View Full Version : A Couple Issues
03-29-2012, 04:33 PM
Within the past 6 months or so, my wife and I have each gotten a Kahr firearm. I purchased a CW40 and my wife a P380. Each has an issue that we've been trying to fix, but also "working around" as best we can. I am a grad student and she is at home with our 3 young children, so money is very tight. These were a pretty major financial commitment for us and I'd really like to get them to optimal performance, if possible. They are also our everyday carry guns.
CW40... The first round often does not feed. I have never been in the habit of carrying "+1" and am not really interested in doing so. But when I rack the slide (I've tried doing it quickly/slowly/aggressively/softly), the first round doesn't chamber at least 75% of the time. To fix this, I discovered that I can "bump" the bottom of the magazine and it will chamber completely. So I've basically gotten into the habit of, in one move, pulling the firearm, racking the slide, and bumping the mag. I'd really like to eliminate that issue.
When the slide is locked back after a first magazine and I activate the slide release, there usually aren't any issues, though, it sometimes doesn't chamber then, either. Any ideas?
P380... This problem is similar, but different. It will not chamber completely. It fails to go the last 1/2 centimeter or so. For this, I'm wondering if it needs a new spring. Like I said, it's fairly new w/ maybe 300 rounds through it; so I'm not sure why the spring would be going bad, but I'm just not sure what else to point to. While I've heard how tight Kahrs are (my CW40 is very tight), and how stiff they can be, it seems like there is no real pressure to force the thing back to the ready position. Any ideas on this one?
With both, I've tried all kinds of ammo and it makes little-to-no difference. They are very thoroughly cleaned and oiled. Both were also bought new.
Thanks for the help!
roy rogers
03-29-2012, 05:16 PM
I just bought a CW9 and couldn't easily rack the slide by hand as I'm used to on other pistols. In fact the manual indicates it is preferable to rack the first round via the slide release.
Once I got this figured out no problem. Just carry one in the pipe. And I think the racking will get easier as the gun is used more.
03-29-2012, 05:24 PM
THAT's one of the BIG problems with not carrying one in the chamber... getting the first one in there when you need it most and the adrenaline's pumping and things just aren't going right. If you wait until you "need" one in the chamber, it may not happen... you might have troubles as now... or worse you may be scuffling with someone and never get a chance for the two-hands-required rack. There are no time outs in a fight for your life and without one in the chamber, the gun is NOT loaded and ready to fire... and may NEVER be.:eek:
03-29-2012, 05:36 PM
Within the past 6 months or so, my wife and I have each gotten a Kahr firearm. I purchased a CW40 and my wife a P380. Each has an issue that we've been trying to fix, but also "working around" as best we can. I am a grad student and she is at home with our 3 young children, so money is very tight. These were a pretty major financial commitment for us and I'd really like to get them to optimal performance, if possible. They are also our everyday carry guns.
CW40... The first round often does not feed. I have never been in the habit of carrying "+1" and am not really interested in doing so. But when I rack the slide (I've tried doing it quickly/slowly/aggressively/softly), the first round doesn't chamber at least 75% of the time. To fix this, I discovered that I can "bump" the bottom of the magazine and it will chamber completely. So I've basically gotten into the habit of, in one move, pulling the firearm, racking the slide, and bumping the mag. I'd really like to eliminate that issue.
When the slide is locked back after a first magazine and I activate the slide release, there usually aren't any issues, though, it sometimes doesn't chamber then, either. Any ideas?
P380... This problem is similar, but different. It will not chamber completely. It fails to go the last 1/2 centimeter or so. For this, I'm wondering if it needs a new spring. Like I said, it's fairly new w/ maybe 300 rounds through it; so I'm not sure why the spring would be going bad, but I'm just not sure what else to point to. While I've heard how tight Kahrs are (my CW40 is very tight), and how stiff they can be, it seems like there is no real pressure to force the thing back to the ready position. Any ideas on this one?
With both, I've tried all kinds of ammo and it makes little-to-no difference. They are very thoroughly cleaned and oiled. Both were also bought new.
Thanks for the help!
suggest for awhile do what the manual states todo. USE THER SLIDE RELEASE LEVER TO LOAD THE FIRST ROUND. as u and the gun get regulated to each other u willbe able to hand rack it. Being it works witht he slide release lever, then IMO there is nothing wrong with the gun, just that the shooter has not learnned the quirks of a kahr.
