View Full Version : The Hammer of Censorship
03-26-2012, 06:42 PM
The hammer of censorship has been falling quite heavily on this board lately. Since politics plays a large role in gun laws and gun ownership, I'm sure that the moderators will take our first amendment rights into consideration. With rights come responsibility and I'm also sure that the majority of us can behave as adults, with Bawanna as a possible exception. :) At any rate I hope that the free exchange of ideas will continue and that the moderators will remove any inappropriate posts and punish only the violators of the terms of service rather than the entire board.
03-26-2012, 06:51 PM
it does seem that when we get into politics and religion it tend sto go south, We all detest Obummer and that is when it gets nasty. I myself have a very hard time controlling myself over this guy, so I won't disagrre with u mugsy but I totally understand the forum wise mens direction , as for awhile I felt this forum was going south and really fast. Changes had to come about. I am not sure about the 1st amendment rights thing on a forum. We don't set the rules, they do and we operate by them or adjustments willbe made, sometimes not to our liking either. Just sayin
03-26-2012, 06:53 PM
Fear not Muggsy as things will loosen up as soon as folks stop taking shots at each other. If you think about it we got quite wild for a while so we're sitting in the proverbial corner now. For a long time I've shook my head looking at posts from a first time visitor or female perspective. It may be fun but it can be counter productive. So it's time to form new habits, and that takes time.
This is still the best forum around and I've always appreciated the openness to discuss other guns on a forum supported and representative of Kahr Arms.
03-26-2012, 07:09 PM
i think ur right old lincoln. U must be very distant ancestry to OL Abe, as he was a very wise guy also. I do hope though u stay out of movie theaters or at least sit on the very top last row in the far corner. Just sayin.
03-26-2012, 07:14 PM
You're free to say whatever you want on your own internet forum. Is it censorship if you get kicked out of a business for arguing with the owner? The same principle applies here I presume.
Kevin T
The hammer of censorship has been falling quite heavily on this board lately. Since politics plays a large role in gun laws and gun ownership, I'm sure that the moderators will take our first amendment rights into consideration.
Muggsy, this ain't bad against you personally... just that you said it, and its often said on boards, so I gotta quote you. My apologies up front.
There are no first amendment rights here. This is a private board. You, me, everyone... we are here at the pleasure of the owner and admins of the board. We are effectively guests in someone else's house.
If I held a party, and some guest decided to poo on the floor of the living room, they'd get summarily ejected. If they caused a ruckus, or badmouthed me, they'd maybe get a warning to keep it civil, then I'd eject them if it continued. If they wanna poo on the floor and badmouth me, and the rest of my guests, or cause a ruckus... then they are free to do so - at their own home.
Strong analogy... but it gets to the point. Our host here tolerates quite a bit. Then they put their foot down, clean up the poo. Thats all it is, really. We're all damn lucky to have this place, and luckier still that the host and admins put up with as much as they do.
Ok, said my schpeel.... back to business.
Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 07:18 PM
When it comes to politics we can all agree to disagree. When it comes to differneces over firearms/use of force this is adult swim. Tuck your emotions under the pillow and accept the fact it might get testy.
If you might be offended by the topic or the replies the answer is simple, pass on by. Also owners/moderators should only punish violations of the board rules and not differences of opinon or hurt feelings of any member. Fortunately I have not seen that occur here.
03-26-2012, 07:26 PM
nice post CJB an coming from a biker, even!!!!!
The poo thing kinda gets me though. I have had some nice parties and no one ever poo-ed on my floor. there would be no warnign after that either. If he was much smaller than I ,, I would wipe his nose in his poo or if he was alot bigger, I would ask him to leave and just clean up the focking poo myself, as a lesson learned.
We are all guest here, and basically all guests of the really big guy up in the sky and ifu don't play by his rules--well what can I say.
Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 07:34 PM
We are all guest here, and basically all guests of the really big guy up in the sky and ifu don't play by his rules--well what can I say.
Yuppa He does have the ultimate and final say on us all.
