View Full Version : When Jocko's right, do I have to admit it?

04-06-2012, 07:58 PM
My very first ported barrel has arrived.
I'm very sad to say Jocko was right.
Radically reduced muzzle flip and recoil, Oh My....
1 box each 125 gr 357 Sig;
Speer GDHP, Winchester Ranger T-Series & Federal Tactical JHP.
https://www.t-mobilepictures.com/myalbum/photos/photo09/3f/5d/ce78363b4ef2__1333759714000.jpg https://www.t-mobilepictures.com/myalbum/photos/photo42/84/49/76be54141bc0__1333897030000.jpeg

mr surveyor
04-06-2012, 08:29 PM
answer to your question

uuuuhhhhhh..... yes

04-06-2012, 09:19 PM
Nahh.....if you don't tell 'em he won't know ;)

04-06-2012, 09:29 PM
Single, works great.


04-06-2012, 09:32 PM
Single, works great.



If that works on the snubbie like the 4" dual port on my Glock 357 Sig?
I need to give it some serious thought.

04-07-2012, 06:18 AM

04-07-2012, 07:19 AM
Barth,nothing wrong with being WRONG but when ur wrong and I was right do u realize what that makes u out to be???

I need not post it!!!! Just sayin.

Tinman, if u have never eaten crow, u have missed out in the finer parts of life..

04-07-2012, 07:21 AM
Jeepster,my 342 smith looked alot like that. Ported and all except mine did not hav eth Big dots. Thatisjust one super wheelgun. IMO the best . I had CTgrips on it and it was a nail driver at10 yards and under.

Mine was a pre lock even. I still can't believeI sold it.

04-07-2012, 08:00 AM
Jeepster,my 342 smith looked alot like that. Ported and all except mine did not hav eth Big dots. Thatisjust one super wheelgun. IMO the best . I had CTgrips on it and it was a nail driver at10 yards and under.

Mine was a pre lock even. I still can't believeI sold it.

What was that Jocko?
Sold you're pre-lock 342 ti?
Did It look something like this?

It's funny, cause I sure don't feel like a looser. LOL!

04-08-2012, 08:38 AM
no mine was magna ported also.

04-08-2012, 08:49 AM
no mine was magna ported also.

Looks like I might have to do something about that - LOL!

04-08-2012, 08:58 AM
IMO they are truly one super nice J frame. I stillhave my Model 60 early 70's. love it. fokker is ported to. Have not shot it in years but it sit in the dresser drawer with 5 corbon glaser silvertip rounds in it./

04-09-2012, 02:18 PM
My very first ported barrel has arrived.
I'm very sad to say Jocko was right.
Radically reduced muzzle flip and recoil, Oh My....
1 box each 125 gr 357 Sig;
Speer GDHP, Winchester Ranger T-Series & Federal Tactical JHP.
https://www.t-mobilepictures.com/myalbum/photos/photo09/3f/5d/ce78363b4ef2__1333759714000.jpg https://www.t-mobilepictures.com/myalbum/photos/photo42/84/49/76be54141bc0__1333897030000.jpeg

Only if you value your life. :)

MW surveyor
04-09-2012, 03:38 PM
Man, don't you just hate it when you tear the center out of the target? Went shooting on Good Friday with the 45 and the 22 conversion. Shot the 2" center out of the target with the 22, then had to shoot at the bar code :). Guy next to me said that I was just show'in off.

Same thing with the 45. Ten rounds and the center was gone. Guy next to me again said that I was show'in off. Proceeded to shoot the bar code out and the logo out. Then I told him I was showin off. LOL.

Got to say that I hardly ever do that good. Must have been really relaxed.

And yes Barth, you do have to admit it when jocko is right. Them horseheads get stinky after a while.

04-09-2012, 09:10 PM
Man, don't you just hate it when you tear the center out of the target? Went shooting on Good Friday with the 45 and the 22 conversion. Shot the 2" center out of the target with the 22, then had to shoot at the bar code :). Guy next to me said that I was just show'in off.

Same thing with the 45. Ten rounds and the center was gone. Guy next to me again said that I was show'in off. Proceeded to shoot the bar code out and the logo out. Then I told him I was showin off. LOL.

Got to say that I hardly ever do that good. Must have been really relaxed.

And yes Barth, you do have to admit it when jocko is right. Them horseheads get stinky after a while.

I went back to the range today for Lunch.
Just can't get enough of that ported 357 Sig.
Guy next to me just kept shooting faster and faster.
Wasn't grouping his shots at all and seemed pissed off - LOL!
I'm really loving this gun.
And Like Clint said in Heartbreak Ridge;
"It makes a distinctive sound when fired".

05-19-2012, 10:48 PM
Here is how you port that fokker:

