View Full Version : Apocalyptic Scenario #1
03-09-2012, 04:00 PM
OK, here's the dumbest thing I could think of to waste our time.
Scenario #1:
An apocalypse of some sort has happened. The world as we know has been reduced to 15th century living conditions, almost no manufacturing or products available for 10+ years. Forget about gun oil or any sort of ability to keep your weapon in good working order.
What pistol do you want to have on your side?
03-09-2012, 04:02 PM
This ought to be good. Nice one Frank. I'm gonna hold off making my decision till I ponder this some.
MW surveyor
03-09-2012, 04:19 PM
Thanks FHL (Frankhenrylee). It's raining like heck here in Houston. Sky about as dark as...well pretty dark anyway. Not much to do but ponder What ifs.
If I could stash enough smokeless powder and primers, I'd want to keep my 357 revolver. Can always drop lead bullets if necessary. Have some lead available here and should be able to pick up more from old car batteries and such.
If not, guess I'd have to go with a flintlock or two. Know how and have made pretty serviceable gun powder in the past. See bullet answer above.
03-09-2012, 04:22 PM
Just a pistol? Amend your scenario so we have the full range of firearms to choose from: revolver, pistol, carbine, shotgun, etc. :86::4::59::53::33:
No, not RPGs, bazookas, etc :80: - this ain't World of Warcraft (is it?) :typing:
Then I'll play :laser:
03-09-2012, 04:46 PM
One of those pistol crossbows.
03-09-2012, 04:49 PM
Glock 26 or 19
Should be able to raid enough stores to get 9mm ammo and the gun will run flawless without any maintenance...
I am here:,-81.306518
03-09-2012, 05:22 PM
OK, here's the dumbest thing I could think of to waste our time.
Scenario #1:
An apocalypse of some sort has happened. The world as we know has been reduced to 15th century living conditions, almost no manufacturing or products available for 10+ years. Forget about gun oil or any sort of ability to keep your weapon in good working order.
What pistol do you want to have on your side?
I've got four (4) guide rod/recoil spring assemblies.
(1 OEM, 2 Stainless Steel, 1 Tungsten)
And the Fail Zero Nickel Boron finish is self lubricating.
It will run dry for 15,000 rounds.
Plus I have barrels and mags to run three calibers from one gun.
03-09-2012, 05:41 PM
Doesn't matter what it is so long as it's of a large enough caliber to blow my own head off with....There is life and there is quality of life and that ain't it!!!
mr surveyor
03-09-2012, 05:48 PM
I'll stick to the .357 mag revolver... very simple to maintain and easy to reload for...... oh, and also pointy sticks.... I know how to make pointy sticks:D
03-09-2012, 05:49 PM
OK, here's the dumbest thing I could think of to waste our time.
Scenario #1:
An apocalypse of some sort has happened. The world as we know has been reduced to 15th century living conditions, almost no manufacturing or products available for 10+ years. Forget about gun oil or any sort of ability to keep your weapon in good working order.
What pistol do you want to have on your side?
How about one of those blunderbuss pistols I guess? then I can even shoot rocks.
I need to research making black power now. Darn my doomsday planning now has a 15th century wrench thrown in it :(
03-09-2012, 05:55 PM
I would stick with my Ruger GP-100 4" SS and reloading anything that I can, second would be a Glock of 9mm.
03-09-2012, 06:35 PM
My Ruger Super Single Six, 6 1/2" with 22 and 22 mag. cylinders. Also two fiberglass hatchets to make pointy sticks. Of course a swiss army knife.
03-09-2012, 07:08 PM
If you won't let me have a Mossberg M590A1 - with bayonet - then I'm gonna have to buy one of these I guess:
03-09-2012, 09:02 PM
OK, here's the dumbest thing I could think of to waste our time.
Scenario #1:
An apocalypse of some sort has happened. The world as we know has been reduced to 15th century living conditions, almost no manufacturing or products available for 10+ years. Forget about gun oil or any sort of ability to keep your weapon in good working order.
What pistol do you want to have on your side?
1911 A-1 without hesitation
03-09-2012, 09:13 PM
1911 A-1 without hesitation
+1000 on that. If you have to ask wouldnt understand.
03-09-2012, 09:14 PM
I usually have a couple of those 5-quart plastic jugs of Mobil 1 on hand... at least, so I don't anticipate running out of lubricant and I keep a lot of ammo on hand... unless a LOT of people want to share my stuff. I'll be handing out a lot of spent ammo, if you know what I mean... used ammo... with attached vectors.
I also have a good portion of the last decade's USED Mobile 1 oil that can be recycled. I knew that procrastination would pay off some day! I buy over a year's worth of coffee filters when they're on sale, so I can filter the used oil for lubricant.
03-09-2012, 09:57 PM
1911 A-1 without hesitation
I can go with that. I thought about that too but I'd need to have lots of ammo to last about 10 years.
03-09-2012, 10:12 PM
I thought briefly about a Glock since they are all over the place, a blind liberal can rebuild em in 2 minutes blindfolded with one hand and they run regardless of abuse.
I have to put myself in the 1911 is the only one category too. There are also a million of those around, parts, springs, mags etc should be easy to find, steal, I mean requisition and it's made out of metal like a real gun should be.
Give me them fat bullets in a 1911 anyday.
Dear Mr. Browning, I'm sorry I lost my mind there for just a little bit, I'm back now and won't stray again.
03-09-2012, 10:22 PM
Already had too much to worry about in my life. Now this! Thanks Frank!
