View Full Version : Just got my PM45.

02-13-2010, 09:36 AM
Hello to everyone.

I just got my PM45 and will be taking it to the range for the first time.

02-13-2010, 09:47 AM
Awesome! Let us know how it goes at the range.

Thanks for the pics:)

02-13-2010, 12:43 PM
Congrats! and Welcome!

02-13-2010, 05:21 PM
Man that's pretty...The only thing that would make it better for me was if Jessica Alba were holding it...er...uh...I mean if it had night sights.

02-13-2010, 05:30 PM
So I just got back from the range and want to tell everyone how it went.
I used 230gr Remington ball ammunition. It failed to eject and load several times during the first 100 rounds but not enough times to remember. As I approached 150 rounds I noticed that when I put a fresh mag in and hit the slide release the bullet would not load and the tip would get stuck on the feed ramp. This would only happen when engaging the slide release, but would not happen if I cocked it manually.
Can anyone explain this to me?

02-13-2010, 05:39 PM
So I just got back from the range and want to tell everyone how it went.
I used 230gr Remington ball ammunition. It failed to eject and load several times during the first 100 rounds but not enough times to remember. As I approached 150 rounds I noticed that when I put a fresh mag in and hit the slide release the bullet would not load and the tip would get stuck on the feed ramp. This would only happen when engaging the slide release, but would not happen if I cocked it manually.
Can anyone explain this to me?

Me thinks you need to polish the feed ramp. It was happening to mine late in a shooting session and I notice the feed ramp was black with residue. Cleaner/hotter ammo doesn't have as much of an effect.

If you can get you hands on some S&B or PMC ammo you will notice the difference. Also once you have broken it in, put some SD ammo down the pipe and you will notice the difference there too. Thanks for the report.

02-13-2010, 06:44 PM
So I just got back from the range and want to tell everyone how it went.
I used 230gr Remington ball ammunition. It failed to eject and load several times during the first 100 rounds but not enough times to remember. As I approached 150 rounds I noticed that when I put a fresh mag in and hit the slide release the bullet would not load and the tip would get stuck on the feed ramp. This would only happen when engaging the slide release, but would not happen if I cocked it manually.
Can anyone explain this to me?
My PM45 likes to run clean and lubed. Did you clean yours prior to going out the first time? When you say failed to eject and load exactly what position was the slide in after pulling the trigger - was the empty casing still in the chamber? Was it a stovepipe malfunction? Running 150 rounds the first time may have caused some gunk in the feed ramp (stuck to the overlube from the factory perhaps). Give it a good cleaning and see how it goes. Congrats on your new PM45!

02-13-2010, 07:44 PM
Thanks to everyone for your advice.

I cleaned and lubed the PM45 before the range.
I need to rephrase my thread from earlier, when I said "failed to eject and load" I meant to say that it failed to load. It looked like the tip of the bullet was pointed down and stuck on the feed ramp with the slide half way forward. This happened at the beginning and then at about 150 rounds. I had to simultaneously release the mag while pulling back on the slide in order to get it unstuck. I did notice the black gunk buildup on the ramp so i sprayed some gun cleaner on it then I continued shooting 50 more rounds. The other problem that I had was when the slide was locked back and i put a fresh mag in, I engaged the slide release and the bullet would get stuck on the bottom of the ramp very similar to what happened before.

I hope that I am making sense.

Thanks again

02-13-2010, 08:58 PM
Possibly the magazine was not fully engaged. Try hitting it from the bottom once after insertion to seat it correctly. Perhaps just a bad mag spring.