View Full Version : Which Carry Option ? F Pockect B Pockect or IWB

04-02-2012, 08:11 PM
What's the best way to carry the cm9/pm9 ? Which one's more comfortable ? Do you prefer Kydex or Leather?

04-02-2012, 09:10 PM
Front pocket. If I'm going to go to the trouble to carry inside the waistband I carry a larger gun.

04-02-2012, 10:34 PM
I have carried a Kahr K9 IWB for 13 years. I own a Kahr PM9 but I just cant be comfortable with carry it in my front pocket. Even though its a light gun. It just feels too heavy. Pulls my pants down. Then I will look like a homeboy. Lol. I guess its my system. I carry a small wallet in my front left pocket and my cash and change in my right pocket. BUT. I can carry my Kahr P380 in my right pocket with no trouble. IMO thats a true pocket pistol. Now I cant carry that Kahr P380 IWB because I feel its too small and can get my hand on the grip to draw. I prefer leather. I guess it comes down to different strokes for different folks.

Joe Flashman

04-03-2012, 02:48 AM
AIWB for me with a Crossbreed style holster @ 1:30 ... tho when I carry my .380 it's back pocket in an Uncle George wallet holster.

04-03-2012, 06:09 AM
Mostly carry IWB but will carry in a jacket or vest pocket if I think that works better at the time. Never carry in pants pocket as I think it takes to long to get to the gun in a SHTF situation. JM. .02

04-03-2012, 07:09 AM
Leather, it comforms to body better.


04-03-2012, 11:19 AM
Front pocket. If I'm going to go to the trouble to carry inside the waistband I carry a larger gun.

Absolutely !!!!

04-03-2012, 11:32 AM
For front pocket look at James Dean on this forum. Mine is horsehide.

04-03-2012, 01:53 PM
I voted front pocket, but that hardly the whole story. First let me say that I hate IWB and practically never use it even though I have every popular IWB holster. If possible I use an OWB carry. I have two pocketable guns, a PM9 and an LCP. [the MK40 is too heavy] Since I drive a convertible top down twelve months a year, a jacket is usually not out of place. So my pocket pistol is generally in an inside jacket pocket, that is, if I carry one.

jg rider
04-03-2012, 02:22 PM
I normally carry in a Don Hume JIT owb holster as described here


But on those rare occasions that I can't, I carrying in my rear pocket. Carrying in a front pocket is awkward for me and I.M.H. unsafe if you're carrying loose change or what ever. And I haven't seen a pocket holster that is flat on the outside so that it doesn't print.

What I did was to cut two pliable plastic pieces from a DVD case and cut them to fit in my pockets. I sandwich my PM9 between them, in my back pocket. It makes for a flat wallet look even when I bend over. The inner piece is so the trigger doesn't get snagged. The outer is for a flat surface look. It bends flat as you bend or sit and springs back when standing. The below pictures show my pants pocket bent tightly over my forearm





04-03-2012, 03:40 PM
Garrett Silent Thunder II Appendix Style.

04-03-2012, 05:46 PM
I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Just started carrying in January. I bought a pm 9 initially thinking pocket carry all the way. Ordered a galco horsehide holster but felt too tight and bulky in my jeans and printed way too much in my dockers. I then ordered a mika pocket holster but while waiting for it looked at a lot of videos and reports about the remora. Got the one with the reinforced top and absolutely love it as an inside the waist holster but too big for pocket carry. I can adjust the cant/depth easily and after 30 seconds dont even know its there. Dont know how important it is but very easy to reholster and makes practicing drawing a breeze. I also now have the mica and it fits well in my jeans and because it doesn't fit the gun too tightly does not print as a gun in either jeans or dockers. What I haven't figured out is in the summer usually wear running/gym type shorts and tank tops/t shirts etc a lot. Will figure out something. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Bill K
04-03-2012, 06:03 PM
Front pocket with a modified Kydex holster from Alabama Holsters. Occasional AIWB using a Remora sticky holster. This is with a PM9. I have two other carry pistols. Since retirement P3AT always front pocket and Glock 26 almost always AIWB with a rare pocket carry every now and then.

04-03-2012, 06:15 PM
I'm still trying to figure it out myself. Just started carrying in January. I bought a pm 9 initially thinking pocket carry all the way. Ordered a galco horsehide holster but felt too tight and bulky in my jeans and printed way too much in my dockers. I then ordered a mika pocket holster but while waiting for it looked at a lot of videos and reports about the remora. Got the one with the reinforced top and absolutely love it as an inside the waist holster but too big for pocket carry. I can adjust the cant/depth easily and after 30 seconds dont even know its there. Dont know how important it is but very easy to reholster and makes practicing drawing a breeze. I also now have the mica and it fits well in my jeans and because it doesn't fit the gun too tightly does not print as a gun in either jeans or dockers. What I haven't figured out is in the summer usually wear running/gym type shorts and tank tops/t shirts etc a lot. Will figure out something. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Get a belly band. There are some that are "breathable" so it doesn't get hot, wet and uncomfortable. You can customize placement of your gun anywhere on your upper body.

04-03-2012, 06:31 PM
JFootin..thanks for the tip..will look into it. By the way I live in the "foothills" so I guess were practically neighbors :rolleyes:

04-03-2012, 07:43 PM
JFootin..thanks for the tip..will look into it. By the way I live in the "foothills" so I guess were practically neighbors :rolleyes:

Where? If you don't want to say here, you can click my screen name and email me.

04-03-2012, 08:22 PM
I carry multiple ways ways depending on what I am doing or wearing. I find I am using an ankle holster more and more. I carry in front pocket the most. Also use a Fanny pack holster and a 5.11 Tactical Holster shirt. Match your clothes and activities to your carry. There is no one answer, hence the multiple carry options. CM 9 happy !!!

04-03-2012, 10:33 PM
PM9 with MEP's and Crimson Trace in a CrossBreed MiniTuck horsehide @ 4:00

Somebody here turned my onto a belly band and its been great when Im wearing gym shorts or dress pants. Sewed on a strap that velcros over the backstrap and no worries about bouncing out. Plus holds keys, phones, and wallets pretty well.


04-07-2012, 11:58 PM
i'm right handed. i carry front right pocket in a desantis nemesis holster. in the same pocket at the bottom is a spare mag for my Glock 33.

if someone wants my wallet, i will calmly reach in and get the CM9.

i carry the Glock 33 OWB on left side, cross draw so i can use my right hand if need be, but i can get it out left handed if needed.

I can't access the CM9 when I am seated and belted in in the car.

04-08-2012, 07:17 AM
I've recently discovered the advantages in AIWB carry. I'm a lefty, which means I can freely access my gun while buckled in the car (wouldn't work as well for a righty unless you are riding shotgun). Works great seated or standing, and can be done with very little shoulder and arm motion that might tip me off if drawing from behind the hip.

I did some experimentation using my J-frame and an Uncle Mike's #3 pocket holster. The 1" grip strip that surrounds the holster makes it stay in place real well under belt tension. I positioned the gun and holster at about 11:00 with a backward cant, which provides several advantages:

It moves the muzzle end of the package toward the center so that it doesn't jam against the top of my thigh when I sit down, greatly enhancing comfort.
It presents the gun at an ideal angle for a quick draw, which can be verified by placing your hand at the AIWB position as if to draw a gun and noting the angle of your hand and arm.
And critically important with the J-frame, it makes the grip lay down horizontally just above my belt where my middle aged spread expands above it, hiding it and making for no printing under a shirt. If the holster were zero cant, the grip would stick up where my spread would push it out, printing terribly and jamming the muzzle end into my belly. Also, the rounded hammer shield on my Model 638 is only 1/2" wide and doesn't protrude like the back end of a semi-auto would.

The UM holster worked for this experiment, but it is too thin and flexible for permanent duty. So I explained my concept to James Dean and asked him to make one of his fine leather holsters to fill the bill. I wanted a low ride, the backward cant, a rounded edge so there are no corners to dig into my soft belly, and an offset clip to clear my left front belt loop and the end of my belt. James is very skilled at working with leather, but he demonstrated another talent in taking my vision and fulfilling it in leather! As I've said before, his holsters are works of art in finest Herman Oak leather. Have a look at this beauty! :D


Edit: Note I got it tuckable because I am thinking that the no printing aspect of this holster will work under a tucked shirt. Plus, it it easier to untuck and clear the shirt at that location than it is behind the hip, and I can employ my right hand to hold the shirt up out of the way.

If this holster works as well as I am confident it will, I believe James can sell thousands of them to American J-frame owners with middle aged drift over on the S&W Forum! :D

04-08-2012, 08:43 AM
PM9 with MEP's and Crimson Trace in a CrossBreed MiniTuck horsehide @ 4:00

Somebody here turned my onto a belly band and its been great when Im wearing gym shorts or dress pants. Sewed on a strap that velcros over the backstrap and no worries about bouncing out. Plus holds keys, phones, and wallets pretty well.


Yikes! (referring to the picture, which I don't think is you....) That's a lot of stuff to carry! Wouldn't all of the stuff on the belly band make your shirt look lumpy?

I know that LEO's have to carry a LOT of stuff these days, but I was never in that business and can't imagine being burdened with stuff that I need to carry around all the time on my body. It's bad enough that I have to carry keys (minimum set), wallet (thinned out as much as possible), and 2 smartphones (personal + work, both very slim).

I'm beginning to see why women carry purses. :2rolleyes:

04-08-2012, 09:31 AM
I have a bianchi belley band sililar to the one pictured which IMO is even nicer made. I never use it and I would sellit if one is interested. They are nice but I just like my 5.11 holster T shirt alot better.

04-09-2012, 07:34 PM
I let my mode of dress dictate how I carry. For the most part AIWB, but occasionally I'll carry in a front pants pocket or jacket pocket. I have a shoulder problem that prevents me from carrying any further back than the three o'clock position. The only thing I'd carry in an ankle holster would be a back-up 380.

04-09-2012, 08:37 PM
I carry my PM9 on duty as a bug in front pocket. Got used to it being there so I pocket off duty too.

04-10-2012, 02:56 PM
What's the best way to carry the cm9/pm9 ? Which one's more comfortable ? Do you prefer Kydex or Leather?

That's not the question you asked. You asked which do we prefer.
I'd prefer to be 30 lbs lighter so I could carry IWB without losing feeling in my leg when I sit. I pocket carry cause It's comfortable, not cause it's the best
for rapid weapons acquisition .

04-10-2012, 08:21 PM
IWB is a challenge with a dress shirt. I can't walk around the office all day with a suit coat to conceal my weapon. I can't see any other option but pocket conceal for a dress shirt and tie job.

I considered ankle concealment but everytime I sit down the gun is there for the world to view.

My vote is for my Nano in my custom made pocket leather holster. I can draw my weapon in one second if I am standing and placing your hand in your pocket if there is a potential threat will not draw attention like reaching for a weapon in the waist.

The one downside to pocket is If you need it while sitting like in your car but there are not a lot of good options if someone sticks a gun in your face while you are seat belted in your car.

In the case of a car jack I would prefer a James Bond car over any option discussed on this forum.
