View Full Version : Bawanna's New Gun

03-12-2012, 03:18 PM
I KNOW he's gonna be getting one, so I went ahead and started this range for Bawanna's range report....I figured his eyes can't be the best so the extra round should give him just a bit better chance of hitting his target right?


And for those of you that read the link, that's right....a Double Barrel Pistol, 1911 to be exact.

03-12-2012, 08:12 PM
I have seen this pistol make it to three forums in one night,lol. I can't get away from this ugly thing. I'm gonna have nightmares about that thing,WHYYYYYY!!!

03-12-2012, 08:20 PM
I have seen this pistol make it to three forums in one night,lol. I can't get away from this ugly thing. I'm gonna have nightmares about that thing,WHYYYYYY!!!

It's like a thin Oprah, you just don't see it too often

03-12-2012, 08:33 PM
Aw now, come on boys and girls. Every gun needs somebody to love it and appreciate it. I might just be the one to love and appreciate this one.

If there's anything better than a fat bullet headed down range it two fat bullets flying side by side.

Maybe it ain't really ugly, maybe it's just different like the new model pickups. Always ugly and then after a while they look better and better and the next thing you know the new model comes out and you wish it looked half as good as the old model that you hated before.

03-12-2012, 11:48 PM
Let's see the pocket carry version! LOLOL

03-12-2012, 11:59 PM
I want one just cause they're stupid.

03-13-2012, 08:16 AM
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot over? Lol. My main concern would be timing issues. Having two different barrels, links, and rounds, working in exact unison just doesn't seem feasible. No two rounds are going to be loaded exactly the same, which means your going to have two slightly different cycle rates. The side with the slower cycle will be pulling the side with the high cycle rate back causing an uneven load between barrels. I know this pistol has two barrels in one slide but there can still be timing issues because of the uneven load.

Maybe I'm completely wrong with my thinking. Either way it is still kind of an interesting pistol.

03-13-2012, 08:35 AM
oh sweet baby Jesus.

03-13-2012, 09:10 AM
oh sweet baby Jesus.

Hi TD, nice to see you visit us. We miss ya.

I'm with cokeman, maybe it's stupid or maybe it's weird. We'd be a perfect match.

03-13-2012, 09:15 AM
hello. :)

I'm with you guys, I want one cause they're stupid

joe d
03-13-2012, 09:38 AM
Bawanna es muy macho...muy muy macho ! :D

03-13-2012, 10:22 AM
Bawanna es muy macho...muy muy macho ! :D

Well what do ya know, we got Scandinavians in Oklahoma. Any you guys didn't think I had no foreign language skills.

I know I need to lose a few pounds but I don't need to wear a muy muy yet.

03-13-2012, 12:37 PM
Do the barrels have counter-rotating rifling? that way if the bullets touch downrange maybe they won't grind each other to bits and bounce violently off each other.

I bet even the tiniest hangfire on either side of a milisecond or so would result in a kaboom.

still want to see the ankle rig for this one.

Maybe Looper law enforcement will come up with the Dolly version of their flashbang holster!

03-13-2012, 12:42 PM
The small Kahr version would definitely be the MFK45.

03-13-2012, 12:54 PM
Maybe Looper law enforcement will come up with the Dolly version of their flashbang holster!


some of us are endowed enough to pull that off. :p

03-13-2012, 02:41 PM
Please, feel free to make fun of me if you want, but I think it is a very interesting concept. I would like to have one. And no, I do not think it looks ugly; it just looks different.

03-13-2012, 02:48 PM
Please, feel free to make fun of me if you want, but I think it is a very interesting concept. I would like to have one. And no, I do not think it looks ugly; it just looks different.

Totally agree. I think many times folks confuse ugly with different. You can for sure have # 2, I'm getting # 1, unless of course you really want # 1, then I'll be content with # 2.

03-13-2012, 03:27 PM
Let's see. A loaded full size 1911 weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds, so.....5 pounds! :eek:

03-13-2012, 03:43 PM
Let's see. A loaded full size 1911 weighs almost 2 1/2 pounds, so.....5 pounds! :eek:

I'm ok with that but it might be stretching the limits of the flashbang concept. I'll have to consult with TD2K and get back to you on that. I'm thinking under wire to day the very least and maybe high tensile under wire at that.

03-13-2012, 09:16 PM
The small Kahr version would definitely be the MFK45.


03-14-2012, 06:14 AM
I'm ok with that but it might be stretching the limits of the flashbang concept. I'll have to consult with TD2K and get back to you on that. I'm thinking under wire to day the very least and maybe high tensile under wire at that.

only one way to find out

03-14-2012, 06:23 AM
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot over? Lol. My main concern would be timing issues. Having two different barrels, links, and rounds, working in exact unison just doesn't seem feasible. No two rounds are going to be loaded exactly the same, which means your going to have two slightly different cycle rates. The side with the slower cycle will be pulling the side with the high cycle rate back causing an uneven load between barrels. I know this pistol has two barrels in one slide but there can still be timing issues because of the uneven load.