03-26-2012, 07:41 PM
Since we voted 2-1 to keep politics off the forum, I've been trying to not post so much politcal stuff. But I still do, maybe 1/3 of what I used too. I thought we were a rather civil bunch, but the name calling and stuff was getting out of hand on some threads. I of course voted for politics, or else I'd be quite the hyprocrite, but am trying to follow the majority opinion. I still do post some things, for the other 1/3rd of us that want to see that type of thing. It being an election year, there are many hot button issues that come up, along with your candidate's of choice opinion on the matter. Some concern 2nd admendment rights, most don't other than whether a certain candidate leans to the left or right. I actually enjoy hearing all the different views, but I can see where someone would be tired of hearing it, particularly if their was a primary in their state, and were being bombared with polictical ads, and they come here to get away, and see more of the same. I always figured if a thread had a politcal theme in the title, and you didn't want hear about it, don't read the thread. But the votes have been cast, and I'm trying to be better at not being political.
03-26-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm kind of glad to see this thread and CJB is right on the mark. All of us are guest in Johnh's Kahr house. Myself included.
The board the last several months has gotten somewhere between not so much fun and down right ugly.
A lot of the blame goes directly on me for that as there were countless time where the rules of the board were violated. All these ugly political threads had nothing to do with guns or shooting sports or 2nd amendment rights or anything that this board is for.
I should have been way more on top of this.
We've been very luck that we're allowed to disagree with each other in some cases and I'm certain that is going to continue on subjects that this board is set up for.
I agree Longitude Zero that this is for the most part adult swim but testy ain't gonna fly any more. We want this to be a good place for woman, new shooters, new kahr owners, even younger people waiting to get old enough to buy their first gun.
We have done this in the past and had really good times. Seems to go in phases and we get a onslaught of new guys that kind of muddy the waters. Don't misunderstand that statement, new guys is a very good thing, new guys that come in and want to bash product, call out long time members in good standing amongst ourselves, or generally just instigate, well those days are over.
The good times are gonna come back. I want it to be where if you away for 3 or 4 hours your going through withdrawals to check on the family members here.
We can do all this, we've done it before.
If I have to change my screen name to "The Hammer" so be it.
03-26-2012, 07:53 PM
Personally I love the Hammer but maybe a photo of a hammer as ur avitar, never change the Bawanna. u are a national symbol-- well possably a state symbol---well maybe a city symbol-- well maybe a local neighborhood symbol- Who knows u might even take the place of our National Bird. Eagles are wise u know!! They do not eat dead fish heads, nor do they mess with rotting horse heads
So u get my vote-- for what ever symbol u wanna be, but just be Bawanna. Nice that u came forward and took all the blame though for a minute there I thought maybe it was all my fault!!!
03-26-2012, 07:57 PM
We all have a first amendment right. It is God given and inalienable, just like our second amendment rights. There are rules on this board and we should all abide by the rules. I have no objection to an inappropriate post being deleted or a repeat offender being suspended once warned, but we should be allow to discuss gun related politics on an adult level. That's why we have an RKBA thread. All that I'm saying is that each of us should clean up our acts. If all were allowed to discuss is the merits of using non-chlorinated brake cleaner for cleaning the striker channel this website will become extremely boring. There's more to life than that.
Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 08:08 PM
I have no objection to an inappropriate post being deleted or a repeat offender being suspended once warned, but we should be allow to discuss gun related politics on an adult level. That's why we have an RKBA thread.
Agree 100% muggsy. Thanks Bawanna for the vote of confidence.
Longitude Zero
03-26-2012, 08:10 PM
Don't misunderstand that statement, new guys is a very good thing, new guys that come in and want to bash product, call out long time members in good standing amongst ourselves, or generally just instigate, well those days are over.
Excellent news.
03-26-2012, 08:16 PM
Hopefully I came in at the 'right' time. :(
First post, and this was at the top of the active topics page so it's my first taste of the forum.
