View Full Version : CM9 extended range report

04-06-2012, 06:04 AM
I've run 400 rounds through my CM9 now. During the 200 rd breakin I had 2 FTE's and 3 nosedives. Between 250 and 300 I had 1 FTE. Since then I've had no failures whatsoever.

This gun seems to love food grade silicone grease for lube. Its cycles smoothly and racking it is easy now. I clean it in the usual way and when I'm done the exterior of the gun and the mags get a rubdown with Johnson's paste wax. The mags pour out of the gun without a hitch. One did need a VERY minor squeeze to get that way.

The gun is tight and sweet to shoot and now I'm working on having my skills live up to the gun. I'd recommend CM9's to anyone...just make sure you buy a newly made gun from a dealer who sells them regularly.

04-06-2012, 08:59 AM
I just made it through the 200 round break in and I only had one nosedive, no other problems. It is very tight and I thought it might have more problems than it does. I am very impressed.

04-06-2012, 11:14 AM
Welcome to the CM9 Owners Club, guys! :) Our symbol is :D - a grin from ear to ear because you know you bought the right gun and the price just makes that smile stay there!

04-06-2012, 12:30 PM
Sounds great! Glad all your mags drop free, only 1 out of my 4 do so I practice removing them manually. Had a bad experience with a PM9 5 years ago but am really glad so far that I bought my CM9 last month. Had one feed ramp nose dive with Powrball but none with Gold dots and they don't lock the slide back since I filed the slide release.

04-07-2012, 05:09 PM
Nice Skifly! and Welcome.. Wheres the pictures! No two look the same ya know :cool: