View Full Version : Buffalo Bore rounds in P380 ?

03-14-2012, 03:23 PM
I am considering purchasing the Buffalo Bore 100gr. solid bullet round for EDC in my P380. Has anyone tried these rounds and their opinion of them...how do they feed in the P380, ect. ?

03-14-2012, 03:59 PM
I saw a thread yesterday which showed the Buffalo Bore bullet side by side with the Gold Dot JHP's. I was suprised as was the poster that the bullets they were using are probably the same Speer Gold Dot bullets only loaded to a slightly higher pressure & velocity.
I am partial to the Gold Dots in both of my other Kahrs a PM9 & PM45 with very good function and they are highly rated. That would tell me that at an even higher velocity aught to be even better...close to standard 9mm performance.
Now my particular P380 doesn't want to feed the first three rounds out of a fully loaded magazine. It even didn't matter if I used the slide stop or hand sling shot method. It just wanted to nose dive and lock up the round on the feed ramp. After going through the threads I pulled up the mag modification and it definately seemed to help, now I can slide shot that first round and all the suceeding rounds are that much smoother. Please keep in mund that I bought this pistol from another fella on this forum and he claimed to only have fired a box through it. I have only another hundred rounds through her at this point so maybe she will loosen up some after the 200 round break in. I would by a box of Gold Dots and see if they function since they use the same bullet.

joe d
03-14-2012, 04:48 PM
I use the BB 100 gr. hardcast standard pressure round in my Ruger LCP...I too favor speer gold dots in my other carry guns,but I've shot these out of my LCP and that's what I carry in it now... I like them fine...

03-14-2012, 05:00 PM
I've only shot one magazine of those so far (was comparing things), so I don't know if that counts at all, statistically speaking :), but they went through the P380 without any trouble. It was BB +P 100 Grain Flat Nose. The only substantial difference I noticed with them, compared to a couple of other higher-power loads, was that they didn't seem to burn nearly as cleanly as MagTech or Hornady, i.e. there was an almost-tangible burst of grey smoke in front of the gun, whereas the other stuff was clean. HTH...

03-14-2012, 05:08 PM
I just posted this thread on BB & Gold Dots:


Shooting and flashes here:



03-14-2012, 05:52 PM
In my Kahr those truncated cone Buffalo Bore bullets were nothing but trouble so I just relegated these to my other pistols. I confirmed this with the Winchester flat nose bullets that behaved exactly in the same manner so I know it was a matter of the bullet profile my Kahr just did not like.

03-14-2012, 07:21 PM
bb hardcast feed great in my p380. carry them alternated with dpx

03-14-2012, 09:07 PM
Alternating different kinds of ammo is just WRONG!



03-14-2012, 09:59 PM
Alternating different kinds of ammo is just WRONG!



I'm sorry, I have to agree bigtime!!! What's the point.

03-14-2012, 10:02 PM
I am shooint BB HP's. The problem I'm havig is my magazine is falling out of the gun around the 4th round.
I am gripping the gun correctly, trie done hand vs two. Hmmm. I am convinced the recoil is slipping the gun through my hand my thumb is touching mag release button. The damndest thing.

03-15-2012, 07:37 AM
DISAPOINTED, first put a rubber grip on that P380, then get a grip on that little sucker and your grip won't slip allowing you to hit the magazine release.

03-15-2012, 08:35 AM
At least a bike tube grip... 1.75" works fine. And you might think of adopting a weak thumb over the strong-hand thumb to keep both out of the way as this lady and I do:



03-15-2012, 11:28 AM
Alternating different kinds of ammo is just WRONG!



Just wondering what is so wrong? I ask because I read another thread where a shooter had BB +p hardcast alternating with +p HP ammo. His logic was that the 380 is pretty anemic anyway and although he liked HP ammo the hardcast would have more penetration if you ran up one of those big barrel chested guys, or a side shot.

