View Full Version : Are night sights worth it?

03-08-2012, 07:46 PM
I was planning on ordering night sights for my new carry pistol but then I started asking myself if they are worth the money... I think the sights that came installed on my Kahr are pretty good and I have never even seen/used night sights. I do not shoot at night and if I ever needed them at night, I would probably be to adrenalined up for them to make a difference. Thoughts?

03-08-2012, 07:53 PM
Yes, I recommend meprolights, I have them on all 3 of my carry guns. You will wonder why you did without them after getting them. I believe you are about twice as likely to have to defend yourself after dark ( read this somewhere years ago )

03-08-2012, 07:56 PM
I wouldnt do it again.

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03-08-2012, 08:00 PM
I think they are over rated and like the kahr factory sights just fine. That being said I like XS sights just cause they are big and bold and they show up well in daylight. Being a night sight is just a bonus.

03-08-2012, 08:03 PM
I love my XS Bigdot night sights, worth the money in my opinion.

03-08-2012, 08:10 PM
At close quarters at night in a combat situation you are far more likely to point and shoot rather than aim and shoot. More often than not in a close encounter that's all that you have time to do. Having said that nothing beats a good set of sights. Why not borrow or rent a gun that has them and decide for yourself.

03-08-2012, 08:25 PM
Ive always heard that night sights for a defensive pistol were a "must have" not true? Every point made makes sense, especially the probably just going to point and shoot in a defensive situation but dont you still want that front sight to pop for ya in that case? I was looking into just a front night sight for mine, but now you guys have me thinking i might not. Any way we could do a poll on this without it just becoming a personal choice poll, but an actual fact backed type deal?

03-08-2012, 08:43 PM
What type of facts would be looked at? I'm seriously considering night sights for my new cw9.

03-08-2012, 08:51 PM
Not sure... i guess things like most attacks happen at night vs day, or somewhere where there isnt enough ambient light to see normal sights... things of that nature i guess the poll was just a suggestion... guess we could just let this run for a while, and let some people explain their opinion or give their story on why the night sight helped or hindered the use of the gun... if ya got other suggestions, throw em out there! Im tryin to learn here! :D

03-08-2012, 09:02 PM
Lol. Same here. Learning as much as I can. I have a lot of time during dark hours. Probably close to half. So in my mind I have the assumption I'll be able to draw, point, shoot. Also I consider the situation where I will have taken cover at night and from the shadows being able to aim at an attacker.

Of course that ain't the case and no situation can be predicted. But I guess it would be self soothing to have them. Plus if the sights can also be useful during light hours all the better.

03-08-2012, 09:02 PM
I am not writing them off, it just occurred to me that I have never actually used them and was making a decision based on what I thought they might be like. Another reason I have been questioning there usefulness is that whenever I seem them in a display at a gun store (and there have been a lot of them) I never even see the faintest of a glow from them. granted it is a well lit scenario, but how bright could they really be?

03-08-2012, 09:03 PM
I opted to put on CT lasers rather than night sights. I have them on my Glock 26 and my CM9. Preference I guess.

03-08-2012, 09:06 PM
I think they are over rated and like the kahr factory sights just fine. That being said I like XS sights just cause they are big and bold and they show up well in daylight. Being a night sight is just a bonus.

+1 Totally agree with Bawanna...

I have the Trijicon front N.S on my 2 Kahrs, and they are actually harder to see in the daylight then the stock sights. I do like that they are steel instead of the plastic front sights C-series Kahrs come with, and they weren't that expensive @$30 each, so I am happy enough with them.

I have XS big dots on my G26 and really like them. They are a great defensive gun sight that improve both day and night use. I wouldn't put regular N.S. on any more guns, but N.S. sights like the XS big dots I would buy again.

mr surveyor
03-08-2012, 09:14 PM
I had Kahr install the trij sights on my CW9 within a month of them becomming available. That was all that was available at the time, otherwise I would have opted for the Big Dot. I do plan to put the front sight, Big Dot or Mepro (something larger than the little trij) on my CM9, and really want to put a NS on the nose of my SP101. Personally, I figure I need all the help I can get in low, to very limited light.

03-08-2012, 09:26 PM
Frankly, I am more interested in fiber optic sights for an enhanced sight view in everything but pitch blackness. Even soft indoor light. Personally, I don't ever experience pitch blackness unless there is power outage at night, and then I have flashlights and a camp lantern. I use night lights in strategic places throughout my home. I don't venture out in black of night or dangerous situations. Like jocko says, the likelihood of ever being in a self defence situation is less than getting struck by lightning, and the likelihood of greatly needing night sights when it happens is a tiny fraction of that. So, to me, it is money I am not willing to spend. I think where they really pay for themselves is for LEOs that work at night. But as a private citizen, they don't seem necessary. JMHO. YMMV.

03-08-2012, 09:58 PM
I have NS on six of my seven handguns.
The new breed of sights these days seem to be designed for high visibility in all light.
Best example being XS Systems 24/4 Express Big Dots.
The seem better in daylight than in the dark.

Also I favor my Big Dot, and I-Dot Pro, configurations over traditional three dot.
And even the two color systems work better for me if it is three dot.
I replaced the front sight on my Sig P239 with an Ameriglo Pro red/orange and it really pops now.

Sights and Ammunition have really advanced over the last 10/15 years.
I'm very pleased with these changes.

03-08-2012, 10:23 PM
:33:If you have to aim through your sights when defending your life,then you most likely won't make it. How much illumination does one need if assaulted from 0-20'?? Anything further and you looking at a murder charge anyway! Just my 2c...peace:rolleyes:

03-08-2012, 10:35 PM
I have a CT LG on my G19 with regular sights. My friend has a G17 without a laser but has night sights. I like the laser much better for low light situations over the night sights. Just my .02

03-08-2012, 10:51 PM
:33:If you have to aim through your sights when defending your life,then you most likely won't make it. How much illumination does one need if assaulted from 0-20'?? Anything further and you looking at a murder charge anyway! Just my 2c...peace:rolleyes:

Good point.

03-09-2012, 02:00 AM
Ignore the armchair gunfighters. :behindsofa:

Dry fire practice alone makes night sights worth it. Buy them. Install them on all of your guns.

Shoot some pop cans at dusk. Practice your trigger work in your office. You will find that in dim light some white dots that glow a little will make a huge difference.

Do you need to precisely align your sights at 15 feet while running? I'm not a gunfighter, but I'd guess No.

Is it helpful to see your sights in your peripheral and/or direct vision while fighting/practicing under any circumstances? Of course. Duh.

My 2 cents.

03-09-2012, 02:45 AM
Whether I'll be using my sights at all in a gunfight is debatable.
The situation is too dynamic and fluid to be sure.

Surprise point blank engagement? Probably just instinctive point shooting.
Clearing a house? I might want a sight picture off the front sight or slide.
Extended engagement with multiple aggressors at various distances? May I have my sights please?

The point is; it's nice to have the sights whether you use them or not.
Kind of like that spare loaded magazine - or two LOL!

Let's just hope none of us have to find out

03-09-2012, 03:58 AM
I love my XS Bigdot night sights, worth the money in my opinion.

Yeah, what he said. Love them on m Kahr Just had them put on my Beretta 92 as well.

03-09-2012, 06:52 AM
Opinion polls are just that, polls of opinions. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Her opinion usually wins out, but that's another story. If 75% of the shooters love night sights and you don't, what does their opinion matter? Borrow or rent a gun with night sights an form your own opinion. The things I have to go through on this forum. Poll this! :)

Longitude Zero
03-09-2012, 07:00 AM
As an LEO I believe they are invaluable. Just ask a cop who has been in a low light shooting what they think. If you are not consciously aimimg the weapon using the sights or point shooting in a close encounter you will be lucky to hit anything.

The spray and pray mind-set is ignorant and dangerous.

03-09-2012, 08:18 AM
The owner of Front Sight says night sights are only really useful for 20-30 minutes a day, at dusk when it's still light enough to see your target and what lies behind it. Other than that you will need a flash light which will show the outline of your sights as you put your gun on target. That's what he says, I have no opinion other than I'd rather have a laser I think.

03-09-2012, 08:20 AM
When it comes to defending your life or the lives of your loved ones, don't you think every tool available should be used? Not every self-defense situation will be with the bad guy on top of you in a split second. Additionally, the more training you do, the more you'll "see" that front sight under stress.

When you've gathered your family in one bedroom with your gun pointed at the bedroom door in the dark, waiting on the intruder, you'll want that glowing dot. Lasers are great, but can fail.

Personally, I use Heine's and the XS big dot. Love them both. I plan on getting a set of XS Sights for my CW45. Having done low-light training, it's nice to have that dot at the end of the gun. Less of a fan of the three-dot night sights. I like a dot-dot or bar-dot configuration.

03-09-2012, 09:25 AM
I cheaped out and tried some glow in the dark paint from Siteglo. It works extremely well if you've got a few seconds to shine a light on them. I tested them to be good for 15 minutes with just 10 seconds of flashlight time. It's about a 200 lumen light though. Great for around the house, but no good for sudden situations unless you leave it out where it can gather some light. My typical scenario: hear something that needs to be checked out, grab gun and flashlight, shine light on sights as I'm making my way out of bedroom, then it's good to go. Actually, much brighter than regular night sights for first 5 minutes or so.

03-09-2012, 09:35 AM
I'd prefer not shooting if it's so dark I can't see my sights, how will I know what I'm shooting at or what's beyond the target?

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03-09-2012, 09:37 AM
I may never NEED them, but I have them on all of my carry guns... and the home defense/battle guns. I WOULD have some on my P40, but Trijicon doesn't make the HD model for Kahrs... but I'm hoping!

I want to have every possible edge when it comes to defending myself and my loved ones.

S&W 645 bought from retired Border Patrol agent in 1994... night sights died 4 or 5 years ago... can't find replacements.
K9... factory re-lamped after 12 years in 2010.

Only my .22 pistols and my P40 don't have night sights.

I would like to have the new Trijicon Hard Duty Night Sights on ALL of my pistols:


They are great on my XD45 Tactical "battle pistol": http://s1134.photobucket.com/albums/m620/wyntrout/Springfield%20Arms%20XD45%20Tactical%20Pistol/New%20Trijicon%20HD%20Night%20Sights%20SP101Y/


03-09-2012, 09:59 AM
I have the factory installed night sights on my PM9. When I first looked at them in a dark room I was floored, they are extremely bright. That being said, my eyes have a tough time lining up three identical dots and keeping focus on the front dot / target. This may just be some combination of untrained eyes and lack of experience with "3 dot" sights, but it is an issue for me nonetheless.

I think some amount of contrast between the rear sight and front dot is important, which is why I'll either be replacing the rear dots with the standard sight, blacking out the rear dots with a sharpie, or getting an XS big dot for the front sight and keeping the rears. I may change my mind when my Crimson Trace arrives.

I do really like the idea of night sights for a number of reasons, here is one example: occasionally when I wake up in the middle of the night to hit the head I practice going to my closet, grabbing my pm9, and lining the dots up at the door (while still blurry eyed and clumsy as I would be if someone broke into my house at 2am). I have been able to do this perfectly 100% of the time. I tried the same thing with my Browning Hi-Power (steel sights) and knocked it off the shelf twice as I couldn't see what I was grabbing (unloaded, don't worry).

All things considered, I don't regret spending the extra $100 on the night sights and would make the same decision again.

03-09-2012, 10:00 AM
I like the sights in the middle. Angled rear sights with red ring front. But will it glow green or red? I hope they make them for the Kahr pistols also.

03-09-2012, 10:05 AM
I was referring to the Trijicon HD sights above.

03-09-2012, 10:23 AM
The Tritium dots are green... the longest lasting... and the glow dots are yellow or orange... no red. My Photobucket link has pix of the un-charged glow dots as well as the quickly charged dots. I used about 5 seconds with a 150-lumen light. The front sights are very visible without charging in daylight or dim lighting.

Some use different colored Tritium dots for contrast, but the orange last about half or less than the green Tritium dots.

In the dark, the rear dots seem larger, of course, and I could only focus on one or the other at a time.


03-09-2012, 05:43 PM
I have them. I like them BUT keep in mind there are only two periods in the day where there is both enough light to clearly identify your target AND have the night sights work better than standard sights. These windows of perfect light are about 30-40 minutes each daybreak and dusk. Also agree self defense at close quaters is point and shoot inside 8 feet.

03-09-2012, 06:42 PM
At close quarters at night in a combat situation you are far more likely to point and shoot rather than aim and shoot. More often than not in a close encounter that's all that you have time to do.

Yup. I'm not speaking from personal experience (thank God), but logic tells me this is correct.

How often do you hear someone (on TV) who has been involved in some incident saying "It all happened so fast!!!"

I'm a SAO, target kind of guy, but with my little Kahr I have started working on point and shoot rather than careful aiming. I'm guessing that if ever a BG breaks into my home, he won't be stopping to pose while I take careful aim through my night sights.

That would be plan "B" - plan "A" is that he will trip over my lazy black dog in the darkness before he can do any harm.

03-09-2012, 08:29 PM
Damn! I did one of those wrong key things where the text I just typed went POOF... just before posting!

I concentrate on shooting quickly and without a lot of "aiming". The paper targets can't shoot back, but I think about firing quickly as I try to find cover and not get too many holes in my one and only body! I do a lot of fast shooting and pointing. I don't worry about small groups... fist-sized at 7 yards is fine and hitting a sheet of paper at 15 yards is great for me. I know that that will be optimistic if I'm dodging return fire.

It could be possible to find myself out of the way of lights and return fire... and having night sights might allow me to give accurate aimed fire... at gunfire, if nothing else.


03-09-2012, 08:55 PM
The owner of Front Sight says night sights are only really useful for 20-30 minutes a day, at dusk when it's still light enough to see your target and what lies behind it. Other than that you will need a flash light which will show the outline of your sights as you put your gun on target. That's what he says, I have no opinion other than I'd rather have a laser I think.
I don't agree. In the dark with a flashlight, the target is lit but you can't see the sights well at all. Those dots help!

I may never NEED them, but I have them on all of my carry guns... and the home defense/battle guns. I WOULD have some on my P40, but Trijicon doesn't make the HD model for Kahrs... but I'm hoping!

I want to have every possible edge when it comes to defending myself and my loved ones.
It's kind of this for me as well. The cost isn't much. What's a hundred bucks compared to your life? (That's hyperbolic, I know, but $100 isn't much in the gun world, eh? A good holster, 5 boxes of rounds, or a decent small flashlight.)

That said, I have NS only on the G22 that serves nightstand duty. It also has a flashlight mounted in the old mag floorplate holder (Gen2 w/o rails). I use CT lasers on my carry guns w/o NS, but the G22 just sits there untouched waiting for something to happen and I don't want to worry about batteries.

03-09-2012, 09:34 PM
Well, I guess I am just going to order them tomorrow. I will probably get a stainless guide rod too, just for the heck of it.

03-09-2012, 10:16 PM
From someone who has had to qualify shooting "in the dark", I can tell you night sights make little to no difference. If you can barely make out your target, having a nice bright set of sights make it more difficult.

I would recommend spending your time at the range making your firearm an extension of your body, much like pointing your finger. We can all point our finger at something and be damn near dead on. This is what you need to be able to do with you SD choice.

Believe me, regardless of how great of a marksman anyone may be, shooting in a low light condition is completely different. Using sights makes it more difficult. Learn to point and shoot and save a few bucks.

03-10-2012, 03:39 AM
Yeah, they're great for finding you gun in the dark.

03-10-2012, 05:45 AM
Yeah, they're great for finding you gun in the dark.

I was thinking the same thing. Just like I wish that my remote controls would light up in the dark so I can find them and use them.

03-10-2012, 10:59 AM
Absolutly worth it, in some circumstances ... for instance, my EDC PM9 has stock factory sights, because I rarely am out at night and never in such a dark area that I'd need them ... however, they are amazing for my nightstand gun, a Springer 1911 ... I live in a rural area, the nearest street light is a block away and at night, our house is pretty much pitch-dark .. I keep the Springer on my nightstand, grip facing me so I can see the sights ... makes it very easy to find the gun and index it as I pick it up and gives me an excellent sight picture with the little light emanating from a nightlight in the kitchen ... the ease of finding and gripping the gun in the dark is worth a lot to me ...

03-10-2012, 01:21 PM
Absolutly worth it, in some circumstances ... for instance, my EDC PM9 has stock factory sights, because I rarely am out at night and never in such a dark area that I'd need them ... however, they are amazing for my nightstand gun, a Springer 1911 ... I live in a rural area, the nearest street light is a block away and at night, our house is pretty much pitch-dark .. I keep the Springer on my nightstand, grip facing me so I can see the sights ... makes it very easy to find the gun and index it as I pick it up and gives me an excellent sight picture with the little light emanating from a nightlight in the kitchen ... the ease of finding and gripping the gun in the dark is worth a lot to me ...

I like my bedroom pitch black.
The glow of my S&W 357 Big Dot is all I can see...

03-10-2012, 02:56 PM
aw shucks we thing we gotta have all those things on our guns. Nite sights are OK. I doubt if ur gonna see um much in a gun fight, but who knows, It certainly ain't gonna mess u po any, inb daytime, it is a mute point. I like the xs big dots and if the nite sight was not part of it I would still like um just as much. . I will say after about 5 year my ex big dot front sight in my PM9 is barely visible at night. I won't have it relamped, just not gonna worry about it. Nite sights are OK in my book. I can't see where4 they would ever be a detriment to have.

03-10-2012, 09:01 PM
I ordered the Trijicons today.

03-10-2012, 09:14 PM
I swayed you, huh.

03-11-2012, 10:03 AM
As an LEO I believe they are invaluable. Just ask a cop who has been in a low light shooting what they think. If you are not consciously aimimg the weapon using the sights or point shooting in a close encounter you will be lucky to hit anything.

The spray and pray mind-set is ignorant and dangerous.

If you practice point shooting you can become very good at it. A lot of the LEOs don't practice any type of shooting often enough. Some of the best shooters that I've encountered were LEOs. Some of the worst shooters were LEOs, too.

03-11-2012, 10:10 AM
From someone who has had to qualify shooting "in the dark", I can tell you night sights make little to no difference. If you can barely make out your target, having a nice bright set of sights make it more difficult.

I would recommend spending your time at the range making your firearm an extension of your body, much like pointing your finger. We can all point our finger at something and be damn near dead on. This is what you need to be able to do with you SD choice.

Believe me, regardless of how great of a marksman anyone may be, shooting in a low light condition is completely different. Using sights makes it more difficult. Learn to point and shoot and save a few bucks.

A big +1 to that, AJ. My old man used to say, "Beware of the man who has just one gun. He knows how to use it."

03-11-2012, 01:05 PM
I have them on my PM9. I like them and think there worth it.

03-11-2012, 05:49 PM
Assuming that the weapon will be used for SD, what is the accepted sight in distance for a handgun?

03-11-2012, 06:42 PM
Apparently you don't use sights in a self defense setting, so any distance is good. :D

03-11-2012, 06:56 PM
7-10 YARDS for true self defense.

03-11-2012, 07:12 PM

03-11-2012, 07:17 PM
Assuming that the weapon will be used for SD, what is the accepted sight in distance for a handgun?

I usually practice at the shortest distance at the range.
My feeling is that most attacks with be at striking distance.
Up close and personal.
When was the last time you heard of someone being robbed or attacked from 25 yards?
That doesn't even make sense to me.
Robbery, rape, car jacking, house invasion - these are Real-Life Scenarios.
Not walking down an ally shooting into second story windows.

I also believe being aware of your surroundings is as important as being armed.
And having some sort of hand to hand combat training compliments handgun carry and weapons retention.

I have no interest in arguing about this.
Just sharing my thought with my friends.

03-11-2012, 07:19 PM


Perhaps you are thinking 50 or 100 yards? :D TRUE SELF DEFENSE was the question.....not offense. :eek:

03-11-2012, 07:20 PM
I usually practice at the shortest distance at the range.
My feeling is that most attacks with be at striking distance.
Up close and personal.
When was the last time you heard of someone being robbed or attacked from 25 yards?
That doesn't even make sense to me.
Robbery, rape, car jacking, house invasion - these are Real-Life Scenarios.
Not walking down an ally shooting into second story windows.

I also believe being aware of your surroundings is more important than being armed.
And having some sort of hand to hand combat training compliments handgun carry and weapons retention.

