View Full Version : Why I Recommend Kahr Firearms

03-22-2012, 08:24 PM
On forums, people often look for recommendations - when someone is in search of a quality, concealed carry firearm I always throw in a recommendation for a Kahr.


First and foremost, at this time I believe they are the best mix of reliability, size, performance and recoil management.

Second, they are a joy to shoot and I find myself going through 100+ rounds regularly with no issues in between my MK9 and PM9.

Third, the double action trigger on a Kahr is second to none.

Fourth, Kahr has always treated me well and been very responsive. I've never had to return a gun to them, but replacement parts have always been sent quickly - so my experience has been positive.

Anyone who's ever shot one of my Kahr's always comments on how nice it is to shoot and are surprised how good they feel, despite their small size. I can carry two of these all day and barely think about it at all. The sights are good, the system is tight and they are easy to take down and clean. The finish on mine are perfect and still look new.

So there you have it... I can't think of any reason not to recommend a Kahr based on my experience, and it's always a pleasure to read about new Kahr owners enjoying their firearms and getting a taste of what it's like to own one.

Some folks you can't win over, those include:
The Heman Moonie Haters Club
Those who prefer single action only
The few who will never shoot anything but 'X' brand of firearm (they miss out the most)

Those are a few examples I've come across, and always seem to pop up in threads - especially the HMHC, which always draws bandwagon jumpers for no apparent reason.

How can you not love a Kahr?


03-22-2012, 08:40 PM
I'm bawling my eyes out. In the large ocean of negativity, bashing and personal attacks around here of late this post makes me think maybe there's still hope.

I was starting the think I might suggest we just shut down the forum till after the election and when we restart we'll instantly ban anyone who mentions politics that don't have a direct link to guns with attached documentation and proof insured by Price, Waterhouse and Fintch.
Also anyone who attacks a fellow member in any way that isn't a joking matter such as myself and Jocko that Italian Mobster Harley riding spelling bee champion.

Oh there's that fat squirrel again..................................

03-22-2012, 08:41 PM
My K9 is everything I had hoped and more. However, based on how I received (brand new in box) mine, I might not recommend it to just anyone. I have never seen a firearm so fouled with grease, machining debris and crud in general. I have posted this before but it the trigger felt like it had actual sand in it. NO amount of spray can cleaner was going to solve it. A detail strip and thorough cleaning did. While it was no big deal to figure out and do, some folks are not comfortable doing it. Those types of people might have a poor first experience with Kahr.

03-22-2012, 08:44 PM
Yeah, figured we could use some positive vibes. I know I've been throwing out the negative tones lately in some threads, but nothing I'd take back or feel different about.

I just didn't want anyone thinking I've become a Kahr hater, couldn't be farther from the truth, mine have given me 0 reasons to doubt them, ever. I wish everyone could have this kind of experience with theirs.

03-22-2012, 08:44 PM
Wow, Tilefish transforms to Senior status crossing the 100 mark. Like a catapilller into a butterfly.

Welcome to senior status.

03-22-2012, 09:00 PM
Nice post T71 and agreed on all points. The only thing that I would add is that it fills the compact ccw niche in the gun market better than any other competitor at this time.

03-22-2012, 09:14 PM
Wow, Tilefish transforms to Senior status crossing the 100 mark. Like a catapilller into a butterfly.

Welcome to senior status.

Lol, I like it here. Has the same vibe as my local forum in North Carolina, laid back and friendly, good people and good information.

And just so no one thinks I was bashing Kahr, I want to stress that my K9 is an extraordinarily well crafted pistol. I am just not sure it would be a good first gun. Kinda like older performance cars, they are not idiot proof, you need to have a decent working knowledge of firearms to truly appreciate a Kahr. But then again, my experience could have been isolated.

03-22-2012, 09:15 PM
I'm bawling my eyes out. In the large ocean of negativity, bashing and personal attacks around here of late this post makes me think maybe there's still hope.

I was starting the think I might suggest we just shut down the forum till after the election and when we restart we'll instantly ban anyone who mentions politics that don't have a direct link to guns with attached documentation and proof insured by Price, Waterhouse and Fintch.
Also anyone who attacks a fellow member in any way that isn't a joking matter such as myself and Jocko that Italian Mobster Harley riding spelling bee champion.

Oh there's that fat squirrel again..................................
Sometimes I think I may have joined at the wrong time with all of the politcal talk on here, but I know it is seasonal. Thus far, I'm enjoying my time on here.

I haven't been able to add much as far as Kahr's go as I just picked my first one up a couple of days ago. I'll post how things go as soon as this rain stops and I can go shoot her.

No, not the wife, the Kahr!

03-22-2012, 09:17 PM
This thread and the 'New P9 owner' thread really brightened my day. Works been particularly difficult the last couple of days and the political threads I stuck my nose (and 2 cents worth) into earlier in the week have had me all balled up too. Decided to avoid those as much as possible. Even w/ many folks like minded, it can get touchy. I like guns and plan to just stick to that.

Hey, didn't somebody (Jocko maybe) WARN me about the politics here!

The more I shoot my Kahrs, the more I like them. If they'd do a double-stack polymer, same exact design otherwise, I'd probably reduce to a single brand. I like them THAT MUCH. Just sayin'.

I recommend Kahr to folks all the time, even folks that want more of a range gun. Yea, it's primarly a CCW targeted firearm, but I think the T/TP series guns make a fine fine handgun for the range. I love my TP9.

03-22-2012, 09:21 PM
Wow, Tilefish transforms to Senior status crossing the 100 mark. Like a catapilller into a butterfly.

Welcome to senior status.

Tilefish became a member not long after me.
I seem to have a slightly higher post count - LOL!

I actually recommend Kahr guns.
But with some caveats.
Particularly the stainless guns are a bit pricey.
Mine at least, required a well over 200 round break in.
And the field strip/assembly procedure took some getting used to.

But the time, effort and price are well worth the quality and performance.
Pics by my high tech Razr - LOL!

03-22-2012, 09:27 PM
Tilefish became a member not long after me.
I seem to have a slightly higher post count - LOL!

I actually recommend Kahr guns.
But with some caveats.
Particularly the stainless guns are a bit pricey.
Mine at least, required a well over 200 round break in.
And the field strip/assembly procedure took some getting used to.

But the time, effort and price are well worth the quality and performance.

I forgot that I actually joined a while back when I first started looking Kahr. Did not start posting until the end of last month though.

03-22-2012, 09:29 PM
I can't say much about Kahrs as well as I just put my first in layaway and getting it out next week. I will say that I have been around and owned both quality and cheaper firearms. I chose a Kahr because I was looking for a quality conceal type firearm and the Kahrs seemed to be of good quality. Can't wait to get it out and shoot it.

03-22-2012, 09:44 PM
My PM9 & P380 have been great to & for me. I have friends who won't spend the money for a Kahr & they end up with LCP's & the like, which they admit, they can't shoot worth a dam. I just don't get it!

I did learn very quickly to stay out of political threads. I am very interested in politics, but I dam sure won't discuss it on a public forum! There is nothing to be gained.:rolleyes:

03-22-2012, 09:54 PM
I did learn very quickly to stay out of political threads. I am very interested in politics, but I dam sure won't discuss it on a public forum! There is nothing to be gained.:rolleyes:
Couldn't agree more!

03-23-2012, 05:21 AM
Back in the 90s, I bought a fairly early K40. I liked it so much that I bought a P9 not long after that. After about 10 years, I (regrettably) sold both. In the last year, I seem to have regained my senses and acquired a P9 and PM9. All 4 pistols have been perfection--not just a Glock thing. Now I just gotta get another K model.

