View Full Version : anyone have their guns "jeweled"

03-25-2012, 12:01 AM
looking for a good place to get some jeweling work done. No, not bedazzling, thats left for my sweater vests (j/k), but these days its tough to find a reputable place to send your gun parts to for work.... any experience here?

03-25-2012, 12:07 AM
What part of the world you live in? I know Jeepster has a couple no doubt from Ahlmans that look super. I've jeweled a couple of my own but definitely not up to the pros quality. Pencil eraser and valve grinding compound probably isn't the ultimate get er done method but it does work.

03-25-2012, 12:11 AM
Somepkace is a totally jewelled Detonics....was once mine.

The key is starting with a good gliss

03-25-2012, 12:36 AM
I think jeepster09 is the porting, jeweling, guy around here.
PM him

He uses Ahlman's to jewel the barrell

03-25-2012, 12:38 AM
Some fellow(Old Lincoln) put a jewel on his front sight recently... or would that be "bejeweled"?:confused:




03-25-2012, 02:18 AM
What did you have in mind?

03-25-2012, 03:59 AM
What did you have in mind?

pretty much what BARTH posted. Its easy enough to buy the jeweling tool for 20 bucks, its just that I don't have anyway to secure the barrel and rotate it perfectly and move it back and forth.

03-25-2012, 03:59 AM
that is definately bedazzled :)

Some fellow(Old Lincoln) put a jewel on his front sight recently... or would that be "bejeweled"?:confused:



03-25-2012, 04:26 AM
pretty much what BARTH posted. Its easy enough to buy the jeweling tool for 20 bucks, its just that I don't have anyway to secure the barrel and rotate it perfectly and move it back and forth.

Really? What is the tool?

03-25-2012, 09:02 AM


03-25-2012, 09:12 AM

03-25-2012, 09:48 AM
That is a fine looking pair, Jeepster. Did you cut the grooves in the front of the slide?

03-25-2012, 10:12 AM
That is a fine looking pair, Jeepster. Did you cut the grooves in the front of the slide?

I'm bored - LOL!

Jeepster likes Magnaport I beileve.

Off Topic:
My Storm Lake G27 357 Sig 4.16"
Extended Dual Ported Stainless Steel Black Isonite QPQ Finish barrel
is scheduled to ship from the manufacturer,
with UPS tracking and email alerts, next Friday!

Woo Hoo!

03-25-2012, 01:20 PM
That is a fine looking pair, Jeepster. Did you cut the grooves in the front of the slide?

Yes and the PDA is also Magnaported.

jg rider
03-25-2012, 01:48 PM
LOL! Believe it or not

Some time back when a guy by the name of Stephon (sP?) was running the service department of Kahr, I had to send back my wife's tricked out K9 because of a cracked slide (they paid return shipping for the whole gun). The barrel hood and the trigger were jeweled on this piece


When I got it back it had a new, plain trigger and barrel.

Back then there was a really nice lady, I believe named Dotty that was running the customer service dept. When I called her to complain that my jeweled trigger and barrel had been replaced, she became unglued. She wanted to know what kind of gems they were. I explained to her that it was just a process also call turning, no gems involved. She was all apologetic and said they doubted if the barrel and trigger could be found. She asked me what Khar could do to make me happy, holster, sights. I jokingly or so I thought told her what I'd really like. Then I said if you can't find the pieces don't worry about it.

Back then we owned two K9s and one PM9. About two days after speaking to Dotty, I got a call from Stephon to say per Dotty's instructions, to ask me to submit a copy of a dealer's FFL. I asked him if this was for real, he said yes, they found my barrel and hood in someones work bench draw.

Yes, we now own two PM9s. This is no B.S.it really happened this way

03-25-2012, 02:16 PM
I was having a trigger job and night sights done on a Sig Sauer P220.
Along with some barrel work on a 45 Bar-Sto that has FTFs.

Was told something fell on the gun and ruined the finish of the slide? the gun had been sent to the Sig mother ship for repairs.

This is a 1998 Classic stamped steel slide with factory nickel plated slide and controls!

I waited over six months to get my gun back.
The gun was returned with a new slide, barrel, guide rod, recoil spring and grips.
In a new Sig box. Just like NIB! Along with all the spare parts.

I paid $30 for Big dot sight installation.
The new slide and barrel actually fit better, and shoot better, than the original.
Came across a P220 Sport barrel on the internet for $120 bucks.
Sig Sauer German made 5.47" stainless steel near match barrel!
called Sig customer service and they said it wouldn't fit - LOL!

My old P220 never shot like this - LOL!
Winchester Ranger T-Series 230 gr

03-25-2012, 02:20 PM
sometimes that is the answers ones gets when he inquires to those who should know, only to get an answer from them that they truly didn't know

03-25-2012, 06:03 PM
I dealt with Dottie a couple times myself. She was a gem in her own right and nobody rode for the brand better than her.

I'd forgotten her name until you mentioned it but it's all coming back now.

03-25-2012, 06:15 PM
dottie was tops, wonder where she went?

03-25-2012, 06:34 PM
Barth and Jeepster....totally love those guns. Such a sweet color combo, especially with the wood grips. What exactly is that? Keracote? How much, and where do I sign?? My K9 is due for a makeover

03-25-2012, 07:37 PM

Does all my work....
Duaracoat O.D.Green/Black.

jg rider
03-25-2012, 08:14 PM
dottie was tops, wonder where she went?

She retired