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03-23-2012, 08:06 AM
I have never really been interested in firearms until about 6 months ago when myself and two other co-workers were robbed at gun point. Since then I became very interested and now have my ccl and own a ruger lcp,s&w 642,and my edc kahr cm9.So my question is have most of y'all been interested in firearms your entire life or did it take being robbed or being a victim of some other crime to get you interested in carrying a firearm on a daily basis?

Longitude Zero
03-23-2012, 08:28 AM
I've been a shooter since I was 6 years old. A life long addiction.

03-23-2012, 08:39 AM
Grew up on Westerns.
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and the like.
Have had BB guns, air guns and anything with a trigger as far back as I can remember.

I sometimes wonder if I haven lived multiple lives?
Or channel the Wild West though my veins in some way?

I've been carrying for over 20+ years and feel naked without a gun.
Guns to me are as natural as breathing.

03-23-2012, 08:46 AM
I think I shot my first rifle at 4? little 22 at a hubcap dad had nailed to a tree out in the woods. Then it was a long line of 22's, pellet guns, shooting bigger stuff with dad, until I joined the service at 17. That led to bigger and better boomsticks of course, and today I have a safe full of stuff I won't talk about. :)

03-23-2012, 09:27 AM
I've been a life long addict. No idea where it came from. But I have no regrets either.

03-23-2012, 09:31 AM
Thanks for the replies and all the great info on this forum I did all the pre range prep recommended on this forum and have shot 200 perfect rnds through my cm9

03-23-2012, 09:35 AM
Long line of gunnies back through the generations in my family. Couldn't have been helped if I'd wanted it to. Being from NH where we pretty much have to opt out of being issued a gun with our birth certificate didn't hurt either. Welcome to the club.

03-23-2012, 09:36 AM
My brother in law says that there are basically 2 types of boys: when one picks up a stick it's a gun, when the other picks up a stick, it's a guitar. Mine were guns, his were guitars :)

03-23-2012, 09:49 AM
I've always enjoyed shooting rifles and shotguns but just got in to handguns a few years ago. My reason was job related. I did a lot of oilfield work by the Texas/Mexico boarder and being robbed and/or killed was becoming more and more of a concern. After three welders were shot and killed while working on a pipeline close to where I was at I bought my G19. I got some quality training, picked up my CHL, and haven't looked back.

03-23-2012, 09:53 AM
Started shooting at age 6. Gun owner since I was age 12. Life member of the NRA since age 23. Shooter for more than fifty years.

03-23-2012, 10:28 AM
While I can't say it is an addiction, I do enjoy owning and shooting the ones i own....been into the whole firearm thing since 09...the year I joined the military.

03-23-2012, 12:10 PM
I grew up shooting then lost the attraction to it in young adult years. I was told I need to get a defensive gun in the 90's and bought a Colt Mustang that I only shot a few times. I didn't really get a thrill out of shooting it and it sat locked up until just a few years ago. Home invasions became a regular event with a couple pretty close to home, so my wife asked me to get back in the gun thing.

I started by researching all I could find out about defensive pistols and became convinced that my 380 Mustang wasn't enough so I got the PM9. I also have secured my house a bit and have a shotgun for the house, while I got a permit and carry my PM9 everywhere allowed.

I wish it weren't necessary to do this but it is what it is.

03-23-2012, 12:45 PM
I work in high crime areas everyday and should have been carrying concealed for years.I was lucky no one got shot when we were robbed and now I have learned my lesson and carry
Everywhere it is legal!I have also found that going to the range and shooting is a lot of fun. Now I want a glock 23 or m&p 40 can't decide which one.

03-23-2012, 12:51 PM
I owned a family busiuness for over 69 years and had a gun shop inside. over 35 years ago, when I was closing up, I was armed robbed by two guys. One had a wheel gun and the other a Mossberg pump. I really think had I had a gun on my side inb broad daylight they would have shot me, They wanted money and nothing else. I gave them what they wanted, drugs was not as bad backthen vbuyty these two guys were black and we have no blacks in or town but 15 miles away yes. they were never caught. I had only theose phoney security camers back then. Don't give um a reason to shoot u and more than likely ur gonna walk home to momma. A change of cleaqn shorts and I was back at the desk the next day, alittle wiser. The hero sh-t never entered my mind back then either. I carry 24/7 not because I am scared but because I am not scared, but I do think I could sit and watch a hold up go down and never get involved I carry for me and my family..

03-23-2012, 01:51 PM
I agree most of the time if you give the BG what he wants you will be fine.In my case we were in a vacant apartment with the door wide open so when he came in he had the drop on us I would not have drawn my gun in that situation even if I had one because it would probably have gotten me killed.just because you have a gun in your pocket it's not always in your best intrest to draw it especially if the BG is wearing a mask as in my situation he was.So now we always lock the doors behind us and they will have to kick the door in to get to us which hopefully will give us a few seconds to get ready I know chances are this will not happen again but it doesn't hurt to be prepared just in case.

03-23-2012, 02:02 PM
That's a Boy Scout motto that I've adhered to all my life. You may never need it but it's sure comforting to know you have it, unless your someplace your not suppose to have it but I still find it comforting even if I'm a little nervous.

03-23-2012, 02:04 PM
I owned a family busiuness for over 69 years


03-23-2012, 02:17 PM
grew up on westerns.
John wayne, clint eastwood and the like.
Have had bb guns, air guns and anything with a trigger as far back as i can remember.

I sometimes wonder if i haven lived multiple lives?
Or channel the wild west though my veins in some way?

I've been carrying for over 20+ years and feel naked without a gun.
guns to me are as natural as breathing.

+1 :4:

03-23-2012, 02:19 PM

YA....so he's 95 years old :D

03-23-2012, 02:39 PM

I was part of my family owned business for 69 years. My father founded it, I just stayed with it foR OVER 50+ YEARS. SORRY ABOUT THAT.:popcorn:

03-23-2012, 02:42 PM
I knew Jocko wasn't 95. I thought he was 93. Carp diem, sieze the carp.

03-23-2012, 02:44 PM
see even u figured it out, why did I need to explain???? I sometimes feel 95.

03-23-2012, 02:45 PM
From about seven to eleven I never left the house without my Daisy BB gun. I got my 22 at eleven, and then I carried it everywhere.

I shot on the Academy pistol team in college and then spent time with the Navy pistol Team when I could. That was my introduction to hand guns. I bought a Browning HP [still have that gun packed away] for my service carry when I got out of flight training and later added a modified Colt 1911 which was my competition shooter.

I pretty well stuck with Brownings and Colts through the seventies, and then bought my first SIG in 1980. I guess that's when the dam really burst. I now have four Kahrs, three SIG's, Two HK's, two 3rd gen S&W's, a Detonics, STI, Kimber, Springfield, and an LCP. Eleven of the sixteen pistols are 45's. My only long gun is a 45 carbine and of course, the Remington Model 530 '22' I've had since 1955.

03-23-2012, 04:06 PM
I agree most of the time if you give the BG what he wants you will be fine.In my case we were in a vacant apartment with the door wide open so when he came in he had the drop on us I would not have drawn my gun in that situation even if I had one because it would probably have gotten me killed.just because you have a gun in your pocket it's not always in your best intrest to draw it especially if the BG is wearing a mask as in my situation he was.So now we always lock the doors behind us and they will have to kick the door in to get to us which hopefully will give us a few seconds to get ready I know chances are this will not happen again but it doesn't hurt to be prepared just in case.

A very good friend of mine gave them what they wanted. They still beat the hell out of him, breaking his right arm and several of his ribs. He was pistol whipped and lost sight in his left eye. Some BG want more than your money. He carries now.

03-23-2012, 04:17 PM
well for sure one never knows as u stated. One thing is for certain IMO , if the BG has a gun on u and u attempt to pull yours the "bang" thing is just gonna happen. Course living in a good neighbrhood helps alot to. My neighborhgood watch is my yorkie at night.

03-23-2012, 04:26 PM
That's true some BG's do want more than your money every situation is different.My point was if they are wearing a mask or in some way covering there face more than likely they just want your money on the other hand if they are not trying to hide there identity I think the chance of a BG shooting you even after you give them what they want is much higher.

03-23-2012, 04:35 PM
good point but to me mask or no mask, if he has a gun on me and mine is in my front ;pocket, I am gonna give that some real serious thought before attemtping to GO FOR IT. Percentages should be on ur side that if u cool it, u might live, althogh I hate precentages.. for if 98% wold go unharmed that means 2 would be killed and today might just have been ur day to be in that 2% brackett..

03-23-2012, 04:49 PM
good point but to me mask or no mask, if he has a gun on me and mine is in my front ;pocket, I am gonna give that some real serious thought before attemtping to GO FOR IT. Percentages should be on ur side that if u cool it, u might live, althogh I hate precentages.. for if 98% wold go unharmed that means 2 would be killed and today might just have been ur day to be in that 2% brackett..

"...OK. Let me get my wallet out of my left front pocket."...BANG!

03-23-2012, 04:57 PM
AMEN NATIVE I exspect that from the "Live Free Or Die" state

I have been shooting since I was about ten years old myself...definatley a life long affliction just like BAWANNA said an it is incurable.

03-23-2012, 05:15 PM
AS I stated yesterday on a previuos post I was almost robbed and GOD knows what esle could have happened, but I feel what I would do should it happen again reaaly depends on how it all unfolds. Now that I am alot older and can't scrap like I did back in the day. I have lead a descent life so I ain't as intimidated like I was many moons ago & flat at times just don't give a crap...seen too many things go down and I'm not usually in a good mood so that might go a bit hard on an evil doer cause I ain't taken an ass whoppin...it takes too long to recover and I'm getting old an cranky...so I just might just go ahead and shoot the bad guy. If given the means to defend myself I will take it...oh wait a second...they will see the flash but they won't hear the bang __! The way I see it one 45 ACP goes over one bad guy one time with nothing left over. Point / Set / Match

03-23-2012, 05:23 PM
oh contrar DKD. when u shoot um with a 45, that round is so slow they even get to hear the bang thing and also to se ete flash thing!!!! Just sayin.

03-23-2012, 05:24 PM
Been lifelong for me..Remember starting out with a cap gun (do they still make those?) moved up to a bb gun then a 22. Got my fair share of pheasants, rabbits etc with shotgun. Always wanted a pistol and finally got a Glock several years ago but didn't carry. This past fall was hiking with my wife and dtr and seemed to keep running into these same 4 guys along the trail..they turned out to be ok but made me realize how much trouble i could have been if they had other intentions. Since then got my permit and a pm9.

03-23-2012, 05:27 PM
humm, why is it we seem to swear buy our glocks (I do by my G19) but yet it takes a back seat to our kahrs???? I know y and so do u. Just sayi

03-23-2012, 05:29 PM
AS I stated yesterday on a previuos post I was almost robbed and GOD knows what esle could have happened, but I feel what I would do should it happen again reaaly depends on how it all unfolds. Now that I am alot older and can't scrap like I did back in the day. I have lead a descent life so I ain't as intimidated like I was many moons ago & flat at times just don't give a crap...seen too many things go down and I'm not usually in a good mood so that might go a bit hard on an evil doer cause I ain't taken an ass whoppin...it takes too long to recover and I'm getting old an cranky...so I just might just go ahead and shoot the bad guy. If given the means to defend myself I will take it...oh wait a second...they will see the flash but they won't hear the bang __! The way I see it one 45 ACP goes over one bad guy one time with nothing left over. Point / Set / Match

This is pretty much me in a mirror. I'm usually in Jocko's 2 % class all day long so for me it's gonna be Josey Wales. You boys gonna whistle Dixie or go for them guns?

I got very little to lose and frankly scarlet I don't give a damn.

03-23-2012, 05:36 PM
I can whistle dixie, being from the north, I hate to though!!!

03-23-2012, 06:01 PM
I grew up on a farm. BB guns were Bday/Christmas presents since I was about 7 or 8. Got my first .22 at 12, a little Marlin autoloader that I shot the hell out of. I had been shooting our old dime-store .22 single shot till then. I think I got my first handgun, a .22 SA cowboy type gun for Christmas when I was 16. Sure had a lot of fun with that until it got stolen. For awhile after than I just had a shotgun and a .22 then got caught up in it again during the 90's when the wonder nines started popping up and bought my Star Model 30 9mm. That thing is part tank, and still shoots well. I read somewhere where they put 100,000 rounds through one with only spring changes. Now I have all kinds of stuff I've picked up. I love to pick up old military mausers, and always on the lookout for a reasonably priced Springfield 03. Going to a gun show tomorrow, looking for one those bump fire stocks for my AK, but will probably end up with some type of old Mauser or Mosin-Nagant or whatever I can find at a reasonable price.

03-23-2012, 06:12 PM
u guys remember the Herters 22 western style single actions. We sold alot of them for just over 20 bucks. The herters catalog years ago was atrue hunters bible.. I bought my first long bow from herters. Everything was Herters, formost or Herters finest. I still can rember they would have a photo in thier catalofg of JACQUES HERTER. son of the father showng him with the caption of Jacques herter posing with 12 baboons, I never counted more than 11, I don't think their son ever caught on either.. they were in my days the only source for good trapping lures. If they didn't sell it, then it was not a sporting product back then..

03-23-2012, 06:43 PM
I shot a little as a kid but didn't really do much after I got into college. A few decades later, I just got interested in shooting again because I thought it made very good sense to be able to defend myself and my wife and I also just really enjoyed the challenge of shooting well. After getting my CHL, I continued with training and last summer, took Combat Focus Shooting (and Advanced Pistol Handling) under the guidance of Rob Pincus, which gave me a whole lot to work on and make me better prepared to use a firearm to defend myself should I ever be in that situation.

About a year after getting back into shooting, I ended up taking up archery and just a few months ago, I started learning to throw knives. I enjoy the challenges that those sports present as there is some overlap with firearms.

03-23-2012, 06:55 PM
"...OK. Let me get my wallet out of my left front pocket."...BANG!

The only problem with this is if the BG is 5 feet from you with a gun pointed at your chest and you say let me get my wallet out of my pocket when he see's you pull a gun he can pull the trigger faster than you can aim and fire at him.

03-23-2012, 07:21 PM
The only problem with this is if the BG is 5 feet from you with a gun pointed at your chest and you say let me get my wallet out of my pocket when he see's you pull a gun he can pull the trigger faster than you can aim and fire at him.

I know. I was just having fun with Jocko, who always carries his PM9 in his left front pocket. Not serious at all.

03-23-2012, 07:57 PM
I know. I was just having fun with Jocko, who always carries his PM9 in his left front pocket. Not serious at all.

I'm new here so I haven't learned everyones humor or sarcasm yet but like jocko I carry my cm9 in my front pocket in a desantis superfly.

03-23-2012, 09:18 PM
I'm 54, and have deer hunted for over 30 years but never even fired a handgun until January of last year when I went to get my CPL.

My mid-20's som and all of his friends have carried for a few years, and he talked me into getting my CPL.

Well I never do anything half way, I have to learn everything possible about a new interest, so here I am.

I now own a Bersa UC40, a Sig 2022, a Sig P238, a Springfield black stainless Loaded, and my CM9.

03-24-2012, 09:31 AM
My dad wouldn't let me have a bb gun but instead gave me a .22 rifle for my seventh birthday, much to the chagrin of the rats and starlings on my grandfather's farm. I still own the ruger MKI I shot my first rabbit with at age 8 and 32 years later it still makes dime size holes at ten yards even with hardly any rifling left in the barrel! I take it to the range every time and always shoot it last so I can go home feeling good about my shooting:)

My dad has a few stories of his own but the one I remember best is the time we were in Alaska driving down some remote highway and a group of about a dozen bikers came along and surrounded our truck, in front, behind, and alongside. It was me (about 8 or 9 years old) my mom and my dad, so after about 5 miles of that he reaches down and puts his big old .44 super blackhawk up on the dash. The bikers then decided they had better things to do and headed on down the road... This was in the late seventies and he still has that gun. I just hope he gives it to me and not my brother...

Btw nothing against bikers in general, I and most of the men in my family also ride

03-24-2012, 12:37 PM
Im probably considered a young buck around here but I've been around guns and shooting longer than I remember. I had an arsenal of BB guns by the time I was 7. (estate auctions mainly) When I was 8, I got my first Marlin .22 just like dads and will never part with it. The same year I shot my first handgun, a SA Colt wheelgun. When I was 12 I got my first shotgun, a breaking barrel 12 gauge and have been hunting and shooting ever since. Been through 2 hunters safety courses, CCW class, defensive carry class, and I am an Eagle Scout. I bought my first pistol 3 years ago a week after I turned 21 (Ruger 22/45) and its been a sickness since. A good sickness tho. Now Im looking for opportunies to get into competition shooting because you can never be too practiced, and you never know who you might meet and be able to learn from. I will forever be a student.

And this is a computer chair gunfighter talking, but I carry my PM9 right above my wallet, so I can distract the BG by handing him my phone or getting his attention on my keys while it looks like im pulling my wallet, but really Ive just got a big surprise coming his way. Especially if he's holding a hi-point. Anything else in my face and Ill just hand over my money and hope to keep my life.