03-23-2012, 07:07 AM
+1 on everything said about the Kahr pistols in Thunders post. The only other gun that I'm as fond of as my CM9 is John M. Brownings 1911. That's a high compliment. The only comment that I'll make concerning the political threads is that no one hold a gun to your head and makes you read them, Bawanna, as moderator, being the only exception. Unfortunately politics play a large role in our freedom to own and use firearms. Perhaps being a life member of the NRA and defending our 2A rights for the past 40+ years has hardened me. I wouldn't change a damn thing about this website. I enjoy the free exchange of ideas.

03-23-2012, 07:10 AM
Like them, recommend them. I told a gent on another forum that I was looking at .380s back in October and bought a CM9 February 5th, zero trouble.
Also I'm not knockin the .380, the wife just picked a Sig P238.

Joe W.

03-23-2012, 07:23 AM
You gotta problem with squirrels.......:53:


03-23-2012, 07:51 AM
I went thru a lot of growing pains with the 3 p380's i've owned... all the other kahrs i've owned pm40, cw9, cm9, k40 covert were all flawless, and kahr's cs was always on top of everything! Can't wait for my cm40

03-23-2012, 08:11 AM
as somebody stated in another thread, they aren't the best for nightstand/range/competition duty. the low capacity hurts a lot in those roles.

for carry, i agree, outstanding platform, although the trigger can take more practice than some others to master. anyone carrying a gun they don't train with though is carrying nothing but a false sense of security though.

as for the quality... my pm9 has been outstanding in all regards, not a single issue in thousands of rounds, even during break in. my k9... after 5 trips back to kahr it's also flawless except for one premature slide lock on the 2nd round fired after they replaced the frame. i can't say i was happy at all with the gunsmithing there, but customer service was very polite and accomadating. i'm on the fence, having one flawless and one that took so much effort to get replaced, and hearing all of the other horror stories.

but when a kahr is right, it's RIGHT, very reliable. i'd rather have to spend months shipping a gun back and forth, testing with hundreds of rounds to verify its 100% than have a gun that fails 1 out of 500 rounds for it's entire service life.

03-23-2012, 12:48 PM
I'm curious, why do people really feel a Kahr is not appropriate for nightstand or competition. Range, OK, because you don't want to have to reload all the time. But on the other two, I'm just curious what the reasoning is, I've heard that alot.

I mean, for nightstand, does it really matter. When are you going to need 15+ rounds? Do you want/need to fool w/ a safety while disoriented or in the dark. Personally, I want a Kahr or a revolver by the bed. I secure it by putting it at the head of my bed w/ a mattress thingy and a magnet. Nobody is getting to it w/o climbing on top of me in my sleep :-)

As for competition. Speed shooting type things, ok, maybe. But IDPA, you should (IMO) be shooting what you carry. If you are there soley to compete, with not interest/concern about 'shoot what you carry', then I agree. But as a general rule, IDPA is a competition to make you proficient w/ your carry weapon.

Just some thoughts and I'm just curious about what others think.

For me, the Kahr is my go-to gun for all scenarios other than SHTF. Then it'll be a double-stack something...or dual Kahrs...or all three :)

03-23-2012, 12:54 PM
I mentioned it in another thread, so I'll explain my position on that.

Personally, if you're not going to carry it there are better options. How do you know you won't need more than 6-7 rounds? What if there is more than one bad guy? I prefer my XDm as my nightstand gun, full grip, longer barrel and cycles 100% better than my Kahr's with all ammo if for no other reason than not requiring such a steep feed ramp.

I feel I have a better grip on my XDm as well, and one that would be less likely to be knocked out of my hand during a physical altercation. The Kahr to me is a carry gun, and designed very well for that. If it's your only weapon, there's no reason it can't serve a dual purpose, but if you have a choice I'd personally go another route for the nightstand.

Even better yet, get one of these for house duty:

http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6100/6260117343_8326a100be_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/6260117343/)
IMAG0019_edit0 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/6260117343/) by N0YZE Photo (http://www.flickr.com/people/cwnauman/), on Flickr

03-23-2012, 01:01 PM
Which XDm gun do you have? I'm looking at the 9mm Competition model 5.25" for steel plate and IPSC competitions.

