View Full Version : I've tried
04-03-2012, 02:58 PM
to love it but can't. I'm selling my CM9 today. I have no use for it, I won't carry it as I don't trust it, and my wife can't operate it due to how stiff it all is. It was a decision I did not take lightly, and I went to shoot it and my LC9 side by side and after a box I had made my decision. My LC9 fits better, has a better trigger, is trustworthy, and my wife can operate it if need be. Plus after a few holster presentations I was performing better wiht the LC9. Flame suit is on now:D...but it seems that the CM9 is a polarizing little gun, people either love it, or hate it....I don't love it.
Now, I'm not done with Kahrs by any means and I plan on taking the proceeds and looking for a MK40, or a P45, not sure yet, but I like the operating system of the Kahr. The CM9 was my first Kahr, and this community seems to be a good one, fiercly loyal, and a wealth of knowledge. I look foward to resuming in the conversations...just with a different Kahr!! See y'all soon. :yo:
04-03-2012, 03:08 PM
No flaming here. You have to use what you feel is best for YOU. I was going to get a LC9 after my PF9 took a pooh on me but ended up with a CM9 because it was the best for ME.
04-03-2012, 03:11 PM
Dunno why anyone would flame you. About the only question I would have asked is did you go beyond the break-in period, but otherwise, no one gun fits every person and every situation. There are plenty of reliable, concealable, 9mm (and other caliber) choices out there. They all feel/fit each person differently. Nobody is the same. I'm not saying there isn't crap out there, most definitely, but hard to say an LC9 isn't a great gun and fills the same purpose as the CM9. You need to be comfortable and confident in what you choose, otherwise you'll find yourself leaving it at home and that's pointless.
Kahrs are definitely tight and tough to operate initially. The more they are shot, the better they get, but getting to that point might be more time and expense than some folks have or are willing to invest. And the slide may NEVER (tight tolerances) loosen up as much as something else that works for you better.
Enjoy the LC9 and your next Kahr purchase. The P45 is on my short list, but I'll be rounding out my ammo-centric 9mm collection first, then maybe a .45
04-03-2012, 03:12 PM
Your leaving out a few important details, most important to me is why don't you trust it?
If it's a reliability issue did you give Kahr a chance to fix it?
I'm not flaming you either, I agree with Ken_K completely.
You can certainly post it in the Kahr for sale area and someone here may help you rid yourself of it.
04-03-2012, 03:22 PM
Also, you don't need to be a Kahr owner to be part of the forum.
Although it is a Kahr forum, we talk about lots of gun related topics.
And this place is the last one I've ever found on the net where you're going to get flamed.
We have some healthy debates.
Sometimes things get a little out of control - LOL!
But our buddy Bawanna usually rains us in.
Everyone gets to have their own opinion, shared or not.
I wouldn't be here otherwise.
04-03-2012, 03:26 PM
Thanks Gents. the LC9 is polarizing as well, but just works better for me. I have about 260 through the CM9, so I know it's not a completely fair comparison as the LC9 has about 3k through it, so it's loosened up a lot. I think the biggest factor is my wife. I am a firm believer that she must be able to manipulate what ever I am carrying, and that was not happening with the CM. I have no issues with the reliability, the finish, or even the break in, I just don't need two very concealable 9mm's. I'm even taking my Kimber off my LTC, and replacing it iwth a G 23 as she is not comfortable with the 1911 platform.
I guess I am purging so her and I can carry the same basic weapon. I hope to get her to a point where she is comfortable with a 40 or 45 and we can carry weapons that we can share magazines with. I think for tactical purposes it's beneficial.
I really want a MK40 elite though. Man I love the way that gun looks. I know it would never be a carry gun so it's kind of a moot point, but wow.
04-03-2012, 03:33 PM
Better trigger? not by a long shot, but you absolutely carry what you are comfortable with. No question.
04-03-2012, 03:34 PM
The trust issue is a personal one. I don't trust anything I'm carrying until about 750 trouble free rounds, to include several types of ammo. For example; I have a Kimber Pro CDP that I didn't carry until almost 1000 rounds as certain types of ammo were not reliable, as were some 1911 magazines. I was not going to trust my life to it until I got all of those things sorted out.
As far as flaming I have found this forum to be MUCH better than some others; I would never go on a certain *****talk place and say I didn't like on of their Austrian pieces and not expect to get flamed!
Bill K
04-03-2012, 03:34 PM
You gave it a fair try and its not working for you, no flaming here. I happy to read that you're not turned off on all Kahrs and hope the next one you get turns out to be everything you wanted and more. I know you didn't ask but I'd go for something in .45 ACP before S&W .40. I know that the .40 makes for a great SD round but there is just something about the .45.
