View Full Version : CCW thoughts

03-23-2012, 09:05 PM
So, I am NEW to concealed carry.

Not to guns.

I generally wear business attire at work. Dockers, shirts, that kind of thing.
When NOT at work, I tend to wear loose fitting jeans, a Melvins shirt, and shoes. When wearing shorts I wear cargo shorts.

I am 5'10" and 173 pounds. Skinny.

I AM getting a revolver. I wouldn't mind one that would also carry. I have my CW9, but think it would be nice to have both.

I have been fixated on the Ruger Gp100, NOT for carry, in the six inch , stainless configuration. Fun shooting, range, or maybe, since no shotgun, a home defense weapon.

I realize snubnose would be ideal for carry. A J frame 642/442 is fine, but I don't want a lock.

So after all that explaining....the point.

Have any of you carried a FOUR inch comfortably in a PRIMARILY concealed manner, or was the four inch revolver MAINLY an open carry weapon?

In what ways did you carry this , hypothetical(or real), revolver that is a 4 inch configuration?

I just tend to like four inch better than snubnose as far as smaller revolvers go.

This is a long way off, a couple months.

I'm either thinking of a 22 rifle, or a 4 inch revolver. I am probrably going revolver though.


Thanks in advance.

03-23-2012, 09:14 PM
I should have posted this elsewhere sorry.
In the "other firearms " section. Tired. Babies keep you awake.

03-23-2012, 09:18 PM
Smartcarry works well, I have a 642 although my PM9 is smaller so that usually gets carried.

Don't over think the lock, it's not as big of a deal as you'd think reading on the Internet and as far as I know, has never been an issue with any of the .38's, only the magnum's in titanium.

mr surveyor
03-23-2012, 09:24 PM
I carry a 3" Ruger SP101 every day in an OWB holster under a cover shirt. It carrys well with my daily workwear clothing. I did carry a 4" Ruger Security Six for a short time, but it takes a lot more shirt tail for that extra inch of barrel and larger frame. Also carried a variety of "snubs" in high ride pancake holsters that easily concealed, but I absolutely hated shooting those little lightweight thumpers.

03-23-2012, 09:26 PM
I have three S&W revolvers;
4" 629-2 44 Mag,
2.125" 640-1 357 and
1 7/8" 342 ti 38 +P.

I have carried all of them.
For pocket carry the 11.1 oz 342 titanium gun is best.
Belt carry the 640-1 357.

I can, and have, carried the 44 mag on a belt.
And for three years in a laptop sized fanny pack (EX Eagle).

The 640-1, on a belt, is far and away my favorite carry gun of the trio.
I like it cross draw, OWB, but inside the belt.

As for barrel length I find the 4" uncomfortable.
Two inch is sweet to carry.
But really limits on velocity of the 357 magnum.
125 grain 1450 fps at 4", turns into 1200 from 2".
Golden Sabers are 1220 4" and 1100 from a 2" barrel.

I run Winchester PDX1 357 in the 640.
They are bonded and rated at 1325 fps from 4".
I'm guessing ~1150 super sonic from 2".
Plus the recoil is more manageable than full house loads for me.

Bottom line, I think a three inch barreled stainless steel 5 shot 357 may be
the ultimate size.

S&W pre-lock centennials are DAO.
So the hammer can't snag during draw and the rear sights are just a notch.
I think the brand new S&W 640 Pro has rear sights and no lock.
You may be able to special order one with a three inch barrel.

The economy plan B would be to get a bobbed hammer 3" Ruger SP101.

that is all

03-24-2012, 10:32 AM
Love the GP100. 2nd the thought of SP101 for carry.


Ain't she purddy???? This one's on Gunbroker...

03-24-2012, 11:48 AM
Love the GP100. 2nd the thought of SP101 for carry.


Ain't she purddy???? This one's on Gunbroker...

I have a beautiful, tuned, S&W 640-1 pre-lock.
Found a like new SP101 for $300 that I had to pry myself away from.
It happened to be a short barreled gun.
Had it been a three inch gun like that one?
I would have lost it and brought it home with me for sure - LOL!

My Baby -

Baby with Friends -

03-24-2012, 02:00 PM
I frequently carry a 4" GP-100 IWB, and as soon as I can find time, I will be making a tuckable holster for it. It's really not any worse than carrying a full sized 1911. It's been done forever, and when you find where it belongs on you, you'll never notice.

03-24-2012, 02:27 PM
So, I am NEW to concealed carry.

Not to guns.

I generally wear business attire at work. Dockers, shirts, that kind of thing.
When NOT at work, I tend to wear loose fitting jeans, a Melvins shirt, and shoes. When wearing shorts I wear cargo shorts.

I am 5'10" and 173 pounds. Skinny.

I AM getting a revolver. I wouldn't mind one that would also carry. I have my CW9, but think it would be nice to have both.

I have been fixated on the Ruger Gp100, NOT for carry, in the six inch , stainless configuration. Fun shooting, range, or maybe, since no shotgun, a home defense weapon.

I realize snubnose would be ideal for carry. A J frame 642/442 is fine, but I don't want a lock.

So after all that explaining....the point.

Have any of you carried a FOUR inch comfortably in a PRIMARILY concealed manner, or was the four inch revolver MAINLY an open carry weapon?

In what ways did you carry this , hypothetical(or real), revolver that is a 4 inch configuration?

I just tend to like four inch better than snubnose as far as smaller revolvers go.

This is a long way off, a couple months.

I'm either thinking of a 22 rifle, or a 4 inch revolver. I am probrably going revolver though.


Thanks in advance.

I think a 4 inch barrel is too long to conceal comfortably.

I considered a 2 inch barrel revolver until I compared the ballistics to a 3 inch semi auto and decided on the semi auto with a 3 inch barrel which overall is going to be about the same length as the revolver with a 2 inch barrel revolver.

You need to compare the ballistic before you decide. You may be changing your your mind when you see the depressing revolver numbers for 3 8nxp.


03-24-2012, 02:28 PM
Look at the 3" S&W Model 65. Used ones are very reasonable, the 3" has a full length ejector rod as opposed to the shorter rod on the 2 1/2" ones. A good IWB holster works very well, the Bianchi one that I really liked is this one:

03-24-2012, 10:08 PM
I think a 4 inch barrel is too long to conceal comfortably.

I considered a 2 inch barrel revolver until I compared the ballistics to a 3 inch semi auto and decided on the semi auto with a 3 inch barrel which overall is going to be about the same length as the revolver with a 2 inch barrel revolver.

You need to compare the ballistic before you decide. You may be changing your your mind when you see the depressing revolver numbers for 3 8nxp.


The issue I see here is a semi auto has it's length measured from muzzle to bolt fact which is right on thru the chamber, if you did that with my 2 1/4" SP101 you get almost 4 inches. I don't see anything depressing about the numbers from my SP101 nor my K9.

10-12-2012, 08:14 PM
I too wear business attire; dress slacks and a tucked in, button down dress shirt. I needed a solution that would be comfortable, concealed and accessible. I settled on the Kahr PM 9 and a Zura handgun concealment system from Cattasi Holsters. Been wearing this set up for over nine months and find it a perfect set up for me.

10-12-2012, 09:18 PM
I mostly carry my PM9 but when hiking or camping with the family in crowded parks I carry the LCR 357.
For a carry revolver the LCR is pretty handy and light, check it out you might like it.

10-12-2012, 09:29 PM
Wow this thread is old?
Guess I need to update.
Since I posted in this thread I picked up a S&W M65-3 3'" heavy barrel SS 357 magnum that is my new favorite carry revolver.

She's too big for pocket carry but nothing short of dreamy on a belt.
The 3" gun is the ultimate compromise in size and performance for carry IMHO.
Plus she has perfect balance, natural pointing with devastating accuracy.
The buttery 7.0 lbs DA has to be felt to be appreciated.
The term glassy doesn't do her justice.

Although large, I also find JetLoaders outstanding.

10-13-2012, 08:00 AM
Great minds think alike.