I would really like a 9mm double stack 1911, but they are pretty hard to find. I know Rock Island makes one, but I'm not too familiar with them.

03-23-2012, 01:03 PM
My carry gun (MK9 or PM45) is by the bed with my pants...should let me get to the 1911 on the night stand...which should get me to the shotgun. I sleep well.

03-23-2012, 01:06 PM
I had a Rock Island, fear not - it's a good gun that goes bang every time. May not be fancy, but they're reliable.

I have the XDM 3.8 Compact, 13 rounds with the compact magazine and 19 rounds with the full size grip extension/magazine. Was my first handgun and was supposed to be my 'everything gun' but decided it was just too big to carry.

03-23-2012, 01:08 PM
an MK9 and P380 are my daily carry guns, but 7 rounds isn't really enough for competitions so I'd like something high capacity.

I used my 1911 .22 during the steel plate competition and did very well, but at least a 9mm is required for IPSC and WAYYY more than 7 rounds.

Longitude Zero
03-23-2012, 01:13 PM
Unless you are hunkered down barricaded in your room a full length shotgun is a VERY POOR option for interior home security.

If you have to move about the one and only choice is a handgun PERIOD!!! The reasons are obvious.

03-23-2012, 01:13 PM
oh, and my MK9 and P380 have performed flawlessly so far. I love them both. If Kahr made a high capacity 9mm, that would no doubt be my first choice for competition.

03-23-2012, 01:15 PM
I would sure think the 3" Taurus Judge would be one hell of a home gun. I sure w2ould love to shoot one of those in the 3" version with 00 buck in it.

03-23-2012, 01:16 PM
I have on in my car :D (It's the 2.5" public defender model)

03-23-2012, 01:17 PM
the (3) 000 buck shot packs a punch for sure.

03-23-2012, 01:20 PM
It's funny what we get comfortable with and why.

For my carry gun I like having more capacity in a very compact package.
Of my seven handguns the Glock G27, converted to 9mm, is perfect.

At my bedside, in my gym bag or my pocket pistol when belt carry is not possible?
I've settled in on my S&W 640-1 357.
It's really too heavy for extended pocket carry.
But for short periods it's fine.
For sleepy time and knock around gym time?
I really like the 8.5 lbs DAO trigger.

My MK40 usually runs as backup gun.
On my hip or in my pocket.

Super small and flat, with a 40 cal punch, she make for one sweet backup.

03-23-2012, 07:40 PM
Unless you are hunkered down barricaded in your room a full length shotgun is a VERY POOR option for interior home security.

If you have to move about the one and only choice is a handgun PERIOD!!! The reasons are obvious.
I disagree. While serving in Iraq, I worked in the MOI building as FP for US civilians who couldn't be armed. I had my choice of long guns to carry, aside from my M-9. I chose to carry a big heavy Benelli with 00 buckshot.

Others thought I was crazy to carry it, due to weight, length plus 40 extra rounds. Oh, did I mention we had to walk up 10 flights of stairs just to get to our "office" with full battle rattle on, too? The way I saw it, if something ever broke out inside the building, you have your M-16/4 with a 30 round mag that shoots a projectile less than a 1/4" in diameter. I pull the trigger once and I send 9 .32 cal balls of lead. I had 7 more shells in the magazine.

I like my odds better in close quarters where you may not be able to aim but just point and shoot. And I LOVED the looks from various individuals when they say the size of the opening in the end of the barrel.

And my relief, after a little talking to, agreed whole heartedly that the Benelli was the better choice in our situation and I was proud to hand it over to him.

Dang, this thread sure has strayed a bit from the original topic! Sorry to add...lol.

03-23-2012, 08:01 PM
My shotgun is my nightstand gun.

03-23-2012, 08:09 PM
Good choice. Don't go looking for trouble. Let the BG come to you. Take him from behind cover if possible.