04-03-2012, 03:35 PM
In your shoes I'd form a different band for you and your wife. You can each play your own music. Many things that work for you won't work for her and in some cases vise versa.
No reason in the world you should travel under gunned so she can work it too. She should have her own that she can work to back you up if needed.
You got a decent sounding plan but I fell off the train when you said she wasn't comfy with a 1911.
Do note I'm again not flaming you in the least, I'm just not gonna carry a mouse gun because my wife can't work it or doesn't like it.
I'm at least glad the CM doesn't have any issues mechanically and it's just a personal works for me decision.
04-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Better trigger? not by a long shot, but you absolutely carry what you are comfortable with. No question.
We have had vastly differeing experiences then. MUCH better trigger IMHO. Maybe I got lucky with mine, but it's like butter, in fact one of the smoothest double action types I've ever had. But... this is what makes us a great country..........Differeing beliefs. :)
04-03-2012, 03:40 PM
Thanks Gents. the LC9 is polarizing as well, but just works better for me. I have about 260 through the CM9, so I know it's not a completely fair comparison as the LC9 has about 3k through it, so it's loosened up a lot. I think the biggest factor is my wife. I am a firm believer that she must be able to manipulate what ever I am carrying, and that was not happening with the CM. I have no issues with the reliability, the finish, or even the break in, I just don't need two very concealable 9mm's. I'm even taking my Kimber off my LTC, and replacing it iwth a G 23 as she is not comfortable with the 1911 platform.
I guess I am purging so her and I can carry the same basic weapon. I hope to get her to a point where she is comfortable with a 40 or 45 and we can carry weapons that we can share magazines with. I think for tactical purposes it's beneficial.
I really want a MK40 elite though. Man I love the way that gun looks. I know it would never be a carry gun so it's kind of a moot point, but wow.
Your wife would likely find the MK40 Elite slide too much to handle as well.
I have one.
If I still had a wife I would want firearms she could operate as well.
And although I have seven handguns.
I'd like to think they are all different and fill different roles.
As for the G23, I have a G27.
And with a Storm Lake 40-9mm barrel and G26 mags
it's super soft shooting and laser accurate.
Id check out a baby Glock G27 for carry as well.
But be prepared. Your girl may take it from you.
That happens some times - LOL!
04-03-2012, 03:44 PM
That's strange about the trigger. I tried a few different LC9's and none of them could compare to the buttery smooth trigger on the CM9. Keep in mind that to me the perfect trigger is one that breaks like glass and is on a 1911.
04-03-2012, 03:57 PM
See, no flaming, but lot's of different views,a reason I like this place!
Here's a little background; I was weaned on a 1911, uncle sam was kind enough to let me carry one for 8 years until they went to the Beretta (yuk). I have several guns and hand guns. My wife was not a gun person, and cried about a year and a half ago when I let her shoot my Sig 226, so I started her over outside with a .22 revolver. She progressed up to a point that I signed over a CZ 75 compact in 40 to her, and she bought her own SP101 in .357 mag. She now has her CCW and in the process has fallen in love with my PPQ, so I signed that over to her. I would LOVE to get her into a 1911, but the reality of it is that she may not train enough to be profecient with one. I want her in a simple platform that she doesn't have to mess with safeties, etc... Basically a point a shoot weapon. If she could manipulate the slide, the Kahr was ideal in my mind. She is fine with the PPQ, the LC9, and to a point Glocks.
Barth, I have a Glock 23 that I am cutting the grip to accept 27 mags, I'll post pics of it once I'm done.
I can always re-train via dry practice and range time to accomodate to what ever platform I need to in order to help her out.
04-03-2012, 04:08 PM
My girl LOVES my 1911 and doesn't want to shoot anything else lol. The CM9 is really hard for her to rack and she thought it was too snappy.
04-03-2012, 04:21 PM
Mine has never shot a steel framed 1911. Mine are alloy framed and I think that's the difference.
Hey, I figure I'm just lucky to have her getting into this and getting a LTC!! If I need to make some concessions...I will. She is the typicall California girl who got married to a hill billy from Ohio who likes guns and Jeeps......
Yeah, she drives a Jeep now!
04-03-2012, 04:30 PM
I lucked out and found a country girl who likes to fish, ride 4wheelers, ride horses, will help me work on my truck and actually likes the way my Cummins sounds with 5" stacks lol.
04-03-2012, 04:31 PM
There is definitely shooting involved in getting the Kahr trigger and overall use smoothed out. I just got a TP9 a couple months back. Neither of my Kahrs have as many rounds thru them as some folks here, but the trigger and overall smoothness of my TP9 is FAR FAR from what I experience shooting my P9. My P9 is a couple years old now, have probably 2k rounds thru it. Very smooth. TP9, not so much, but it's getting there. I'm past the break-in, but it's still a little rough.
04-03-2012, 04:36 PM
Before you completely turn from Kahr, see if you can try a metal framed pistol: MK9 or K9 or even a T9. I PROMISE, you'll come back to the fold. Totally awesome weapons.
Food for thought.
04-03-2012, 04:38 PM
There is something extremely hot about a woman getting muddy and shooting guns! Yeah, mine said she was from the country...until I took her to where I grew up! She didn't want to get out of the car. Now she works wiht a company who's based in Texas..I keep pushing for a transfer!!!
04-03-2012, 04:44 PM
That's how my ex was. It was all "I love the country! The green grass, fresh air, blah blah blah" and then the first night I took her on the river running lines she freaked out lol. What part of Tx is the company in?
04-03-2012, 05:13 PM
keep the kahr and get a different wife?
04-03-2012, 06:17 PM
LOL!!!! I'm on number three....there will be no 4th.wife that is!!!!
I'm not turning away form Kahr.just the CM9...........
Austin..........And I understand there is great hunting and fishing there, or close by!!!!
04-03-2012, 06:29 PM
I agree with the others. Don't give up your Kahr just because she can not handle it. I like shooting jlottmc 1911 just do not like carrying it. Get her something SHE wants to carry and shoot and keep your pistol
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04-03-2012, 06:32 PM
I agree with the others. Don't give up your Kahr just because she can not handle it. I like shooting jlottmc 1911 just do not like carrying it. Get her something SHE wants to carry and shoot and keep your pistol
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
Hi honey, we miss you when you don't visit. Wanted you to know that.
04-03-2012, 06:40 PM
great one. today I got a "tweet" message from Rosie O'Donnell, she asked me for ur personal email address: being u have such a "way" with the forum gals,I figured if u see rosie coming towards u, u will no doubt get up off ur chair and run like there is no tomorrow. Just sayin
04-03-2012, 06:45 PM
04-03-2012, 07:20 PM
Tinman..I dont know what you do for a living but comedy is in your blood. Always look at anything you post cuz know I'm gonna laugh. keep em coming:yo:
04-04-2012, 07:19 AM
Definitely not comedy for a living, just terminal smart-a$$.
Glad I could brighten your day.
04-04-2012, 12:25 PM
There is something extremely hot about a woman getting muddy and shooting guns! Yeah, mine said she was from the country...until I took her to where I grew up! She didn't want to get out of the car. Now she works wiht a company who's based in Texas..I keep pushing for a transfer!!!
Well come on, just leave the Kommiefornia laws and thinking at the border, preferably the Mexican border (their side not ours). You'll like it here, except for about 11 months out of the year when we turn the heater on. :D
04-04-2012, 12:27 PM
Hi honey, we miss you when you don't visit. Wanted you to know that.
I don't even see her anymore.
04-04-2012, 12:28 PM
I don't even see her anymore.
Reckon we better hire one of them investigators and have her followed?
04-04-2012, 03:50 PM
to love it but can't. I'm selling my CM9 today. I have no use for it, I won't carry it as I don't trust it, and my wife can't operate it due to how stiff it all is. It was a decision I did not take lightly, and I went to shoot it and my LC9 side by side and after a box I had made my decision. My LC9 fits better, has a better trigger, is trustworthy, and my wife can operate it if need be. Plus after a few holster presentations I was performing better wiht the LC9. Flame suit is on now:D...but it seems that the CM9 is a polarizing little gun, people either love it, or hate it....I don't love it.
Now, I'm not done with Kahrs by any means and I plan on taking the proceeds and looking for a MK40, or a P45, not sure yet, but I like the operating system of the Kahr. The CM9 was my first Kahr, and this community seems to be a good one, fiercly loyal, and a wealth of knowledge. I look foward to resuming in the conversations...just with a different Kahr!! See y'all soon. :yo:
Really don't think you'll get flamed here on KT. Who could blame you for keeping a gun that doesn't fit your needs or fulfill your expectations.
04-04-2012, 04:12 PM
yup what popeye says is what the forum wants for u. SATISFACTION. Kahrs are not for everyone. Gun and shooter have to mate up corrctly to be a good pair.
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