View Full Version : New PM9 Range Report

03-11-2012, 08:03 PM
Hello all. First Post.
I bought my first Kahr pistol, a 2011 PM9, (new) yesterday.
Made it to the range today. 100 rds of Federal 115gr FMJ with only 1 misfeed (when being shot by one of my friends). I really like the gun.
Interesting phenomenon though: At about 5yds, ALL 1st shots were about 1foot low and left. Subsequent shots were around the target. At first I assumed user error, and thought the problem proximal to the grip of the gun. But it was repeatable, every time, with both of the supplied 6 and 7 round clips.
Is this common, and part of the "200 rd break-in period" I've read so much about, or is it something to be concerned about?
Thanks in advance for the comments, and I'm happy to be part of the Kahr family of enthusiasts.

03-11-2012, 08:59 PM
I just took my brand new CW9 out to the range today as well. Shot ~250 Federal 115 grain FMJ at 10 yards. No misfeed, no stovepiped. However, same thing happened to me as you, most of my shots were low on target. Sights were dead on but bullets hitting low every time. Thought it may be user error, had my brother shot it. Same thing, shooting low. Not sure why it doing that...I had to aim a bit higher on target just to hit target.

03-12-2012, 06:13 AM
Keep shooting it. Once you learn the Kahr trigger they'll go where you want them to. Seriously, it's the trigger. It took me a loooonnnnnggggg time to make my brain overcome my stupid finger and do the right thing. Pull smoothly straight back. There's no loadup. The break is crisp and clean but let it do it's thing. Don't try to predict the break.

I watched my son, a Glock freak, shoot my CM9 yesterday and watched the muzzle drop everytime just before it shot. All his shots were low left.
It seriously took me about 700 rounds to really understand the trigger system in these guns. My daughter with no gun experience and no preconcieved notions about triggers is dead on with it. YMMV

03-12-2012, 06:35 AM
My first 150 rounds were almost all low left. I did some searching on this site and found one post that said "keep your trigger finger off the side of the gun." I tried that yesterday and got 50 rounds all around the bullseye so I'm feeling better. I just need to tighten things up. YMMV - I know there are those that say just use the crease of your first knuckle and others who say just use the pad of your finger. So, purposefully keeping my finger off the side of the gun and using my fingertip (more or less) worked for me.

03-12-2012, 06:40 AM
Try something like this:

Actual target available at:
Shooting Wheel (http://www.efgarso.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/ShootingWheel.pdf)

03-12-2012, 10:06 AM
^^ Your wheel link is giving a:

404 Not Found error...

03-12-2012, 10:08 AM
Will correct and advise. Sorry about that

03-12-2012, 10:10 AM
Try now?
Worked for me.

03-12-2012, 12:07 PM
Works good now...thank you very much for the link...I shall try to understand it...