I have no interest in arguing about this.
Just sharing my thought with my friends.

100% right on!

03-11-2012, 07:25 PM
Yep, great post.

Sent using Tapatalk on Android

03-12-2012, 06:00 AM
For point and shoot situations night sites are no better than a gun with minimal sites. However there just might be those times when you need to take that shot at a greater distance in low light conditions, and you'd be very happy to have them. Are they a must have? No there not but, I'd rather have them than not. They are like I mentioned on my EDC PM9. There not on my other pistols.

I had this same question a few years back and when I bought the PM9 that already had them on it my question was answered. If you plan on carrying the gun then I'd say yes they are nice to have.

03-12-2012, 06:33 AM
This question (no offense) sort of reminds me of being a motorhead in the '60s. Putting a 750 Holley on your 289 Comet didn't do a lot of good but it sure impressed your buddies. I sleep in the dark. My question is...don't you have to be able to see your target? If you can't see your target, what good will night sights do? It occurs to me they would distract from the target by drawing your vision. Maybe I'm naive or completely uninformed or maybe just too much of a newbie...I don't get it.

03-12-2012, 06:52 AM
When we go to bed at night I have my gun and cell phone on the floor under the bed side table, this allows me to roll out of bed onto the floor and grab my gun (I locate the guy by seeing the night sites) . I know the bed won't stop a bullet but it will hide me from the bad guys line of site and he enters the bedroom.

03-12-2012, 06:56 AM
corretion I locate my GUN by seeing the night sites

03-12-2012, 10:18 AM
corretion I locate my GUN by seeing the night sites
First night I had my PM9 sitting on the night stand I half woke up the night sites scared the living bejesus out of me.I thought there was a three eyed snake with a bad attitude and green eyes right next to me.:(

03-12-2012, 08:42 PM
I was planning on ordering night sights for my new carry pistol but then I started asking myself if they are worth the money... I think the sights that came installed on my Kahr are pretty good and I have never even seen/used night sights. I do not shoot at night and if I ever needed them at night, I would probably be to adrenalined up for them to make a difference. Thoughts?

Night sights are not worth the investment for a ccw

When a police officer is involved in a shoot out they miss much more than they hit (google the stats don't lie) and the reason is with all the training at the range it is human nature when faced with a kill or be killed situation you will not take the time to look at the sights.

You are better off practicing point shooting because that is exactly what you will do if placed in a life or death situation.


P.S. a tactical light for your night stand gun is a better option over night sights. You want to make sure the intruder is not your son coming home from a late date.

03-12-2012, 09:25 PM
First night I had my PM9 sitting on the night stand I half woke up the night sites scared the living bejesus out of me.I thought there was a three eyed snake with a bad attitude and green eyes right next to me.:(

I once woke up thinking a BIG SNAKE was going to spit at me.......:eek: as I was choking him.:ohmy:

03-12-2012, 09:30 PM
Yeah well I ordered them. If for no other reason than to just have them.

03-12-2012, 10:08 PM
Although they can fail, I'd rather have a laser.
For one, if you are not going to have time to use your night sights, that little red dot is hard to miss. 2nd, I believe they've helped my point shooting by pointing at various objects around the house then hitting the laser to see how close I was. I'm much better than I was just over a year ago, most times now I'm either on the spot about the size of an deck of cards or within a couple inches.
And of course the gun is unloaded with no ammo nearby. I rarely pull the trigger anyway, just hit the laser button. Plus I live by myself in a farmhouse a good distance away from other houses.
BTW, Crimson Trace is offering a free laser tactics DVD. You can go to their website and find it pretty easy.

03-13-2012, 06:58 AM
I once woke up thinking a BIG SNAKE was going to spit at me.......:eek: as I was choking him.:ohmy:
Now that's funny:D

03-13-2012, 03:09 PM
I was planning on ordering night sights for my new carry pistol but then I started asking myself if they are worth the money... I think the sights that came installed on my Kahr are pretty good and I have never even seen/used night sights. I do not shoot at night and if I ever needed them at night, I would probably be to adrenalined up for them to make a difference. Thoughts?

I think they are worth the money. Do you perhaps think that BGs are afraid of the dark and for that reason will approach you only during daylight hours?