View Full Version : Practical Concealed Carry Tips Please

03-31-2012, 09:37 PM
Hey Y'all,
My CCW permit finally arrived. And like a giddy kid, I was excited to don my CW45 and White Hat IWB holster. So this evening I found an opportunity to go out and try it out for the first time. Boy was I disappointed.
I'll say that a few problems I faced were: 1- My Belt -- I have nothing but "normal" dress and casual belts; no "gun" belts. 2- Loose Jeans -- I recently lost a ton of weight and I'm struggling to find proper fitting clothes as my body shape has changed for the better. 3- Paranoia -- walking the isles of the supermarket w/ my weapon tucked into my polo and jeans, I felt like I was printing and was waiting for some brave soul to ask what that object was under my shirt.
There may be other issues that affected my disappointing intro into CC like cant, ride height, position, etc. But my question to you seasoned CCW folks is: Practically speaking, how do you do it? Do you have to get a gun belt, or are there any good "civilian" options that can be found at my local mall or dept store? And when it comes to pants, slacks, jeans, and even shorts, carrying IWB, what kind of factors do I need to keep in mind. I will HAVE to invest in some new belts and clothes b/c of my weight loss, therefore I can build a wardrobe that fits this new lifestyle I am choosing in carrying a concealed weapon. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

03-31-2012, 10:04 PM
Don't worry about printing. The vast majority of people are totally unaware of what's going on around them. You are far more conscious that you are carrying than they are. Get a good 1-1/2' to 1- 3/4" heavy leather belt. Wear loose fitting shirts and if you are carrying IWB allow for a little extra room in the waist. After you carry for awhile you won't feel any differently putting on your gun than you do putting on your shoes. It will become second nature.

03-31-2012, 10:17 PM
I think that many of us felt a little uncomfortable at first carrying CC. After a while you won't even think about it. No one is looking at you!

I do not find IWB comfortable, so I carry OWB on a good heavy belt with shirt out & over. My cell phone is in front of my gun. If anyone should ask, & they never have, I would just say that is my cell phone.

Another thought is to be sure your gun is not too large or heavy. I carry a PM9.

03-31-2012, 10:29 PM
I started off carrying in places that were "safe," friend’s houses and such. I also wore it a lot around the house, just trying to find the ideal place to put it, how much cant, etc...

I use 1 1/2 inch leather belts, but they're not "gun" belts. Used to carry a Beretta 92 and found the holster made all the difference. Had a Fist IWB, and though it was well made, the gun rode too high and would print like a son of a *****. I switched to a Tucker, The Answer, and it worked much better. Sat low, adjustable cant, and stayed open when drawn. Course, with just a T, it still printed pretty bad if I bent the wrong way, so I found I just wasn’t carrying because it was too much of a hassle to carry so much gun.

Now I carry a PM-9 in a Garrett Silent Thunder II, appendix style. I like it, but like the Fist, it sits a little high and isn't adjustable. I’ve carried the Garrett IWB tucked with a dress shirt too, and it works pretty well.

I'm considering Tucker's Mini IWB, though. It's adjustable so I can sit it lower. The only problem is its all leather and I worry about it collapsing when drawn. Like the Garret, it’s tuckable, so that is certainly a plus.

03-31-2012, 11:17 PM
Work away your issues one at a time. I've found that I can use a regular dress belt, unless my pants are too loose. Go to a department store and try on several different sizes of pants with your carry rig and a good leather belt. I was surprised to find that my loose pair of jeans without a gun didn't work best for carry, instead the pants that were comfortable without a gun were comfortable with a single stack in my cbst.

Also, very good tip above to carry a lot at home, where you can experiment and adjust to find right placement, cant, etc. I found moving mine back about an inch made all the difference in the world.

04-01-2012, 12:01 AM
Been carrying in my jeans pocket for a long time. Before that it was the "pistol pocket" (model 3 I think) holster. Thats a behind the back holster, nice carry.

Printing? Think not a thing of it. Flashing... state rules and laws may apply. Florida allows brief and inadvertent display.

I will say, there are times when I "think" someone knows I'm carrying... more than paranoia, more like they look at my carry location (pocket) and look back at me in the eye.... nobody has ever said a word.

04-01-2012, 12:20 AM
Your holster has dual belt clips set pretty far apart. That can make up for a weaker belt to a degree but you know if your gun/holster sags or not. If it doesn't sag and doesn't bounce when you walk you probably aren't giving it away.

If you shirt hangs over the gun bulge with room to move some (may be a size larger) then that may be okay. Have someone observe you bending over and reaching. If no obvious printing then I'd say the rest comes with experience.

The thing is prove it to yourself you do not obviously print then go out in public and relax. Some little rub here and there isn't noticeable and probably unavoidable. People just are not aware and don't go sniffing.

04-01-2012, 04:05 AM
I don't worry about it unless I go someplace that has a sign against firearms.

