View Full Version : Some surprises while shooting with my wife

02-12-2010, 12:24 AM
My wife went to the range with me today. She enjoys shooting but not as much as I do which probably isn't uncommon. I took my P22 (.22), my P238 (.380), my CW9, my XD9sc (9mm), and my Colt Commander in .45.

My wife had shot everything except the CW9 prior to this trip. We started with the .22 and then a box of .380 out of the little P238, both of which my wife enjoys a lot and shoots very well. Next we shot the CW9 and to my surprise she didn't like it and commented on the recoil and "snap". I loaded up the XD and she commenced to pop off 13 rounds--all in the 5" red at 7 yards. She likes that one and shoots it very well too.

Finally the .45. It was kind of funny because an older gentleman was in the lane next to us and we had been talking and took a couple of shots from each other's guns. He saw my wife pick up the .45 and asked me if I had warned her about the recoil. I just smiled and said "oh yeah, she knows." On a fresh target she proceeded to punch out a 3" group--again at 7 yards. He just kind of looked at me and smiled.

Anyway, out of everything we shot today the CW9 was the only gun she didn't like. I could understand her shooting the XD better because it weighs about 6 oz more and has a SA trigger, but she liked the .45 a lot better and it definitely has a little jolt to it. Go figure.

I continue to be very happy with the CW9. We put about another 75 rounds through it today without a hitch. Once thing I did notice is that I'm probably twice as fast on accurate double-taps with the P238 than I am with the CW9. I'm also quite a bit faster with the XD9sc than the CW9. It's going to take a while to get used to that loooong trigger pull :)

mr surveyor
02-12-2010, 12:48 AM
sounds a bit like my wife. She loves her KT P32, and Ruger 22/45, but I almost have to force her to shoot a couple of rounds through anything larger. She is an excellent shot with most anything, given time to plant her feet just right, adjust her arms, hands, shirt sleeves...and hold her mouth just right..... Like most women (and some men), she tends to equate the "boom" with what to expect in recoil. She may shoot a couple of rounds of .38 or .45, if I insist, but after one magazine of .380 in my (former) P3AT, she was ready to quit for the night. I did manage to get her to shoot a full magazine from a PF9 and she put it down and picked up the Ruger 22 and continued to do her own thing. When I traded for the CW9 last summer, like all my carry guns, I insisted she at least shoot it to have some idea how it operated. I think she shot three full mags before she insisted on playing with the Ruger. That was a pleasant surprise. She didn't complain about the recoil, but did still tend to notice how loud it was....with plugs and muffs. I need to take her more often so she will get more acclimated to the wonderful sounds and smells of the range:)

Now, if i could just get her to learn to clean her own guns.

Does your wife clean up after herself?


02-12-2010, 01:17 AM
What was surprising to me is that I've never thought of my wife as recoil sensitive. She's shot hundreds of rounds through my .45 and she really enjoys it. She also shot hundreds through the XD 9mm and has fun with it too. In fact, the majority of the time we shoot together we don't even bring a .22. It's usually just 9mm and .45 (and more recently, .380).

And in regards to your question; no, she doesn't clean up after herself :) That's okay with me though because I'm one of those strange people who enjoy taking my guns apart and cleaning and lubing them. Well, all of the except my Ruger MKII :D

02-12-2010, 06:25 AM
My wife does not enjoy the model 60 .38 special, but does well with the Glock 9mm. I realize one reason was the trigger, but she was also anticipating the boom & recoil. I know she was seeing the cylinder turn the hammer coming back, oh no, here comes the boom! The G26, no prob, even with +P.
Her clean the pistol, no way! Thats why I take her; so she can provide me with more handguns to clean. Put a game on the tv, spread out the equipment and I'm lost for 2 hours.

02-12-2010, 06:29 AM
A balanced gun feels better to shoot than a snappy one. My wife would also rather shoot my Taurus .45 than pick up any of my Kahrs except the MK9. She will shoot that one because it's a little heavier and not as "snappy".

02-12-2010, 06:57 AM
My wife is my constant range partner and really enjoys her range time as much as I do. She loves to shoot her J-Frame 38sp and she can and does a shoot it much better than I do. The J-frame is her preferred carry weapon. She prefers a revolver over a semi-auto for the simplicity of operation. She loves to shoot our S&W 686 usually with 38sp and constantly shoots 2" or smaller groups even in double action at 21 feet. I purchased both of us Sig Mosquitoes for Christmas and she is quickly becoming more comfortable with the semi-autos and just loves to shoot this little .22 and I think it is a wonderful training tool. Also she does clean her own guns after ever range outing , insisting that if she is going to carry she wants to know how to take care of the weapon as well. I am one lucky man, my wife is my best friend and we have been married for over 37 years, I think she is a keeper.

02-12-2010, 07:34 AM
I'm jealous.

My wife refuses to shoot with me. I think she's gone with me twice in our 34 years being married. Even after buying her, her very own pistol, (a Daewoo DH40), she would't go with me. :confused:

Compared to the other pistols your wife shot, the ultra light and very thin gripped CW9 probably felt much different to her. I'd be willing to bet her opinion would be different if she were using a K9 or T9.

02-12-2010, 09:32 AM
Yea ripley16 I am too...My wife hates guns and anything related....Sometimes it takes being held up, car jacked or something like that to spark an interest in firearms....So far she has been lucky there and doesn't see any need for anyone to have a gun....Oh well I guess you cant change someones mind about some things!!!