View Full Version : New P9 owner

03-22-2012, 01:21 PM
Just went to range with my P9. Bought on gunbroker and it supposedly had only 200 rds thru it. I also took another new toy, my Sig P250 subcompact. Both were absolutely flawless. Put over 100 rds thru both (Fed Champion, American Eagle, WWB and Winchester Ranger). The trigger on the P250 was excellent but the Kahr was exceptional. WOW was I impressed. These were my first DAO guns other than Glock so I can tell I will need some practice with both. Kahr much better ccw gun with a Don Hume JIT SLide holster. Don't even know I've got it on. Sig is heavier and wider and just not comfortable. Probably will be relegated to fanny pack carry. I LOVE MY P9.

03-22-2012, 02:46 PM
Awesome! Even though I am a PM40 enthusiast, I know the P9's are sweet shooters.

Congratulations and Welcome to the forum! The 9mm crowd should be along soon to further extend the welcome. :)

03-22-2012, 02:59 PM
Thanks Tucson. I'm moving out a couple of .45's and getting into 9mm so my wife will feel more like shooting. I still like my .40 Sig 229 and that's my home defense gun but this P9 is something else for carry. Other than pocket gun (Ruger LCP), I've never had a gun that I felt comfortable with all day carry. Was able to keep most rounds on paper plate when I did not flinch at trigger break. Got some work to do on that.

Looking forward to more posts

Bill K
03-22-2012, 03:49 PM
Welcome to KahrTalk. I haven't read much posted about the P9. Glad it is working out for you.

03-22-2012, 06:23 PM
The P9 is almost the perfect CCW.

Welcome to the forum.

03-22-2012, 08:57 PM
I love my P9, had the PM for a short period but just couldn't get comfortable w/ the short grip. I had tossed and turned (as some of you are aware of my indecisive nature...aka...TP9) over the two, bought the PM and w/in a couple months sold it and ordered the P9. Long story short, the more rounds down range, the more I like it, the better it gets. It's the PERFECT ccw in my opinion, will never get rid of it.

That being said, dude this new TP9 I just picked up is a tack driver, just as much fun, pretty much shoots the same, almost as concealable, and yet a bit more grip makes it a bit more comfortable to shoot. I may carry BOTH. If I shoot IDPA anytime soon, it will be w/ the Kahrs.

Seems everybody these days are now into the PM series and the C series...but I love my P.

May get a P45/TP45 some day, but my next purchase will be a Walther PPQ and then I'll be back on the Kahr collection path for handgun purchases.

03-23-2012, 12:02 PM
Have noticed that there is very little about the P9's on this forum. Seems like it's a lot of the smaller guns. I may eventually look into one of those but for now I think the P9 is the ultimate carry gun. As I speak, it sits on my hip and honestly, I barely know it's there and that's not the case with my Glock 27 or the Sig P250 SC. I was a little bit afraid of the reliability issue and I will need to spend a lot more time at range to really feel comfortable with the P9 but so far, I can see it being my GO TO gun for carry unless I just have to have a pocket gun.

03-23-2012, 12:55 PM
Have noticed that there is very little about the P9's on this forum. Seems like it's a lot of the smaller guns. I may eventually look into one of those but for now I think the P9 is the ultimate carry gun. As I speak, it sits on my hip and honestly, I barely know it's there and that's not the case with my Glock 27 or the Sig P250 SC. I was a little bit afraid of the reliability issue and I will need to spend a lot more time at range to really feel comfortable with the P9 but so far, I can see it being my GO TO gun for carry unless I just have to have a pocket gun.
Good plan, I think!

The lower message traffic probably relates to the popularity of the CW9, the "lower priced spread" version that has been out for a long time and most often on display in our local gun stores because of the lower price.

I do believe that for carry "on" the or "in" the waist band, the longer P9 and CW9 definitely have an edge over the more "pocket sized" PM9 and CM9, especially when shooting.

Nothing wrong with the PM's. I pocket carry a PM40. But, some of the smaller guns are pickier about ammo (mine is) and they can be harder to hold onto when shooting. ;)

03-23-2012, 01:06 PM
I would buy the P9 over the cw9 for I truly love the dlc finsih and the night sight options. but if it was laying next to a PM9 the P9 would still be sitting there. Just sayin.

03-23-2012, 01:10 PM
I would buy the P9 over the cw9 for I truly love the dlc finsih and the night sight options. but if it was laying next to a PM9 the P9 would still be sitting there. Just sayin.
+1 . . . I'm a PM kind of a guy myself. But, that first CW40 we had was a great shooter! It just didn't fit in my pocket very well.

Yeah, I am a "small pockets" kind of a guy too. http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/icon_lol.gif

03-23-2012, 09:51 PM
Seems like the p9 has the highest positive to negative review ratio compared to the other Kahr models. I love mine.

04-17-2012, 04:49 PM
Thanks everyone for your welcomes and info. I've really been enjoying the forum and now that I've gotten a couple more sessions at range with the P9, I can truly say, IT'S GREEEEAT. Have yet to have a hiccup of any kind (if you exclude my jerky trigger). Still gotten comfortable with it yet and find myself jerking just prior to shot break. Have not gone to range with friend yet to have them load a couple of snap caps in with the live rounds to practice with though. That's how I've always helped break my bad habits in the past. I'm sure it will get better and that trigger is so smoooooth.

04-17-2012, 05:00 PM
more rounds the tigher ur groups will get. kahrs looooong but so so smooth trigger is soemthyig that takes alittle time to get used to. The gun is a shooter the P9 is IMO probalby the best polymer they make. especially if ur gonna waist band carry it.

Not sure what the negatives would be for a P9 either. No doubt some might give some start up issues but othe rthan that the gun itself is dead nuts solid.

04-17-2012, 07:22 PM
The only thing wrong with the P9 is that there isn't also a P9d available that holds 15 rounds. :D

04-18-2012, 12:21 AM
I pick up my new Kahr CW45 tomorrow after after she's all cleaned and waxed I'll take her for a test drive at the range i bet she handles good. I'm looking for a comfy IWB holster for when she's certified with the 200 rounds thru her. I hope I have time to get that done tomorrow. Any suggestions on holsters? I have a few ideas but respect others opinions.