View Full Version : Are We Freaking-Out Over Ammo and/or Gun Control?
03-07-2012, 04:43 PM
Im not trying to be overtly controversial, but in the building hysteria over the upcoming 2012 elections, I am seeing some disquieting echoes of the 2008 freakout over ammo and/or gun control. And what happened during the 2008 elections? Nothing. Except, the availability of certain calibers of ammo (.380, etc.) became almost nonexistent...and the price of guns went up. I fear the same thing is happening again. Went to Wally-World today and guess what? Their ammo cabinet was almost empty...and the price of ammo has gone up. I fear that we, as gun-owners, are feeding-into this hysteria, and the only beneficiaries are ammo-manufacturers and gun-makers. I dont know about you, but I dont appreciate paying more for guns and ammo just because some folks are getting the vapors and other folks are fanning the flames.
03-07-2012, 04:54 PM
I think for some, it's a better safe than sorry scenario. Who knows what will happen. With a republican congress I think it's unlikely we'll see a full out ban but you never know. And as the prices for precious metals continues to rise so will ammo, so as long as you're going to shoot it, and you can afford it, better to pay less now. It's a win win for the most part.
U.S. Patriot
03-07-2012, 05:32 PM
Yes. Take the last election as a perfect example. People freaked out and started buying guns and ammo in record numbers. Hence ammo prices went up and for some it was hard to find. If it takes an election to figure you need a gun or ammo, you are already behind if you ask me. Be prepared, because you never know what will happen. If Obama gets elected again, will he go after our guns, damn right. Will they ban guns, do they really want to start a revolution, I believe not. I do see legislation like the assault rifle ban, Brady bill, etc. being pushed again. One reason I got into reloading. I'm stocked up on supplies, so let people freak out and pay inflated prices. The local shop that I frequent said that he is having trouble getting guns for his customers. I have seen other shops reporting having trouble getting .223 or 7.62x39 ammo, and prices have gone up. When I was in Walmart last, Federal Champion 9mm went up $1 per box. It stayed pretty steady after the storm from the last election calmed. Now prices are increasing again, that's not inflation. My friend and I frequent the 1500 gun and knife show here in Indiana. We where always able to just walk right in without having to stand in line. The last show we skipped because the wait was close to an hour just to get into the door.
03-07-2012, 05:36 PM
If I can use that for an excuse to buy another 1000 rounds count me in.:D
03-07-2012, 06:37 PM
You know I saw a comment someone posted recently about storing ammo in a gun safe. Someone said it wasn't a good idea to store ammo in a gun safe along with firearms, I guess that makes sense cause if you have a fire the heat might reach a point where the the ammo could explode damaging or destroying the firearms. Just saying........
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03-07-2012, 06:37 PM
I, for one, am preparing. I haven't seen ammo or gun prices rise any more than any other consumer item. But I'd rather be safe than sorry if anything "happens," and my gut tells me "something" may indeed happen in the next few years. Worst case if nothing bad happens, I have plenty of ammo to play with.
My goal is to have 1000 rounds of .45ACP squirreled away. Bought one of those "mega pack" boxes of Remington UMC today, 250 rounds for $97 at Wal Mart.
03-07-2012, 07:52 PM
If I can use that for an excuse to buy another 1000 rounds count me in.:DI'm sitting on more ammo than ever, 1600 9mm FMJ, 150 9mm SD, 350 FMJ .380 Auto, and 250 .45 ACP. , 50 rds of .223, and 750 .22LR
Its been my practice to shoot 2x per week, I'm cutting back to once per week with golf season approaching and my budget is not what it used to be. Even so, its easy to shoot 150-200 rounds per trip. What I have won't even last until the election. I will try to maintain what I have by replacing ammo as I shoot it.
03-07-2012, 08:02 PM
Seems like ammo and guns run like the stock market.
Any big changes on the horizon and people may start a rush.
Kind of like having an emergency bank fund for bad bad times.
I feel more comfortable with a nice ammo stash as well.
I've even started to have some extra spare parts, recoil springs, lube
and cleaning items - just in case.
Have to admit, with OBOMANATION at the helm,
I picked up a new class IIIA vest last year.
Nothing to see here - move along...
03-07-2012, 08:35 PM
You can bet if the Big O gets another 4 yrs, you will see everything on firearm related gone from the shelves. Make no mistake that they have every intention of owning and shooting to be as expensive or difficult as possible. That is why liberal cities have outrageous rules and fees just to get them.
In addition, as the value of the dollar decreases, you automatically get an "increase" in the cost of everything you buy. I personally never keep less than 1k rds for each caliber weapon I own. I just got a .410 shotgun for my kids, now I have to bulk up on that. Surely my kids will laugh at me one day and talk about how silly dad or grandpa was... but I'll bet they won't complain about having lots o' ammo to shoot...
03-07-2012, 08:52 PM
This thread has caused me to just order 200 rounds of Speer GDHP 124 +P - LOL
03-07-2012, 10:19 PM
Perhaps time to invest in manufacturer's stocks? Or might have missed the bubble?
03-08-2012, 03:35 AM
If you are old enough to remember...or smart enough to do the'll find that over the course of the past 45 yrs ( or so...) Your Second Amendment rights have been under a CONSTANT, UNRELENTING attack at EVERY LEVEL. MANY of those attacks have been beaten back, but one can't help but notice that THEY NEVER GO AWAY. That said then...I would respond that in the current environment, it's not "panic" but simply wise preparation. Firearms and ammunition have NEVER been a bad investment. ANYONE who believes the forces within the Democrat party, who would like to eliminate the Second Amendment entirely, will be satisifed with anything less....hasn't been paying attention. There is no "magic deal" that will satisfy them besides: "Turn'em in".
03-08-2012, 05:30 AM
You know I saw a comment someone posted recently about storing ammo in a gun safe. Someone said it wasn't a good idea to store ammo in a gun safe along with firearms, I guess that makes sense cause if you have a fire the heat might reach a point where the the ammo could explode damaging or destroying the firearms. Just saying........
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Ammunition doesn't explode in a fire. The cases split and the powder burns. I have several thousand rounds of ammunition stored in my safe. The next best place to store ammunition in in a locked steel locker.
03-08-2012, 05:32 AM
If you are old enough to remember...or smart enough to do the'll find that over the course of the past 45 yrs ( or so...) Your Second Amendment rights have been under a CONSTANT, UNRELENTING attack at EVERY LEVEL. MANY of those attacks have been beaten back, but one can't help but notice that THEY NEVER GO AWAY. That said then...I would respond that in the current environment, it's not "panic" but simply wise preparation. Firearms and ammunition have NEVER been a bad investment. ANYONE who believes the forces within the Democrat party, who would like to eliminate the Second Amendment entirely, will be satisifed with anything less....hasn't been paying attention. There is no "magic deal" that will satisfy them besides: "Turn'em in".
I'm with you, guido. By ammo in bulk when the price is right. It doesn't go bad and you'll have it when you need it.
MW surveyor
03-08-2012, 05:47 AM
This reminds me that I'm getting low on bullets, powder and primers.
I hate to buy into a panic situation. However, those who ignored the last warnings ended up not being able to purchase ammo. I buy when I see a good price, ammo doesn't take up much room and keeps quite well.
03-08-2012, 12:08 PM
I just saw a DPMS 5.56 at WalMart for $587 and they had a Sig AR for around $800, yet the gun store across town acts like AR's are hard to get. I was one of dummy's that paid too much for an AR during the last "gun rush". I think the salespeople are as much, if not more to blame than anything else, I mean why not act like it's about to hit the fan if it helps make money. That being said, I have stocked some extra ammo here lately. God, I hope and pray that I never have to use it.
MW surveyor
03-08-2012, 12:16 PM
Just got back from the local Walmart and picked up the only 5 boxes (550 rounds each) of Remington Golden bullets that they had. I know some of you guys don't like the Rem Golden Bullets but outside of CCI mini mags they are the only ones that operate the slides on my P22 and Accurate Arms 22 conversion kit reliably and they seem to be more accurate in those two 22s.