Hopefully there's more to it than this. :)
03-26-2012, 08:18 PM
Agree 100% muggsy. Thanks Bawanna for the vote of confidence.
sure the discussion part is what gets a thread locked up:confused:
03-26-2012, 08:29 PM
I really appreciate the determined support from our long term members. It is you guys that have made this forum somewhat unique among gun forums. I have found lately, that I was hearing a generally increasing level of complaint about the overall tone shifting away from that welcoming place--from members and sponsors alike, across the board. Politics is one such topic, also religion, general hatred of Kahr (and I mean hatred), general antagonism towards certain very welcome members, and a few other recurring themes. Combine this with growth of the board increasingly makes individualizing moderation to each situation impractical. Ultimately that is why I made the self-guiding "do unto others" rule set, and I think sticking to it is the easiest and fairest way to keep everyone happy. I think I stepped back too far trying to keep my own views and preferences out of members' way. So I am going to fix that, and get back to more like when I started this out. If I seem heavy handed to newer members, so be it. I got that criticism a bit in the beginning but I think it proved important to how we developed.
I have been in the gun forum business for a while in various roles, and have unfortunately seen some forums go south. At least in ways I thought were disastrous. Members acting more like a frat house than a friendly gathering; moderators that stuck their noses in too much, too little, or an odd mix of both; owners that decided the forum could make them rich so buried it in advertising (man I hate that); and sponsors who interfered too much. So far we have been well above any of that to any degree like those sites. I could tell you stories....
Which reminds me, I have to say Kahr is very unique in that respect as they are extremely patient with all sorts of things on this forum that 99.9% of other companies I have worked with would have gone ballistic over in two seconds. Let me just point out that I am not running this under a nom de plume, and have been quite proud to work with Kahr as a sponsor. With some vendors you just don't want people to know your name when you do stuff for them. Again, I could tell you stories....
So stick with us and we will try to get this place back fully on track. I don't think we wandered too far--just need a course correction.
03-26-2012, 08:29 PM
Hopefully I came in at the 'right' time. :(
First post, and this was at the top of the active topics page so it's my first taste of the forum.
Hopefully there's more to it than this. :)
Just a revitalization program NOYZE. It's all perfectly fine and dandy and only gonna get better an better.
Stick around. Lots of good flavor for your taste buds.
03-26-2012, 08:33 PM
Was you thinking of me when you wrote nom de plume? I don't know what to say boss.
03-26-2012, 08:39 PM
damn JohnH. not one friggin typo even. How in the hgell do u do that??? Not that I wanna know, but maybe some newbies here it might help. Just sayin.
gotta ask though. "nom de plume" couldthat be Heidi Plume's brother?? Just askin. I was doing real good until I got to that part and then, wellu lost me:confused:
03-26-2012, 08:55 PM
:hungry: I like plums.....nuthin wrong with a really "nice pair" either :D
03-26-2012, 08:59 PM
no no no jeepster, cannot u read, it is not plums but plumes.u eat plums, I have no clue what plume's is. course being from Minnisota, I can see how u would misunderstand that. Twin cities,my ass, no twins there, they are like plums and plumes..
03-26-2012, 09:10 PM
Ah but we have the Minnie-sota-twins, dont cha know...
03-26-2012, 09:27 PM
It's all been covered for the most part, but I'll throw my hat in here too while we're at it. This forum is overall quite slack on the rules, in an attempt to keep it more entertaining and keep people interested and around when they aren't talking about the best way to clean their newest gun. That being said, IF we need to crack down, as the current times would indicate, we can and will. It would also seem that this recent crackdown has obviously caught everyone's attention and got the point across without this getting nasty.
Just so it's clear my stance when looking at these posts: Politics play a roll in the RKBA, but at the same time, discussing Obama's citizenship has no direct connection to gun laws, nor his healthcare, nor anything else about any politician you don't like besides their actual stance on gun control. We have let some things slide in the past, but it was just getting ridiculous and doing nothing more than making the forum a miserable place to be. Because of that, we have tightened that down quite a bit. I'm sure once the election is over, things will start to stray a bit, and that will be just fine as long as it doesn't start looking like it once did, though I believe most, if not all, of the cause of those problems are now gone.
I appreciate the time and energy everyone has put into this board, as it truly is one of the friendly/easier going gun forums on the internet. I believe John hinted at the fact you guys made it very easy to moderate this board, which also allowed us to distance ourselves from it. A couple bad know the saying. We've gotten rid of those and we're sniffing around for anymore we may have overlooked, though I'd say we're good at this point.
Final point I must address, as I truly do have the power to lock the thread/ban the person, your "First Amendment Rights" do not apply on this board, as this is a privately owned website on the internet. We can and will censor anything we deem necessary. The same can be said for your second amendment right, if a business owner states you can't bring a gun into their privately owned business, you can't do it. If we say you can't argue about which politician you hate the most, you can't do it (at least not here). All in all, I'd say the censorship of this board really is a minimum compared to many other boards out there, and now that things are starting to calm back down, I believe those that are left with the settling dust will see this really is a fine place to be.
03-26-2012, 09:38 PM
I, I, I've never heard Justin talk like that. I was a little skeered there for a bit but he makes me darn proud sometimes.
Nicely done and long live kahrtalk!
Wow! Thanks John H, JustinN, and Bawanna for standing up and being counted. Also to all members that piped up with their support. CJB, you are a wise man! I must admit, I am not on the forum daily but tend to pop in and out. The last few times I popped in, it was getting pretty tough. Lots of negative out there. Hopefully, that is all behind us and we can move forward. :)
Been there, done that with boards.... in a past life
03-27-2012, 08:27 AM
I really appreciate the determined support from our long term members. It is you guys that have made this forum somewhat unique among gun forums. I have found lately, that I was hearing a generally increasing level of complaint about the overall tone shifting away from that welcoming place--from members and sponsors alike, across the board. Politics is one such topic, also religion, general hatred of Kahr (and I mean hatred), general antagonism towards certain very welcome members, and a few other recurring themes. Combine this with growth of the board increasingly makes individualizing moderation to each situation impractical. Ultimately that is why I made the self-guiding "do unto others" rule set, and I think sticking to it is the easiest and fairest way to keep everyone happy. I think I stepped back too far trying to keep my own views and preferences out of members' way. So I am going to fix that, and get back to more like when I started this out. If I seem heavy handed to newer members, so be it. I got that criticism a bit in the beginning but I think it proved important to how we developed.
I have been in the gun forum business for a while in various roles, and have unfortunately seen some forums go south. At least in ways I thought were disastrous. Members acting more like a frat house than a friendly gathering; moderators that stuck their noses in too much, too little, or an odd mix of both; owners that decided the forum could make them rich so buried it in advertising (man I hate that); and sponsors who interfered too much. So far we have been well above any of that to any degree like those sites. I could tell you stories....
Which reminds me, I have to say Kahr is very unique in that respect as they are extremely patient with all sorts of things on this forum that 99.9% of other companies I have worked with would have gone ballistic over in two seconds. Let me just point out that I am not running this under a nom de plume, and have been quite proud to work with Kahr as a sponsor. With some vendors you just don't want people to know your name when you do stuff for them. Again, I could tell you stories....
So stick with us and we will try to get this place back fully on track. I don't think we wandered too far--just need a course correction.
Thanks John and the efforts of the moderators are appreciated.
03-27-2012, 09:22 AM
Actually I think the modertors or Kahr talk do a great job. I've personally put things on this site only to have it closed but the post still remained. Nothing was ever put on this site by me to have it closed on purpose but if the moderators felt the need to close it for what ever reason I can respect that, as often times the line that is crossed is not always so clear to the poster as it is to the moderator.:yo:
03-27-2012, 09:45 AM
Everything that John H, JustinN, and Bawanna said was dead on.
One of the things I really like about this board is how civil things are kept. New members/gun owners aren't blasted for asking newb questions. If someone happens to post incorrect information they are corrected and not attacked. You can give your opinion about a subject and not be put down, or insulted. I came across all sorts of that stuff while doing research for my AR build. The most innocent of questions got people attacked, insulted, and flat out cussed out by people who in my opinion are gun snobs. When one of the mods did show up they tended to hop on the bash-o-matic band wagon instead of stopping it.
I did start to notice the direction this board was headed and I'm happy to see things changing for the better. To all of you that try to keep this place sane I say good job!
03-27-2012, 10:03 AM
You guys are awesome. Thank you, John, Justin, and Bawanna.
I think its still safe to say Im new here, but Ive already deleted my other forum handles because you guys (and gals) have been so great. The long time members seem to be online 24 hours a day 7 days a week (cept Jocko takes a hiatus from time to time :D) and that means good, experienced knowledge is never far away. I love how when someone new asks the same question that came up last week, you guys dont belittle and tell them to search better, you just post links, pictures, and resources or previous threads. Thank you again. I (hope) Im not going anywhere anytime soon and I still get the jitters after not being able to log in at least 2wice a day.
People will be people and talk about subjects that arent necessarily appropriate in a given situation, but Im glad youre willing to take a stand when something like that happens. Can I say thank you again?
Since the "privately owned" part came up and John wont do adverts, broken record thank you, is there a way to donate to the forum that Im missing? I know you all arent trying to get rich but maybe a little bankroll where we can do some kind of fun contests, or send somebody some ammo and have them do a nice range report with lots of pictures? Im just spit balling but I think that stuff would be cool and interactive.
03-27-2012, 10:08 AM
I love this idea except I really would like to be rich so don't send the money to me if you have any hope of seeing it again.
Fine idea though.
Longitude Zero
03-27-2012, 10:27 AM
I love this idea except I really would like to be rich so don't send the money to me if you have any hope of seeing it again.
Fine idea though.
Me too. A man on a parallel mission.
03-27-2012, 11:49 AM
AH!!! PEACE on the board at last!!!! and a sublimal message t those who want to make war.....
03-27-2012, 12:05 PM
AH!!! PEACE on the board at last!!!! and a sublimal message t those who want to make war.....
Sublimal? Jocko your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. I had to look it up. Very close on the spelling to. Subliminal.
I think it means to make people think what you think without you knowing it.
Sneaky bastards.
03-27-2012, 12:15 PM
Bawanna, Johnh JustinN, the only reason I brought up Obama's citizenship or possible lack there of, is he is surely the most antigun president we've ever had, surrounding himself with anti-gun people at every position he is able too, and nominating anti-gunners to the Supreme Court. If he wins a 2nd term and gets the chance to replace a conservative judge with one of his choosing, then I believe we can kiss our 2nd admendment rights goodbye. I'm betting handguns would be first to banned or regulated to death, therefore there could possibly be no more Kahr, no more Kahrtalk, and many other handgun makers would suffer too. That is why I felt it was important to bring up the citizenship matter. I saw very few took interest in it and let it drop after a couple of posts. There are things in the polictical arena that don't directly tie to guns, but many do indirectly. Such as Supreme Court nominees, whether a liberal or conservative wins a congressional seat, these things are all very important for gun owners to be aware of. I think the forum was getting a bit out of hand with the name calling and people taking things way too personal, and I think you all did the right thing by cutting those discussions off. You all do a great job of making this a great forum and I thank you for that. I just wanted to share my view on political matters.
As I said earlier, I'm was trying to keep my political posts to a minimum, and will now cease all together unless it is directly related to our 2nd admendment rights.
Thanks again for everything you do to make this a good place to hang out.
03-27-2012, 12:15 PM
About the time Kahr started making those Cheaper Model guns, we had a great influx of new guys and a lot of negativity... and some real hatred for Kahr. I kind of wanted to "Turtle" and peek around a bit and vamoose.
I'm not the best at staying on topic and can get "excited" about politics, but I try to stay civil and certainly not gang up on anyone. I can still remember that first instance with Jocko and and how badly I felt for him when everyone ganged up on him. I'm glad he came back... usually.:D
I realize we're guests here and I try to keep it clean and show respect for others and their opinions... having to bite my tongue sometimes... or sit on my hands. I think also about the tyranny of the majority and how that can be a two-edged sword. If you don't like to read certain things, then don't... move on. No one makes you hang around if a topic isn't going as you wished. It's like TV or Talk Radio and people complaining and wanting things taken off the air. you don't have to watch or listen, but you shouldn't remove the choice for people that might want to. That's Freedom... people should be able to do pretty much what they want as long as they are not hurting anyone or infringing on anyone else's freedoms.
Staying on topic is not one of my fortés as I usually think of something and bring it up in the current conversation... rather than trying to grab everyone and going to another "room"... I get interrupted while I'm butting in sometimes, too... it's like a real conversation with many participants... with many things on their minds and wanting to ask a quick "burning question" or express an opinion. Within reason, I see this as normal. Sometimes guys start a thread just wanting some acknowledgement and start a conversation, which is fine with me. If he had a real question, I hope it gets answered.
