a testimonial to that effect, and I don't think we really wanna go there on this forum, so just take my word for it.

And that's that!

03-07-2012, 09:22 PM
Lowe's makes a nice mini Torx screwdriver set. Small with about 4 interchangeble bits (8 sizes) that store in the handle. I think Home Depot might sell one too. Very handy.

03-07-2012, 11:11 PM
And now for something really different......No politics in this thread but I'm going to blame Obama for it anyway...It had to be his fault this happened...

Thought you folks that pocket carry might find this interesting...I right front pocket carry my PM40 in Wrangler jeans...This is the only way thats comfortable for me as I don't like IWB holsters...

It all started with my Gerber folding knife I carry in my left front pocket along with loose change and anything else I might need...I have had this knife for about 6 months or so now and the little button to open, close and lock the blade got real stiff and would hardly move...

I sprayed the he!! out of every place I could with Jocko brand brake cleaner and then finished with some Rem oil but that just made it worse...I got brave and took the thing apart to see what might be wrong...The side covers were held on with something like negative #12 size torx screws (had to buy a bit at Sears because my sets smallest size was a #6) I'm talking tiny screws but I got um out finally...

Springs and little parts went everywhere but I caught everything ok and found the problem...There was about 5 lbs of lint packed into every tiny nook and cranny that you couldn't see with the side covers on...Got all that cleaned out and somehow put it back together and it's now good as new but this got me to thinking how much lint might find it's way into a pocket carried pistol even in a holster so I started turning the front pockets of my jeans inside out when they come out of the dryer and use a hand vacuum to clean up whats left of the lint before hanging them up...

Check inside your pockets sometimes and see what crud is in there...I now keep my pistol carrying pocket as clean as possible and in the future will do more maintenance cleaning to the PM40 every couple weeks or so even if I haven't shot it....Never hurts to keep things clean!!!!

Turn the pockets inside out before washing and drying...no vacuuming needed

MW surveyor
03-08-2012, 06:40 AM
That's why I always use Pledge when cleaning the dust out of my guns. Leaves a streak free shine and lemony fresh scent.

03-08-2012, 06:42 AM
Turn the pockets inside out before washing and drying...no vacuuming needed

Are you kidding. That would be to simple a fix and would ruin this thread. First, spray the hell out of those pockets with some non-chlorinated brake cleaner. Next, using a phosphorus bronze brush, scrub the hell of of them. Finally, pour your pockets full of Rem oil. If that doesn't work send a picture of your pockets to Levis and request an RA. Send them back to Levis on their dime, of course. Expect a two week turn around time.

03-08-2012, 07:38 AM
Are you kidding. That would be to simple a fix and would ruin this thread. First, spray the hell out of those pockets with some non-chlorinated brake cleaner. Next, using a phosphorus bronze brush, scrub the hell of of them. Finally, pour your pockets full of Rem oil. If that doesn't work send a picture of your pockets to Levis and request an RA. Send them back to Levis on their dime, of course. Expect a two week turn around time.

You forgot about squeezing the pockets in a vise and sanding the insides of the pockets. Oh, and by no means should you spray the pockets with white lithium grease...:D

03-08-2012, 07:55 AM
You forgot about squeezing the pockets in a vise and sanding the insides of the pockets. Oh, and by no means should you spray the pockets with white lithium grease...:D

You'll have to forgive me for omitting those important steps. I shouldn't post before having my morning coffee. At any rate, I've always considered pockets suitable only for car keys and pool. I appendix carry IWB. :)

03-08-2012, 08:00 AM
:blushing: I removed my pockets......cuz I aint got no toys.....:2eek:

03-08-2012, 08:01 AM
I too suffer from LCP/PM9 lint disease as I also pocket carry and simply cannot stand an IWB holster.
Will now start pulling the pockets inside out while washing and drying.
By the way my good ol' Kenmore electric dryer turns 33 years old this year.

03-08-2012, 08:11 AM
Hmm...never had that problem with pocket carry. I wonder if using a pocket holster is the difference, as I always do?

03-08-2012, 08:17 AM
I use a leather RKBA pocket holster in both pistols.

03-08-2012, 04:06 PM
Well folks here is an update on the pocket lint prevention tests I did last evening...I'm happy to report no small animals were harmed in this experiment... (Sorry it's a little long but hang with me)...I followed the suggestions of several members and I'm here to report the results which I'm sorry to say ain't looking none too good...

When I first started this thread I thought (My first mistake because everytime I start to think, bad things are sure to follow) anyway I thought this might be of concern and interest to those of you who pocket carry and worry about lint and pocket crud getting into your pistols so I started the thread with full sincerity...

I decided to try out the methods mentioned by others in the thread to see which one or combination of worked the best to remove and eliminate the dreaded pocket lint issue....Unfortunately my little pocket fuzz problem has almost turned into a home wrecker for me....Let me explain further....

In my experiment last night I first tried CJB's idea of going commando and using my equipment to attract the lint...I have never tried this method of dress before but it does feel pretty different and really quite exhilarting and when I heal up good I might try it again (More to follow)....Anyway apparently my package doesn't have a large enough mass or gravitational pull to attract lint so I decided to move on to the other ideas...

I must admit the commando style has alot going for it especially while drinking mass quantities of malted beverages as I was doing while conducting this experiment last evening as it is much easier to get to the old Main Vein when you gotto go real BAD!!!

I got another pair of jeans out and tried skiflydive's idea of using a bench vice and course sandpaper to remove surface lint on both sides of the pockets...It worked pretty good but it took off so much material the pockets started to become transparent so I stopped before going all the way through...At this point I halted the experiment to go watch "Sons of Guns" on TV and work on the rest of the beer...

Well after the show which I don't remember much of I found another 6 pack in the back of the fridge I didn't know was there and figured good karma was with me and I resumed the experiment...the last thing to try was Muggsy's idea of blasting the pockets with brake cleaner to super clean off that pesky lint so I slipped the jeans off in the garage and blasted almost a whole can on both pockets then pulled the jeans back on over my commando stuff...:75:

It felt really nice and cold at first almost like menthol and for a second I thought I was on to something then the HELL FIRE set in...I'm running around the garage trying to get the zipper down and get out of these atomic flaming devil jeans and when I finally got them off I tried to slip back into the house wearing only a t-shirt and guess who's there...Yep SWMBO...:eek:

I surveyed the damage and found all the hair burnt off both inner thighs and one of the twins and everything else was bright red and blistered...Man that brake cleaner is some more powerful stuff....I convinced her I had accidently sprayed myself cleaning my tools which was partly true and lucky for me she bought it and went back to bed...

I slathered on some burn ointment and put on some gym shorts to watch Jay Leno and have a few more beers to help with the pain...On the way to a bathroom trip I saw the other pair of sandpapered jeans I did earlier and decided to try them out...

Not bad but pretty gritty on the burned up parts so I went back to garage to vacuum the pockets out...Well it was real cold out there and so I decided to just stick the shop vac hose in the pockets rather than try and take the jeans off and it was working pretty good until one of the thinned out pockets gave way and little Nemo and one of the napalm damaged twins got sucked up into the hose and I commenced to yelling and tripped over the vacumm trying to get to the cord and I turn around and see her looking at me again this time with a running shop vac hose down my pants...:blushing:...At least she was kind enough to help me get the thing shut off and my stuff out of the hose...

Well she looked at me and said only "Now I understand why your father nick named you NEW MOON cause you are so bright" so me and my battered, burnt up little Nemo and one of the roasted twins now being about twice the size of the other one followed her into the house...She asked what in the sam hell I was doing and I explained the deal about you guys on Kahrtalk giving me the ideas and I pulled up the site and showed her the thread but she also found pictures of a beautiful Asian lady (Mrs. Moon) and other recent ones like the big butted thong lady crossing the street and that did it so she pushed me out the door and locked it and me and my throbbing blow torched equipment had to sleep in the truck...I woke up this morning with a massave hangover and a severe pain in the crotch and IT"S ALL YA"LLS FAULT...

Moral of this sorry story is Don't let a little pocket fuzz ruin your life and IWB carry isn't so bad after all...:p

03-08-2012, 04:11 PM
Well folks here is an update on the pocket lint prevention tests I did last evening...I'm happy to report no small animals were harmed in this experiment... (Sorry it's a little long but hang with me)...I followed the suggestions of several members and I'm here to report the results which I'm sorry to say ain't looking none too good...

When I first started this thread I thought (My first mistake because everytime I start to think, bad things are sure to follow) anyway I thought this might be of concern and interest to those of you who pocket carry and worry about lint and pocket crud getting into your pistols so I started the thread with full sincerity...

I decided to try out the methods mentioned by others in the thread to see which one or combination of worked the best to remove and eliminate the dreaded pocket lint issue....Unfortunately my little pocket fuzz problem has almost turned into a home wrecker for me....Let me explain further....

In my experiment last night I first tried CJB's idea of going commando and using my equipment to attract the lint...I have never tried this method of dress before but it does feel pretty different and really quite exhilarting and when I heal up good I might try it again (More to follow)....Anyway apparently my package doesn't have a large enough mass or gravitational pull to attract lint so I decided to move on to the other ideas...