Maybe I'm completely wrong with my thinking. Either way it is still kind of an interesting pistol.

A battleship has three barrels in one turret. No problem unless you're on the receiving end.

03-14-2012, 07:01 AM
I'd like to see a double tap come out of that thing. Would be interesting for sure. I'd also love to see what a DA would say with a failure to stop drill, you know two to the chest, one to the head.

03-14-2012, 11:12 AM
These things will be littering the tables of gun shows for many years to come. And that's probably the purpose behind the design.

03-14-2012, 11:45 AM
All I want is one, I'm not greedy and don't need a whole table full YET. I know it's kind of gimicky and not practical but that's kind of where I live too, I try not to dwell on practicality.

03-14-2012, 11:56 AM
Huey Lewis and the News (dating myself) parody.



03-16-2012, 09:44 AM
All I want is one, I'm not greedy and don't need a whole table full YET. I know it's kind of gimicky and not practical but that's kind of where I live too, I try not to dwell on practicality.

In my opinion firearms do not necessarily need to be practical in order to buy them, sometimes you can get a specific one just because it is fun; I have done it before and I am sure I will do it again. I guess that is the difference between "liking guns" and just "owning guns". If you get or handle one please let us know what you think about it.

03-16-2012, 09:54 AM
In my opinion firearms do not necessarily need to be practical in order to buy them, sometimes you can get a specific one just because it is fun; I have done it before and I am sure I will do it again. I guess that is the difference between "liking guns" and just "owning guns". If you get or handle one please let us know what you think about it.

I'm also a firm believer in just cuz. I like strange, different and old, with a little weird thrown in from time to time. Heck I want em all someday. Hope that don't come up if I ever make a run for president. Yup, candidate bawanna wants all the guns. Might look bad. I'm not ashamed to admit I LOVE guns. One of the few things in life that never torment me or cause me mental anguish. When they frustrate me, I can set them aside and make up at another time at my leisure. Try that with a water heater, or a washing machine or a significant other.

And remember not to tie your dog on the roof of your car, that looks bad too.

jg rider
03-16-2012, 12:37 PM
I found the vid for this.
I wonder if the gloves are mandatory?


Here's another vid of their stuff.


"Uploaded by arsenalfirearms (http://www.youtube.com/user/arsenalfirearms) on 2 Mar 2012
The AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol comes actually as the very first industrial double barrel semiautomatic pistol of all times. The original idea came about ten years back to Swiss armourer Vivian Mueller, who at the time experienced cutting and welding together multiple parts of the famous Sig P210: the result was a long slide, double barrel 9mm, highly decorated collector piece, which indeed shot very well.

Our idea took the challenge further: to commemorate the legendary Colt 1911-A1 in the Centenary by making a true industrial market-ready double barrel .45 caliber pistol.
We achieved success in the brief span of 6 months, after intense and round-the-clock 3D designing, stereolithographic modeling and parts machining.

The gun can be handled by any shooter able to shoot with a .45 Acp and it is not only very pleasing, but very accurate and great fun. The AF2011-A1 holds amazing and surprising target performance for the shooter: in fact, it will group all the 8 double .45 caliber rounds (16
bullets) held in the duplex, single columns magazines, in a target of the size of an orange at 15 yards and of a water melon at 25.

The stopping power of the AF2011-A1 is tremendous: 2 bullets for a total of 460 Grains weight impacting at 1 to 2 inches apart (depending on the distance of the target) will knock down a bull, while the whole 18 bullets, for a payload exceeding 4000 Grains, can be delivered to the target in about 3 seconds.

The AF2011-A1 obviously features a number of very special parts, such as the single slide, the single frame, the single spur double hammer, the single grip safety, the single body double mainspring housing and the single double cavity magazine floor plate, the long and double magazine latch, the special barrel bushings and the hold open lever and side lever safety with long shafts: but the most interesting feature of the new pistol which we strived to keep during the development of the project, is the interchangeability of most internal parts, which come as standard 1911 replacement parts. These include the firing pins, the firing pins plates, the sears groups, the triple springs, the inner parts of the mainspring housings, the recoil springs and recoil springs rods, the magazine bodies and inner parts, the sights (including after market adjustable sights) the grips and grips screws and bushings.

The AF2011-A1 ("Twenty Eleven" for aficionados) can be ordered either with 2 independent triggers and one sear group (left or right, with user-interchangeability for right or left operations) or with 2 triggers permanently joined and the choice of 1 or 2 sear groups.
The AF2011-A1 is available in mirror finish Deep Blue or with a 3400 Vickers surface hardness White Ash Nitrite coating."

More info at www.arsenalfirearms.com (http://www.arsenalfirearms.com)

03-16-2012, 01:18 PM
Let's see the pocket carry version! LOLOL

That is the pocket carry version. You should see the service model.

