View Full Version : New CW9 Owner

03-30-2012, 01:16 AM
I brought home my new CW9 today! Seems like more and more people are buying the CW line for its incredible price and quality. I picked it up for $399 and a free box of Golden Sabers.

I'm looking forward to some trigger-time this weekend!

Any suggestions on a front night sight for it? I'm looking to pay no more than $30.

03-30-2012, 02:32 AM
Congrats on the new purchase.Umm as far as the front night sight goes umm maybe glow paint.lol

03-30-2012, 09:21 AM
Congrats! Put those Golden Sabres aside for a while. Get some Winchester FMJ at Wallyworld and put about 200 through it for break-in. But beforehand, read the suggestions in the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1521) section.


and also the Lube Chart


Also, go to the CW9 page at Kahr, choose the Downloads tab underneath the picture and download or play the Takedown video. Pay special attention to how to orient the slide stop lever when you are reinserting it. And read the owner's manual. There are some unique things about Kahrs that owners need to be aware of in there. I put a chop stick between my teeth with pointy side out, pull the slide open until the takedown marks line up and insert it at the breach to keep it lined up for takedown. A lot of helpful people and advice here on the forum. Welcome!

03-31-2012, 08:52 PM
Will do, and thanks for the links! I have already cleaned it, but left out some areas described in the prep instructions and lube chart.

Also, I need to get myself some CRC Brakleen asap! I've been meaning to get this stuff for my K9.

03-31-2012, 09:01 PM
you used to be able to get a new trijicon front night sight from kahr for 30 bucks but now they are 50 plus shipping.... Everything seems to be going up now a days! Congrats and good luck with her! I never had any issues with my cw9 after following the proper break in procedures.

03-31-2012, 09:15 PM
You got a good one there.

04-01-2012, 10:50 AM
My CW9 has been flawless for me. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Great purchase.