View Full Version : International Effort to Grab Your Guns

02-11-2010, 01:46 PM
International Anti-Gun Efforts -- Video about the real danger to our Second Amendment Rights

Videos and Photos of Army Special Ops, Navy SEALs, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard in Action - Shock and Awe - Military.com (http://shock.military.com/Shock/videos.do?displayContent=210411&page=2)

Watch this, and think about Obama's good buddy George Soros. We have an anti-gun president and how close are we to an anti-gun Senate?


Military.com is a good place for videos.:)

Chief Joseph
02-11-2010, 08:07 PM
I'm more worried about an anti gun supreme court. If the democrats are able to get one more liberal on the court, it's over. And they'll do similar slimy tricks they do here in oregon to keep a hold of the courts. Only leave when a dem is in office. It was a 5-4 decision for dc. I pray that loser obama doesn't get a 2nd term.

02-11-2010, 09:15 PM
That is a more immediate danger. However much I think that we would not submit to the disarming of citizens as England and even Australia have done, gradually almost anything can come to pass. There are too many people who don't work for a living and who want the government to take from the haves and give them, the have-nots, what they want. They all vote for whomever promises them the most "benefits". At some point there won't be any rich people to tax and money to be distributed to anyone, because no one will be producing anything.
I don't think that Obama will be re-elected, but I worry that we might split the vote too much with too many "parties" next time. Then they have a chance -- the Progressives... not the Democrats. If only the Democrats would wake up and look around and see that their party has been hi-jacked by the Progressives. Too many people are "fat, dumb, and happy" and think that such a thing couldn't happen here. It has been happening for a hundred years and it's happening now all over Europe. It's possibly only days from insurrection in places like Greece and others.
I don't want the uneducated -- especially in U.S. Government history and the U.S. Constitution -- welfare crowd to vote away my rights and let the government take over everything. I don't want to have to stand in lines get back a small portion of the stuff they took from me... as they want to do with our pension plans, IRAs, and 401K-like plans. And I certainly don't want them voting power to take away our only means of defense because the government promises them safety. Then only the all-powerful government... AND OUTLAWS will have guns! Both groups will rob and rape us at will.:eek:
Man, I hope this November that "we, the people" take back some control of this runaway government.

02-12-2010, 09:56 AM
I saw a picture in yesterdays newspaper....It was a group of illegal hispanic alien families, almost all holding one or more children with signs saying that Health Care is a Right....I live in north Atlanta, was born and raised here.... I almost don't recognize the place anymore...It seems to have turned into little Mexico City...Almost all the signs are in spanish and none of the people seem to care one bit to try and learn to speak English....They have literally taken over the city almost over night....Now that the construction and landscaping jobs have dried up they have turned to welfare or crime to live....How could we have let this happen???? Atlanta has turned into a war zone and I'm fed up with it...I really hate cinco de mayo because they shut down most of my neighborhood and there's gunfire, drunken mobs and general lawlessness in the streets....(Previous comment removed)

02-12-2010, 10:21 AM
If Obama and his buddies get their way, we'll all be sheeple... ready for shearing or a few other more unpleasant things.:eek:

02-12-2010, 11:43 AM
Its just a matter of time before we have an American born Hispanic President in office...You think what we have now is bad, just wait!!!!

Man, I was comfortably reading along, agreeing with what I read when I hit this slap in my face... I am an American born, right winged, christian, pro life, pro gun, heterosexual voter... and I am hispanic. I will have a hard time with anyone that tends to make a generalization based on a narrow view. I too think that the illegal immigration from Mexico is out of control (and has been for a long time), but I use the term "Mexicans" instead of "hispanics" when refering to this problem. I don't understand the term "Mexican American" or "African American" or other such blends of being an American. I was born and raised American and that is all I am. I love this country and absolutly hate what the current administration is doing to it! OK... rant finished.
I saw the video and once again realized that we really need to get the word out and vote for our Constitution rights to be upheld by voting in people that believe as we do. Our country is moving in a direction that I don't like, and I will try to help steer it back by voting.

02-12-2010, 11:46 AM
Man, I was comfortably reading along, agreeing with what I read when I hit this slap in my face... I am an American born, right winged, christian, pro life, pro gun, heterosexual voter... and I am hispanic. I will have a hard time with anyone that tends to make a generalization based on a narrow view. I too think that the illegal immigration from Mexico is out of control (and has been for a long time), but I use the term "Mexicans" instead of "hispanics" when refering to this problem. I don't understand the term "Mexican American" or "African American" or other such blends of being an American. I was born and raised American and that is all I am. I love this country and absolutly hate what the current administration is doing to it! OK... rant finished.
I saw the video and once again realized that we really need to get the word out and vote for our Constitution rights to be upheld by voting in people that believe as we do. Our country is moving in a direction that I don't like, and I will try to help steer it back by voting.



02-12-2010, 12:00 PM
Man, I was comfortably reading along, agreeing with what I read when I hit this slap in my face... I am an American born, right winged, christian, pro life, pro gun, heterosexual voter... and I am hispanic. I will have a hard time with anyone that tends to make a generalization based on a narrow view. I too think that the illegal immigration from Mexico is out of control (and has been for a long time), but I use the term "Mexicans" instead of "hispanics" when refering to this problem. I don't understand the term "Mexican American" or "African American" or other such blends of being an American. I was born and raised American and that is all I am. I love this country and absolutly hate what the current administration is doing to it! OK... rant finished.
I saw the video and once again realized that we really need to get the word out and vote for our Constitution rights to be upheld by voting in people that believe as we do. Our country is moving in a direction that I don't like, and I will try to help steer it back by voting.
ethics and morals should mean more to us americans than race or ethnicity,I am with you on this Dozer.:D

02-12-2010, 01:08 PM
Dozer you are right....I went too far with what I said and for that I sincerely apologize to you sir....Some times I get on my soapbox too high and mighty... I'm sorry and hope you will forgive me for my thoughtless comments...

02-12-2010, 02:30 PM
No harm, no foul. I'm pretty sure we are all on the same team.
Getsome - thanks.

Chief Joseph
02-12-2010, 05:08 PM
Man, I was comfortably reading along, agreeing with what I read when I hit this slap in my face... I am an American born, right winged, christian, pro life, pro gun, heterosexual voter... and I am hispanic. I will have a hard time with anyone that tends to make a generalization based on a narrow view. I too think that the illegal immigration from Mexico is out of control (and has been for a long time), but I use the term "Mexicans" instead of "hispanics" when refering to this problem. I don't understand the term "Mexican American" or "African American" or other such blends of being an American. I was born and raised American and that is all I am. I love this country and absolutly hate what the current administration is doing to it! OK... rant finished.
I saw the video and once again realized that we really need to get the word out and vote for our Constitution rights to be upheld by voting in people that believe as we do. Our country is moving in a direction that I don't like, and I will try to help steer it back by voting.

What we need are more Hispanic Americans stepping forward to help in the fight. Right now, many believe that there is no difference in thought between the legal immigrants and illegal. More legal's would help stem the charge of race in this issue. It's not race, it's culture. Without an adherence to our culture, we will be no different than mexico is now. And that's bad enough that the majority of their citizens want to leave. We unfortunately have no where to go.

02-13-2010, 02:14 PM
More pix from Make a choice (http://www.a-human-right.com/)

02-19-2010, 05:32 PM
Great video. Check out NRA's Freedom magazine artical (Feb 2010) on the gun grab in South Africa. If the US agrees to this UN treaty then our other 9 Bill of Rights won't be far behind. It's very clear----Government does not trust law abiding citizens.

Longitude Zero
02-20-2010, 02:04 PM
Government does not trust law abiding citizens.