As far as the P380. I would suggest calling kahr and ask for Jay and ask if a new set of recoil springs willhelp you out. I have a P380 and one thinbg u do nee dto check is thge recoil springs to see if they slide up and down with no restricvtion over that recoil rod. I noticed on mine which both ends look like they copld go either way that if I put them on way it was very restrictivbe moving up and down on the recoil rod, this has to possably cause less slide movement, so when I reversed the springs they ran smoothly on the recoil rod and that isthe way I am not leaving them and shooting with them to.
Ur new, so welcome aboard, u should go to the kahr tech section and hit on two good sticky's that might be of some help to u and the misses.
#1 kahr lube chart. none better
#2 propper preppng of ur kahr, lots of tips there. I predict ur wife will alwyass have issues trying to hand rack trhe P380 so I would recomend she always use the slide release lever to load the first round. It is a smll gun, stiff recoil springs and I can tell u at the git go I could nothand rack a round in my P380. Once thegun smoothed out more and I got more used to it, I was able to do it but I still 75% of the time use the slide release lever to load. In as much as I never carry a spare mag, once loaded, I am OK to go.
Remember there is never a dumb question to be asked on this forum, These guys here are super and will never put u down either..
03-29-2012, 05:45 PM
I feel like I've been misunderstood a bit.
1) We do not have "trouble" racking the slide. It is not hard, it just doesn't chamber a round like it does with every other gun I've owned.
2) I'm not interested in being told about carrying with one in the chamber. I'm well aware. I'm looking for other solutions. Perhaps they're not there, but I'd like to find out if they are.
03-29-2012, 05:51 PM
I feel like I've been misunderstood a bit.
1) We do not have "trouble" racking the slide. It is not hard, it just doesn't chamber a round like it does with every other gun I've owned.
2) I'm not interested in being told about carrying with one in the chamber. I'm well aware. I'm looking for other solutions. Perhaps they're not there, but I'd like to find out if they are.
I don't think anyone is telling you what to do but it could be read that way. I'm not sure how new your CW40 is but the manual does say to load via the slide lock method. After it's broke in some you should be able to sling shot normally with no trouble. It just won't tolerate riding the slide at all without jamming up.
As things wear in it will/or should chamber much easier. If not you may have to look at the bevel on the front of the stripper bar on the bottom of the slide, it could be not getting behind the cartridge enough. Haven't seen this in quite a while but it could happen.
A call to Kahr on the 380 might yield good results, with 300 rounds through it, it should be cycling well by now.
03-29-2012, 06:10 PM
Check out this modification to the mag follower. I've done both my 7 round mags, and now I can slingshot the first round in, or use the slide release lever. This mod also corrected my nosedive problem. It's worth a try. If you wreck the follower, a new one is really cheap. refer to post #11 for pictures and discussion.
03-29-2012, 06:11 PM
many here, myself included have started out with the same first round racking "quirks" but once the gun smoothed out more and I got used to it more it all come to a head and hand racking is OK in all of my 3 kahrs. My P380 when I first got it, I just could not hand rack the first round reliably, using the lever it was perfect, so I knew it had to be me not use dto doing it right "yet"
. Nobody is trying to tell STHofNovember anything but we are trying to give some advice, doesn't mean u have to adhear by it either. I try not to compare other brand guns to what other guns do or do not do. Eash has its own quirks..:behindsofa:
03-29-2012, 09:46 PM
Within the past 6 months or so, my wife and I have each gotten a Kahr firearm. I purchased a CW40 and my wife a P380. Each has an issue that we've been trying to fix, but also "working around" as best we can. I am a grad student and she is at home with our 3 young children, so money is very tight. These were a pretty major financial commitment for us and I'd really like to get them to optimal performance, if possible. They are also our everyday carry guns.
CW40... The first round often does not feed. I have never been in the habit of carrying "+1" and am not really interested in doing so. But when I rack the slide (I've tried doing it quickly/slowly/aggressively/softly), the first round doesn't chamber at least 75% of the time. To fix this, I discovered that I can "bump" the bottom of the magazine and it will chamber completely. So I've basically gotten into the habit of, in one move, pulling the firearm, racking the slide, and bumping the mag. I'd really like to eliminate that issue.
