View Full Version : This one's for you Chief Joseph

03-21-2012, 08:35 PM
Drill baby, drill


Chief Joseph
03-22-2012, 05:39 PM
It's simply amazing. This loser in chief has come out and said repeatedly that his goal was to drive fuel prices high to force a green alternative. Then looks his idiot voters right in the eyes and LIES RIGHT THOUGH HIS WHISTLING TEETH, and they buy it. It's sad to see so many Americans devolve into mindless bots. Even if it didn't affect our oil prices, it brings WEALTH to America. But we will never utilize our reserves so long as a democRAT is in office. I hope everyone likes paying 6 bucks a gallon for gas, and if you blame "big oil" while not blaming nobama, honestly, you're an idiot.