View Full Version : Considering MK40 for CCw. Input please!

03-29-2012, 01:32 PM
I have been considering a Kahr MK40 as a CCW pistol and was looking for some information regarding the reliability.

I just got rid of a P380 that I had nothing but problems with and I am looking to find a replacement pistol that I can pocket carry. Admittedly, the P380 left a bad taste with me and I am skeptical in buying another Kahr product.

I am in California so finding decent pistols are hard, as not many are on the California tax extortion list (DOJ approved). The Kahr pistols size fit the application very well for me but given my past experience I am hesitant.

Any information would be appreciated. I would hate to make an $800.00 mistake again.

03-29-2012, 02:15 PM
I have been considering a Kahr MK40 as a CCW pistol and was looking for some information regarding the reliability.

I just got rid of a P380 that I had nothing but problems with and I am looking to find a replacement pistol that I can pocket carry. Admittedly, the P380 left a bad taste with me and I am skeptical in buying another Kahr product.

I am in California so finding decent pistols are hard, as not many are on the California tax extortion list (DOJ approved). The Kahr pistols size fit the application very well for me but given my past experience I am hesitant.

Any information would be appreciated. I would hate to make an $800.00 mistake again.

I bought an MK40 in January, and only managed to put about 200 rounds through it before the surgery. It ran perfectly from the first shot and I shot it better than my PM9, which is about the same size. My only complaint is that it weighs as much or more than four of my 45's. That means it's pretty well relegated to the belt.

03-29-2012, 02:30 PM
I have an MK9 which is admittedly a different caliber but otherwise a similar gun. It is nice and hefty compared to plastic guns but that makes it pleasant to practice with and with a decent holster the weight is not an issue for me. OWB it's like it's not even there. With a good IWB and belt it is not terribly noticeable.

I have had flawless performance form this pistol without a single FTF or any other issue. My MK9 is 1998 vintage so I don't know if that has any impact on my experience, i.e. has QC at Kahr changed in the last 14 years.

I was shooting yesterday with a friend who has recently started carrying a S&W 642 with 38+P ammo. I was shooting my MK9 with 9mm +P+ ammo. I shot a cylinder full of SD ammo in the 642 and my right hand hurt. No thank you. I then shot 50 rounds of +p+ through the MK9 and anothe 50 of WWB with no problems. Sure the recoil is snappy with the +p+ rounds but no pain!

I think with such a light gun, he is reluctant to practice with his carry gun and I sincerely hope that if he ever need to use it, he has sufficient familairity with it to stop the threat. I could see him flinching big time as the hammer fell on the spent 1st cartridge after he had shot the 5 - i.e. a complete trip through all 5 cylinders - and the look on his face in anticipation of the pain was obvious.

I don't have any plastic guns, so the MK9 is one of my lightest which include a collection of Sigs, S&W 686 and j-frame 22 kit gun. My HD guns are all 40S&W which is a great caliber, but I would think it might be getting pretty snappy in the MK40. Hopefully you can handle that and if so, go for it. Otherwise I can seriously recommend the MK9. I don't feel undergunned.

Enjoy! It's a nice choice to have ahead of you.


03-29-2012, 02:55 PM
I also have an MK9 of the 2003 variety. It is a beautiful very well made gun. If your looking primarily for a pocket carry gun the MK is on the heavy side. I will on very rare occasions pocket carry, usually only while wearing cargo pants/shorts with a good belt. I primarily carry IWB and it works perfect for that. I would check your LGS and see if they mind letting you throw it in your pocket to see for yourself if you think your fine with it. Happy Hunting!

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03-29-2012, 03:01 PM
nothing purttier though than an MK IMO. Just sayin

03-29-2012, 03:04 PM
The weight of the MK has been on my mind. My other carry gun is a Glock 30 which has a lot of heft and poor contour but is RELIABLE.

I really liked the PM40 for the weight concerns. However, I cant seem to see past the flaws mentioned in the poor reviews of the PM. If I read the reviews before purchasing the P380; I would not have purchased the gun.

I have considered a Ruger LCR or Smith Alloy J Frame but I dont want to add another caliber to the mix and the 3" barrel of the MK is nice when compared to the 1.5" revolver.

Failure to return to full battery was the problem with the P380. Has anyone had this type of problem in the MK? Does anyone pocket carry an MK?

03-29-2012, 03:46 PM
get a cm40 and a s&w j frame for the price of the mk.... Pocket carrying a mk is like carrying around a pocket full of quarters!

03-29-2012, 04:13 PM
The CM40 is not on the California approved list...

03-29-2012, 04:30 PM
Pocket carry for me with my MK9 is not remotely an option. I would need to wear some funkywan clown pants or something. I dress normally and mostly wear khakis or chinos with a relaxed cut. The MK9 screams gun given how it prints. Or it could look like a gigantic wallet which could attract the wrong element ;)

I have never had a single issue with my MK9. I am the 3rd owner and I know the other two and they had no issues either. It is vintage so maybe others can comment on QC of modern MKs.

I do like the MK much, much more than the Glock. I have a friend who has a has a pair of Glocks, I forget which model, but I just don't like the ergonomics. The MK is a slick machine.

If I wanted something lighter to pocket carry I would definitely go with a S&W 642 snub or Ruger LCR in 38 +P instead of a plastic pistol. I just hear about way too many issues with the plastic pistols.

03-29-2012, 04:30 PM
I have been considering a Kahr MK40 as a CCW pistol and was looking for some information regarding the reliability.

I just got rid of a P380 that I had nothing but problems with and I am looking to find a replacement pistol that I can pocket carry. Admittedly, the P380 left a bad taste with me and I am skeptical in buying another Kahr product.

I am in California so finding decent pistols are hard, as not many are on the California tax extortion list (DOJ approved). The Kahr pistols size fit the application very well for me but given my past experience I am hesitant.

Any information would be appreciated. I would hate to make an $800.00 mistake again.

I love my MK40 Elite 03.
Only drawback, IMHO is, weight.
Kahr MK40 Empty=24.9 oz / Loaded=28.1 oz (6/155gr).
It's a little heavy in the pocket, but aces on a belt.
The extra weight soaks up the 40 recoil nicely though.
If you want pocket and belt carry options I would personally
consider a PM9/CM9 instead.

As for reliability?
I did experience an extended break in.
Things got much better after 200 rounds.
But took 400 for 100% reliability.
Now she runs sweet with any manufacturer, any weight, any HP.


03-29-2012, 04:34 PM
The weight of the MK has been on my mind. My other carry gun is a Glock 30 which has a lot of heft and poor contour but is RELIABLE.

I really liked the PM40 for the weight concerns. However, I cant seem to see past the flaws mentioned in the poor reviews of the PM. If I read the reviews before purchasing the P380; I would not have purchased the gun.

I have considered a Ruger LCR or Smith Alloy J Frame but I dont want to add another caliber to the mix and the 3" barrel of the MK is nice when compared to the 1.5" revolver.

Failure to return to full battery was the problem with the P380. Has anyone had this type of problem in the MK? Does anyone pocket carry an MK?

The MK40 and PM9 are completely different guns. I don't know where you have been reading the reviews, but I don't think it was here among Kahr owners. I would guess that at least 30% here [including me] have PM9's and I don't hear a lot of complaints. For the record, my PM9 has been without one problem. Of course as with all my pistols, my PM9 was properly prepped - was yours?

There may have been RTB problems here, but off the top of my head, I don't remember one. I have had seven Kahrs in the last five years, and the only RTB issues I ever had were on a Kimber and an STI, both of which were twice as expensive as my MK40. The Kimber required better magazines and the STI needed a stronger recoil assy.

03-29-2012, 04:56 PM
effinwhitney: I really liked the PM40 for the weight concerns. However, I cant seem to see past the flaws mentioned in the poor reviews of the PM. If I read the reviews before purchasing the P380; I would not have purchased the gun.

sorry, I just do not buy this PM stuff, been here to long, read to much. P380 not in the same league as any PM model let alone any MK model. YET...

03-29-2012, 05:15 PM
If weight isn't an issue with you then by all means buy the MK40. I don't have an issue with it printing in my pocket holster (Uncle Mikes) and I'm an average size guy (5"10 170lbs) that dresses business casual. I can't carry the MK in a pair of straight leg Levis but it's fine in a loose fit cargo pant. I guess it just depends on how you dress. Like I mentioned before, try one out in your pocket if you can, dress how you normally would any given day and see for yourself how it works. Just because a lot of others don't do it doesn't mean you can't. There are obviously better options for pocket carry but that doesn't mean you can't work it out with the MK.

Sent from my mwp6985 using Board Express

03-29-2012, 05:27 PM
If the PM40 is a good firearm I am not against purchasing one. I like the feel and finish of the gun but the last composite Kahr I had was unable to be fixed, which is why I have been looking at the all metal frame Kahrs. I realize every gun manufacturer has their lemons I just dont want to get another one. Ha ha, for lack of a better term... Im "gun shy"

I was fortunate enough the store I bought the P380 from returned it. However, it still took two trips back to Kahr, over 1,000 rounds of 380, lots of range fees, and hours on the phone with Kahr before I gave up on it. I dont want to go through that again.

If the store I bought my P380 at had either in stock I would take the risk in an instant because I know their customer service is amazing and would take the gun back if it didnt work. Unfortunately, that same store does not have the MK or PM in stock and cannot order them. If I got another lemon; my conscious would not let me pawn it off on someone else and I would be stuck with an $800 paperweight. Just my concerns.

03-29-2012, 05:35 PM
any PM or MK u buy will not have to be pawned off becuase it could never be made to work.If u get a "lemon" kahr will make it right.If u have doubts about buying a kahr, then IMO DON'T DO IT. No one can tell u, ur gonna get a perfect gun either the odds are way in ur facor that you will.. sounds like u have an excellent relationship with your LGS.I would suggest u buy a gun model that they have in stock, just in case.

kinda odd though that they could sell u aP380 and yet not be able to get you any other kahrs.:behindsofa:

03-29-2012, 05:50 PM
I love my MK40, if the weight don't bother you I don't think you can find a better carry gun. I had mine Magnaported and it is a fantastic smooth accurate shooter.


03-29-2012, 05:50 PM
I like the mk's so much that I have both the mk9 and mk40. The 40 has always been flawless from the first round. The 40 is just a tad bigger and heavier but not noticeable in my desantis OWB. The adjustment screw on the holster accommodates both guns for the right fit. The recoil on the 40 is noticeably more but not terrible. IMO the mk series are well made guns. I could never choose between the two if I had to sell. Whichever you choose you will not be sorry.

03-29-2012, 05:53 PM
:behindsofa:Cool....posting has allowed me to LOWER my posting count.....

What is next?


03-29-2012, 05:55 PM
MK9 elite with Crimson Trace Laser Grip that is Mag-Na-Ported here and love it. Flawless from round one. Extremely accurate and very light recoil. Easy to conceal. Outstanding trigger! If I am not carrying my 1911 due to attire, I carry my MK in a Silent Thunder IWB holster appendix carry or 4 o'clock in a Silent Thunder OWB.

03-29-2012, 05:57 PM
@Jocko, They are having a problem getting all guns not just Kahr. The reason I asked for input was in the hopes I would get true feedback from people that actually owned Kahr products rather than the keyboard warriors. Its easy for someone to talk down a product they have never owned or tried and sling comments like, "My xxx gun is the best I have ever owned." It is easy to make that statement when xxx gun is your only and the only you have ever fired.

Thank you all for the input. I do feel much more confident in a second Kahr purchase.

03-31-2012, 07:38 PM
I have both MK9 and PM9 models. PM9 is great in a pocket but the MK9 needs an IWB holster to be comfortable.


04-01-2012, 10:07 AM
I have the MK9 - Love it - but heavy - the PM9 is a better carry Both are 100% reliable and nothing like the P380 (I have 2 and both took a looong time to get running right and are quite ammo fussy)

The 9 is not the same thing as the 40 but I think the reliability would translate from one model to the other since this design is the same.

04-22-2012, 09:59 AM
I picked up my first Kahr today, and MK40. Looking forward to carrying it. It is VERY nice.

Any way to tell what year it was made? It's a matte finish non-elite without night sights.

04-22-2012, 11:16 AM
new??? if used. go to glock talk and hit on the kahr section and the serial number file will pop up for u. It will get u very close to its birth date. If u gotta kow the day, call kar they will tell u.

I would visit the kahr tech section here and hit on two good sticky's

#1 kahr lube chart

# 2 propper preppi8ng of ur kahr.

nice gun, just shoot it like u stole it. ur gonna know ur shootin a 40 cal for sure.

04-22-2012, 11:54 AM
I picked up my first Kahr today, and MK40. Looking forward to carrying it. It is VERY nice.

Any way to tell what year it was made? It's a matte finish non-elite without night sights.

I have an MK40 Elite myself.
Recommend Hogue Handall Jr. Grip Sleeve.
Speer GDHP 155 gr SD ammo

Although a bit heavy for the pocket.
When I do, like today, it's;
Large cargo pants, Galco SB1 belt +
DeSantis Super Fly holster.

The gun rides perfect on a reinforced belt though.

04-22-2012, 12:55 PM
new??? if used. go to glock talk and hit on the kahr section and the serial number file will pop up for u. It will get u very close to its birth date. If u gotta kow the day, call kar they will tell u.

I would visit the kahr tech section here and hit on two good sticky's

#1 kahr lube chart

# 2 propper preppi8ng of ur kahr.

nice gun, just shoot it like u stole it. ur gonna know ur shootin a 40 cal for sure.

Cool, thanks. Looks like it's a May 1999 model. I'll check out those two stickies, thanks.

