View Full Version : 1st range report

03-10-2012, 03:25 AM
So this is a pre-range report.... i have 250 or 300 rounds of PMC to use today. I don't think i'll get through them all, simply because i have 1 mag, that means at 6rnds per mag and 250rnds, i'd have to load it 42 times..... not sure if i'm up for that, I gotta sight in my rifle as well, but we'll see if time (and thumb pain) allows for it.

Have you guys had any good/bad results with PMC bronze ammo???

03-10-2012, 04:30 AM
Congrats. I use PMC Bronze all the time with no problem. You might look for a UPLULA to help aleaviate the thumb pain. They are a great mag loading tool.

03-10-2012, 07:57 AM
I have shot mostly pmc some s&b and some mag tech no problems. A week ago all the range had were reloads or Blaser Brass so I got the Blaser. I had pmc in the mag shot them then loaded the Blasers. The first shot I noticed there was more recoil. They shot with no problems so I will be buying them from now on.

03-10-2012, 09:03 AM
PMC works for me. I would clean your new gun maybe 100 rounds in if you start to have issues. After that you should have no problems. Just wouldn't want you to think you got a dud just because it's still tight and a little dirty. I would make sure to do the Kahr clean and prep too if you haven't done it.

Oh and DL is right. That UPLULA works good. It will let you shoot more ammo than you can afford.

Bill K
03-10-2012, 09:28 AM
Good luck with what I assume is the break-in of a new Kahr pistol. What model did you get?

I can't think of any issues I've had shooting PMC with either my PM9 or my Glock 26.

03-10-2012, 01:51 PM
PMC works for me. I would clean your new gun maybe 100 rounds in if you start to have issues. After that you should have no problems. Just wouldn't want you to think you got a dud just because it's still tight and a little dirty. I would make sure to do the Kahr clean and prep too if you haven't done it.

Oh and DL is right. That UPLULA works good. It will let you shoot more ammo than you can afford.

Does any one have experience with the UPLULA baby for a Beretta U22Neos?

I see there are several magazines its not compatable with and I would like to make sure b4 I purchase. $26 thru Amazon. Thanks

03-10-2012, 01:59 PM
Does any one have experience with the UPLULA baby for a Beretta U22Neos?

I see there are several magazines its not compatable with and I would like to make sure b4 I purchase. $26 thru Amazon. Thanks

Answered my own question. This inner web stuff is great.

DOES NOT LOAD Mags with a projecting side pin, like:
Ruger Mark I, MKII MKIII, 22/45
S&W 22A and 22S
Walther P22
S&W M&P .22
Beretta U22 Neos

03-10-2012, 02:20 PM
I don't think i'll get through them all, simply because i have 1 mag, that means at 6rnds per mag and 250rnds, i'd have to load it 42 times.....

Even if you had 2 or 3 with you, you'd still have to reload mags 42 times...unless you have a trick you'd like to share with the rest of us? :)

03-10-2012, 02:52 PM
:D now that was witty....

03-10-2012, 03:48 PM
So this is a pre-range report.... i have 250 or 300 rounds of PMC to use today. I don't think i'll get through them all, simply because i have 1 mag, that means at 6rnds per mag and 250rnds, i'd have to load it 42 times..... not sure if i'm up for that, I gotta sight in my rifle as well, but we'll see if time (and thumb pain) allows for it.

Have you guys had any good/bad results with PMC bronze ammo???

the rush anyhow, this 2100 kahr round thinbg is kahrs recommendation. If u get a 100 good rounbd sout of it, IMO u can consider it good to go., why force rounds out of the gun just to fill the 200 round county thinbg. That ismerely a guide. IO trying to shoot 20+ round sin one outting is a handful in these smaqllass kahrs. sometines we tend to get tired and not know it as the excitenet of shooting a new gun prevfails but whena shooter gets tired sh-t happens, so at leat take a fews good breaks, drink a six pack of gator ade, or if ur girl friend is with u, then knock one off for the "GIFFER". Just saying. I tend not to try to put 6 rounds in my 6 round mags at the range,k 5 is plenty, that way I don't need my uplula and again I am in no hurry either..

03-10-2012, 04:52 PM
the rush anyhow, this 2100 kahr round thinbg is kahrs recommendation. If u get a 100 good rounbd sout of it, IMO u can consider it good to go., why force rounds out of the gun just to fill the 200 round county thinbg. That ismerely a guide. IO trying to shoot 20+ round sin one outting is a handful in these smaqllass kahrs. sometines we tend to get tired and not know it as the excitenet of shooting a new gun prevfails but whena shooter gets tired sh-t happens, so at leat take a fews good breaks, drink a six pack of gator ade, or if ur girl friend is with u, then knock one off for the "GIFFER". Just saying. I tend not to try to put 6 rounds in my 6 round mags at the range,k 5 is plenty, that way I don't need my uplula and again I am in no hurry either..

Welcome back, jocko! Did you see the thread about the troll on the other forum who was trashing you? Definitely a horse head candidate!


03-10-2012, 05:14 PM
naw just not gonna give the guy and that forum the time of day. I tend to keep the horse heads for the kahr talk members, they seem to take care of them and understand ..

03-10-2012, 06:23 PM
well if i have to reschedule one more time, i'm just going to scream. Its a farmers field that a friend knows. Last week snowed in, about 5 inches, not worth trying to get back there. This week, 58 degrees, sunny, a little wind, but the farmers out there sighting their rifles, not useable.

Was going to pay to go to a range about 30 minutes away with a friend, his lady won't let him go, and I don't want to drive that far by myself, just too boring to drive and shoot all day solo......

Next week i'm going to drive to the range, even if its by my damn self, i've had this gun for almost 2 months and havn't even shot the damn thing.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :86::86::86:

03-10-2012, 06:30 PM
I fly solo all the time. 30 mile drive to the range. Thank goodness there are some twisty sections of road and they are desolate. Lots of high speed crankin and bankin. LoL.

03-10-2012, 10:01 PM
You think 30 minutes is far hahahahahahahah I drive an hour just to get on the interstate. You have any Natl Forests or abandoned gravel pits near you? You can shoot in those places pretty easy.

03-11-2012, 12:55 AM
LOL... you must shoot out your back door Jocko. 32,000 rounds at 5 rounds a mag, thats reloading a magazine 4,500 times. I know my typing would suffer with that much reloading!

Just joshin ya bud, I hope to put a few more thousand rounds through my PM9. Maybe I won't get in 17 mag fulls a day in the next two years ( I have too many other guns ) Your the man here :D


03-11-2012, 03:45 AM
LOL... you must shoot out your back door Jocko. 32,000 rounds at 5 rounds a mag, thats reloading a magazine 4,500 times. I know my typing would suffer with that much reloading!

Just joshin ya bud, I hope to put a few more thousand rounds through my PM9. Maybe I won't get in 17 mag fulls a day in the next two years ( I have too many other guns ) Your the man here :D


ot shot as much in the past 6 monthgs as I would have liked and when I have it was wit my K9 which Ihad been neglecting to shoot muchy. It is such a pleasant super peace to shoot IMO..:7: