View Full Version : Lets talk about this trigger bar...

03-10-2012, 11:42 PM
Ok, the trigger bar has had me thinking a little. I realize that upper tab on the rear of the trigger bar has to remain in contact with the slide for disconnect, but I think it is a bit too tall. I understand that accuracy is not affected and that everything tightens up with a magazine in place and the striker cocked however it seems a little sloppy to me. The slide moving up and down and the grip pushing out is unnecessary. It would appear that there is enough material there to shave it down some, alleviating the slide movement and the grip pushing out but still leave enough for the disconnect action.
Before anyone jumps on me, this is not a criticism of the K9, but more a matter of me thinking out loud, so to speak.

03-11-2012, 04:10 AM
nothing wrong with thinking out loud, now we have seen some fantastic shooting groups from kahr owners on this forum,s o I don'tthink that trigger bar thing (mod) would make a hill of beans difference in over all accuracy. IMO if accuracy lacks with most kahrs shooters it s the looooong trigger system that causes it. It is there by design but it is a bugger to master , for me anyways. I shoot my G19 10X better tan any of my kahrs and it has to be the trigger system along with some great dawson fiber optic adjustable sights and a good action job done by Accurate Iron to. But I sure ain't gonna pocket hat G19 (even if it was pocketable) with that trigger system they have. I am just not comfortable with it.

Nothing wrong with thinkng outside the box, IMO that ishow sometmes new products come t makrekt. In this case ur K9 is a real shooter the way it is..

Hell I am to old to jump on anyone today, so I would have t crawl on u anyhow:cheer2:

03-11-2012, 04:37 AM
Tilefish I agree with you 100%. I posted this about my mk9 when I first joined this forum “problem mk9” but most thought of it as a non-issue. The striker block depressing cam went up above the frame rail thus not just depressing the strikeblock but jamming up against it and causing drag. On the second trip back to Kahr (first time needlessly replaced trigger bar) Jason called me and said I was right about that and they had fixed it. Turn out they did fix it now the cam only rotates up to just below even to the frame rail. When dry firing now my slide does not go up any more because that cam is not going up against plate more than necessary.

03-11-2012, 10:45 AM
nothing wrong with thinking out loud, now we have seen some fantastic shooting groups from kahr owners on this forum,s o I don'tthink that trigger bar thing (mod) would make a hill of beans difference in over all accuracy. IMO if accuracy lacks with most kahrs shooters it s the looooong trigger system that causes it. It is there by design but it is a bugger to master , for me anyways. I shoot my G19 10X better tan any of my kahrs and it has to be the trigger system along with some great dawson fiber optic adjustable sights and a good action job done by Accurate Iron to. But I sure ain't gonna pocket hat G19 (even if it was pocketable) with that trigger system they have. I am just not comfortable with it.

Nothing wrong with thinkng outside the box, IMO that ishow sometmes new products come t makrekt. In this case ur K9 is a real shooter the way it is..

Hell I am to old to jump on anyone today, so I would have t crawl on u anyhow:cheer2:

It is not accuracy I am concerned with, just seems a little sloppy, thats all.