I must admit the commando style has alot going for it especially while drinking mass quantities of malted beverages as I was doing while conducting this experiment last evening as it is much easier to get to the old Main Vein when you gotto go real BAD!!!

I got another pair of jeans out and tried skiflydive's idea of using a bench vice and course sandpaper to remove surface lint on both sides of the pockets...It worked pretty good but it took off so much material the pockets started to become transparent so I stopped before going all the way through...At this point I halted the experiment to go watch "Sons of Guns" on TV and work on the rest of the beer...

Well after the show which I don't remember much of I found another 6 pack in the back of the fridge I didn't know was there and figured good karma was with me and I resumed the experiment...the last thing to try was Muggsy's idea of blasting the pockets with brake cleaner to super clean off that pesky lint so I slipped the jeans off in the garage and blasted almost a whole can on both pockets then pulled the jeans back on over my commando stuff...:75:

It felt really nice and cold at first almost like menthol and for a second I thought I was on to something then the HELL FIRE set in...I'm running around the garage trying to get the zipper down and get out of these atomic flaming devil jeans and when I finally got them off I tried to slip back into the house wearing only a t-shirt and guess who's there...Yep SWMBO...:eek:

I surveyed the damage and found all the hair burnt off both inner thighs and one of the twins and everything else was bright red and blistered...Man that brake cleaner is some more powerful stuff....I convinced her I had accidently sprayed myself cleaning my tools which was partly true and lucky for me she bought it and went back to bed...

I slathered on some burn ointment and put on some gym shorts to watch Jay Leno and have a few more beers to help with the pain...On the way to a bathroom trip I saw the other pair of sandpapered jeans I did earlier and decided to try them out...

Not bad but pretty gritty on the burned up parts so I went back to garage to vacuum the pockets out...Well it was real cold out there and so I decided to just stick the shop vac hose in the pockets rather than try and take the jeans off and it was working pretty good until one of the thinned out pockets gave way and little Nemo and one of the napalm damaged twins got sucked up into the hose and I commenced to yelling and tripped over the vacumm trying to get to the cord and I turn around and see her looking at me again this time with a running shop vac hose down my pants...:blushing:...At least she was kind enough to help me get the thing shut off and my stuff out of the hose...

Well she looked at me and said only "Now I understand why your father nick named you NEW MOON cause you are so bright" so me and my battered, burnt up little Nemo and one of the roasted twins being about twice the size of the other one followed her into the house...She asked what in the sam hell I was doing and I explained the deal about you guys on Kahrtalk giving me the ideas and I pulled up the site and showed her the thread but she also found pictures of a beautiful Asian lady (Mrs. Moon) and other recent ones like the big butted thong lady crossing the street and that did it so she pushed me out the door and locked it and me and my throbbing blow torched equipment had to sleep in the truck...I woke up this morning with a massave hangover and a severe pain in the crotch and IT"S ALL YA"LLS FAULT...

Moral of this sorry story is Don't let a little pocket fuzz ruin your life and IWB carry isn't so bad after all...:p

A sound solution to the pocket lint problem. BTW, had I know that you planned to wear them again, I would not have recommended the brake cleaner. Silly me.

03-08-2012, 04:13 PM
I feel much more enlightened now. Thank you so much for sharing your experiment and observations but mostly thank you, thank you, thank you for not mentioning my name to SWMBO!:eek:

Imagine the trauma that would create with my rep and all. An no way not a chance am I gonna request photos. Just ain't gonna happen.

03-08-2012, 05:02 PM
All I can say is:

03-08-2012, 05:09 PM
Are you folks carrying the small Kahrs with no pocket holster? I'd be afraid to do that because of the trigger pull being so smooth. I do carry my Boberg without a holster, but it does have a little stiffer trigger pull and a hammer that has to move before it can fire and I'd think I'd notice the hammer moving in my pants in the trigger were to catch on something. You all carry however you feel comfortable, I just think a pocket holster would make sense with the smaller Kahrs with such a smooth trigger. They call me Safety Man cause I wear suspenders AND a belt, LOL

03-08-2012, 06:01 PM
Dammit...we've been telling you the NON CHLORINATED brake cleaner. That chlorinated crap BURNS!

MW surveyor
03-08-2012, 06:10 PM
Dammit...we've been telling you the NON CHLORINATED brake cleaner. That chlorinated crap BURNS!

Not only that, it is a known carcinogen in CA!

Come on! Brighten up NEW MOON! :w00t:

03-08-2012, 09:03 PM
I must state that I have found this thread to not only be enlighting but a tad bit entertaining to boot! Not often you find twofers in today's economy.