I shot 4 magazines loaded that way, and as far as the perceived recoil feel, I couldn't tell any difference in the rounds. It seems like it would work for someone who just can't make up their mind :o Two shots center of chest would give one of each real quick.


03-15-2012, 12:17 PM
Good reply WYNTROUT, you took the words right out of my mouth. That posted pic is the way I shoot mine and have zero issues with either the slide stop or mag release.
I may be wrong, but I can't help but feel many of these reported issues can be traced back to folks not use to shooting such small framed pistols and in the process don't pay attention to their grip on these smallish weapons. It seems that all these issues have centered around either the PM/CM9's or P380's. Don't seem to here about these kind of problems with Kahr's larger handle pistols.

03-15-2012, 02:14 PM
The +P ammo... at least the 90-gr "Gold Dots" and the 95-gr FMJ FN are hardly anemic. Each has its uses. The Gold Dots are proven, bonded bullets and the Flat-Nosed FMJ are extreme penetrators if you're dealing with heavy winter clothing. If, not, then you're probably going to be shooting THROUGH the BG and through walls and bystanders. The ball-type, non-hollow point ammo tends to ricochet, too, whereas the hollow point ammo tends to dig in and mushroom or break up.

I've heard people say that they put 3 or more kinds of ammo in a magazine, but that's not a good idea, either. Pick one good ammo for the conditions faced most often.

Ballistics By The Inch:



Gold Dot Personal Protection - 38 Special +P

Gold Dot Personal Protection - 38 Special +P

Part Number Cartridge
Bullet Wt. Bullet Type Box Count Bullet Coefficient 23720 38 Special +P 125 GDHP 20 0.14
Velocity(in feet per second) Energy (in foot pounds) Muzzle 50 yards 100 yards Muzzle 50 yards 100 yards 945 891 845 248 220 198
Trajectory if sighted at 25 yards Test Barrel Length in inches Usage 25 yards
50 yards
75 yards
100 yards 0.0 -1.7 -6.1 -13.4

100 yards 0.0 -1.7 -6.1 -13.4

The muzzle energy for the 38+P above is 248 ft-lbs... about what the BB is getting out of a 2 1/2" barreled P380... and the 38+P was fired out of a longer 4" barrel to get that and the 948 fps for a heavier bullet.

Gold Dot Personal Protection - 380 Auto

Part Number Cartridge
Bullet Wt. Bullet Type Box Count Bullet Coefficient 23606 380 Auto 90 GDHP 20 0.101
Velocity(in feet per second) Energy (in foot pounds) Muzzle 50 yards 100 yards Muzzle 50 yards 100 yards 1040 943 871 216 178 152
Trajectory if sighted at 25 yards Test Barrel Length in inches Usage 25 yards
50 yards
75 yards
100 yards 0.0 -1.3 -5.1 -11.5 3.75 1

Ballistics by the Inch got these velocities from the Kahr P380: BB 90-gr "GDHP" 1053 fps and BB FMJ FN 1019 fps.

The +P BB 90-gr gets slightly higher velocities out of the Kahr than the Speer test out of a 3.75" barrel, so the BB is worthwhile to me.


03-15-2012, 02:16 PM
Dang! It looked like the formatting was holding for those tables in the preview. You'll have to figure out what's what.


03-17-2012, 10:21 PM
At least a bike tube grip... 1.75" works fine. And you might think of adopting a weak thumb over the strong-hand thumb to keep both out of the way as this lady and I do:



This is exactly how I shoot. i find it kind of funny and strange when people shoot with their thumb straight up in the air??? Anyway, is there an actual grip to buy for a p380 or are people retrofitting another models design?

ALSO, went shooting today. Put in 6 BB 90 grainers. The magazine popped out a 1/2" again. My thumb was far away from release. Is there anyway possible that the power of those +P Buffalo bores is knocking the mag loose?

03-17-2012, 11:10 PM
Why? I keep my thumb up to make sure I'm not touching the slide lock. It's my P380 grip style and I can shoot my P380 great.