When the slide is locked back after a first magazine and I activate the slide release, there usually aren't any issues, though, it sometimes doesn't chamber then, either. Any ideas?
P380... This problem is similar, but different. It will not chamber completely. It fails to go the last 1/2 centimeter or so. For this, I'm wondering if it needs a new spring. Like I said, it's fairly new w/ maybe 300 rounds through it; so I'm not sure why the spring would be going bad, but I'm just not sure what else to point to. While I've heard how tight Kahrs are (my CW40 is very tight), and how stiff they can be, it seems like there is no real pressure to force the thing back to the ready position. Any ideas on this one?
With both, I've tried all kinds of ammo and it makes little-to-no difference. They are very thoroughly cleaned and oiled. Both were also bought new.
Thanks for the help!
How much lube do you use and do you use grease on the rails? I've found Kahrs like to run wet especially when new and tight. I have a friend who bought a PM9 on my recommendation, and he had a problem early where the gun would not RTB. I showed him how to lube it and no more problems.
03-29-2012, 10:47 PM
Do you know what they call someone who carries without a round in the chamber? In my neighborhood they call him a dead man. You can be sure that your attacker will have one in his chamber and I'd be willing to bet that he'll be able to put two in your chest and one in your head before you can draw and rack you pistol. I'm not telling you how to carry. I'm telling you to get some training. It's a matter of life and death.
03-30-2012, 03:34 AM
Like Jocko said, you need to use the slide release to chamber a round. I own a CW40 and the spring is very tight. Sling shotting a round in the chamber is not the preferred method, at least not till you put a few hundred rounds thru it.
03-30-2012, 07:16 AM
Had the same kind of issues when my cm9 was brand new. Using the slide release worked perfect though, so I stuck with that for awhile. Now that I've got over 500 rounds through it, I can hand rack no problem. Still doesn't seem to like it if I ride the slide though. All these tips are worth looking into, but u also might want to try storing with the slide locked back for awhile. It will help break that spring in without the cost of running ammo through it. Hope u get it all worked out! O n welcome to the forum!
03-30-2012, 08:10 AM
I always love reading when people post " I intentionally didn't follow the operating instructions, and the gun doesn't work " . :crazy: No offense 5THofNOVEMBER, but reading and following the manual seems to be your only issue with the CW40.
I also own three Kahr's, and like JOCKO tated & also MUGGSY< & WYNTROUT all very good advice. I to am not trying to tell you how to carry your pice. I am pretty sure you are doing that for safteys sake, but I will add this side note....carrying with one in the chamber is why these pistols were designed for and are no different than a loaded revolver. Would you carry your revolver with an empty chamber and loader her up before needing to shoot? I would think not cause it defeats the purpose for carrying in the first place. But two each their own I suppose.
These pistols are very compact and tolerances are very close as such they are tight when new and will loosen up with breakin to a point where they will do what you want. Much of this is covered in the owners manual. This is not exclusively a Kahr tait either, Kimber's are the same way and also a quality product like the Kahr.
Have you tried a variety of different ammo? That's my P380's problem.
Hates Hornady, WWB and anything with a truncated cone. I switched to
PMC,S&B and Fiocchi and all my problems have disappeared.
Same with my PM9 (except for the 7 rnd mag which wouldn't feed reliably no matter what.
HDOC, I can sling shot and slide lock load my P380 with Hornady critical Defense loading. Even my handloaded Hornady hollw points feed. They are the same bullet less the polymer insert in the nose.
03-30-2012, 01:21 PM
Deano, I was poking around yesterday and saw your post about a modification. Looks interesting!
I slingshot the thing a couple hundred times between yesterday and today and it's actually working well now. I'll probably do that some more and like all of your advice says, it does seem like it will be fine after some more work.
O'Dell, I use a good amount of grease, especially on the rails. I typically slightly "overdo" it and just bat it with a patch to keep it from running. I also found the lube guide for Kahrs on this website and that showed me one or two other places that I hadn't been lubing.
Lots of different ammo has been tried in both pieces and hasn't been an issue.
Thanks a lot for the help, guys! It looks like this forum is just like all other forums... Lots of helpful people and lots of people providing unsolicited advice. Seriously, though, thank you to those who addressed my concerns. I'll probably be in and out of here for a long time. :)
03-30-2012, 01:46 PM
no charge for solocited or non solicted advice. All are trying to help..
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