04-22-2012, 01:27 PM
I have both the mk9 & mk40. Both are reliable. The 9 is smaller by just a little. If I handle one for a while and then the other the difference is noticeable. I use the same holsters for both because they are adjustable with a tension screw.

04-22-2012, 03:19 PM
I have both the mk9 & mk40. Both are reliable. The 9 is smaller by just a little. If I handle one for a while and then the other the difference is noticeable. I use the same holsters for both because they are adjustable with a tension screw.

I thought they were listed as the same thickness.

04-22-2012, 04:04 PM
I thought they were listed as the same thickness.

I don't have an MK9.
But some gun manufacturers list gun thickness at the slide.
Usually the thickest spot.

I'm just guessing.
But it makes sense that the grip thickness of the 9 may be less than 40.
And felt when held in the hand.

04-22-2012, 05:04 PM
MK40 slide width .94. MK9 slide width .90. if u can tell that .04 difference in the two ur a better man than I am.

04-23-2012, 04:42 PM
MK40 slide width .94. MK9 slide width .90. if u can tell that .04 difference in the two ur a better man than I am.

At the end of the day, mines still .04 wider than yours :D

Anywho, I've held both side by side and never noticed, but I also was under the assumption that they were both .90

08-11-2012, 08:58 PM
I don't know if the OP is still trying to make up his mind or not, but I can tell you that my PM40 has been great. No major issues whatsoever. I've got about 2200 rounds of 165 grain WWB FMJ and maybe 100 rounds of 155 grain Speer GDHP through this gun.

I replaced the recoil spring after about 1000 rounds because I noticed the brass was being dented, but it turns out that was normal anyway. I bought a couple K40 magazines to give me a couple extra rounds at the range and one of those failed to lock the slide back when it was empty. All my 5 round PM40 mags and the other K40 mag worked as expected, so I think I just got a bum mag there.

This is my only carry gun now. I used to carry my G27 when it was cold out and the PM40 in the summer, but I just carry the Kahr all the time now. It is so light and comfortable that you can seriously forget you have it on you sometimes. The recoil is significant but manageable. You will need to practice.

If you aren't set on the .40 round, you might be better off looking at the PM9. Less recoil and an extra round in the magazine.

Last thing, the MK's are beautiful, and I'll probably end up owning one eventually just because they are so purty.

08-12-2012, 12:16 AM
From what I've read in a couple of years here, I would not let my experiences with the P380 influence my decision on any other Kahr. It seems like trouble reports with the P380 seemed to run 4, 5 or even 6 to 1 compared against ALL other Kahr models.
That MK is a beautiful gun, and there is just something about an all metal frame that I really like, even if it results in more weight. I've been wishing for a K45 for since I bought my CW45, but I don't expect to see it happen. If the CM9 is on the CA approved list, I would bet the CM40 would be along shortly. It's still a pretty new model. It would cost less, be handier for pocket carrry, but you'd lose that sweet metal frame, and the CM might "buck" a little harder. That is one I'd probably want magna-ported for sure, in either form, MK or CM.

12-08-2012, 12:10 PM
I owned a MK9 and loved it. Up till round 400 it was a very accurate and fun to shoot. Then I started experiencing stage 3 malfunctions. Out of abox of 50 Winchester 147 grain fmj I was having about 15 to 20 jams where the slide would lock up and the mag would not drop. The gun was sent back to Kahr on two separate occasions. But the problem remained.Finally our department armor loosened the ejector where it was not so tight. That seemed to fix the problem. This time I was averaging 2 failure to extracts rather than 15. The confidence in the gun was lost. Not sure if I bought a lemon or what. I do own a older model k9 that works great. Will probably buy a mk40 because I live the size for off duty carry.

12-10-2012, 11:43 AM
I owned a MK9 and loved it. Up till round 400 it was a very accurate and fun to shoot. Then I started experiencing stage 3 malfunctions. Out of abox of 50 Winchester 147 grain fmj I was having about 15 to 20 jams where the slide would lock up and the mag would not drop. The gun was sent back to Kahr on two separate occasions. But the problem remained.Finally our department armor loosened the ejector where it was not so tight. That seemed to fix the problem. This time I was averaging 2 failure to extracts rather than 15. The confidence in the gun was lost. Not sure if I bought a lemon or what. I do own a older model k9 that works great. Will probably buy a mk40 because I live the size for off duty carry.

My MK40 Elite has been flawless following break-in.
She is very soft shooting and accurate with full power 40 self defense loads.
That's with the 5 and 6 round mags.
I highly recommend going all in getting an Elite with NS.

12-10-2012, 01:10 PM
Have had the MK40 with zero issues and I would happily sell it to you as I have gone to the PM40.