Now I have to accelerate getting my Kahrs Robar NP3'd and get a bow and arrow just in case.
03-09-2012, 11:06 PM
As many guns as possible of course. However I could see my XD9 being a constant companion in such a scenario. High capacity, it has never failed me, it is very accurate and very durable. I think a 10/22 would be a must have in that scenario as well. Granted you cannot reload for it but vast quantities of ammo can be stored for a minimal amount of money and space. I think the .22 is probably the best survival rifle.
03-10-2012, 12:13 AM
As many guns as possible of course. However I could see my XD9 being a constant companion in such a scenario. High capacity, it has never failed me, it is very accurate and very durable. I think a 10/22 would be a must have in that scenario as well. Granted you cannot reload for it but vast quantities of ammo can be stored for a minimal amount of money and space. I think the .22 is probably the best survival rifle.
But, but, but what about Zombies? Or Mutants as Ben Raines refers to em.
03-10-2012, 02:36 AM
Dang! You have your Khukuri... for Zombies!
03-10-2012, 02:59 AM
glock 22..... has anyone picked a kahr yet??
03-10-2012, 07:10 AM
The oldest 1911 that I owned was made in 1913. I received it from my father. My son is still using it. Nuff said?
03-10-2012, 07:23 AM
glock 22..... has anyone picked a kahr yet??
Kahr is a civilized gun. One made so civilization doesnt know you have it. This scenario is in your face and raw. Nothing concealed, nothing about printing or weight.
03-10-2012, 07:54 AM
That would be a tough choice between my 1911 ,CZ75B and Glock 26. I think I'd take the Glock simple because it has less moving parts to go wrong and doesn't take as much care to keep it working and the ammo would be lighter to move around with. It's not my favorite pistol though as I prefer the 1911 and the CZ. If we're talking rifles we could take, it would be my 30/30 Marlin. Because it fairly light short easy to handle,and the 30 caliber round would make up for the limitations of the 9mm round in the Glock. This would be a tough choice though because my sentimental (hands down)favorite is my newer 580 series Mini 14 ranch rifle and could quite possibly be able to handle less cleaning an maintainence than the 30/30. It's design through the years has proven that over and over that it's just a simple open bolt design that works in all conditions and I'm sure I could do a good enough cleaning job with a stick and piece of cloth and what ever I could use as a lube at the time even if it was fish guts or squirrel squeezins.;) This would be a very tough choice as there both light and the 223/556 round is smaller in size and weight I could lay more rounds down if I ever had to, and changing 20 round mags compared to reloading a 30/30. Both great guns but both have there pro and cons. I would not count out the 10/22 either. Love my PM9 but it's just not the type of gun that I believe could take alot of abuse in a hostile environment.
I really think most of it would be a waste of time though because discease from all the dead carcasses laying around would probably take the rest of us out before to long.:9:
03-10-2012, 10:18 AM
That's easy...Glock 17. High cap - low maintenance.
mr surveyor
03-10-2012, 10:43 AM
given the proper opportunity, and my pointy stick, and I can have most any gun I want;)
03-10-2012, 11:23 AM
Have any of you seen Doomsday Preppers ( on the NatGeo channel? Yikes!
There are some people out there who are seriously preparing for the worst, but there's a wide variety of opinions of exactly which doomsday to prepare for, and how to prepare. Some people just fear rioting due to some unspecific societal collapse, another guy is prepping for the radiation from Fukushima, while yet another expects "polar reversal" at any day (apparently this did happen at least once, hundreds of millions of years ago). The best part of the show was the critique at the end of each segment in which survival experts pointed out all the flaws in each plan. It's no use to put 5 locks on your front door but leave the back window open.
IF ... I were making any survival plans, I would definitely not make them public, and certainly wouldn't show them on TV. I did say "if".
03-10-2012, 02:47 PM
given the proper opportunity, and my pointy stick, and I can have most any gun I want;)
I agree with you. They would be great for Zombies, bad guys and vampires. We could cover the whole range of scum. I am not sure about werewolves. Hum!!
mr surveyor
03-10-2012, 04:34 PM
now we can open a whole new line of disagreement in hypothetical, only have one, scenerios...... what length pointy stick....what diameter pointy stick.... what profile of point on the pointy stick..... should I paint my pointy stick .... should black pointy sticks be banned as assualt point sticks.... what's the best concealment pointy stick..... endless topic for amusement
MW surveyor
03-10-2012, 04:41 PM
can we use pre-made pointy sticks........or diy pointy sticks.....bark on or bark off pointy sticks.....LOL
03-10-2012, 05:34 PM
now we can open a whole new line of disagreement in hypothetical, only have one, scenerios...... what length pointy stick....what diameter pointy stick.... what profile of point on the pointy stick..... should I paint my pointy stick .... should black pointy sticks be banned as assualt point sticks.... what's the best concealment pointy stick..... endless topic for amusement
I'll take the +P+++ stick with sticky grips. No need to get fancy.!!
03-10-2012, 06:08 PM
Without a doubt, I would NOT recommend pointy stick appendix carry. No way. No how.
mr surveyor
03-10-2012, 06:52 PM
already thinking ahead with a business plan.......
Surv's Custom Pointy Stick Holsters
03-10-2012, 07:07 PM
I might have to get on the band wagon and create bawanna's custom pointy stick sharpeners. Maybe you could incorporate a sharpener pouch into your holster business plan.
I've been watching out the window all afternoon hoping to see a passing Zombie or Mutant so I could test the Kukri out for effectiveness, danged if I've seen one all day. I'm just aching to chop something up.
03-10-2012, 08:32 PM
I guess that you're a little far north to grow banana plants. They're great for chopping practice.
03-10-2012, 08:42 PM
Oh, for WTSHTF, I think my battle pistol... XD45 Tactical with 6x13+1 rounds and the Hard Duty Night Sights will be my primary sidearm.
After all, I need to protect my stash when the SHTF!:
03-10-2012, 09:59 PM
Nice stash Wyn. I'm thinking roman numerals etched into the mags might be more stylish.
Looks like you have the paper products well accounted for.
03-10-2012, 11:12 PM
Without a doubt- .357 revolver (4" GP-100)
Think about this... 10 years... in 15th century condictions. KISS is first an formost.
Revolver advantages:
-Very few moving parts
-Very few springs to fatigue
-no oil needed
-can force to operate even if finicky
-Ability to cast bullets out of anything without feed issues
- **POWERFULL ENOUGH TO KILL FOOD** You would probably use it for that more than protection. .357 mag in a 4" trumps any popular auto for serious deer hunting
Autos are fine and all, but they just cant hold a candle to a revolver for being fail safe. Even Glocks and 1911s need fatigued mag and recoil springs replaced and good luck finding quality feeding ammo 5 years in. And if you solution is to stock pile replacment parts or good ammo... you are missing the point.
03-10-2012, 11:52 PM
I used one of those gun finish touchup pens... not elegant, but doesn't rub off like a Sharpie Pen... easily!
03-11-2012, 12:22 AM
Are you going to shoot birds and squirrels for lunch with your 1911?
How about a gun with very few moving parts, and a good buffer between the moving parts and the dirty parts? Like, for example, a Rossi Youth Combo single shot .22LR/410?
With a really big stash of .22LR and 410 shot you can feed yourself for a long time, and save the pointy stick for fending off bad guys if you don't think those calibers would do the job.
Yeah, it's a single shot so you could be overwhelmed easily, but if you've barricaded in well, maybe not. And, if you are a "spray bullets and hope for the best" kind of guy, you're going to run out quickly with an auto.
Also, the thing is very small and light, so it's easy to carry around with you - yet accurate enough for distance shots.
Kind of like a "Henry survival rifle" except that it doesn't all fit in the stock, and it's not an auto.
03-11-2012, 01:17 AM
If I were to go simpler than a .357 revolver, I would just get a blunderbus pistol. I could always make the pistol fire. Small rocks propelled by a water balloon with gasoline would probably even work.
03-11-2012, 07:35 AM
Are you going to shoot birds and squirrels for lunch with your 1911?
How about a gun with very few moving parts, and a good buffer between the moving parts and the dirty parts? Like, for example, a Rossi Youth Combo single shot .22LR/410?
With a really big stash of .22LR and 410 shot you can feed yourself for a long time, and save the pointy stick for fending off bad guys if you don't think those calibers would do the job.
Yeah, it's a single shot so you could be overwhelmed easily, but if you've barricaded in well, maybe not. And, if you are a "spray bullets and hope for the best" kind of guy, you're going to run out quickly with an auto.
Also, the thing is very small and light, so it's easy to carry around with you - yet accurate enough for distance shots.
Kind of like a "Henry survival rifle" except that it doesn't all fit in the stock, and it's not an auto.
Good thought...I would vote for one as partner to my Ruger super single six 22/22mag. Add a bunch of new 410 shells on the market today to a stack of 22 bricks and +P++++ pointy stick. I may be tempted to carry along some 45 long Colt ammo. Heard it would work in 410 barrel(no rifling). Short range deer shooter.
03-11-2012, 07:53 AM
45 colt ammo will not work in a 410 sir. 410 projectile is smaller than a 45 but the shell is close enough that it can run in a 45 caliber gun with a chamber designed for such. The bore of a 410 (.410) is way to small for a 45 projectile (.452).
If the question is what firearm does one want when the shirt hits the fan then I would have to go with some sort of 9mm handgun because the sheeple I run into are more likely to have 9mm ammo for me to take from them. Of course I would also want a 12 guage and an AR in 5.56 for the same reason.
IF the question is what sort of a firearm would I want when ammo is extremely scarce or gone forever then I would have to go with flintlocks in assorted sizes and shapes and preferably smoothbore, simply because powder and projectile aint that difficult to make and contrary to what some may believe a smoothie is plenty accurate enough even out beyond 100 yards.
03-11-2012, 11:50 AM
One gun I realized should be in everyone's SHTF stash a while back is a good pellet rifle and a pile of pellets. You can hunt a lot of small game with that, it does not make much noise, and the ammo costs next to nothing. No powder, brass, or primers with storage issues. They are too cheap to overlook in your preparation gear. I have not decided exactly which one I want to settle on, but am thinking one of those "Whisper" models from Gamo may fit the bill. Similar reasons to keep a .22 around no matter what, just for a little smaller game. The .22 can step you up to bigger animals, and then of course your centerfire of choice for two-legged predators.
I cannot see doing without my Kahrs for any such situation as you never know when you may want to be discrete, and they are my go-to CCW guns. I also like the multi-caliber Glock setups. I have 9mm barrels for all my Glock 40s. I cannot see it being hard to maintain them for a prolonged period given the flood of parts out there and all the LE guns in circulation. As Bawanna pointed out, they are extremely easy to work on.
03-11-2012, 12:08 PM
If the question is what firearm does one want when the shirt hits the fan ...
In that scenario, the fan will probably just get jammed up and stop right away, thus avoiding any further worries. ;)
03-11-2012, 12:20 PM
One gun I realized should be in everyone's SHTF stash a while back is a good pellet rifle and a pile of pellets. You can hunt a lot of small game with that, it does not make much noise, and the ammo costs next to nothing. No powder, brass, or primers with storage issues. They are too cheap to overlook in your preparation gear. I have not decided exactly which one I want to settle on, but am thinking one of those "Whisper" models from Gamo may fit the bill.
Dunno about pellet guns, but I spent some time looking at BB guns a while back. Every single one of them had problems in the reviews, even the really expensive ones. I finally settled on the Crosman C11, because it was dirt cheap ($35) and the two biggest problems listed in the reviews were:
1. If you remove the magazine before it is empty, one BB is floating around in there and has to be re-inserted into the (20-round) magazine, and
2. The C02 cover (which basically wraps around the grip) is loose and could get lost easily. It is an optional item, the gun runs fine without it.
So the gun itself is $35, I bought a cheesy little laser sight for it for $18, a bottle of 6000 BBs is $10, and a box of forty 12-gram CO2 cartridges is $25. Each cartridge will fire several magazines.
I've played with it a bit, and it seems like a good little BB gun.
03-11-2012, 12:46 PM
Good thought...I would vote for one as partner to my Ruger super single six 22/22mag. Add a bunch of new 410 shells on the market today to a stack of 22 bricks and +P++++ pointy stick. I may be tempted to carry along some 45 long Colt ammo. Heard it would work in 410 barrel(no rifling). Short range deer shooter.
There is a 000 Buckshot load for 410. The 2.5" version has 4 pellets, and the 3" version has 5. The overall length of the Rossi combo barrel is 22" including chamber, so they probably don't spread too badly out of that.
I should mention that a 000 Buckshot load in the little youth 410 kicks pretty hard. Filling the hollow stock with sand helps a lot.
MW surveyor
03-11-2012, 12:51 PM
johnh +1 on the pellet gun.
I've got a couple of pump ups (pneumatic) with a whole bunch of pellets :)
03-11-2012, 12:56 PM
I think a Ruger 1022 would be the .22LR to have for hunting food and "light" protection or defense. I have had a few in the past and still have a few of the 10-shot mags, as well as the 25-round extended mag with steel feed lips... and the loader for that mag. I really ought to invest in a stainless model and a bunch of .22LR bricks... probably CCI Mini-Mag HP. I have a good FoodSaver vacuum sealer and lots of military ammo boxes for storage.
A good .22 pellet rifle... barrel-break-action... with the newer technology spring system that's less susceptible to spring fatigue... would be desirable. I had a Winchester .22 back in the 70's that hit 650... or maybe only 550 FPS, but it would kill pigeons and just about anything I shot with it... very accurate.
I have a cheapie Gamo .22 pellet/shotgun that I got for under $90 from Sportsmans Guide on sale and using a $10 coupon. The shotshell is loaded with 20 or so #12 shot and pretty ineffectual at the "advertised range" of 10 yards(??) and certainly would have a pattern greater than 12 inches!!
I tried it at about 12 feet and the pattern was about 12 inches and the shot didn't all penetrate a piece of cardboard. I haven't really gotten the added BSA multicolored dot sight where I can shoot accurately. There's a rifled insert for pellets and it's supposed to shoot in the neighborhood of 800 fps... pretty good for SMALL game.
The gun has a brass bead front sight and just the vent-rib-type affair running the length of the barrel for clamping a sight onto. Maybe I'll take it to the range and see if I can zero that BSA sight better. I put some "dents' or pits in our hearth using it as a backup and shooting at a box of magazines. In adjusting the sights I skimmed a few rounds across the tops of the magazines that didn't fill the cardboard box all the way to the top.:eek:
A "quiet-shooting" weapon for taking small prey would be preferable to attracting attention from miles around. I would NOT consider a CO2-powered one, though... some don't hold the charge long and the CO2 carts might be hard to find... and they don't get the velocity that break-barrel or lever-cocked rifles do.
If I really wanted to spend the money... there are .25 pellet rifles with plenty of killing power for small game and larger. The ammo costs more and you would have to store a bunch of it, unless you could work something out with casting your own pellets.
AND I sure wouldn't give up MY Kahrs, either... CCW and backups.
03-11-2012, 01:36 PM
This is kinda similar to another forum thread I posted on. The topic there was: you can have 3 guns for SHTF, each for a different situation. This was my reply-
Ruger .22- 22 is very plentiful and cheap, easy to stockpile now and easier than others to find if ammo got scarce. I can find un-fired rounds laying on the ground at a range if I must. A good .22 rifle can be used for just about ANYTHING. Want to shoot a small meal without alerting everyone in a 2 mile radius where you are? Get out the .22. If you are hunting birds you aren't doing it out of sport and you don't care what bird you shoot. Sniping one from a bird feeder with a .22 works just as well as a shotgun into the air. Need a gun for home defense in a pinch? With .22 CCI Stinger out of a 16" barrel you are looking at a muzzle energy equal to a snub nose .38+P revolver... and you have 30, accurate, recoil free shots of it. ....And it might as well be a Ruger since they are dead nuts reliable with tons of parts and accessories around.
AK-47 (stamped receiver)- This one nearly speaks for itself. Shear reliability and parts availability (most likely in the form of a cannibalized gun- reason for the stamped part is compatibility with the majority of whats out there) is the name of the game with any gun on this list. Capable of hunting any game in our region it would probably be used most to put food on the table. These previous statements make the AK better than the AR in my book. That said, I have heard the AK makes a mighty fine battle and home defense rifle as well... no need for a shotgun for that either.
Glock 357sig (10 years in 15th century conditions- switch this to .357 revolver)- My bigger focus is that its a pistol, and its caliber. Your pistol is more likely to save your butt than an AK in a melt down world. It will be the gun that's with you 24/7- While in the market place, driving, in the woods, chopping wood, at home, etc. I chose the caliber due to caliber versatility. 357sig can be used for hunting, swap the barrel to .40 for defense, swap to 9mm and your gun can now shoot a cheaper, easier to find round if you run out of .40 or .357.
03-11-2012, 06:26 PM
45 colt ammo will not work in a 410 sir. 410 projectile is smaller than a 45 but the shell is close enough that it can run in a 45 caliber gun with a chamber designed for such. The bore of a 410 (.410) is way to small for a 45 projectile (.452).
If the question is what firearm does one want when the shirt hits the fan then I would have to go with some sort of 9mm handgun because the sheeple I run into are more likely to have 9mm ammo for me to take from them. Of course I would also want a 12 guage and an AR in 5.56 for the same reason.
IF the question is what sort of a firearm would I want when ammo is extremely scarce or gone forever then I would have to go with flintlocks in assorted sizes and shapes and preferably smoothbore, simply because powder and projectile aint that difficult to make and contrary to what some may believe a smoothie is plenty accurate enough even out beyond 100 yards.
You are so right, I don't know where my mind was at that time. I was considering a Thompson Contender as a choice with multiple barrels and I guess I was thinking of the 45/410 barrel they sell. In fact, a T/C with several barrels would cover all the ammo I have for my different weapons. HUM!!!!
03-11-2012, 07:10 PM
All this talk of sharpened sticks reminded me that I had some rogue bigleaf maple trees that needed to be cut down. So I started my collection of fighting sticks.
03-11-2012, 07:19 PM
All this talk of sharpened sticks reminded me that I had some rogue bigleaf maple trees that needed to be cut down. So I started my collection of fighting sticks.
you'll need these
03-11-2012, 07:24 PM
you'll need these
I live in a rural area, lots of horse ranches around. I figure I need to make some lances to fend off zombies riding charging horses at me. Then I can cook the horsemeat on the lances.
03-11-2012, 07:31 PM
That 4th from the left must be the highly sought after double tap sharp stick. Much coveted and rare that one.
03-11-2012, 07:34 PM
Double your pleasure, double your fun!
03-12-2012, 03:05 PM
What about some of these?
I have a question for everyone...As was stated before regarding the Dooms Day Prepers....what if the poles reverse themselves, does that mean The South Shall Rise Again...? just askin if so save your Confederate Dollars Boys!!!!
03-12-2012, 03:51 PM
Just as long as the toilet bowl doesn't start swirling the other direction. That would be too weird.
Hey BAWANNA how about some custom handled sharp sticks..?
Seriously I would have several weapons
#1. A good 22 LR Rifle
#2. A tweleve gauge Shotgun
#3. one of my 1911's maybe two
#4. a 9MM High Capasity Springfield XD
#5. My AR15 in .223/556mm
#6. One of my Bolt action 30-06
#7. A couple of my Custom Black Powder one 20 gauge Smooth Bore w/ s barrel sites and my .54 cal Rifle and my 12 gauge side by side.
I have over 1,000 lbs of lead & alloy not to mention thousands of precast rounds for all of the above, primers and powder to last for years. Also all the press's and assocuated fixings to support the armory. Each one of the abov has a special place & function for any scenerio one might encounter. I also have at least 40 lbs of black powder, as I can also make & have made my own black powder.
Just in the event of an extreme case should the zombies attack in mass I do Have two 1/3 rd scale Black powder cannons , one is a 1" bore the other 1 1/2" bore. The latter can load up to 100 pellets of 000 buck shot at about 1300-1500 fps for a parting shot. :D
03-12-2012, 04:45 PM
03-12-2012, 08:11 PM
just give me a spear and we'll have dinner too
Beware Graphic Content
03-12-2012, 08:39 PM
Are you going to shoot birds and squirrels for lunch with your 1911?
How about a gun with very few moving parts, and a good buffer between the moving parts and the dirty parts? Like, for example, a Rossi Youth Combo single shot .22LR/410?
With a really big stash of .22LR and 410 shot you can feed yourself for a long time, and save the pointy stick for fending off bad guys if you don't think those calibers would do the job.
Yeah, it's a single shot so you could be overwhelmed easily, but if you've barricaded in well, maybe not. And, if you are a "spray bullets and hope for the best" kind of guy, you're going to run out quickly with an auto.
Also, the thing is very small and light, so it's easy to carry around with you - yet accurate enough for distance shots.
Kind of like a "Henry survival rifle" except that it doesn't all fit in the stock, and it's not an auto.
I have to rethink this since a lot of guys are say'n a .22LR. I am in SD mode and never thought of survival stuff so you are right about the 1911 idea. I also thought this is ONE gun you would have. So if it is only one do I go with SD or survival? I figured I would due the Omega Man treatment for food. Remember that movie?
03-12-2012, 08:40 PM
I think a Ruger 1022 would be the .22LR to have for hunting food and "light" protection or defense. I have had a few in the past and still have a few of the 10-shot mags, as well as the 25-round extended mag with steel feed lips... and the loader for that mag. I really ought to invest in a stainless model and a bunch of .22LR bricks... probably CCI Mini-Mag HP. I have a good FoodSaver vacuum sealer and lots of military ammo boxes for storage.