As someone above said wear it around the house and adjust it to suit you and get used to it. You might need to find longer shirts or wear a t shirt under and some sort of button up shirt over.

AND most people wont have a clue. The people who do are probably carrying themselves. I have been made a time or two I just looked em in the eye and went on about my business knowing they knew I knew they knew.

04-01-2012, 07:42 AM
For carry around the waist, I recommend a good belt. I get mine from thebeltman.net. Knowing the belt is up to the task adds confidence. It also helps if you carry a lot of stuff in your pockets.

If anyone does ask about an odd bulge, which is HIGHLY unlikely, tell them it's a "medical device". That tends to end further conversation. Most people are either oblivious or too into their own thing to notice anyway.

Bill K
04-01-2012, 08:11 AM
It gets easier over time. Pocket carry of my PM9 and P3AT make it particularly easy. My Glock 26 and sometimes PM9 AIWB works very well because of the short grips. You'll learn quickly what cover garments work best - generally the darker and thicker the material the better. A quick mirror check before leaving the house is always a good idea. You'll get there, be patient.

04-01-2012, 08:17 AM

04-01-2012, 08:24 AM
Hey Y'all,
My CCW permit finally arrived. And like a giddy kid, I was excited to don my CW45 and White Hat IWB holster. So this evening I found an opportunity to go out and try it out for the first time. Boy was I disappointed.
I'll say that a few problems I faced were: 1- My Belt -- I have nothing but "normal" dress and casual belts; no "gun" belts. 2- Loose Jeans -- I recently lost a ton of weight and I'm struggling to find proper fitting clothes as my body shape has changed for the better. 3- Paranoia -- walking the isles of the supermarket w/ my weapon tucked into my polo and jeans, I felt like I was printing and was waiting for some brave soul to ask what that object was under my shirt.
There may be other issues that affected my disappointing intro into CC like cant, ride height, position, etc. But my question to you seasoned CCW folks is: Practically speaking, how do you do it? Do you have to get a gun belt, or are there any good "civilian" options that can be found at my local mall or dept store? And when it comes to pants, slacks, jeans, and even shorts, carrying IWB, what kind of factors do I need to keep in mind. I will HAVE to invest in some new belts and clothes b/c of my weight loss, therefore I can build a wardrobe that fits this new lifestyle I am choosing in carrying a concealed weapon. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Welcome to Kahrtalk and the wonderful world of concealed carry!
Problems Faced:
1) My Belt:
Yes, if you’re going to belt carry you need a reinforced belt.
I like Galco SB1. It’s pricey, but super well-made and comfortable.
Plus it can double as dress belt.
2) Loose Jeans:
Can’t help with your cloths fitting, sorry.
3) Paranoia:
Everybody goes through that.
Check your look wearing different clothes in the mirror.
Keep your hands off the weapon when out and about.
Depending on how you carry; bending over, sitting and reaching for things
can cause a gun to not only print, but to become partially uncovered.
So be mindful of that.

Additional thoughts.
Know and follow the laws concerning concealed carry and use of lethal force.
If you go to another state with a reciprocity agreement you are bound by that states concealed carry laws.
It’s a good idea to already have a defense attorney picked out before something bad happens.

Personally I favor cross draw, outside the waist band, but inside the belt.
I use a 2” oversize belt (Galco SB1) and a ballistic nylon left handed or ambidextrous holster.
With a tank top undershirt, and a loose over shirt, this works extremely well for comfort and concealment.

Good luck and be safe

04-01-2012, 10:06 AM
It's funny. Right at first carrying, you feel paranoid, almost like you are doing something wrong even though you aren't. Those feelings disappear after a short while.

I, and others here, have found the PJ IWB kydex holster with over the belt clip (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) to be extremely comfortable and very concealable carrying these small Kahr pistols just behind the hip. As I have said many times, and others have corroberated, it is the only holster I have ever seen that just completely disappears from my conciousness when packing my CM9 in that sweet spot just behind my hip! Like it is not there! Have to reach back there and touch it to confirm it is still there. Same when I am moving around. It is so stable that the gun does not move or shift, so the mass of the gun becomes a part of my body and is imperceptible. All day and night long! Here are 2 nice pics of one for a Walther PPS.



04-01-2012, 10:14 AM
Hey Jfootin you think that holster would work well with a CW9?

04-01-2012, 10:26 AM
it's the best holster :) I can even run with mine, no issues.

Also, this belt is a godsend (learned about these from jfootin too, he knows his stuff)...


04-01-2012, 10:39 AM
Dukeman, welcome to the forum! All these guys are right on their tips, follow some of their advice, and you will be good to go in no time. Just a couple ideas to help you out, several on this forum have recommended these belts (http://www.hanksclothing.com/amish_belts_black_buy.html
and yes I just got my PJ holster yesterday, and I already love it around the house, so I feel like its goin to be perfect. It ads nothing but a little more comfort to the gun!
I love that JFootin gives them a nice plug all the time, but its always with those darn walther pictures (i know thats whats on his site) but I thought we needed some :D PJ pics!
(not the best quality i got a cheap camera, but you get the idea)


04-01-2012, 11:39 AM
I think the feeling that you are about to get caught carrying a gun is more a matter of conscious. I suspect we feel guilty like getting away with something that's a bit naughty. After some experience we accept it is really okay to carry and we get over the self awareness.

04-01-2012, 12:04 PM
But my question to you seasoned CCW folks is: Practically speaking, how do you do it? Do you have to get a gun belt, or are there any good "civilian" options that can be found at my local mall or dept store? And when it comes to pants, slacks, jeans, and even shorts, carrying IWB, what kind of factors do I need to keep in mind. I will HAVE to invest in some new belts and clothes b/c of my weight loss, therefore I can build a wardrobe that fits this new lifestyle I am choosing in carrying a concealed weapon. Any advice is greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

* IMHO you need to invest in belts dedicated to and made for concealed carry. A favorite is the Galco Concealable that tapers to look like a normal belt in the front. I also like the Galco COPS belt.

* A quality holster that fits the gun and holds it tight to the body is a must. The cant, or forward angle, must match up with the position around your body on which you carry.

* I pocket carry (a Seecamp) or carry OTW a midsized pistol, usually a HK P2000sk, in an open top holster, which I prefer to one with a thumb strap.

* A cover garment must cover you with your hands raised.

* Snaps, velcro or some other easily opened fastener is prefered to buttons or zippers.

04-01-2012, 01:28 PM
hey jfootin you think that holster would work well with a cw9?


04-01-2012, 01:33 PM
Dukeman, welcome to the forum! All these guys are right on their tips, follow some of their advice, and you will be good to go in no time. Just a couple ideas to help you out, several on this forum have recommended these belts (http://www.hanksclothing.com/amish_belts_black_buy.html
and yes I just got my PJ holster yesterday, and I already love it around the house, so I feel like its goin to be perfect. It ads nothing but a little more comfort to the gun!
I love that JFootin gives them a nice plug all the time, but its always with those darn walther pictures (i know thats whats on his site) but I thought we needed some :D PJ pics!
(not the best quality i got a cheap camera, but you get the idea)

Thanks, PYROhafe! I've been too lazy to tale some pics of my own. :o

04-01-2012, 07:13 PM
If you notice a common theme to the suggestions, that's because we have all learned from experience. A GOOD belt is required, good holsters are not cheap, but can often be found used from folks they didn't work well for. We all have accumulated the infamous "box of holsters". Clean your gun weekly when carrying IWB or pocket as they can rust quickly when in such close proximity to the body. Printed shirts and dark colored ones hide the outline better from printing.

04-01-2012, 07:51 PM
A great belt that I wear is a leather belt made by Columbia. I bought them on sale at Gordman's for like $10. They work fantastically and look normal cuz they ARE normal.
I carry in a Garrett Silent thunder and I LOVE it! I also really like my crossbreed minituck. I carry in shorts, thin t Jeans, whatever I want to wear. 4-5 o'clock carry always.

04-01-2012, 07:53 PM
probably one of the fienst belt makers in the coutry is thebeltman.net

his reputation speaks for itself. he is not cheap but neither is life.

04-02-2012, 07:20 AM
I think that many of us felt a little uncomfortable at first carrying CC. After a while you won't even think about it. No one is looking at you!

I do not find IWB comfortable, so I carry OWB on a good heavy belt with shirt out & over. My cell phone is in front of my gun. If anyone should ask, & they never have, I would just say that is my cell phone.

Another thought is to be sure your gun is not too large or heavy. I carry a PM9.

Pretty much what he said, however I carry a K40. And a good, heavy leather belt that is 1-1/2" wide is pretty much a given. For a good one that won't break the bank try http://stores.ebay.com/mtnleatherdesign?refid=store&sspagename=domain.

04-02-2012, 12:25 PM
Hey Dukeman,

Welcome to Kahrtalk.

I buy all my belts from Fossil, yes the watch store, they make great belts.

I had to go out and buy a whole closet of new shirts (longer and a little bigger). The only downside is that I love white shirts, and some of my shirts are so thin you print really easily. I keep it on my mind so Im not flashing it, but if one or two people see it who cares? Its gonna happen and you have have been qualified by your state to carry it. I used to open carry alot before I was old enough, so walking thru walmart with a "super 9" on gets you some stares and comments, but 99% of the time, they wont say a word.

04-04-2012, 06:29 PM
I prefer pocket carry with a custom made leather pocket holster.

The only thing that goes in the pocket is the holstered gun (make sure trigger is covered) Keys chapstick fingers never go in the gun pocket.
