View Full Version : New Member here with a CM9 range report!

04-01-2012, 06:30 AM
Joined a couple a days ago and have recently picked a CM9. This is by far the best little 9mm I have ever fired. Comfortable to shoot and very accurate when I do my part. Took it out to the range yesterday and ran about 200 rounds thru it. Here is the report.

Took the new CM9 out in the backyard this afternoon for the first time. Shots were at 7 and 10 yards for a total of 200 rounds.

1. Functionality - Due to the slide being very stiff and not ever being fired, I was expecting a few hick-ups. Well I was IMPRESSED to say the least. With a total of 200 rounds of Federal 115gr FMJ, it ran flawlessly. Not one malfunction. This little pistol is awesome and runs like a champ.

2. Accuracy - The first 10 rounds or so were low and to the left, but once I got use to the trigger break it was fun to shoot. If you do your part and let the trigger break properly it will stack em tight. For such a small framed pistol, it is very accurate.

3. Control - This little pistol is easy to shoot and the felt recoil is very nice. I shot 200 rounds and could have shot another 200 with no problem. I enjoyed shooting this little pistol as well as I do my G19 and G26. And that says a lot!

All in all I am very pleased with my decision to go with the CM9.

04-01-2012, 07:03 AM
Welcome to the CM9 Happy Owner's Club!! :D
A lot have found that running it a little wet for the short term makes it break in a lot easier. Over time you can dry her out a bit.

Enjoy! It's a fine little shooter.

04-01-2012, 07:27 AM
Welcome! Those are great little pistols.

04-01-2012, 11:48 AM
Great picture of a great gun. +1 on everything you said. I couldn't decide between the CM9 and the P380. I finally went with the CM9 for the better power of the 9mm. I enjoy the CM9 so much that my next purchase will be the P380. I may also get the CW9 for the nightstand.

04-01-2012, 04:39 PM
Congratulations! I have been very pleased with my CM9. Now, if I could just quit shooting the recoil spring and guide rod across the room on reassembly. :D

04-01-2012, 04:46 PM
LRodgers: Low and lefdt, humm my bet ur a right hand shooter!!

I being a leftyt am low and right.

04-01-2012, 05:33 PM
LRodgers: Low and lefdt, humm my bet ur a right hand shooter!!

I being a leftyt am low and right.

You would indeed be correct. Once I increased the pressure of my left hand the groups started coming together pretty well. It is the little things that I tend to forget:D

04-01-2012, 05:35 PM
i KINDA FIGURED THAT BUT i ALSO WAS PLAYING THE ODDS that 90% of all people are right handed, so wasn''t really guessing in the windj.

Ur groupls will get bnetter asu get used to kahrs loooooong but so so smooth trigger.. Rome was not built in a day s. that is what Ihave vbeen told by our emperor Bawanna.