View Full Version : The latest from Sheriff Joe and the birther stuff

03-22-2012, 10:08 PM
More Sheriff Joe and the birther stuff:

Bill Ayers parent's mailman says they were housing and sending a foreign student to Harvard, who'se name was Barack Hussein Obama Also says he already knew that he was going to be president someday. Warning, lots of soliciting for funds. Don't know how much if any actually goes to Sheriff Joe.

Discrepancies on Selective Service Card. Warning, they ask for money in every other pargraph,

Regarding being born a U.S. Citizen, vs a Natural Born Citizen as the Constitution requires.

I don't know why people are sweeping this under the rug. Sure would be nice to have a legal way to get Obama out of office, or at least keep him off the ballot this year.

All I know is a team of people from the University of PA, who were most likely Obama supporters deemed the documents original. And the lapdog press and most of America are convinced they're legit. I'm guessing a team of grad students looked it over after few beers and called it good. That takes precedence over a professional law enforcement team that have been professionaly trained how to spot forgeries?

Maybe it's wishful thinking or being naive, but I sure hope Sheriff Joe and his experts get their day in court.

Longitude Zero
03-23-2012, 07:42 AM
Maybe it's wishful thinking or being naive, but I sure hope Sheriff Joe and his experts get their day in court.

They won't. Truth no longer matters to those who have the authority to do anything about getting this aired out.

03-23-2012, 09:05 AM
Tom, it sure should happen, but I don't know if it will. There is such a huge organized effort to prevent it happening, and an appalling number of mindless sheep, many of which carry their ignorance and stupidity into the voting booths, added to the number of arrogant liberal judges, and the chance of justice ever being done is slim.

Chief Joseph
03-23-2012, 04:32 PM
Tom, it sure should happen, but I don't know if it will. There is such a huge organized effort to prevent it happening, and an appalling number of mindless sheep, many of which carry their ignorance and stupidity into the voting booths, added to the number of arrogant liberal judges, and the chance of justice ever being done is slim.

And unfortunately, our only remedy is voting him out. But I agree with Beck that with their communist supporting public employees in place to cheat where possible, it's going to take a 5 point win, just to beat all the illegals, dead people and cartoon characters that seem to always vote for democRATS. I'm just waiting for the absurd leftist courts to finally rule that mickey mouse and donald duck have a Constitution right to vote. And you know those democRAT judges are out there.

03-23-2012, 04:41 PM
heh, listen up here, MICKEY AND DONALD DUCK are AMERICAN. They are TRUE AMERICANS. Let them vote, but run those fokking illegals b ack across the border:popcorn: