View Full Version : P9 - Slide Differences

03-09-2012, 08:48 AM
First off, let me compliment this site and the people that frequent it.
I check in daily and post when I feel I have something of value to add. The atmosphere is always civil and friendly, which is something I can't say about some of the other gun forums.

Now that I've buttered everyone up, I'll get to the purpose of my post.
I'm the proud owner of a P9 bought in the mid 90's. It's been flawless for many thousands of rounds and also very accurate.

I just ordered a new P9 for my wife to shoot. I noticed in pictures of the new P9 that the front of the slide is slightly beveled, while the slide on my old P9 is straight. I'm talking about the very front vertical edge of the slide, not the dovetail cuts for the sights.

Does anyone know when Kahr made this change and why? I assume it's just cosmetic.

Has anything else changed on the slide, other than the sight dovetail dimensions and the beveled vertical edge?

Also, I have two Alessi holsters for my old P9 that were made when Lou was still with us. Since these were made for my P9 with the straight slide, I assume they'll also work for the new P9 that's on the way. Does anyone have experience with both slide styles fitting the same holster?


03-09-2012, 09:19 AM
I'm not sure if any 'internals' changed. I don't think so, think it's just the less steep dovetailing on the sight channels. XS sights has a pict to tell the difference. With them side by side, it's obvious, otherwise it's note so noticeable. I think the change was made in the mid-00s, like maybe 05/06. There is also a small 'dimple' on the underside of the new slide, not on the old slide. Holsters will be totally compatible, no dimensional or contour changes whatsoever. If there is ANY diff, it's internall, as mentioned, I don't think there was anything there either.

I'm sure some longer term Kahr owners will jump in to confirm.

03-09-2012, 09:56 AM
As far as holster fit, I do not believe the front bevel will have any effect on the tightness. If anything, the bevel may aide in reholstering, if only very marginally, over the rathe blunt nosed older shape.