03-16-2012, 01:54 PM
I like it for some reason...Its just so BA, kinda like Bawanna...:59:

03-16-2012, 02:08 PM
That is INSANE

03-16-2012, 02:24 PM
Hey guys I just noticed that I hit the big 1000 posts today....I'm somebody now!!!... WOO WOO!!!...:blah::blah::blah::blah:

03-16-2012, 02:25 PM
I like the Strike One pistol that they will release in September. New record low bore axis. Talk about fast followup shots? The guy emptied the mag so fast his trigger finger was a blur, and the recoil was almost nonexistent! Looks like a real quality manufacturer to watch.

03-16-2012, 02:33 PM
Hey guys I just noticed that I hit the big 1000 posts today....I'm somebody now!!!... WOO WOO!!!...:blah::blah::blah::blah:

You've always been somebody, your now somebody with 1000 post.

03-16-2012, 05:54 PM
I'm also a firm believer in just cuz. I like strange, different and old, with a little weird thrown in from time to time. Heck I want em all someday. Hope that don't come up if I ever make a run for president. Yup, candidate bawanna wants all the guns. Might look bad. I'm not ashamed to admit I LOVE guns. One of the few things in life that never torment me or cause me mental anguish. When they frustrate me, I can set them aside and make up at another time at my leisure. Try that with a water heater, or a washing machine or a significant other.

And remember not to tie your dog on the roof of your car, that looks bad too.

Bawanna for president!!! Vote for Bawanna!!! :cheer2::cheer2:

One thing is sure, you got elected you would make me be broken all the time … well … I mean even more than now.

03-16-2012, 08:53 PM
Hilarious BBQ gun! Probably illegal in NY because it can hold more than 10 rounds. If I had more expendable income and lived in a different state I would get this just for fun.

03-17-2012, 06:43 AM
Hilarious BBQ gun! Probably illegal in NY because it can hold more than 10 rounds. If I had more expendable income and lived in a different state I would get this just for fun.

I do not think that is the main problem; we know how some states are. The big question is what the BATFE thinks about it. The specs say "double independent or single trigger". I bet the one that has single trigger and fires two rounds simultaneously with just one trigger pull is illegal in the U.S. because it is considered a machine gun, and that is a big no-no.

And about the "double independent" trigger; I guess it depends on how that works. If, and only if, the trigger alternates between the different hammers and the gun fires only one round with one trigger pull then it would be legal.

03-17-2012, 08:03 AM
Notice the shooter flinches the first few?! shots? I suppose I would too. Could have been the drums in the music I suppose.

Dude reminds me of Sir Laurence Olivier in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzw1_2b-I7A

03-17-2012, 12:00 PM
Saw this on the blaze the other day. Pretty slick. Absolutely no intention of ever buying one. But it'd be totally cool to take to the range on a busy day. It struck me after a day or two of it sinking in...that monster is gonna throw brass in both directions. What's not to like about that!

03-17-2012, 12:44 PM
Seeing as how they already have the parts, why don't they build a left handed 1911?

03-17-2012, 12:51 PM
It has to weigh about 4 lbs fully loaded. You will need a sholder holster or sling for it. If you have to shoot a bad guy maybe it "will knock" him off his feet. Warn your neighbors in the apartment above you to watch for bullets comming up through the floor if you have to shoot a burgler more than twice. (one shot)

jg rider
03-17-2012, 12:52 PM
Seeing as how they already have the parts, why don't they build a left handed 1911?

That wouldn't be a bad idea. There was a company back in the 80s that made them. I thnk the name was Randall Arms.

I'm composing what to write in response to your Khar F.O. question

03-17-2012, 01:25 PM
I made a set of grips for a left handed Randall. Actually started out as one for sale and I inquired since I have numerous left handed officers. Actually became good friends via the internet with the guy and although none of my guys would come up with the money he fell in love with it again and decided not to sell.

I think the new handles rekindled the relationship. I'm a lousy friend, haven't chatted with him for awhile, guess I should say hi if I can still find his address with the new computer.

They are very pricey these days but rumored to be very good quality and true left hand. To pick one up it would be exactly what a right hand gun is to a lefty. Everything is backwards.

jg rider
03-17-2012, 01:34 PM
I made a set of grips for a left handed Randall. Actually started out as one for sale and I inquired since I have numerous left handed officers. Actually became good friends via the internet with the guy and although none of my guys would come up with the money he fell in love with it again and decided not to sell.

I think the new handles rekindled the relationship. I'm a lousy friend, haven't chatted with him for awhile, guess I should say hi if I can still find his address with the new computer.

They are very pricey these days but rumored to be very good quality and true left hand. To pick one up it would be exactly what a right hand gun is to a lefty. Everything is backwards.

I had a friend that competed with one ( it was S.S. ) in IPSC. It was one of the first batch that came out. It wasn't very good because the S.S. rubbing against S.S. caused galling. If I remember correctly Colt had the same issues when they first came out with S.S. autos

03-17-2012, 02:31 PM
Now make me a double M4 and I will be even happier... :) I know, it has been done. Seems like that would be easier than double 1911s, but I am no smith.