View Full Version : New MK9 Issue

03-28-2012, 09:24 AM
Hello, I purchased an MK9 from a local shop on monday. I got it home and was loading up the mags to get an idea of the weight. I loaded up the flush mag and then loaded up the extended mag. Once i was finished getting acquainted with the extended I removed it and commenced to put the flush mag back in. When I inserted the flush mag I noticed the mag catch never reset itself therefore causing the mag to fall out. After a few minutes of scratching my head I removed the mag catch/release pin and it was sheared in half. Right where the lock pin seats in the solid metal catch pin was broken into two pieces. I have yet to even fire the weapon. I called Kahr and after a 2 minute phone call the guy said one was on the way, no issues or questioning just got me one on the way.

My questions are how difficult will it be to install, any idea on time to receive warranty parts from Kahr and has anyone had this happen before?


03-28-2012, 11:14 AM
I would thinki being u took it apart, it should be a no brainer to reinstall it. take ur time. TYhat is the first that I have ever read happening, ur lucky day..

03-28-2012, 11:28 AM
I'm not 100% clear on exactly what broke. If it's the mag catch itself it should be real easy, kind of like a 1911 on the MK if my memory is working.

They don't have the little straight spring like a Glock or M&P etc to push the release around. I think it will be pretty straight forward when you look at it.

Should only be a day or two before you have it also.

03-28-2012, 12:32 PM
actuaslly kahrs parts manul shows some pretty good photos of how it goes together, very similar to the 1911 models as the great one stated.

03-28-2012, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the replies,

Well since it was broke it practically came out on it's own. The more I look at the part it looks simple enough but i would hate to miss some secret master trick that you wonderful ppl have heard about ;). The part is "Kahr 018M9S Magazine Catch Lock Pin." It is the mag release button and mag catch all in one cylindrical metal piece. The solid metal piece sheared at the groove where the lock screw goes. Thanks again for the replies as I now feel better about it