View Full Version : Willard Romney- Your "conservative" candidate

03-21-2012, 08:17 PM
Buried deep on foxnews.com, I stumbled upon this video about OUR man Mitt...the guy with deeply rooted conservative principles. This is OUR man, YOUR man to beat OBUMMER.


It's a sad day for Republicans :001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:

03-21-2012, 08:28 PM
pretty much. i could spend hours in here destroying his character, but i'll save the ammo for someone silly enough to proclaim him as our savior.

03-21-2012, 08:37 PM
More the moderate country club republican candidate, but still far better than Obama.

03-21-2012, 09:28 PM
I don't know. I do think Reagan was a democrat at one point. It would sure be nice if we get the opportunity to find out what one of the alternatives to what we have can do.

03-21-2012, 11:34 PM

03-22-2012, 05:19 AM
More the moderate country club republican candidate, but still far better than Obama.

The Dems could not have paid someone to sum up Willard better than his OWN Sr. Political Advisor. Willard is a serial flip-flopper willing to say ANYTHING to gain a vote. But, this is no surprise. He has a long history and has been busted for flip-flopping more times than movie stars enter drug rehab. Any wonder why people can't get excited about his candidacy? Reminds me of John Kerry (a disgrace). We should all demand better and NOT 'sell-out' our principles for which we stand.

Don't get me wrong, most politicians BLOW with the political winds (particularly during primary vs. general elections) BUT this guy takes the cake!!! Is this 'political leadership' at its highest form? His reset button and Etch-A-Sketch approach to politics is insulting and disgusting!!! What does he believe in besides being entitled to the Presidency? Couple his lack of substance with being WAY out of touch...even with Republicans, especially the more conservative, and you have NOTHING.

How could the Republican Party fail so miserably as to allow Willard so close to being nominated for POTUS? Give me Sarah Palin over Willard, all day, any day. At least you know what you're getting.

03-22-2012, 07:54 AM
Allow me to answer your question with a question. Did the people know what they were getting when they voted in Obama? There are some very conservative republicans endorsing Romney. It's like Nancy Pelosi said, we have to elect Mitt Romney, before we know what's in him. If he is the party nominee, I'm willing to give him an opportunity to lead. The a**hole who is leading us now is leading us down the road to totalitarian socialism. Willard wasn't my first choice, but he'll get my vote if he is the nominee. I'm still pulling for Santorum. It ain't over til it's over.

03-22-2012, 08:19 AM
BTW, it wasn't buried on Fox, they ran with it all night. As did MSNBC. Don't cha just love Maddow. She so, how should I put it, manly. :)

03-22-2012, 08:22 AM
pretty much. i could spend hours in here destroying his character, but i'll save the ammo for someone silly enough to proclaim him as our savior.

Oh please, Apheod, wax on eloquently. You're such a learned individual. (That should get this thread shut down. ;))

03-22-2012, 10:37 AM
Probably so, pretty good chance.

Chief Joseph
03-22-2012, 11:43 AM
I guess when Romney can order the media to silence and scrub stories then I'll worry about him. I guess it's not a problem to you that nobama can order the media into submission. Especially since he's hidden his history from the public, something the most "transparent" president in history should be so respected for, and the media has helped him. It's nice to finally be seeing some more of his anti American, communist mentors finally being shown. Doubt it will matter though, his supports like to stick their heads in the sand and tell themselves "he's not a communist dictator" over and over again.

03-22-2012, 11:51 AM
Just keepin ya on yer toes, Bawanna. :)

03-22-2012, 12:21 PM
Haven't felt my toes in 17 years but they were there this morning when I put my shoes on so we're probably ok.

03-22-2012, 05:55 PM
Haven't felt my toes in 17 years but they were there this morning when I put my shoes on so we're probably ok.

Please don't take those shoes off. I'll behave. :)

03-22-2012, 07:07 PM
I guess when Romney can order the media to silence and scrub stories then I'll worry about him. I guess it's not a problem to you that nobama can order the media into submission. Especially since he's hidden his history from the public, something the most "transparent" president in history should be so respected for, and the media has helped him. It's nice to finally be seeing some more of his anti American, communist mentors finally being shown. Doubt it will matter though, his supports like to stick their heads in the sand and tell themselves "he's not a communist dictator" over and over again.

I guess, Chief, you've left me speechless. I didn't know Obummer was so powerful. Not only mighty, but a communist dicktater, totalatarian socialist totalist/****....all those other evil names, terms, and buzz words designed to make people hate him. I'm not sure what they all mean, but I think they make me want to hate him. I think. Can't we just keep it simple and call him Satan?

Help the poor old dummy that I am who is just smart enough to make the 'Etch A Sketch' connection to Willard.

03-22-2012, 08:14 PM
I guess, Chief, you've left me speechless. I didn't know Obummer was so powerful. Not only mighty, but a communist dicktater, totalatarian socialist totalist/****....all those other evil names, terms, and buzz words designed to make people hate him. I'm not sure what they all mean, but I think they make me want to hate him. I think. Can't we just keep it simple and call him Satan?

Help the poor old dummy that I am who is just smart enough to make the 'Etch A Sketch' connection to Willard.

why you obama loving, slimy little liberal communist **** twinkle toes C#@$sucker!!!

sorry, full metal jacket flashback... that was in jest BTW...

Chief Joseph
03-22-2012, 08:28 PM
I guess, Chief, you've left me speechless. I didn't know Obummer was so powerful. Not only mighty, but a communist dicktater, totalatarian socialist totalist/****....all those other evil names, terms, and buzz words designed to make people hate him. I'm not sure what they all mean, but I think they make me want to hate him. I think. Can't we just keep it simple and call him Satan?

Help the poor old dummy that I am who is just smart enough to make the 'Etch A Sketch' connection to Willard.

I guess you haven't heard about the recent scrubbing of malia at the "request" of the wh. And how many admitted, committed communists need nobama surround himself with before it's not a "buzzword" in your eyes. I guess until he walks up to you and looks into your eyes and says with complete conviction "I'm a communist" will you believe huh. The rest of us who watch and listen to other than the left wing media have already vetted mr. communist in chief.

03-22-2012, 09:26 PM
I guess you haven't heard about the recent scrubbing of malia at the "request" of the wh. And how many admitted, committed communists need nobama surround himself with before it's not a "buzzword" in your eyes. I guess until he walks up to you and looks into your eyes and says with complete conviction "I'm a communist" will you believe huh. The rest of us who watch and listen to other than the left wing media have already vetted mr. communist in chief.

If Obummer/Satan was "all that" (and a bag of chips), it stands to reason he should be NO threat to being re-elected. What person in their right mind would ever vote for him? I'm guessing he should lose by a landslide. Surely, he can't fool an entire Country? My goodness, this guy is EVIL and clearly, so is every living Democrat.

03-22-2012, 09:32 PM
[QUOTE=apheod;146939]why you obama loving, slimy little liberal communist **** twinkle toes C#@$sucker!!!

Thanks apheod. I wanted to use your description of me as my KT screen name (or whatever you call it). However, it was too long so I had to settle for popgoestheweasel.

03-22-2012, 09:46 PM
I was speaking in jest, mocking the reaction of some on the forum to anything less than proclamation of Obama as the antichrist himself.

03-22-2012, 10:43 PM
Please, whoever is the GOP nominee, please just vote NO MO'bama (Get it? No Mo bama)

We cant take it anymore.

03-23-2012, 07:58 AM
I guess you haven't heard about the recent scrubbing of malia at the "request" of the wh. And how many admitted, committed communists need nobama surround himself with before it's not a "buzzword" in your eyes. I guess until he walks up to you and looks into your eyes and says with complete conviction "I'm a communist" will you believe huh. The rest of us who watch and listen to other than the left wing media have already vetted mr. communist in chief.


I guess this ^^^ makes Rick Santorum (the poster child for Republican conservatism) a COMMUNIST SUPPORTER? Apparently, Santorum hasn't seen Obama surround himself with enough Communists. Perhpas Obama hasn't looked deep enough into the eyes of Santorum. Vett on...

-what a joke

Chief Joseph
03-23-2012, 05:37 PM

I guess this ^^^ makes Rick Santorum (the poster child for Republican conservatism) a COMMUNIST SUPPORTER? Apparently, Santorum hasn't seen Obama surround himself with enough Communists. Perhpas Obama hasn't looked deep enough into the eyes of Santorum. Vett on...

-what a joke

He's in the fight against Romney right now, and trying anything he can to win. Just like the loser left that hammers birthers about nobama forget it was hitlery that brought it up first, yet now she's right there with nobama to keep his fake bc a non issue. But you're right, these silly posts sure prove nobamas not a communist, what were we thinking. LOL.

03-24-2012, 06:14 PM
Is Obama a communist? He appointed a self admitted communist as one of his Czars. Does the name Van Jones ring a bell.

Chief Joseph
03-24-2012, 10:57 PM
Is Obama a communist? He appointed a self admitted communist as one of his Czars. Does the name Van Jones ring a bell.

Or anita dunn, or his own father. ayers anyone? So many more. Some great FBI tapes from an undercover agent who was in on the weather underground meetings. This are ayers and dorns people. It's chilling to hear about their plans for America. And these tapes were from the 1980's. If only the lame stream media didn't support our communist in chief.

03-24-2012, 11:27 PM
i thought the forum rules were updated that all posts must be kahr or firearm related?

can we lock up this clusterf#$@?

03-24-2012, 11:37 PM
Yes we can and yes we will.