View Full Version : Shooting PM9 or CM9?

03-28-2012, 03:46 PM
My buddy had a PM9, and sold it before I had a chance to shoot it. He stated he liked the size of the gun but he would always shoot low, and that is why he sold it. I am looking at 1 of the 2 models listed but want to know if this is common with these models? He stated the gun was reliable bout shot 6-10" low at 10 yards. Before you ? his shooting ability he does very well at PPC, IDPA, and IPSC.

03-28-2012, 03:56 PM
urf buddy was blaming tghe gun for his shooting errors. Kahrs have looooong but smooth trigger systems and no doubt he was anticiapting the BANG thing and ur gonna get lows and lefts until u get the trigger discipline right. Also he might have thewrong sight picutre. Again he is blaming the gun when it is his fault. He ain't using a kahr n any of thois shooting events either. U outta try to rent a kahr somewhere before buying so u can accept or decline the way the trigger system in a kahr works. It is a defense gun not a target/match gun, It has no safety other than what is between ur ears and the looooong but smooth trigger system. If u can rent a PM9 or cm9 they are both the same size, weight and trigger system guns, so they should soot the same, THEN DECIDE.

03-28-2012, 04:11 PM
+1 with Jocko - did I just say that out loud LOL!

I think my MK40 trigger is like the PM9/CM9 guns.
The long double action only trigger can give even skilled experienced folks
fits if they don't take the time to dial it in.

The Kahr MK/PM/CM guns are abbreviated grip, short barreled, Self Defense guns.
But they are considered very accurate compared to other like sized weapons.

03-28-2012, 04:17 PM
yup trigger system is the same. every once in awhile IT IS A GOOD THING to agree with ol jocko.. Just sayin

03-28-2012, 04:48 PM
^^^ hahahah once in a blue moon, there is no way a kahr's sight system is that far off.... 9-10 lb trigger will do that to you when you anticipate like mentioned above.

03-28-2012, 04:49 PM
My PM9 was shooting 6-10 inches low from 25 yards when i first got it.

Then I went home and loaded snap caps and put on the crimson trace. I was so used to the S&W SA trigger that about a quarter inch before the 'bang' my trigger finger pulling caused my whole hand to clench which pulls the muscle in my forearm and makes my whole hand 'drop' so to speak.

The fix I found (which may not work for all) is using a death drip. Massad's article below explain the plus and minuses of it, but if i ever have to use this gun away from the range Ill have adrenaline dump and fight or flight so Ill have death grip anyway. I dont shoot all my pistols like this, but like I said it seems to work for me in the PM, I can put 2 mags in a 3-4 inch group from 10 yards.


Not to discount your buddy's creds, but it sounds like he's used to shooting bigger, target guns. IMO the Peace Maker and the Cheaper Model are niche guns and shoot differently from a larger bullet eater. I think you should take ole Jockos advice and find one to try and see for yourself.

WI carrier
03-28-2012, 07:36 PM
vertical sighting could have been a problem, think of it as dotting an I. the triggers are very consistent from model to model, very simple guns.

03-28-2012, 07:45 PM
An old fellow at my range noticed I was shooting low, and to the left a while back. He grabbed my mags and loaded them while talking to me. He snuck in a few dummy rounds, and told me about it. This is a real eye opener if you are a flincher. When the dummy round didn't go off, I noticed I was pulling to muzzle, anticipating the bang... After that, I was back on target.


03-29-2012, 10:58 AM
The PM/CM series guns are so small it takes a different trigger finger method than other larger grip frame guns with a longer distance between the backstrap and trigger face...

I found that if I tried using only the pad of my trigger finger like on a target gun the looooong trigger pull made the muzzle go low and left but if I use more of my finger up to the first joint I shot it much better....With these little guns you have to improvise, adapt and over come with practice to shoot decent groups...

I can shoot good groups with my full size M&P .40 but nowhere near as tight with the PM40 but thats ok with me so long as I can get body hits on a silhouette target at 15 feet which is real world distance for a CCW pocket pistol IMHO...

03-29-2012, 11:02 AM
An old fellow at my range noticed I was shooting low, and to the left a while back. He grabbed my mags and loaded them while talking to me. He snuck in a few dummy rounds, and told me about it. This is a real eye opener if you are a flincher. When the dummy round didn't go off, I noticed I was pulling to muzzle, anticipating the bang... After that, I was back on target.


that has been mentioned many times on this forum as a correctional AID.That ol man is a wise ol man. Just sayin:behindsofa:

Manyh would call that anticipating the "bang" thing.

03-29-2012, 11:16 AM
My wife does that, I imagine I do as well but she hasn't mentioned it...

When she pulls the gun up, aims, and tries to hit the bullseye, she pulls the barrel down just that instant before the shot rings out.

When she forgets that, and just pulls the gun up in front of her face, points the gun at the target, and pulls the trigger like she is trying to light one of her candles with one of her BBQ lighters, she is all over the black.

03-29-2012, 01:28 PM
The PM/CM series guns are so small it takes a different trigger finger method than other larger grip frame guns with a longer distance between the backstrap and trigger face...

I found that if I tried using only the pad of my trigger finger like on a target gun the looooong trigger pull made the muzzle go low and left but if I use more of my finger up to the first joint I shot it much better....With these little guns you have to improvise, adapt and over come with practice to shoot decent groups...

I can shoot good groups with my full size M&P .40 but nowhere near as tight with the PM40 but thats ok with me so long as I can get body hits on a silhouette target at 15 feet which is real world distance for a CCW pocket pistol IMHO...
My M&P40 is my most accurate, and favorite to shoot. I smoothed out the striker block, safety trigger bar, and sear. It’s as good or better than the Apex kit Rand offers. However, my CW45 is my every day carry.


03-29-2012, 02:08 PM
I really like the M&P .40 and it fits my smallish hand perfectly and still has high capacity even though the trigger at first wasn't so hot and was gritty and felt like 8 pounds or so and I was really giving the Apex trigger a lot of thought but when I mentioned it over on the S&W forum I thought they were going to kick my butt for even asking about installing it on a new pistol...They aren't as nice over there as folks are here...

I have about 350 rounds through it now and the trigger has gotten better but still feels a little heavy and I may still do the Apex thing in the future as I don't feel comfortable trying to mess with triggers and sears myself...

03-29-2012, 02:27 PM
As Clint Smith has said, "All of you that are shooting low and to the left, there is nothing wrong with the sights your gun. Your yanking on the trigger." :behindsofa:

I shot low and left when I first got my CM9. After getting used to the longer trigger I'm pretty much dead on out to 25 yrds.

03-29-2012, 07:29 PM
I went out with my new PM9 last week and did the same thing. I could tell I was jerking right before the pull. All shots low and to the left. Almost as if I was scared of it going boom. But when I concentrated or did rapid fire I was pretty accurate. I am going to have to shoot a few more times to get use to this gun.