View Full Version : FINALLY!!! 1ST RANGE REPORT - disappointed :(

03-18-2012, 07:25 PM
Well i shot 150 rounds of pmc bronze, and 20 rounds of my carry ammo, federal HST... and i have to say i'm disappointed. I had the problem of the slide sticking back by itself, had to send it back, got some edges ground down by kahr on the barrel, some polymer coming off when i did the pre-shoot ritual of 500 racks.........


I'm disappointed at the fact that I now have nothing to ***** about:

0 malfunctions
0 ftf
0 fte
0 stovepipes
0 light strikes
0 failure to lock slide back on empty

So am i really disappointed, NOT AT ALL!!! I also polished the barrel, take down pin and feed ramp a little bit more, but as you can see in the pictures, the feed ramp was anything but polished after i started shooting and it never had a problem......

damn you jocko..... right again!!




03-18-2012, 08:14 PM
Way to go, Bobbo! :D

Longitude Zero
03-18-2012, 09:01 PM
Kahr's are so addictive. Congrats.

03-18-2012, 09:04 PM
Well, lets see.... OMG!!!!!! There's a chunk of the front rail missing!!!!! GASP!!!!! :D

03-19-2012, 10:36 AM
Congrats! Mine has been 100% since I got it back, by the way!