View Full Version : People ask why I carry....Here's Why

03-22-2012, 10:32 AM

03-22-2012, 10:38 AM
People ask why I carry....Here's Why

...because my gun can't walk.

...because a cop is too heavy.

...What? You don't? Why not?

03-22-2012, 10:41 AM
2 against 7? That's a bad situation whether you are carrying or not.

03-22-2012, 10:42 AM
Ban hoodies, not guns.

03-22-2012, 10:51 AM
30K in cash and jewelry...it doesn't look like the kind of 'hood for anyone with those means would live, nice car too!

Maybe a pharmaceutical salesman who lives amongst his customers.
just wonderin'

03-22-2012, 11:13 AM
It's a product of the times. Victim more concerned about bottom feeding lawyers and repercussions when he should have been shooting.

Happens to cops all the time. I'm convinced most officers killed one on one die for this very reason. More afraid of repercussions than the bad guys.

I'm sure all 7 of them were just on a lunch break from their private school and were just short of lunch money. Fine, fine citizens without question from loving families.

03-22-2012, 11:24 AM
Dang, I watched a second time to finish clearing my stomach and I think I saw a vote for obummer dew rag. About when the 4 and 5th fine upstanding citizens come into view around the corner. Couple of the last guys were pretty slow coming to the party, must have been look outs? Or maybe they had second lunch?

I can't help but think if that happened to me and the wife I'd spend the rest of my life on a search and destroy mission. Bronson got nothing on Bawanna.

03-22-2012, 11:35 AM
Some observations from someone with admittedly a long way to go to be better prepared for this or any kind of situation...

Seems to me even if the GG was carrying he, in general, was not situationally aware.

He drove by where the BG (BGs) eventually came from and maybe they were hiding and he did not see them or ignored them.

As the GG casually rounded the rear of the vehicle the BG got the drop on him. Had the GG been carrying, could he have drawn and fired and changed the outcome at that time? Should he have drawn and fired at that time?

I think if he were properly carrying - and had practiced - there was an opportunity to fire as the still one BG was trying to take him to the ground around 1:00 in. But, hey, talk about armchair QBing.

Might he have gotten a better opportunity later on and, again, altered the outcome (for better or worse)? I do not think so, it was 6 or 7 to one by then and the altered outcome would likely have been his - and the passengers - demise.

It's EZ to calmly/cooly analyze from the keyboard so, again, I am NOT criticizing nor pointing out better behavior based on any kind of experience - instructional or otherwise.

But perhaps others of you can analyze and comment...


03-22-2012, 11:43 AM
why were guys crouching behind the guy's car? What was there of interest?

I need to think about a second mag.

Something doesnt add up here either. WHo has $30k in cash at the house?

Longitude Zero
03-22-2012, 11:50 AM
Happens to cops all the time. I'm convinced most officers killed one on one die for this very reason. More afraid of repercussions than the bad guys.

Only kinda agree. Well trained officers will almost always shoot early or place themselves in a power position that prevents the shooter from even trying. Generally the hesitators are from lesser trained and educated training programs. My dept uses a computerized shoot simulation system with over 10,000 scenarios. Graduation requries a 100% rating.

03-22-2012, 01:43 PM
I see no need for a 2nd mag as the cowards trickled in, crouching and hiding.
Any gun shots and they would have run away as would BG #1.

I don't want to make this ethnic, but some will look were the shots came from and others just run away, having heard shots many times before.

Me, I'm on the ground, trying to make myself small...difficult for sure.

03-22-2012, 02:27 PM
the guy definately had cover if he needed it on the 1st BG. I think you are right, the minute the guy fired a round or two the others would have bugged out

03-22-2012, 02:54 PM
None of the others displayed guns, so they probably weren't armed.

03-22-2012, 02:56 PM
They'd probably still be running but easily tracked from the poo coming out their pant legs.

That's what I'd like to see on video. Positively entertaining.

03-22-2012, 04:11 PM
I realize its easy to say this but I've had a couple of rather close encounters of the worst kind over the years and as an older man, don;t fear for my life as much as I once did. All things being equal...I would have taken cover and unloaded on the first two most threatning...reloaded and followed up on the remaining. As was stated before I truely believe the remainder of them would have bugged out before the first two hit the ground.
I had a bad encounter after hurricane Andrew where there was three against me. I was rather proud of myself if I must say so myself. I was on a two story commercial building and it was hotter than blue blazers and I was physically exhausted, and looked over at my ladder and noticed it was moving...luckaly I had it tied off so they couldn't still it. When I peared around from some debris cover I saw three perps, two eyballing my truck with a crow bar the other with a baseball bat, the third had a foot on my ladder and was about to head up. I couldn't let them into my truck, cause that was my only transportation out of the war zone and my 12 gauge shotgun was in the back seat. I had the drop on them as they hadn't dicovered that I was on to them so I pulled out my Colt Defender 45 ACP and peered over the ladder at the roof edge and asked them just what in the hell they were up to....the repsonse was we are going to rip you off and F__k you up! Up the ladder came the biggest on , if I remember correctly he had a small tire bat in hand & I simply rack the slide back and dropped the safety off and drew done on him and said not today boys! I had already made the determination that I was going to shoot the Ahole. I never saw a man run so fast in my life....they all must have dome the fourty yard dash in four second flat. I couldn't hardly get a bead on that bugger. Long story short be aware, be prepared, and take desisive action. I could have dumped the body of in the huge piles of trash & debris and they would have never been found. There was no law and order for the first week or so. Our damn governor at the time didn't even call a state of emegency for erval days so the Army didn't even come in for at leasta week or so....it was just like Dodge City my friends.
Only individuals and small groups of people banning together to provide security for their loved ones and business'. It was real;ly very heart wrenching...I will never forget that experience for the rest of my days. It was truley a war zone for months down there. It definetly changed the way I approach life, it was just like being back in the service on combat patrol.

03-22-2012, 05:12 PM
You've obviously seen the elephant, looked it right in the eye and said come and get it. And you made us all proud using restraint on that trigger finger.
My hats off to you. Thanks for sharing.

03-22-2012, 06:19 PM
There sure was a lot of interest in the right rear side... near that wheel... picking through purse contents??:confused:
