View Full Version : Nypd k9

03-29-2012, 08:27 PM
Picked up my NYPD trade in K9 SS today. Very nice condition overall, just a bit dirty - cleaned up real nice. Put some Kahr wood grips on it, and some new Torx screws. I read on another forum that beause you can't find any different screws made specifically for Kahr, you would have to file or cut others, but 1911 slims work nicely. I used them, but they are not the best - with the Kahr wood grips, the bottom screws are almost impossible to get in - they just barely make it through the wood ! Looking forward to getting to the range - this is my first Kahr.


03-29-2012, 08:32 PM
Congrats looks great, I just pick one up today myself. Shoots great no problems. The LEO that had the one I got put nite sights on it they work great as well. You are going to have fun at the range.

03-29-2012, 08:40 PM
Man that looks sweet with the wood grips. Definitely want to do that to mine. Like the torx screws too. Might have to consider those as well.

03-29-2012, 09:17 PM
Very nice looking K9 there, i wish i had the money to pick up one of those police trade ins right now!

03-29-2012, 09:59 PM
Nice! Just picked up my NYPD K9 a couple weeks ago. Such a sweet shooter, you're gonna love it

03-30-2012, 03:25 AM
I think the stainless K series with wood grips looks awesome. My k40 is the black stainless but after that pic I might have to purchase a regular stainless!

03-30-2012, 03:39 AM
Looks great with the wood. I have to watch the grip screws on my mk's when shooting. Don't know if yours will shoot loose or not. Just thought I would mention it.

03-30-2012, 07:07 AM
Inmy K9 when I had thewood grips on, if the right side grip screws got the slightestbit loose, I would get light strikes. as the grip actually holds the trigger bar in place, so keep an eye on those screws.I finally went back tomy all rubber kahr grips and love um. ain't as purty but they are slimer and do't slide around in my hand.

03-31-2012, 09:35 AM
I prefer redheads. You may like blondes. To me the wood has a nicer feel in my hands.

04-20-2012, 12:56 AM
Beautiful looking K9!

04-20-2012, 08:05 AM
I read on another forum that beause you can't find any different screws made specifically for Kahr, you would have to file or cut others, but 1911 slims work nicely. I used them, but they are not the best - with the Kahr wood grips, the bottom screws are almost impossible to get in - they just barely make it through the wood !
Be careful using the 1911 thin-style grip screws. As you noted, they're barely long enough to go through the wood grips. That means they are only engaging the first thread or two on the frame. VERY easy to strip the threads in the frame in that situation. Kahr does not use replaceable grip screw bushings, so if you strip the threads in the frame, you're in deep trouble. So don't apply too much torque to those grip screws!

04-20-2012, 08:44 AM
Be careful using the 1911 thin-style grip screws. As you noted, they're barely long enough to go through the wood grips. That means they are only engaging the first thread or two on the frame. VERY easy to strip the threads in the frame in that situation. Kahr does not use replaceable grip screw bushings, so if you strip the threads in the frame, you're in deep trouble. So don't apply too much torque to those grip screws!

I agree 100% in fact I would buy a few that are long and cut them back. The small fine threads are very easy to damage. The reason I say a few is that when you cut them back the starting threads on the screw get buggered up. It could take a couple attempts to get a screw to go in properly without a die. If you would cut them back never force the screw in or cross thread it. The screw should go in very easy without resistance.

04-22-2012, 11:12 PM
So, my K9 came in Saturday but I didn't couldn't get to the range in time for some trigger time with it.

It was filthy... lots of holster dust and I needed a (near) complete break down to get it so it didn't feel like it just came out of a Brooklyn sewer pipe.

Under the grips, it looked fine and just need some healthy amount of Rem cleaner and then a light application of CLP on all the critical surfaces.

Barrel looks barely fired, but, I did give it a really good "fluff n buff" with the dreml, cloth pad, and some Flitz paste. Feed ramp and chamber sparkle!!!

The magazine was just as evil... broke it down and cleaned up as much as I could and it loads and unloads snap caps much easier.

No noticable holster wear, no scratches, just overall "use".

Trigger feels stiff than the P9 I used at the range last time, so, new springs will be replacing the old ones.

I have 2 other mags and I know they already function in the range gun I used...

Full range report (hopefully) by next weekend.

04-23-2012, 04:52 PM
Very nice K9

04-23-2012, 05:26 PM
So, my K9 came in Saturday but I didn't couldn't get to the range in time for some trigger time with it.

It was filthy... lots of holster dust and I needed a (near) complete break down to get it so it didn't feel like it just came out of a Brooklyn sewer pipe.

Under the grips, it looked fine and just need some healthy amount of Rem cleaner and then a light application of CLP on all the critical surfaces.

Barrel looks barely fired, but, I did give it a really good "fluff n buff" with the dreml, cloth pad, and some Flitz paste. Feed ramp and chamber sparkle!!!

The magazine was just as evil... broke it down and cleaned up as much as I could and it loads and unloads snap caps much easier.

No noticable holster wear, no scratches, just overall "use".

Trigger feels stiff than the P9 I used at the range last time, so, new springs will be replacing the old ones.

I have 2 other mags and I know they already function in the range gun I used...

Full range report (hopefully) by next weekend.

this. order from wolffs gunsprings the 5# striker spring, it willdo wonders for ur k9, leave all the other springs ih tact but while ur ordering from wolffs order some recoil springs. The 5# striker doesnt change trigger travel, just trigger pull in poundage, not a hairy trigger either, just very nice IMO. ur kahyr factory recol spring is 20#. I would jmp up to the wolffs 22# spring, makes a nice set up. while ur ordering, get afew of the 5% more strength 7 round magazine springs. They are super. makes mag loading no harder IJMO but helps work that slide lock lever on that last round.


04-25-2012, 07:31 AM
My Wolff spring order was just shipped and should be here this week.

My only concern with the 5# striker spring is that Wolff does not recommend it. I'd like to give the gun polish job on the rest of the action, but, so far I have only touched the barrel feed ramp.

If I can lighten it just a tad bit more w/o sacrificing primer ignition reliability, I'll be all set.

Its pretty darn good already, though.

04-25-2012, 11:48 AM
I have the 5# spring in my CM9. Just makes it a little lighter. Never a misfire. Wolff's are just covering a$$. The trigger mechanism needs no other action other than cleaning the gun and blowing out the striker channel using the cleanout hole. It continues (incredibly) to get smoother with rounds fired.

04-25-2012, 11:50 AM
glocks come factory with 5# trigger, what JFottin stated is right. they are just covering their a$$es. I hav ehad mine in for over 30K rounds and never one issue. It is not to light by any means, some report feeling nhi difference even. Fear not, just shoot it l;ike u stole it.

04-25-2012, 11:53 AM
I put a 5# Wolf spring in my K9 and honestly couldn't tell the difference. Maybe it already had one, dunno as I bought it used. The K9 is the smoothest handgun I ever shot. It's a keeper for sure.

04-25-2012, 11:57 AM
IMO more than likely the original striker spring dropped down in the high 5# area to according to my el cheapo trigger gauge my 5# striker spring is under 5# and I would expect that with 30K rounds throuygh it. mY K98 now has about 6k through it. ur right, it is one of the smoothest handguns I have ever had..

I am still trying to shoot a group like what was posted on this forum a few days ago, I am moving up closer to get there but so far, the powder burns are blowing the paper target apart..