View Full Version : The end of my rod keeps falling off

02-10-2010, 05:38 PM
I bought a stainless guide rod for my MK9 but the end keeps coming loose. I tried scotch grip and even resorted to super glue. Any suggestions on what to do with my rod? After every clip when the slide locks open I twist it tight again. I'm actually starting to enjoy doing this lol.

02-10-2010, 06:04 PM
I bought a stainless guide rod for my MK9 but the end keeps coming loose. I tried scotch grip and even resorted to super glue. Any suggestions on what to do with my rod? After every clip when the slide locks open I twist it tight again. I'm actually starting to enjoy doing this lol.

red locktite and you willbe good to go, make sure the threads are clean on both parts. Kahr uses red locktite

02-10-2010, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the help I will do that. BUT!!!!!!! you can buy a new plastic rod and spring for 15 bucks that is complete with no gluing. Is it a stretch to offer the stainless already put together?

mr surveyor
02-10-2010, 10:31 PM
just use the little tiny dab of locktite and fix it!

I have other handguns that had the same occurances. After thousands of rounds, the original locktite can give way....it's no big deal to clean the threads and put them back together with a dab

02-11-2010, 07:17 AM
Is this the problem you are having? See my thread? http://kahrtalk.com/kahr-tech/863-confounded-flange.html

In my case, the front part came off while I was at an indoor shooting range, and I never found it so I ordered a spare and Kahr sent me another one under warranty. I never noticed it was off after shooting some 200 rounds. I was obviously shooting with it gone, and I never had a jam.

02-11-2010, 11:06 AM
Thanks deadhead
And thank you others as well. I always noticed it loosening while shooting so it never fell off. I always wondered what would happen if it did.

02-11-2010, 11:16 AM
Mine came off between the 850 round mark to 985 rounds. So it took a while of shooting before it went flying off.

02-11-2010, 08:22 PM
The end of my rod keeps falling off...I tried scotch grip and even resorted to super glue... Any suggestions on what to do with my rod?....I twist it tight again...I'm actually starting to enjoy doing this lol.


mr surveyor
02-11-2010, 09:32 PM

my first thoughts too:D... but I forced myself to act like a stiff necked adult

...besides, it would have been too easy to respond immediately:)

02-12-2010, 01:05 AM
Sorry, but

does anyone else think of the song

"My bucket's got a hole in it"

when you see "The end of my rod keeps falling off."

I can't help myself.:blushing:

This has been bugging me for days and I had to get it off my chest... whew!


02-12-2010, 08:20 AM
Only aby normble people would think that way about the end of another guys rod falling off....I had to force myself not to post anything but since ya'll started it I guess its time to crank up the ol Brokeback 2000....:banplease:

02-13-2010, 06:46 PM
I installed the guide rod I bought recently from Kahr. It's the plastic one with the springs already on it. WOW what a difference in strength. I couldn't even rack one the spring was so strong compared to the old one. Once I did I was off and shooting. I gotta get me some red lock tight next.