I'll try harder to stop the long-winded(to many) political rants, but I can't seem to help myself with anecdotes and opinions.:)
I certainly welcome a return to a more favorable atmosphere and really discussing our favorite pistols and dealing with them.
03-27-2012, 12:54 PM
staying on topic has never been one of my "assets". but this forum is very good at straying and then coming back on target..
03-27-2012, 12:58 PM
:behindsofa:....Is it safe to come out now?...Thanks Bawanna and big guys for keeping the peace...I was gettin skerd there for a minute, it was like I ended up in a riot and a gun forum broke out...
Now lets all kiss and make up and I'll buy a round for the house from the best little Kahr Talk bar in town....Peace to all for evermore...
Can I get an Amen from the congregation....:yo:
GEEEZZZ...where in the heck have I been. I never seen any problems here on this site and I've been reading it almost daily for a couple of years now.
But then again I am an equal opportunity offender...:D
I really enjoy this site and find most individuals here very helpfull, informative, and in many cases down right entertaining. It really brightens my day.
03-27-2012, 01:00 PM
staying on topic has never been one of my "assets". but this forum is very good at straying and then coming back on target..
Sweet Mary and Joseph. All hail Jocko! Perfect spelling on every single word.
Next semester we'll work on capitalization, paragraph and sentence structure and punctuation.
I haven't a clue who can teach such stuff but I do like an agenda.
03-27-2012, 01:03 PM
careful "gedneral" ur on thin ice!! ur never happy, first I work my ass off to have proper spelling, now you want more. IT HAS TO END. I kinda took this as an insult, \so I forwardwed in on to he two top brass guys and they both replied in unison STUFF IT. I need their address colonerl sanders.
Subliminal....DAAAAAANG! Whats up with that? Does that mean we now have to all form a circle, hug a tree and sing *** Ba Ya....?
That don't work for me but to each their own. Subliminal...thats a good one JOCKO...HAHHHH your killing me son!!!! And spelling to boot, what next, I can't take it any more... what is this world coming to?
03-27-2012, 01:17 PM
careful "gedneral" ur on thin ice!! ur never happy, first I work my ass off to have proper spelling, now you want more. IT HAS TO END. I kinda took this as an insult, \so I forwardwed in on to he two top brass guys and they both replied in unison STUFF IT. I need their address colonerl sanders.
I apologize and withdraw everything I said. My excitement over your major achievement overwelmed my minimal powers of self restraint.
You make me so proud sometimes.
I'm still working on the addition to the house. Please hold all shipments of horse heads until I have more room for proper storage.
I can tell you that those airwick automatic air freshners are no match for you gifts. Not even close.
03-27-2012, 01:17 PM
Dang! The auto-censor-spell-checker on this site thinks "Kahr" and Ruger are misspelled... AND you can't say c0ck your pistol or bl@ckberry or a lot of other "normble" words!
03-27-2012, 01:18 PM
I see some horse heads in yall's future lol.
03-27-2012, 01:19 PM
On that subject. It tells me here if I spell wrong but I don't see where it tells me the correct spelling. I just have to keep guessing till I get it right or give up and blame it on Jocko.
Is there such a thing. I looked at all the buttons and I just don't see it.
03-27-2012, 01:21 PM
I see some horse heads in yall's future lol.
I've been thinking of opening a museum. Lord knows I got enough to look at. I probably should get the new ones professionally cured or something, some of my earliest models are somewhat worse for wear.
On a bright side, after about a year or so the smell starts to dissipate and a new visitor can almost breath without assistance.
03-27-2012, 01:23 PM
I'm trying to figure out why b berry is blocked. Never knew it could be used to insult someone lol.
03-27-2012, 01:24 PM
You can type the word you have a question about in the search window of the browser and it will start giving you a drop-down list of spellings... IF you get close enough... just don't click on any of those things or the search will start for that and jump away from your forum page... AND you'll usually LOSE everything you've typed up to that point!:eek:
Been there, done that too many times!
03-27-2012, 01:26 PM
Subliminal....DAAAAAANG! Whats up with that? Does that mean we now have to all form a circle, hug a tree and sing *** Ba Ya....?
That don't work for me but to each their own. Subliminal...thats a good one JOCKO...HAHHHH your killing me son!!!! And spelling to boot, what next, I can't take it any more... what is this world coming to?
PM sent, can't print it on the fourm, to political.
03-27-2012, 01:26 PM
You have to learn the "uncensored" work-around words like "c0ck" and "Naz!", etc, or make up your own... anything is better than ****!
03-27-2012, 01:27 PM
I'm sure someone sells a mounting kit. When you invite someone over you could say "want to check out my collection of guns and heads?"
03-27-2012, 01:27 PM
PM sent, can't print it on the fourm, to political.
Uh oh, DKD's getting a least its not me so all good.
03-27-2012, 01:29 PM
Dang! The auto-censor-spell-checker on this site thinks "Kahr" and Ruger are misspelled... AND you can't say c0ck your pistol or bl@ckberry or a lot of other "normble" words!
men on this fourm would like, I would take that RESPONSIBILITY of the auto-censor thing and reevualate the words in it. I do believe Icould sensor it down to about the size of a postage stamp, so we would no long have to insert #* or what ever in our words, That is probably what got me started in some of my misspelled words over the year. Just sayin
03-27-2012, 01:33 PM
On my MS Word's spellchecker, I "ADD" a lot of the words to the dictionary... the ones that I get tired of ignoring or that pop up so often.
03-27-2012, 03:28 PM
I don't stray in here as often anymore, since I'm no longer a Kahr owner, and I don't know what caused all the ruckus, but the love-fest turned grammar lesson's getting a little syrupy. Glad you guys are liking each other, but be careful: "liking leads to loving, and loving leads to..." (Officer and a Gentleman reference).
03-27-2012, 03:38 PM
oh so a forum getting along is now considered "syrupy". beats hammering each other IMO.
03-27-2012, 03:45 PM
Dang it, wheres Dietrich when we really need him. I bet he'd be an expert on syrupy.
03-27-2012, 03:54 PM
he's watching general!! oh my god, I missed the new title. congrats bawanna, Suepr moderator, , doe stha tmean u can fly likie super man and lift all buildings etc..
damn u went from colonel to SM in a couple of days. Hewll Dwight Eishenhower never made it up the ladder that fast.. actualy that puts u in a whole new class for ol jocko. Only Fresh fish heads suiutable for table will ever be sent..
03-27-2012, 03:56 PM
he's watching general!!
An probably laughing his back side off too.
03-27-2012, 03:59 PM
Bawanna, Super Mod (aka The Hammer)
03-27-2012, 04:00 PM
yup forgot that. Wow, he has went from bawanna to hammer, to colonel to now SM.
when u ge tup off that chair and walk across water, count me in my friend.
03-27-2012, 04:05 PM
It's all in phases. I have flying lessons this weekend that comes with the learners permit. After 6 months I think we work on lifting tall buildings and such.
I could always walk on water, it's land I seem to have a tricky time with. Go figure.
For fresh horse heads, it's all worth it, every bit of it.
Wife will be so happy.
Just remember I'm still just an office puke so you don't need to salute me unless of course I'm carrying the swagger stick, then a salute or perhaps a curtsy or a bow might be kind of nice.
Gotta go see what kind of heat seeking control stuff I can find.........
03-27-2012, 04:08 PM
I am saluting u right now. I think all members should set their watches right now, and in 15 minutes give our new super moderator the one finger salute. Just sayin.
ur buddy Diet would have been bubbles over this general..
03-27-2012, 05:04 PM
Well, am glad I missed all that ruckus and never really saw much of anything. :)
03-27-2012, 07:38 PM
On that subject. It tells me here if I spell wrong but I don't see where it tells me the correct spelling. I just have to keep guessing till I get it right or give up and blame it on Jocko.
Is there such a thing. I looked at all the buttons and I just don't see it.
Well, the spell checker disappeared before Christmas and I haven't seen it since. Nothing pops up or messes with my misspellings. I thought one of the mods did it as a Christmas present for Jocko. :hippie: I didn't change any preferences and thought it was that way for everybody. So, it's still working for you guys? WTH? How can this be?
But the stupid censor still works. :mad:
03-27-2012, 07:48 PM
I never seen a spell checker on any of my postws. I feel kinda left out!!