03-08-2012, 12:40 PM
I'm not worried about new gun control laws being passed ASAP but rather everyone who is. AR's are already getting harder to find and prices are just going to go up. Dealers know people are going to panic and when they do we all pay for it. I'm stocking up on loading supplies mainly because I like to shoot a lot but also so I won't have to pay a premium if ammo prices shoot up or deal with availability issues. I am buying an AR sooner than I had planned just because I don't want to have to wait months and months for one later on.
Longitude Zero
03-08-2012, 12:59 PM
Yep! I got stampeded into that about 5 years ago. Got a fair deal on a used ArmaLite AR-10 A2 (permanent carry handle). The only unfortunate thing is that I had not yet learned how much better a flat top can be for a .308 that is a very capable long range rifle. Live and learn. :rolleyes:
I understand. Buying a non-flattop AR is really pretty short sighted considering what is available in the aftermarket today. With a flattop you have SO MANY MORE options.
03-08-2012, 01:06 PM
Yep! I got stampeded into that about 5 years ago. Got a fair deal on a used ArmaLite AR-10 A2 (permanent carry handle). The only unfortunate thing is that I had not yet learned how much better a flat top can be for a .308 that is a very capable long range rifle. Live and learn. :rolleyes:
Just buy a flat top upper. They're cheap enough, right? :D
I've been wanting one for a while now and I'm glad I waited until I did some research along with handling and shooting some. I now know that I don't need a $300 Knight's free float quad rail to mount a flashlight, or a $400 mono pod buttstock. :rolleyes:
There once was time 20 years ago when I thought I had alot of ammo with 500 round per caliber that owned.
Hell thats a joke now....:rolleyes: I don't even want go there now...hell I have more than that stashed away in cashes alone for each and every weapon. Won't go into details there either....
Oh no I can hear the blsck ops hellicopters now....:eek:
03-08-2012, 01:21 PM
There once was time 20 years ago when I thought I had alot of ammo with 500 round per caliber that owned.
Hell thats a joke now....:rolleyes: I don't even want go there now...hell I have more than that stashed away in cashes alone for each and every weapon. Won't go into details there either....
Oh no I can hear the blsck ops hellicopters now....:eek:
:D Note to JNap: none of us has anything the DHS would be interested in, it's all just talk. When we say "ammo" we mean paintball and Nerf darts. :p
03-08-2012, 01:43 PM
TucsonMTB: I was being sarcastic about the upper being cheap lol. NOTHING on an AR is cheap, it's just about getting the right rifle for you needs with the lest amount of rear end discomfort.
03-08-2012, 04:34 PM
I have a couple thousand rounds for my Ak type weapons, a few hundred each for my .45, .40's, and not quite so many for my 9's. I should buy a few of those bulk packs of .22 as they will take most game around these parts. Also could bulk up on the shotgun ammo. I've been spening a little more on food these days, just to have a stockpile of rice and beans and things that don't go bad, long as you keep em sealed up where the bugs can't get into them. Going to start working on canned meat and veggies soon, and just rotate them so they get used before they expire.
MW surveyor
03-08-2012, 04:56 PM
Just a few words on the life span of ammo.
Bought a S&W 38 S&W revolver back in 1973 (28 years ago) with one box of ammo for it. Ran a few of the rounds through the gun and never shot it again until last year. Pulled it out of the sock drawer, ran the dust bunnies out of the barrel and shot the rounds that were in the gun plus the remainder of the box. All fired perfectly.
03-08-2012, 05:32 PM
I sharpen knives at gunshows. Since January the shows have been busier than normal. Ammo and gun dealers tell me that they are having record sales. I think the feeding frenzy feeds upon itself. Obama has been the best thing for gun sales in years.
03-08-2012, 10:19 PM
Sorry, Mr. Ken_K!
Your sarcasm was crystal clear. I just wasn't quite finished whining.
I'm over it now . . . mostly. :rolleyes:
No prob man lol.
I just ordered a DPMS stripped lower, it's amazing how hard it was to find one that wasn't "SOLD OUT" or "BACK ORDERED". A lower parts kit isn't too hard to find but the complete upper I want is. Sheesh, the craze kicked in sooner than I thought.
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