03-23-2012, 08:12 PM
i sleep with a mossberg 590a1 with a slide mounted light in the bed with me. on the side of the bed, attached to the bedrail with a magnet i have a smith and wesson m&p pro (5" model) with night sights and keep a lumapower signature lx (580 lumen tactical light) on the nightstand. the shotgun also has an extremely powerful light mounted.

i feel pretty secure, but only because i train extensively with ALL of my weapons. i know how to handle the shotgun not only for 3 gun competition but for home defense and offensive indoor room to room combat. i've trained heavily with a 20 yr kansas city SWAT instructor who is very knowledgeable, has been in multiple firefights and taken several lives in the process. not only with live weapons but force on force training with simunition (which hurts)

in IDPA/3gun i do about half the matches with my k9 elite, and half with my m&p pro. both are DAO, and i shoot both very well, although the m&p is obviously more accurate with another 1.5" of barrel on it and a tuned trigger. i have no doubt i could stop a threat with any of my firearms.

training is the key.

03-23-2012, 11:34 PM
I had a Rock Island, fear not - it's a good gun that goes bang every time. May not be fancy, but they're reliable.

I have the XDM 3.8 Compact, 13 rounds with the compact magazine and 19 rounds with the full size grip extension/magazine. Was my first handgun and was supposed to be my 'everything gun' but decided it was just too big to carry.

Me too, I also started with an XD but mine is a 4" service. Love the XD, it's a great pistol and while I do carry it, (good holster and belt is critical with a larger pistol) it is getting a little big for summer time concealment.

03-24-2012, 11:40 AM
I, too, have no problem recommending Kahr...nice original post, Thunder71. My PM9 has performed flawlessly from the start...through nearly 2000 rounds, including a few IDPA matches (I agree with Hylton about competing with what you carry). Have only done a few minor/cosmetic touch-ups such as smoothing out the slide release lever and polishing/squeezing the mags to ensure they drop free. It's really caused my other guns to take a back seat when I go to the range...just love shooting it.

03-24-2012, 11:45 AM
I guess I don't have a problem recommending them either. I now have 5 officers toting them as off duty and back up guns and a 6th that is on the prowl for one.

Only issue one has is his hands are so big, his fingers can darn near go around the PM 9 twice. We were going to abandon it as several would take it of his hands as someone here brought up we might try building up the backstrap and try to get him a little more trigger reach.

03-24-2012, 12:05 PM
Reports today say Zimmerman was attacked and fired in self defence. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/news/state/witness-martin-attacked-zimmerman-03232012.

03-24-2012, 12:09 PM
I'm bawling my eyes out. In the large ocean of negativity, bashing and personal attacks around here of late this post makes me think maybe there's still hope.

I was starting the think I might suggest we just shut down the forum till after the election and when we restart we'll instantly ban anyone who mentions politics that don't have a direct link to guns with attached documentation and proof insured by Price, Waterhouse and Fintch.
Also anyone who attacks a fellow member in any way that isn't a joking matter such as myself and Jocko that Italian Mobster Harley riding spelling bee champion.

Oh there's that fat squirrel again..................................

I tole you gguys that having political discussions on a friendly board can cause problems. Have seen it tear three different boards completely apart.

But in any case, ABBO.

03-24-2012, 07:45 PM
MK9 elite with Crimson Trace Laser Grip between mattress and box springs with grip exposed. I would like to eventually get some kind of bed frame holster or something. Then I keep my Kel-Tec KSG 15 round 12 gauge under the bed. One tube of 7 filled with No 4 shot and one in the tube and the other tube filled with 7 00 buck shells. At 26 inches total length, selectable ammo between tubes by flipping a lever, Eotech Holographic sight, Vertical Foregrip with Tactical light and a breach compensator, great HD weapon.

03-25-2012, 01:54 PM
I think I'll be recommending Kahr for those in a situation like I was. I decided some time last fall that I really wanted a small, single-stack 9mm for when my Glock 19 was a little too much (like when wearing light summer clothes).

I was very intrigued by the Beretta BU-9 Nano and waited for my local range/gun shop to get in one in. Lo and behold, one day when I was there, they had just gotten a Nano in for the rental desk. So I mentioned that I was really interested in the Nano.

Surprisingly, two of my friends who are range officers there wrinkled their noses and immediately started suggested other small 9mm's, like the upcoming Sig P938, Kel-Tec PF-9 and the Kahr PM9. They then sent me out to test-fire the Nano and the PM9 together (as I'd decided that as nice as the 938 was too spendy and the PF-9 didn't float my boat). That test-fire showed how much nicer the PM9 was to shoot than the BU-9. As one other friend of mine at the shop put it with regards to the Nano, "Could they have put any more sandpaper in that trigger pull?" And that horrible trigger pull has been the common observation by everyone who's shot the Nano.

I also like that the Kahr shares some operating similarities with the Glocks that I own. No external safety levers, no grip safety, etc. And the rental PM9 where I shoot has been 100% reliable and it does get shot a lot. Bottom line - I bought a CM9 last week.

So once I several hundred rounds through my CM9, I'll be even more vocal in my support of Kahr.

03-25-2012, 02:29 PM
Reports today say Zimmerman was attacked and fired in self defence. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/dpp/news/state/witness-martin-attacked-zimmerman-03232012.

the years daytime soap opera called: as the tide turns

This florida thing is getting that way.:third:

03-25-2012, 02:58 PM
FOR CC I CAN'T THINK OF A BETTER CHOICE! They lay flat They bang when needed and I'm a 1 shot 1 kill, shooter. if there's more than 7..... well then 8 of us will die.

03-25-2012, 03:30 PM
I like to recommend Kahr's to my older friends, that aren't as steady as they used to be, and those with medical conditions like myself, that have muscle spasms and such from degenerated disks in their spine. Or those on certain medications. Moving the wrong way can make my arm jerk a little, and I don't trust myself with a 1911 type weapon, except at the range, although they are part of my home defense arsenal, with guns hidden around the house in. I live by myself, no kids to worry about, so I hide them wherever is convenient and in an unlikely spot for a bad guy to look. I want to get some kydex, and try making some "holsters" that I can screw in under a table or shelf or something where it's not readily visible.
The Kahr trigger is long enough a spasm in my arm isn't going to set it off, where it might cause me to fire a SA gun with a light trigger pull. I think there are scenario's where you might have a BG covered with your weapon, finger on trigger in case they go for a gun, and I'd hate for a medical condition to cause my weapon to fire when I didn't want it too.

03-25-2012, 03:41 PM
THAT WOULD BE CALLED A PREMATURE UGUNLATION!!! DEFINITELY NOT GOOD FOR AN OLD PERSON AND certainly not good for a young buck either. Just sayin.

03-25-2012, 05:06 PM
A missed point was inherent safety and ease to put into use..... (getting thread back on track).

03-25-2012, 06:01 PM
A missed point was inherent safety and ease to put into use..... (getting thread back on track).

Definitely the single most important reason I bought my Kahr's and will buy more. Definitely the single most important reason I recommend Kahr's to people who are looking, whether self defense purposes or not.

03-25-2012, 06:42 PM
My selling point to other people is it's thin so makes a great CCW (in my opion the best) and it's a very simple weapon to put into action.

03-26-2012, 07:30 AM
I recommend Kahr because it is light and thin, and in a decent caliber. When I sell them I just let the folks handle my two. (Ok one is the wife's CW45, but still.) That is usually all I have to do, and people get them.

03-26-2012, 08:04 AM
I want to get some kydex, and try making some "holsters" that I can screw in under a table or shelf or something where it's not readily visible.

check out the magnetic "holsters" out there. They are a very strong bar magnet that you can screw to the underside of your desk or table and the gun will stay put until you need it. My husband bought one a few months ago and mounted it in his truck.

03-28-2012, 09:28 PM
good thread!


03-28-2012, 10:27 PM

03-28-2012, 10:33 PM
Focus on the future, don't dwell on the past.