View Full Version : New Member & Happy CM9 Owner

03-31-2012, 03:57 PM
Hello all, first time Kahr owner here. About two months ago I decided to buy my first firearm (an M&P 9c) and apply for my TX CHL. I took a basic handgun safety and SD class at a local range and then the CHL class itself. In the mean time I've been reading a lot and trying to put in as much quality range time and dry fire practice as I can. Somewhere along the line I decided I wanted a smaller gun of the same caliber to back up or stand in for my M&P depending on the circumstances. After a lot of research and writing off other options like the DB9 and PF-9 for various reasons I zeroed in on the CM9.

After following the cleaning, lube, and other prep procedures I found in this forum, I finally got to take it to the range today. All I can say is "WOW!" I only got to feed it 100 rounds but didn't have a single hiccup, and as I've read in many a thread, I love the smooth trigger.

I only wish I had more magazines on hand and that the one I had released freely. I did read through the thread on the mag issue but I guess I need to tweak some more. I ordered a couple 7 round mags from Promag, hopefully they perform well.

For the first few magazines I used the slide release to chamber the first round as the manual suggested. Then out of curiosity I started inserting a fresh mag and racking the slide from the locked open position. No problems. For the last few mags I racked and chambered the first round with the slide already forward and again not a single issue.

Looking forward to the next 100 rounds and beyond, especially once my rubberized Talon Grips get here! Who knows how things would have gone without following the advice I found in this forum but a heartfelt thanks to the community for putting the info out there.

03-31-2012, 04:09 PM
Sounds like you got a good one right out of the box. That's great to hear. When they work right, I don't think there's a better conceal weapon out there. Welcome to the forum, and happy shooting.

03-31-2012, 04:55 PM
kida wish u would have ordered kahr mags. goodlucko the pro mags. they seem hit and miss.

nice report, welcome aboard,keep up posted. More than likely the gun wouldhave been fine out of the box b ut the lbue chart is justd super to wrok with and the prepping thread just gets u more involved in the gun before ur first range trip.

03-31-2012, 05:30 PM
Join the Happy CM9 Owners club.

Courtesy of JFootin our logo is the green Smiley.


03-31-2012, 05:55 PM
Well, I suppose the snobbish PM9 owners should come up with a logo.

03-31-2012, 06:04 PM
Well, I suppose the snobbish PM9 owners should come up with a logo.

Here its is ! :wof:

03-31-2012, 06:33 PM
Welcome to the forum, nice report. The gun is going to get better and better, happy shooting.:D

03-31-2012, 07:28 PM
Join the Happy CM9 Owners club.

Courtesy of JFootin our logo is the green Smiley.


u and footin,, from a devote PM owner can take that "smiley" and stick it where the sun never shines. Just sayin:popcorn:

03-31-2012, 07:33 PM
PM9 Club Logo


03-31-2012, 07:42 PM
And the PM9J Jocko Special
With the Patented Decoder Ring and Telescopic Sights for those close in 15yd shots.


03-31-2012, 09:03 PM
welcome and glad it is working flawless!

03-31-2012, 09:10 PM
Welcome and enjoy your new pistol.

03-31-2012, 09:48 PM
Welcome! Glad everythings going as well for you as it did for me! I love my talon rubbers btw, you will be pleased!

Hey Tinman.... where can i get that logo put on my cm9? I want it custom done into the grip, or maybe engraved on top of the barrel? :D

04-01-2012, 08:24 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome folks. I'm interested in the official logo for my CM9 too. :D

I'll cross my fingers as far as the pro mags go. If they give me any trouble I'll go ahead and pick up some of the Kahr mags.