A good .22 pellet rifle... barrel-break-action... with the newer technology spring system that's less susceptible to spring fatigue... would be desirable. I had a Winchester .22 back in the 70's that hit 650... or maybe only 550 FPS, but it would kill pigeons and just about anything I shot with it... very accurate.
I have a cheapie Gamo .22 pellet/shotgun that I got for under $90 from Sportsmans Guide on sale and using a $10 coupon. The shotshell is loaded with 20 or so #12 shot and pretty ineffectual at the "advertised range" of 10 yards(??) and certainly would have a pattern greater than 12 inches!!
I tried it at about 12 feet and the pattern was about 12 inches and the shot didn't all penetrate a piece of cardboard. I haven't really gotten the added BSA multicolored dot sight where I can shoot accurately. There's a rifled insert for pellets and it's supposed to shoot in the neighborhood of 800 fps... pretty good for SMALL game.
The gun has a brass bead front sight and just the vent-rib-type affair running the length of the barrel for clamping a sight onto. Maybe I'll take it to the range and see if I can zero that BSA sight better. I put some "dents' or pits in our hearth using it as a backup and shooting at a box of magazines. In adjusting the sights I skimmed a few rounds across the tops of the magazines that didn't fill the cardboard box all the way to the top.:eek:
A "quiet-shooting" weapon for taking small prey would be preferable to attracting attention from miles around. I would NOT consider a CO2-powered one, though... some don't hold the charge long and the CO2 carts might be hard to find... and they don't get the velocity that break-barrel or lever-cocked rifles do.
If I really wanted to spend the money... there are .25 pellet rifles with plenty of killing power for small game and larger. The ammo costs more and you would have to store a bunch of it, unless you could work something out with casting your own pellets.
AND I sure wouldn't give up MY Kahrs, either... CCW and backups.
I like that quiet gun idea.
03-12-2012, 08:43 PM
Oh, for WTSHTF, I think my battle pistol... XD45 Tactical with 6x13+1 rounds and the Hard Duty Night Sights will be my primary sidearm.
After all, I need to protect my stash when the SHTF!:
Dude, your rigs are clean! Nice.
03-12-2012, 09:09 PM
I have to rethink this since a lot of guys are say'n a .22LR. I am in SD mode and never thought of survival stuff so you are right about the 1911 idea. I also thought this is ONE gun you would have. So if it is only one do I go with SD or survival? I figured I would due the Omega Man treatment for food. Remember that movie?
Are you referring to the 1971 movie "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston? If so, it was before my time. Either way, I don't know what the food thing is that you're talking out.
I am familiar with the 2007 movie "I am Legend" though, which is basically a remake of The Omega Man.
03-12-2012, 09:32 PM
Are you referring to the 1971 movie "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston? If so, it was before my time. Either way, I don't know what the food thing is that you're talking out.
I am familiar with the 2007 movie "I am Legend" though, which is basically a remake of The Omega Man.
1971 and one of the first zombie movies to have a broader audience. Yeah I am getting old.
03-15-2012, 04:07 PM
I would want two of my very good and trustworthy friends with me at all times: my Browning Hi-Power, and my PM9.
03-15-2012, 06:44 PM
03-15-2012, 07:55 PM
I'm not sure you're ready, Barth. I suggest you take more time and invest more $ in preparation. ;) :p
Longitude Zero
03-20-2012, 09:26 PM
Glock 26 or 19
Should be able to raid enough stores to get 9mm ammo and the gun will run flawless without any maintenance...
As an experienced and seasoned firearms instructor I would not believe or hold that poorly informed position. Glocks will run with minimal care but I have seen many gum up and begin to malcunction and complete stoppages when not give a modicum of care.
03-20-2012, 09:54 PM
I also don't think any ammo will be in a store to raid. Given this #1 scenario by the OP, and the fact that ammo becomes scarce at the drop of a hat today...there won't be anything to raid and if there were you'd have to come with your A-game and your AR/AK-game to come away with any spoils in this scenario.
03-20-2012, 10:05 PM
Since the original scenario was no manufacturing for up to 10 yrs, and I don't think I have room to store 10 yrs worth of ammo, I'm gonna pick the S&W 500 mag. When I run out of ammo at some point, I can then use the gun as a formidable club.The darn thing weighs over 4 lbs. Also, a bunch of pointy sticks and maybe a pellet gun would be nice to have.
03-21-2012, 01:20 AM
Well, I DID get an All-Weather model Ruger 10/22 Carbine with 18.5" stainless barrel and synthetic, checkered stock, weighing just a smidgen under 4.5 lbs.
Now I need to lay in a supply of ammo, including some sub-sonic stuff. Lessee... 3 rounds a day for hunting... for 10 years = 3 X 10 X 365.25 = 10,957.5 rounds. I have 1K Stingers on the way, so I need another 10K in .22LR and I'll have ONE caliber covered.
Seriously talking with Wifey, I worry that something might happen while she's at work... 9 miles from home. If it's an EMP attack, I'm thinking that it would be good for her to have a compact, folding bike in the trunk of her car. She will need to get on the road and get home A.S.A.P. It won't take the bad guys long to figure that the cops can't talk on phones or radios or get anywhere with all electronic stuff knocked out. It's kind of hard to coordinate anything without communication more sophisticated than YELLING, or any transportation other than bikes or pre-1958 or so cars! That would be a well-spent couple of hundred bucks... for the bike. A woman on foot and unarmed won't last long in any scenario.