03-27-2012, 07:51 PM
Wow!!! Super Moderator. How does one address a Super Mod? Kiss the ring? Call you Your Holiness? You get a red beanie hat with that title too?
Pope on a Rope?
Super Moderator?
I heard of Super Reverb, Super Glide, Super Man/Woman/Boy/Girl/Dog, Super Glue, but never a Super Moderator.
Maybe Jocko spelt it, and its sposed to be Supper Moderator, in which case, please get some viddles on, cuz I only had a granola bar so far today.
03-27-2012, 08:00 PM
ur to much tinman, u have not lost ur touch.. there is a slight resemblance to the general, I think it is the hole inb the head though. We had a fella here in Indiana that was \called the GENERAL. do u know who he was???
BOB THE A$$hole KNIGHT.:yo:
03-28-2012, 12:50 AM
Jocko, you mean you don't get little squiggly red lines under most of the words you type... before you hit Post?
03-28-2012, 01:30 AM
Well, the spell checker disappeared before Christmas and I haven't seen it since. Nothing pops up or messes with my misspellings. I thought one of the mods did it as a Christmas present for Jocko. :hippie: I didn't change any preferences and thought it was that way for everybody. So, it's still working for you guys? WTH? How can this be?
But the stupid censor still works. :mad:
The spell checker is built into the Firefox browser. It is not a forum feature.
At least on this particular laptop, the version of Internet Explorer does not seem to have a spell checker. Did you change browsers or a browser setting. Sometimes that happens by accident. :rolleyes:
03-28-2012, 08:32 AM
The spell checker is built into the Firefox browser. It is not a forum feature.
At least on this particular laptop, the version of Internet Explorer does not seem to have a spell checker. Did you change browsers or a browser setting. Sometimes that happens by accident. :rolleyes:
I get automatic updates on Firefox and upgrade whenever a new major version comes out. Maybe that did it. I looked at options, but there is nowhere to turn spell checking on/off. So it must be a new "feature". Thanks! :)
03-28-2012, 08:58 AM
Super Moderator! So, what is the protocol, oh great Bawanna? Bow when approaching you? :faint2: Kiss your ring? :tongue: Sing your praises (which we do anyway!)? :cheer2:
03-28-2012, 09:03 AM
I get automatic updates on Firefox and upgrade whenever a new major version comes out. Maybe that did it. I looked at options, but there is nowhere to turn spell checking on/off. So it must be a new "feature". Thanks! :)
Actually, it might just be turned off, as you can see in the link above taken from the Firefox help screen available at this link (
Check it out. ;)
03-28-2012, 11:16 AM
U just want to confuse me don't u Tucson???
03-28-2012, 11:32 AM
I'm trying to figure out why b berry is blocked. Never knew it could be used to insult someone lol.
What it is about is those of use that are chained to work with our bl@ckberries swear and don't act nice when they go beep all hours of the day and night and that is what is being censored :D
03-28-2012, 11:56 AM
What it is about is those of use that are chained to work with our bl@ckberries swear and don't act nice when they go beep all hours of the day and night and that is what is being censored :D
Makes since :der:
03-28-2012, 12:42 PM
Actually, it might just be turned off, as you can see in the link above taken from the Firefox help screen available at this link (
Check it out. ;)
I missed that. DUH! :nerd: Thanks. I think I'll keep it turned off. Now, if I can figure out how to turn off the censor. :rolleyes:
03-28-2012, 01:02 PM
I use Firefox 11.0J and this is the screen I see when changing options:
03-28-2012, 01:03 PM
Hey mine has Jocko mode too. I must have the newest version huh?
Remind me never to mess with you, your pretty scary with some of this stuff you do, you must be a force to be reckoned with on facebook which I of course know nothing about and don't belong too.
03-28-2012, 01:29 PM
Well, D@mn! It looks like I need an upgrade on both my XP and my Vista machines.
Durn it, the Windows 7 machines also seem to have missed the Jocko update too! :32:
This keeping everything up to date cr@p is getting to be too much.
Macintosh anyone? :smash:
03-28-2012, 01:31 PM
U just want to confuse me don't u Tucson???
So, how am I doing, Jocko?
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