View Full Version : CW45 and LRN 230 seating

03-10-2012, 06:11 PM
Is my CW45 different or does everyone have to seat LRN 230's way down to get them to cycle thru the gun. If I seat them like I do Berry's the slide won't go all the way into battery. The shortest OAL for Bullseye in Lee's is 1.190 and I am going to try around 1.20 to see how they cycle. Any help would be appreciated.

03-11-2012, 03:34 PM
My PM45 will cycle 230's at 1.300, the magazine maximum OAL. Each pistol is different but I now set all my 45acp at 1.250. That's 230 and 185.

03-11-2012, 04:15 PM
I set them to 1.2 and they seem to cycle fine. Thanks for the input.

03-11-2012, 04:35 PM
I set them to 1.2 and they seem to cycle fine. Thanks for the input.

That's what I do for my PM45 as well with Precision Delta 230's. They don't like em long.

MW surveyor
03-11-2012, 06:21 PM
Is my CW45 different or does everyone have to seat LRN 230's way down to get them to cycle thru the gun. If I seat them like I do Berry's the slide won't go all the way into battery. The shortest OAL for Bullseye in Lee's is 1.190 and I am going to try around 1.20 to see how they cycle. Any help would be appreciated.

A lot of the OAL will depend on the style of the LRN bullets that you are using as well as how deep the chamber is bored for the case. The LRNs that I use have a "step" or raised area just in back of the ogive. If I set the bullet at 1.250, it will not set properly in the barrel hood, deepen it to 1.245 which gives just a small sliver of the step showing (just about a finger nail) and they are good to go.

03-22-2012, 08:47 PM
L-RN? How 1920-ish.
Your gun and the specific bullet ogive are the determinants for COL. Your specific bullet ogive, magazine lip geometry, feed ramp, and chamber will determine the COL. There are lots of different round nose geometries and they all will hit the lede/rifling slightly different. There are 1R, 2R, and other variations.