View Full Version : Police Say Witnesses Back Zimmerman's Story

03-27-2012, 10:48 AM
Police say witness say that Martin attacked Zimmerman, Sucker punching him and slamming his head into the pavement, and tried to take his gun.


03-27-2012, 11:04 AM
Yep and the screams on the tape are Zimmerman...not Trayvon's.
And all the pics the media shows are when he was 12 years old.
Here's a pic from his face book page...He's 6'2" now:
Sorry for what I said right there...it's the truth and is factual though:lie:

Edited to add:
OK that pic of Trayvon may not have been accurate, I'll add another

03-27-2012, 11:15 AM
Thats frustrating. Nice picture tho Tilos, paints a pretty different picture. Did you find a place to listen to the tapes?

03-27-2012, 11:31 AM
In one of the local news shots of the crime scene I thought I saw security cameras installed. Did anyone else? And, if there were, has anyone (e.g. media) asked if any of this was recorded?


03-27-2012, 11:43 AM
There's a lot of hype and we really don't know what transpired, but it's typical for the MSM to slant the story as they have. The police department really screwed up with their handling of the incident... keeping quiet and not "defending" their actions with any "official" version of the FACTS they had, especially supporting Zimmerman's claims and corroborating witness statements, etc. Letting things be blown out of proportion like this has been insane and now everyone has an opinion... before any statements or witness accounts were ever mentioned.

It seems an irrecoverable situation now and that justice is impossible. Zimmerman was overzealous and accosting Martin was the wrong thing to do. It's hard to see how the "Stand your ground" defense can be used with success in this instance.


03-27-2012, 11:56 AM
How do you know Zimmerman was overzealous without facts?

As Tilos pictures show the media has obviously got this story so completely twisted around that Martians might have attacked with EMP's for all we know.

I like them taking Zimmermans booking photo from an earlier life to add to their media deceit. Makes him look more like the demon they are trying to portray.

Let's just watch and see. We'll no doubt never know. Hope the Chief gets his job and his jurisdiction back if he was a good chief. Don't know that either.
Usually in police work Mums by far the best statement. Don't give the media vultures anything to circle.

03-27-2012, 12:02 PM
Because of his actions in the past... 911 calls and logged reports to the police... especially in this instance where the official 911 operator told him they didn't need him to follow the "suspect".


03-27-2012, 12:09 PM
Great picture. The media obviously will air a story only in a manner that will get the public fired up. By public, I mean the people who dont realize that there are two sides to a story. Still not enough to determine facts, but defenitly nice to see a little of the "other side of the story"

03-27-2012, 12:32 PM
Like most conflicts that end badly, I'm sure there is enough blame for both of them. Tragic story for sure.

03-27-2012, 12:52 PM
Like most conflicts that end badly, I'm sure there is enough blame for both of them. Tragic story for sure.

Very true. And justified in self defense or not...two lives are over, now.

03-27-2012, 01:09 PM
Anyone of us who carry could find ourselves in Zimmerman's shoes one day. I stated early on that we should wait until all of the facts are in. From what we are hearing now it would seem that Zimmerman was well within his rights to shoot his attacker regardless of the stand your ground provision of the law. Zimmerman was never ordered not to follow Martin. All that the 911 dispatcher said was that they didn't need him to do that. Zimmerman has been active as a community watch captain protecting his neighborhood from crime for the past two years without incident.

03-27-2012, 01:45 PM
Not trying to stir anything up, but is there proof that both of those pictures are of the same kid? I have read conflicting info and wondered if anyone knew that was a fact.

03-27-2012, 01:51 PM
Because of his actions in the past... 911 calls and logged reports to the police... especially in this instance where the official 911 operator told him they didn't need him to follow the "suspect".


I posted this before in a closed thread and will briefly cover it again here.
Most who live in the other 49 states do not understand what a Florida gated community is.

Generally, the roads within are privately owned and maintained, built by the developer and turned over to the residents, not to any town and not public, and therefore are PRIVITE PROPERTY...like your yard.

Anyone entering without a transponder, at a manned entrance, is asked for ID and who they are visiting, with that resident being called to varify they are expecting that visitor.

If they are in a car, they're given a pass to display on their dash board.
Anyone walking, who entered without stopping at security????????????

All neigborhood watch types, usually patrol in a well marked, neighborhood owned golf cart, and are trained to call the police.
Anyone just wondering in will be video'ed and may be challenged as to why they are there.

The police DO NOT patrol these neighborhoods UNLESS invited in, usually for a reason and why they were called for this.

I know this, as I lived in Florida gated communtities from 1993 to 2004 and don't think they have changed much since I left.

In Jacksonville, Clermont, and Ocala, Florida

Lets keep this civil so as not to get the lock and if you want to challenge those pics...do some research yourself, but I'm sure Trayvon's face book page has been shut down.
I don't recall seeing many 17 year olds who look like the published pics though. again that's just me, and I'm known to be an idiot, tin foil hat type.

03-27-2012, 02:07 PM
I have heard the tapes, but don't remember where...quickly followed by the weeping mother saying that it was her son:rolleyes:.

If it's becomes known and accepted it was Zimmerman screaming, you won't be able to find or listen to them, I'm sure.
But hey, that's just me and my view.

03-27-2012, 02:19 PM
Monitoring is one thing, but getting in someone's face to "challenge" them is letting that "I'm emboldened because I'm carrying a gun and I'm 'in the right' " precipitate and escalate the "situation"... and yeah, I'm just guessing, too, but he's NOT a COP and should KNOW better. The info that comes with your license in FL says that YOU ARE NOT A FREE LANCE COP.

I hope Zimmerman survives to get his day in court and that he is exonerated, but with the New Black Panthers' inflammatory reward... some kind of "HIT" may be the result. The race baiters and race p!mps and hate mongers are having a field day and no GOOD will come of any of it.

I personally think that if you dress and act the part, I have nothing else to go on but the stereotype you want to display... whether it's dressing like a "HO" or a "GANGSTA". The first impression you give people is just that... a first impression... and you just get one chance to make that FIRST impression... good... OR bad.


03-27-2012, 03:06 PM
More information on Trayvon Martin.


03-27-2012, 03:11 PM

We cannot know what Zimmerman did/said or how Trayvon reacted, but no one needs to beat to the ground, either way.
I've been armed as a resident on patrol and would have shot anyone who beat me down, whether he "felt" threatened by me our not, doesen't matter, once someone lays a hand on me I'm going to do what needs to be done.

Would you not "challenge" someone in you back yard...would you be armed?
You might even call 911 before going out there.
I see no difference here, being privite property and NOT a public street, but that's just me.

And if you didn't go out, and the cops came, sirens blaring, and the trespasser ran away, would you be comfortable with that?

I have become a member of a minority without choice, simply by living long enough to become a geezer.
I know this is not the case here, because Zimmerman is not old, but I lived in Florida after the last presidential election and can say, I saw a large part of the populus become emboldened by it, and I left.

Wynn, I don't know you or your station in life, and hope you are able to become a member of this same minority, if not already, as your view of life may be changed by it.

Longitude Zero
03-27-2012, 03:33 PM
I am hoping this will go down as a straightforward Self Defense case and not touch upon SYG. The tapes will be audio tested by the FBI/NTSB to determine if the scream is Martins or Zimmermans. if it is Zimmermans it virtually destroys the kids families allegations.

03-27-2012, 03:55 PM
Not trying to stir anything up, but is there proof that both of those pictures are of the same kid? I have read conflicting info and wondered if anyone knew that was a fact.

The Malkin photo was not of Travon. The Drudge photo was a photo of Travon.


03-27-2012, 04:11 PM
It seems a lot of people are digging into Trayvon Martin's past and it's not what has been portrayed, even with his parents testifying before Congress today and also trying to trademark his name.
I'm not going to post what I've read as I cannot varify the info but it should come to light soon enough.
Edited to add:
Obama has spoken on this and now the Black Panthers too, getting more and more interesting by the minute.
Over and Out,

03-27-2012, 04:43 PM
Is it not aginst the law to offer to pay someone to kill someone else. Should the black panthers be arrested?

03-27-2012, 04:52 PM
I think I AM part of the Majority in Florida... one of the Geezers. I have never called the cops when I thought something was going on around my house. It's my CASTLE and I've never NEEDED a "stand your ground" law to protect US or what's ours.

I used to assist the last cop that lived in the park behind my house with opening and closing the gate and keeping trespassers out after hours. I did that a few times and I was always armed and never had any problems. I was told to call the cops if I needed to report trespassers... people that didn't leave when I asked them to. I wouldn't have been walking my dog out through the park at night and checking on things unarmed. I never knew who or what I would run into in a boat ramp park like this one. There was some history of drug transactions and I did see some paraphernalia a few times.

The cop knew I was armed and expressed his thanks that I had quietly backed him up one time from the bushes out my back gate into the park. I had heard a commotion in the park and grabbed my P12... 12+1 .45 with NS and my tactical light and went out the back gate quietly to see what was going on. Evidently some guy's wife was there with another guy and hubby wanted to kick his butt. The other guy went screaming up the hill and the wife was screaming at her husband, and the cop came out of his trailer and stood there trying to calm the situation down. He was wearing a T-shirt and boxer underwear... apparently not armed. I just monitored and he was able to defuse the situation and the others left. I quietly went back to my house and much later, the next time I saw him, I told him about that night. He seemed grateful and already knew that I would help him any way I could.

I've gone out and asked a crowd of about one dozen college-age guys to leave the park after hours. I spoke mainly to one guy and he was respectful and they left. They were thinking that it would be a good place to congregate and some were using those noisy skateboards... and they were getting noisy just all talking and carrying on at once. I just explained that the park was closed and that they were trespassing and they apologized and left. They never looked threatening or postured, so I was not VERY apprehensive.


03-27-2012, 04:56 PM
Is it not aginst the law to offer to pay someone to kill someone else. Should the black panthers be arrested?

Holder has already said that he's not going to prosecute blacks being unlawful against whites... concerning the same bunch... New Black Panthers.


03-27-2012, 05:44 PM
The bomb.

Here it is folks. This story was around a month ago. Nothing became of it, until.... until something happened to make it become a frenzy. And, its become a frenzy regarding race, and other issues, like it or not.

Why did the story get 10th page play, then no play for a month? Who is behind getting it to the top of the media feeding frenzy? What process was used to do so?

We have Sharpton, The NBP's, Jackson, you name the "racial leader", who actually are racial divisors, and they're involved stirring up the pot on this. The law gets totally misquoted. The situation gets wrongly portrayed. Every detail has been spun and twisted to the extent that that particular detail will enable. How did they get involved? And who involved them, and why?


Is this about Zimmerman and Martin? About Zimmerman getting his due, and Martin getting justice?

No. No. No it is not. I repeat: No!

This is about racial solidarity, at a time when the administration needs it the most. Its about the summer of hate and division, led by the racial left, the unions and the Progressives. Its about knocking down laws that permit you to actually defend yourself.... imagine... we need a law to tell us that we can indeed defend ourselves.

Its about a much much much bigger picture than almost anyone is seeing.

When the racial groups are aligned; when the summer gets hot; when the unions get marching; when the Progressives rally the left, the socialists, the neocoms, and the radicals feeling displaced; when it comes down this summer... you'll know why this is the making of the eye of the storm.

Mr. S
03-27-2012, 06:22 PM
Police say witness say that Martin attacked Zimmerman, Sucker punching him and slamming his head into the pavement, and tried to take his gun.


If you read the article it says no one witnessed the alleged sucker punch.
Seems odd that Zimmerman would be suprised that a suspicious character that warranted calling 911 might punch him in the face for following him around for no reason.
I doubt anyone will know for sure what happened,except that Martin got the better of Zimmerman and he got killed for it.
Many things could have happened leading up to it.

03-27-2012, 06:55 PM
While we're talking about things that have been postulated that may not have actually happened, and the media slanting things, you might want to look at this;


I'm not saying I believe this, or that I do not. I'm not stepping in on EITHER side of this. There is no way I can know what happened, and neither can any of us.

So why are we still talking about this?

Longitude Zero
03-27-2012, 07:36 PM
This is about racial solidarity, at a time when the administration needs it the most. Its about the summer of hate and division, led by the racial left, the unions and the Progressives. Its about knocking down laws that permit you to actually defend yourself.... imagine... we need a law to tell us that we can indeed defend ourselves.

Its about a much much much bigger picture than almost anyone is seeing.

When the racial groups are aligned; when the summer gets hot; when the unions get marching; when the Progressives rally the left, the socialists, the neocoms, and the radicals feeling displaced; when it comes down this summer... you'll know why this is the making of the eye of the storm.

Very true.

03-27-2012, 08:19 PM
So why are we still talking about this?
Because the media has done it's job and is patting themselves on their respective backs.

03-27-2012, 08:39 PM
because the media is talking about, so it must be important to us sheople.

03-27-2012, 09:28 PM
Just to stir up more crap, Spike Lee tweeted Zimmerman's home address to all his tweeter buddies. That guy is going to have to change his address, his name, his whole life, because of this unless he ends up in prison.
I was at a friends house today and she heard a noise in the garage. I had a pistol on me so pulled it out and went out to investigate, the garage door had been left up enough that anyone could crawl under it and take something. I didn't bother calling 911 over a "noise" and didn't see anyone, thankfully, or someone might have gotten shot, and I'd be the one being drug over the coals with everyone 2nd guessing my motives, and for not waiting on the police and all that crap. Although if someone is in your house or garage, they don't make much fuss over it here in Kansas. Should I have called 911 and waited 15 minutes for a cop? If there had been a thief he would have had plenty of time to get away with whatever he was stealing. Anyway, I didn't want to waste a cop's time over a noise, that was probably a cat or dog knocking something off a shelf or something, we have no idea what it was.
At home I sometimes do work down in the office in the saferoom (a concrete lined storm/bomb shelter with steel door) and often hear a strange noise from upstairs. I always have a gun in my hand when I go up to investigate. I'm liking my 17 shot M&P for that use. I'm sure not going to call the police everytime I hear a strange noise. I live about a mile from the interstate and worry that some thug is going to make an exit and stop at one of the lonely old farmhouses out here and try to pick up some quick cash or goods he can pawn. There is a quick mart/gas station and a truck stop and places to eat at the next exit, and I've had some weird encounters down there, people agressively panhandling for money, or trying to sell tools to "make it home" and stuff like that. Someone that looks more like a crackhead than a carpenter in a car with a trunk full of assorted power tools and no suitcases or anything makes me think "stolen goods" and I usually say I don't have any cash on me, and take care of whatever business I have there and leave ASAP.
After I replace a couple doors with some stronger ones, I'm going to check to see if I can afford a security system. Sorry for the book.

03-27-2012, 10:54 PM
Lots of info here with related stuff in the side bar to click on.


I'm only posting the link for info only, cannot vouch for any of the info and will not be debating anything posted there.

Check out Martin's tweet handle in the most popular, side bar link.

03-28-2012, 05:05 AM
Fox news reports that Black Panther leader who issued dead or alive reward for Zimmerman arrested on weapons charge.


03-28-2012, 06:13 AM
We're really beating on this dead horse, and if we're going to give Jocko a chance to cut off the head and ship it to bawanna, we need to stop. Plus we're starting to get nasty on this, so let's all just wait and see how this plays out.