View Full Version : Picked up my used K9 today

03-29-2012, 08:16 PM
I got my NYPD K9 out of layaway today. They gave me 50 rounds of PMC 115grn ammo and a range pass to test it out before I took it home. The K9 had no malfunctions I was shooting at around thirty feet and the rounds were hitting center about two inches low. The firearm is accurate, I just need some trigger time to correct the low shots.
I did not find the recoil to be a problem at all, closer to a full frame then one would think. Overall I really like this gun well made and a nice smooth trigger. I am happy with the way I shot being the first time out with this style of trigger system. With time and a bit of practice I think the 2 inch low shooting will be corrected. I took a quick snapshot of it when I got home from the LGS.


03-29-2012, 08:29 PM
Nice looking gun - I just picked up my NYPD K9 too, just submitted the thread. Congratulations and enjoy!

03-29-2012, 08:38 PM
Good luck with it. Mine is a dream to shoot. Make sure to do a full slide strip down and clean out the striker channel and ejector. I doubt mine was ever cleaned. CRUDDY. But it's looking great now. It's now my EDC.

03-29-2012, 10:15 PM
Congrats! When I got my K9, it was my first and only Kahr for about 12 years. I ordered it at a gun shop with a range and when it came in I couldn't hit the danged target. I asked one of the employees to check it out. Bang! Dead center at 7 yards or so. Sheepishly I took the gun back and tried a little harder with the new trigger. 12 years later I got my first polymer the PM9... terrific gun, but you have to learn how to shoot the Kahr DAO trigger. I can shoot a lot better with my K9 after all of the practice with my other Kahrs.


Shadow Catcher
03-29-2012, 11:56 PM
I got my NYPD K9 out of layaway today. They gave me 50 rounds of PMC 115grn ammo and a range pass to test it out before I took it home. The K9 had no malfunctions I was shooting at around thirty feet and the rounds were hitting center about two inches low. The firearm is accurate, I just need some trigger time to correct the low shots.
I did not find the recoil to be a problem at all, closer to a full frame then one would think. Overall I really like this gun well made and a nice smooth trigger. I am happy with the way I shot being the first time out with this style of trigger system. With time and a bit of practice I think the 2 inch low shooting will be corrected. I took a quick snapshot of it when I got home from the LGS.

Nice gun.

One thing worth doing for the peace of mind - order a spring kit from Wolff and replace the recoil and striker spring (I like the 5#), and all your mag springs.

It will cost you maybe $20, and the knowledge that everything is up to snuff is worth it.

Shadow Catcher

03-30-2012, 05:27 AM
Thanks for the info folks. I have downloaded the slide breakdown PDF and it's funny springs were mentioned as I thought about those while it was in layaway. I did have concern about this purchase as I had put a new CW9 in layaway and switched it for the used K9. That all went to the way side yesterday after the short 50 round range session that went flawless with a used firearm strait out of the display case. I have to give cudos to the LGS as they gave me thirty dollars tax back, a free 50 round box of ammo and free range pass. All in all with the night sights, free ammo, range pass 429 out the door makes me a happy camper.

03-30-2012, 08:56 AM
My NYPD was serial # ar 55** Kahr folks said born on date 9/01
How bout you others that bought these?

03-30-2012, 09:03 AM
Hi downtownnv, mine is ar64xx, I looked on a serial thread and didn't see it so I don't when mine was born.

Old Salt
03-30-2012, 06:13 PM
Cool now your going to have to watch on AMC tonight, (The Brave One) with Jodie Foster. She uses a K9 to take care of a lot of Bad Guys in New York. The subway scene is my favorite.

03-30-2012, 06:24 PM
hi downtownnv, mine is ar64xx, i looked on a serial thread and didn't see it so i don't when mine was born.


Mu used K9 is vintage ar73xx, made around 2003. goes bang every tme, I had it magna ported. shoots like a dream. Ur K9 shouldhave the premier all rubber grips on it. cherish those, they are the best IMO. MY K9 has tne nypd trigger and I shoot it much better than my PM9 MUCH BETTER.

03-30-2012, 07:02 PM
Congratulations, looks like you made a good choice!

Sent from my ThinkPad Tablet using Tapatalk

03-30-2012, 07:35 PM
Thank You Jocko and madmax. Good to know when it was made.

04-01-2012, 10:02 AM
I've had my K9 for little over a month now. An awesome gun, trigger is real smooth. After getting used to the K9's sight picture I'm now able to shoot a fist size group at 7 yrds.

I bought mine used at a gunshow in San Antonio for $500. I don't think it was shot more than a few times (if any) because it was clean, clean, clean after a extensive inspection.

IMO the K9 is one of the finest mid-size 9mm on the market!!