Then I run up against some things the book One Second After brought up... I'm a type 2 diabetic and get my meds for 90 days at a time. It won't be QUITE as bad as type 1 needing insulin, but that will definitely be a problem if things really go to hell. I will REALLY have to watch what I eat... when I can get something!
03-21-2012, 12:05 PM
Well, I still need to get some more 25-round mags for the Ruger, but I have a bit on ammo on the way... 4,200 Fed CPHP, 1,000 Stingers, 2,000 Rem Subsonic HP, and 2,000 CCI Quik Shok Subsonic... about 9,200... so far... debating more Mini Mags, when the Federal 525 packs are cheaper.
Next the compact, folding bike for my wife.
I did update my insurance for guns and magazines, but strangely, USAA won't insure ammunition!:rolleyes:
03-21-2012, 05:55 PM
I posted some pictures of the Remington Subsonic and Colibrì firing... kind of spread stuff here and there. :rolleyes:
Post #25
mr surveyor
03-21-2012, 08:47 PM
Wyn.... you actually fired Colibri's through a rifle length barrel?
03-21-2012, 10:50 PM
I fired somewhere between 15 and 20, I think... at home and the range I was careful that a hole appeared in the target each time and if there was any doubt I pushed a cleaning rod through the barrel... or blew the smoke from the open breech out the barrel. Those things are too short to feed from at least one of my two 10-round Ruger mags... at the range. I single shot them from the mag by working the bolt manually at home, but that stopped working at the range. You really can't tell if you're just dry firing.
It's a short barrel... just 18.5"!
I think the new "Super Colibrì" is supposed to top 500fps... hotter primer... and NO powder.:D
mr surveyor
03-21-2012, 11:05 PM
I do love Colibri's in my old revolvers.... but, ain't it funny how they can charge so much for using a tiny 12 grain (or is it 17) projectile and NOT adding powder. Reminds me of the mid 70's when the gasoline companies realized they could charge you more for unleaded gasoline due to the federal mandates, when they profited even more my not having to blend in the lead additive to begin with:rolleyes:
03-21-2012, 11:27 PM
These fire a whopping 20-grainer! I didn't have the 1/2" pine board, but I had a 3/4" poplar board for my test. Now this was the old weaker Colibrì, but it buried about 1/10" below the surface from about 8 feet. I think that you could kill small birds... sparrows and the like... with a good hit. Those have at least twice the power of my .177 CO2 pistol at about 410 fps and 1/3 the grains... or LESS!
The newer Super Colibrì use more priming and claim over 500 fps, I believe. Every shot could be a "squib" in a rifle. Now you could work out a way to pull the bullets and work up a powder load... and reassemble the rounds... you might have a decent rat-killer load... or, just buy the Remington Subsonic for quieter work.:D
I have a bunch of the CCI Quik-Shok 40-gr Sub-Sonic Segmented Hollow Points... as I did. I bought 4x500 @ $54.95 each, or $219.80 + $17.72 Shipping + $1.30 insurance for $238.82, or about 12¢ each delivered... about what Stingers run. That's a bunch per shot, but I wanted plated bullets so that corrosion wouldn't be such a factor in the long run.
The Remington Subsonic I found at Natchez Shooters for $4.89 per box of 100... cheaper, but all lead HP, and I know they work in the Ruger. The Federal CPHP in the 525-round boxes are about the best deal, but I want some quieter stuff, too.
03-21-2012, 11:32 PM
These fire a whopping 20-grainer! I didn't have the 1/2" pine board, but I had a 3/4" poplar board for my test. Now this was the old weaker Colibrì, but it buried about 1/10" below the surface from about 8 feet. I think that you could kill small birds... sparrows and the like... with a good hit. Those have at least twice the power of my .177 CO2 pistol at about 410 fps and 1/3 the grains... or LESS!
The newer Super Colibrì use more priming and claim over 500 fps, I believe. Every shot could be a "squib" in a rifle. Now you could work out a way to pull the bullets and work up a powder load... and reassemble the rounds... you might have a decent rat-killer load... or, just buy the Remington Subsonic for quieter work.:D
I have a bunch of the CCI Quik-Shok 40-gr Sub-Sonic Segmented Hollow Points... as I did. I bought 4x500 @ $54.95 each, or $219.80 + $17.72 Shipping + $1.30 insurance for $238.82, or about 12¢ each delivered... about what Stingers run. That's a bunch per shot, but I wanted plated bullets so that corrosion wouldn't be such a factor in the long run.
The Remington Subsonic I found at Natchez Shooters for $4.89 per box of 100... cheaper, but all lead HP, and I know they work in the Ruger. The Federal CPHP in the 525-round boxes are about the best deal, but I want some quieter stuff, too.
So they are safe for living room ballistics tests? Lol, I couldn't resist. That pic in the ammo thread was pretty funny.
03-22-2012, 12:19 AM
Wow! I just watched a guy shoot a 275-lb pig with an air rifle... 4,000 PSI charge, and a 430-grain .45 bullet at 860 FPS and about 705 ft-lbs muzzle energy. I thought the bullet had glanced off, but it went clean through. You can see the entry and exit and then the blood pumping out the exit wound... 240 fps camera video!
I was looking for Colibrì tests. :rolleyes: Yeah, I get distracted any time I go to YouTube!
I's a huge gun and costs thousands:
03-22-2012, 02:23 PM
One bad solar flare can cause these conditions almost world wide. Maybe not for 10 years, but definitely 4-5 years. Imagine every electrical device becoming junk. It happened to Northern Canada about a decade ago, I think, but don't quote me on any of what I just said. It's worth looking up though. They say we have a bad one about every 10-11 years, whoever "they" are.
I still haven't decided, but I do have a few of the things mentioned. Here's what I've got so far.
Ruger 10/22, w/ Swift 4x
Remington 870, (the AK47 of Shotguns) my go to for every scenario.
Winchester SX3 3.5 this is my fancy shotgun.
Ar-15, cant decide on an optic that I can afford.
Ruger M77 .270 WSM, really need a caliber thats easier to find and cheaper to stock.
Kahr PM40, because it can go anywhere.
The reason I started this post was because I really want another pistol, but it has to be "the One". Just wanted some opinions on what people thought would run forever. The revolvers seem like a good idea, very few parts and powerful enough to drop a deer if I don't have anything else on me. I kind of like that new Taurus that shoots .454 casull, .45 long colt and .410 shotshells. Once again though, rare ammo. Maybe .357 is the way to go on that. Common ammo will be a major theme here.
03-22-2012, 02:26 PM
If you don't mind the short eye relief, this is a pretty decent scope for the price.
03-26-2012, 12:46 AM
I ordered the "2-7X32 Compact-Red and Green Illuminated P4 Sniper/Green Lens/Quick Release"
Sports; $87.95
In Stock
Sold by: (
I usually use a 1.5 x 4.5 or something like that... lower power for quick acquisition, but I can use the help with my older eyes.
I was thinking about one of those see-through mounts, but those get so high off the rifle. Easy-off will be nice. One guy said that lever interfered with chambering the first round. I'll wait and see.
03-26-2012, 05:56 PM
How about an S&W Governor... .410, 45 colt, and 45 ACP. If you are stuck with one, I think this is it.
Either that or a Remington 870 of almost any flavor. Should last a lot of shots and would be all purpose SD and game getting.
03-26-2012, 06:01 PM
The Governor would be a great choice for most anything if you can get close enough or allow them to get close enough.
I was playing with my son's yesterday and it's really not terribly heavy. Tad large for everyday carry the way things are but when the balloon goes up (which incidently I hope lands directly on my head) concealment won't be an issue.
03-26-2012, 06:08 PM
I wish the govoner was at least chambered for 3" 410 rounds. lots ofump in the 3" stuff. Still would be a great in home gun,not much cance of shooting at a home invader and the rounds (410) going out the windows and hitting the neighbor sittiin on his back porch stone drunk. Just sayin.
03-26-2012, 06:11 PM
That is a definite downfall. 3" shells are way easier to find too.
I didn't know if it was just his model or all models that were 2 1/2".
03-26-2012, 06:15 PM
correct me if I am wrong but I think the only 3" 410 wheelgun is the JUDGE and then that I think it only one model. Seems they are all hung up over the2.5" 410 and I was told by a smitty that it has more to do with the barrel "freebore" in the bore that has some issues with shooting 45 long colt. I can't picutre anyone buying a judge or govoner to realy shoot 45 long cold or 45acp. I think that was a cop out to get the 410 round as something like, "oh and by the way the judge and govoner willalso handle 410 shells to"
Just sayin
03-26-2012, 07:31 PM
I have the 2.5" Judge, and it seems reasonably accurate with 45 long colt. I think the limiting factor in its accuracy is me.
Hickock45's video laid to rest any concerns about accuracy using the 45 long colt.
He starts shooting 45 long colt at about 32:00.
He calls the 00 Buckshot a "pretty serious round". Penetrates a 55-gallon drum.
He also starts shooting the 000 buckshot at 22:00 and calls it "pretty impressive" and "sweet". Those have 4 pellets in a round, each one about as big as a .380 bullet. My judge spreads these to about 6 inches at 25 feet (mostly a vertical spread).
So it's kind of like having a .380 with a 20 round magazine, which fires four of them in a 6-inch group each time you pull the trigger. Doesn't take up a lot of room in the bedroom either, like a "real" shotgun would.
Most models are pretty heavy, which helps with the recoil of course. They have a polymer version and an "ultra light" steel version (23 oz.) The ribbed grip (some models) make it pretty comfortable to shoot.
It's fun to shoot, pretty powerful, pretty versatile. I know a lot of people look upon it with scorn - but for open-minded KahrTalkers, I recommend it.
A little tidbit to add: The fit & finish on a PT-22 pistol blow, and the Rossi (Taurus mother company) 38 Special revolver a friend of mine just bought had crappy fit & finish too - but the fit & finish on the Judge is very good (at least the one I got). It looks great, feels great, shoots great. It's one of my favorites.
I saw the Governor in person and I think it's an ugly gun by comparison. But, it would be nice to be able to shoot 45 ACP. I'm not a fan of the concept of moon clips though.
03-27-2012, 10:26 AM
I shot one of the smaller Judge's about a month ago, maybe their Public Defender. It had the shiny blued finish. I didn't like the indentation behind the trigger guard that your middle finger rest in. Beat my knuckle up pretty good. I've seen other models/grips that don't have that though. I thought it was pretty cool(especially all the holes it leaves behind), but when I went to price one they seemed a tad bit high for a Taurus revolver. I figured sub $500, but it was closer to $600.
03-27-2012, 01:05 PM
Yeah, mine was about $550 - but I think it's worth every penny.
I paid roughly that same amount for a Smith & Wesson AirLite 317 - and THAT one should have been a sub $500 gun.
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