View Full Version : Dealing with armed robbers: A good read

03-25-2012, 08:27 PM
I found this post a few weeks back over at the AR-15 forum. Some of this is controversial, and you may not agree with all of it, but I thought it contained enough pearls of wisdom that it was worth re-posting here. There are a couple of words that may be offensive to some, but I don't think it detracts significantly from the educational value of it. The post is re-printed here:

03-25-2012, 08:45 PM
saw this on the ksccw forum about 6 months ago. definitely worth the repost and re-read.

Longitude Zero
03-25-2012, 08:56 PM
Most of not all hijackers are incorrigible subhumanoid thugs, deserving no quarter, sympathy or respect.. As to his explanation I TOTALLY AGREE!!! Especially his plan on handling the situation.

As a cop with over twice his stated experience I disagree with his assessment of how petty criminals become hijackers. In that part I know he is downplaying the truth of the matter that some folks are just made bad by their environment and are beyond any help but life w/o parole. My unit has arrested thousands of turds whose very first crime was ARMED ROBBERY.

03-25-2012, 09:06 PM
I ran across this earlier this month. A great read. A lot to consider/think about. Great information.

03-26-2012, 04:57 AM
Nice write-up there; thanks for posting the link. The only thing he's not talking about (and I wish he did) is IMHO the hardest "when-to-shoot decision" scenario... He says, "The time to shoot is immediately upon seeing his weapon. You are not a police man who has to try to arrest the guy. No need to scream at him." That is absolutely true, and it's an excellent clear-cut cue for your action. But there may be cases when they don't present a weapon until they get closer/talk some BS first, or just be on some crazy junk that would enable them to continue their approach despite a barrel clearly pointing at them... That's one of the toughest scenarios IMHO because there's no definitive cue for when to act... I would imagine some verbal exchange followed by (if it didn't help) a warning shot might be due, otherwise you might look like that a..hole from the recent Florida shooting. I mean the guy could just be a mentally disturbed bum who is unarmed and doesn't even understand what's going on and just keeps walking towards you... I know, it's unlikely, -- but possible. Anyway, just sayin'...

Great article though for sure. Folks must definitely work through their "moral issues" BEFORE all the stinky stuff hits the fan.

03-26-2012, 05:27 AM
WOW!!! Thank you for posting that article. There is much to consider.

Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 06:44 AM
Folks must definitely work through their "moral issues" BEFORE all the stinky stuff hits the fan.

ABSOLUTELY. The decision to discharge your wepaon must be contemporaneous within the event. The mindset to do so must by necessity be developed beforehand.

If you develop the mindset and act upon it you could very well prevent something from happening just by your demeanor alone.

03-26-2012, 11:03 AM
+1 good honest article.

03-26-2012, 11:20 AM
Good, good read.

If you cant be trusted with a firearm after a few drinks, you shouldnt be trusted with a firearm period. I liked that part. Castle doctrine, or no.

Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 12:26 PM
Google "Pests Eat Fast" for another excellent read. It was written by Randy Harris a very good firearms instuctor. It was published on the net in 3 or more sections.

03-26-2012, 12:58 PM
I can tell you first hand that is exactly the way street guys think and act!
They strike fast, shock and awe!
Writer is correct if you feel your radar light up.... Light him up first!
You may never get the chance otherwise!

Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 01:43 PM
Hopefully with the proper SA you will be able to see it coming long before it gets there. Force on Force training is really the only way to decide what works and does not in these situations. If you are not training FoF you are negligent in your skills.

03-26-2012, 02:32 PM
Since reading this, I'm always checking my back. Just this weekend I went to the hockey game in Portland. When the game let out, we were walking back to our car on a crystal clear balmy (for Portland) 55 degree evening. We were parked on the street under an overpass, way away from the game crowd. As we approached the car I noticed a guy behind us (yes he was wearing a hoody) on the other side of the street. I gave him a long hard look that said "yes, I know you are there, and I'm watching you". Probably up to nothing, but I half expected his two buddies to be hiding at the underpass, waiting to jump us. SA vs. paranoia may be a thin line, but I'm for erring on the careful side.

I agree, you have to decide ahead of time how you plan to react to different situations, and this article really helped me formulate my thoughts on that issue.

Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 02:59 PM
I agree, you have to decide ahead of time how you plan to react to different situations, and this article really helped me formulate my thoughts on that issue.

Planning ahead is what true warriors due and they practive constantly. If you are not shooting at least 500 rounds a month every month with youy carry piece you are shortchanging your skill set.

03-26-2012, 03:58 PM
Supposed two guys are approaching you in a parking lot and do the classic fan out maneuver. You indicate you have a weapon by clearing your gun hand and fanning your jacket at them. They are not discouraged. DRAW!
I am not saying you should pull your gun out, assume a Weaver stance, and scream “That’s close enough motherf@#$ers!”

that was my favorite part. gave me a good chuckle.

03-26-2012, 04:01 PM
Google "Pests Eat Fast" for another excellent read. It was written by Randy Harris a very good firearms instuctor. It was published on the net in 3 or more sections.

One source: http://www.warriortalk.com/showthread.php?90849-Dealing-with-PESTS

Good read as well.


03-26-2012, 05:49 PM
They built a new entertainment arena right downtown, with enough parking for maybe 1/4th of the people the building will hold, others are forced to park up to blocks away. This is an area with the bus stations on the next block (city and Greyhound), and in a part of town I'd rather stay out of after dark. Then they don't allow weapons in the building for most events, so you have to walk blocks late at night to your vehicle, unarmed through a scuzzy part of town. I do have a way of sneaking a pistol in, but not so sure I'll always be able to get away with it, and I'm sure as hell not going down there after dark unarmed. I can't believe how stupid our local government is. Put something like that in a screwed up area, then expect you to go in unarmed. Not me, no act I want to see is worth risking my life over. I've not gone to any concerts or anything to see if police are out in force or anything to provide some level of protection after the events are over, seems like the least they could do. We had a perfectly good arena out in the county with ample well lit parking, but they just had to have a fancy new arena downtown squeezed in downtown with little parking, in hopes of attracting bigger shows. I've not heard of anyone mugged or anything after a show, not sure if that because nothing's happened or the media's been paid off to ignore crimes in that area. It's not too far from the "Old Town" district full of bars and trouble where shootings are not uncommon. Both are good places to stay away from in my book.

Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 06:22 PM
One source: http://www.warriortalk.com/showthread.php?90849-Dealing-with-PESTS

Good read as well.


Your welcome.

Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 06:25 PM
thetmanski sadly most sports venues by their very nature are built in areas where the politically destitute aka scumbags live.

03-26-2012, 06:53 PM
They built a new entertainment arena right downtown, with enough parking for maybe 1/4th of the people the building will hold, others are forced to park up to blocks away. This is an area with the bus stations on the next block (city and Greyhound), and in a part of town I'd rather stay out of after dark. Then they don't allow weapons in the building for most events, so you have to walk blocks late at night to your vehicle, unarmed through a scuzzy part of town. ...

Somehow I do not think you are talking about the brand spanking new state of the art Miami Marlins baseball stadium...but you might as well be.

Plus, what public rail transport there is shuts down well before most night games will get out.

I made many a memorable walk from front yard homeowner parking to the old Orange Bowl (demolished for the new BB stadium). Now, that "seemed" a kinder/gentler time...possibly not...but it's a combat zone now.

Build the big tax assisted sports stadium and the redevelopment and "cleanup" will follow via "the free market". Does not seem to ever work out that way...


03-26-2012, 07:17 PM
Thanks for sharing, it's always good to read a new perspective.

03-26-2012, 08:29 PM
They built a new entertainment arena right downtown, with enough parking for maybe 1/4th of the people the building will hold, others are forced to park up to blocks away. This is an area with the bus stations on the next block (city and Greyhound), and in a part of town I'd rather stay out of after dark. Then they don't allow weapons in the building for most events, so you have to walk blocks late at night to your vehicle, unarmed through a scuzzy part of town. I do have a way of sneaking a pistol in, but not so sure I'll always be able to get away with it, and I'm sure as hell not going down there after dark unarmed. I can't believe how stupid our local government is. Put something like that in a screwed up area, then expect you to go in unarmed. Not me, no act I want to see is worth risking my life over. I've not gone to any concerts or anything to see if police are out in force or anything to provide some level of protection after the events are over, seems like the least they could do. We had a perfectly good arena out in the county with ample well lit parking, but they just had to have a fancy new arena downtown squeezed in downtown with little parking, in hopes of attracting bigger shows. I've not heard of anyone mugged or anything after a show, not sure if that because nothing's happened or the media's been paid off to ignore crimes in that area. It's not too far from the "Old Town" district full of bars and trouble where shootings are not uncommon. Both are good places to stay away from in my book.

So true, but that is one more reason to carry. Why let the scum bags keep you from attending the events you want to, when you want to? I suppose it's stupid to park where I do, but it's about 1/3 the cost of the parking garage, and after the event, I'm out and on the freeway in 5 minutes vs. the hour it sometimes takes just to get out of the parking garage.

03-27-2012, 07:08 AM
he's talking about intrust bank arena in wichita, and the area is every bit as bad as he says.