View Full Version : CM9 Light Strikes: Update

04-09-2012, 07:32 AM
I'll put this right at the top with an edit, so anyone interested doesn't have to do the entire enchilada again.

New CM9, prepped and lubed as per tech section before firing. Test fired, 50 S&B + 50 M855 Nato + 10 Federal Hydra Shock. 7 misfires appeared to be light primer strikes. All fired second time around, primer indents looked identical to primers that fired first time through.

Ceased fire. Stripped and cleaned pistol, including removing striker, striker spring and cleaning striker channel. Everything appeared well-finished and clean. Reassembled with "dry" striker channel.

Test fired 50 S&B + 100 or so M855 Nato + 15 Federal Hydra Shock + a half box or so of cheap Win stuff and had 8 more mis-fires.

So I sent the darn thing back to the factory.

Ian was polite and cooperative and sent me a shipping label. They had the pistol 14 days. The repair report stated "replaced slide. Tested good."

They also replaced the barrel.

The pistol was dirty, obviously test-fired numerous times. (That's a good thing.) Dry-firing the pistol produces a different "click" than before service, when it was pretty anemic compared to now. I can't imagine what was out of spec with the slide that produces a harder strike.

I can't test-fire the pistol until later this week. I'll post again if there are continuing issues.

Here's the original post:

Hi, all.

I did a lot of research while looking for the "right" pocket pistol. I'm a die-hard 1911 guy, but would rather carry something a little less obvious. Which led me to this site and all the good advice here. Luckily, I had the lube chart and break in advice all printed out well before I ever bought the pistol.

The research all led me to the CM9, and it's about what I expected: a well-engineered, well executed compromise among the important variables: finish vs. price, size vs. usability and function, weight vs. materials, etc. I'd be well satisfied, except:

Out of the first 300 rounds fired, I've had 15 misfires that appear to be light striker hits. I'm trying to decide what to do next, and I thought perhaps someone here could speak to possible solutions. The 300 rounds included 100 rounds of S&B. Those boxes were 7 or 8 years old, properly stored and appeared new. Also included were 150 rounds of M855 Nato 9MM produced by Federal. M855 is a high velocity (1200fps or thereabouts) cartridge, the ammo is also 7 or 8 years old (in terms of when I purchased it) and appears new. Both the S&B and the Nato have functioned flawlessly in the past, but I can't test it at the moment because my only other 9MM (a P226) is getting a tenifer face lift. I also fired 50 Federal hydroshocks, and I don't recall any issues with those. All misfires fired the second time around (after a cool down) except one S&B, which exhibited a badly deformed primer after the second attempt. The strike on the primer of the misfired cartridges did not appear to be different from the strike on the brass that fired the first time around.

Firing occurred in two sessions. The pistol was thoroughly cleaned. I removed the striker, spring, etc. after the first session and ran it dry during the second, which did not result in any improvement. A close examination of the striker and the striker channel did not turn up any burrs, tool marks, residue buildup, etc. The pin looks perfectly normal, the channel, while not high polish, is nicely finished, as is the breech face. The trigger pull is smooth and without hesitation.

So: nothing looks amiss. It's misfiring badly with two types of normally reliable ammo, but not the third. The pistol is clean and correctly maintained. That only leaves these:

-it's malfunctioning in a way I can't detect, such as weak spring, short stroke, interference with the pin in some way, etc. (has to go back for service)

-or the ammo has a "hard" primer, and this pistol is not designed or intended to fire all types of ammunition (in that case, it's going to be sold and I'll wait on the new Sig 9)

-or the ammunition has somehow deteriorated

With all the experience here, I'm really hoping someone has had a similar experience and can relate the outcome.


04-09-2012, 08:03 AM
Ah, well.

Spoke to CS at Kahr this morning right after I posted this and they are sending me a shipping label.

I'll let them (hopefully) sort it out.

I'm not disappointed. I've learned over the years that if you buy from a reputable company, and you're forced to send their product back to them due a problem, what you will get back is typically far closer to "spec" and much more reliable than what you bought off the shelf to begin with.

Silver linings, and all that.

CS at Kahr very helpful and didn't hesitate/speculate/interrogate...just "send it back we'll fix it for you".

04-09-2012, 08:09 AM
Welcome to the forum!
Hope they get it figured out for u. I hate to hear of a cm9 goin back to kahr, cause mine has been perfect from day one. (Haven't tried a whole lot of ammo types tho) let us know how it goes when u get it back.

04-09-2012, 08:15 AM
I would have gotten a box or 2 of new ammo to shoot through it before calling kahr. If your striker channel is nice and clean, I'm betting the problem is with the older ammo.

04-09-2012, 08:37 AM
I had light strike problems with a CW9 that I never could figure out. Kahr claimed they were caused by hard primers, but the one and only gun that this ammo ever had a light strike with was the Kahr. I suspect either the striker was a tad bit short, or the chamber a tad bit deep. This is the only Kahr I had this problem with... all the others are very reliable. I've never had problems with S&B, it's good ammo, and I shoot a lot of NATO ball 9mm, and I've never had one fail. Having this happen once is explainable, but over and over, IMHO, indicates a gun related deficiency. Good luck with the fix.

04-09-2012, 09:02 AM
Pretty much what I'm thinking. These same ammo lots functioned 100% in a couple of Glocks and couple of Sigs (some pistols mine, some owned by others) in the past year or so. Hard for me to believe it's because the ammo isn't new.

I'm betting something is out of spec and hoping whatever it is is obvious the first time around. If I have trouble when it comes back somebody is going to get to be the lucky owner of a very inexpensive CM9 that shoots almost every time the trigger is pulled.

Too early to bet on that, though. Too many good comments on Kahr service to think that they won't find it/fix it the first time.

04-09-2012, 11:45 AM
I have been shooting a lot of S&B ammo lately and its been 100% in my PM9.

I hope they get it sorted out for you, its a good pistol. Was the firing pin coming out of the bolt face far enough? It sounds like you checked out the striker and the channel really good.

Keep us posted,

04-09-2012, 12:13 PM
being the gun is headed back to kahr it is a mute point for allof us to give suggestions. I don';t buy the hard primer stuff either. that IMO is a cop out. a good way to test things out is to buy new american brand ammo and test out. Light strikes can actually be an out of speck barrel even,, we can't test that out. light strikes are also caused by an out of spec trigger bar, which has happened more than any other light strike issue. We have seen though where kahrs have had barrel replacements and the light strikers went away. doesn't take alot to put the gun out of time and then "nothing" works, so probably best tolet kahr have it back . They wll get it right. ur attitude is positive so that helps alot. I wuld think 7-8 year old ammo should be OK but again we don't know that either, so always best to change brands and retest. Hell the military probably has 45 ammo in crates over 30+ years old and I am told that they even have thousands of 45 1911 mags loaded in crates that have vbeen that way for year. Kahr willget u right.

04-09-2012, 12:37 PM
Now now JOCKO, although I am inclined to agree with you, over the years I have run into a few hard primers. Recently I ran into one that was of S&B manufacture. Upon examining the primer it was well struck and did fire when reloaded the second time around, which would in my way of thinking look like a hard primer. This also occurred during my break in on the second box of FMJ ammo being run through my P380. I feel your doing the right thing to send your CM9 back and let the pro's determine the problem and help correct any potential problems.

04-09-2012, 01:13 PM
and did I not say to change to another brand and retest and buy American brand ammo and test out. anything is possable. If it doesn't do it with other brands, then IMO get away from S & b ammo.

04-09-2012, 04:12 PM
Yup Old JOCKO did recomend trying out some US ammo...my bad....geezzz your getting as bad as me. I don't think this board can handle two contarary
old farts like us JOCKO. You are right when you said that alot of military stores are very old. I have shot old surplus ammo in the late seventies from the Korean war period and earlier. My hand loaded 30-06 from 1977 still shoots well with no ill affect.

04-09-2012, 04:21 PM
heh no problem from this ol timer, as u know ur only as old as u feel. I wonder how old some of this foreign 7.62X39 ammo is? seems to go bang every time.

I have always question "hard" primers. If u take 6 different primer makes one has to be the hardestd and one has to be the softest BUT BOTH SHOULD WORK OK. Because one tests the harest of lets say 6 tested certainly should not be an indication to stay away from it. Just sayin. copurse like we have talked about it is very easy to eliminate the ammo as the culprit...
"Just go to another brand" and if it works perfect, then u answered ur own question..

04-09-2012, 05:02 PM
I shot some Freedom Munitions 115 9mm reloads through my CM9 today. I hadn't shot any since receiving a big order and other then another boring, pull the trigger and it goes bang session with the gun, I had an out of body experience as you can feel that my gun just loves the ammo.

No muzzle flip, accurate, very gentle recoil, and you could feel the harmony between gun and ammo.....weird I know.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

04-09-2012, 05:35 PM
kahrs are just not ammo sensitive, that Is why I have always felt that light primer hits are not the fault of a "hard primer" but something in the gun itself, i. e. like a dirty gummed striker channel. Just sayin

04-11-2012, 03:00 PM
+1 on that, Jocko. I've run into hard primers with mil surplus ammo and some foreign brands, but more often than not a fouled striker or firing pin channel was the problem causing light strikes. Occasionally insufficient firing pin protrusion or a weak firing or striker pin spring is the cause, but it's rare. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

04-12-2012, 09:47 PM
I'm thinking they may need to check the striker and the striker spring. My CM9 absolutely obliterates primers, which is good but that's what it does. It hits primers harder than my Beretta 90 two, and Ruger SR9c. The only ones that hit harder are my SW1911 and DPMS AR15.

I've even run Tulammo through it before without a single problem. The stuff was really dirty, but my Kahr hit those rock-hard primers just fine.

Surprising to hear this issue...

Kahr will surely sort it out.

04-13-2012, 06:02 AM
Sounds like you could use the Wolff's 5 pound striker spring.

04-13-2012, 06:24 AM
I only have 100 rounds through my new CM9 so far, so I'm well inside the break-in area and understand that it needs more lead down the pipe to form an opinion. That being said, I've had two light strikes in those first 100 rounds myself. All of them in the last 20 rounds with no prior cleaning. I've since cleaned it up really well and am waiting on my next trip to the range with my next 100 rounds. In my case, I think it was just dirty.

04-13-2012, 06:37 AM
I only have 100 rounds through my new CM9 so far, so I'm well inside the break-in area and understand that it needs more lead down the pipe to form an opinion. That being said, I've had two light strikes in those first 100 rounds myself. All of them in the last 20 rounds with no prior cleaning. I've since cleaned it up really well and am waiting on my next trip to the range with my next 100 rounds. In my case, I think it was just dirty.

See my original post. When I cleaned my pistol after the first 100 rounds (and first sign of trouble) I removed the striker/spring/plastic guide from the slide and cleaned it completely of any lube/residue. I wanted to run the next rounds through with the striker and channel completely dry.

That 100 rounds had not contributed any fouling to the striker channel. I won't say it was perfectly clean, but there wasn't enough fouling or excess lube in there to be the cause of the trouble.

The pistol was rcvd by CS at Kahr on Tuesday. I'll update when I have some new information.

04-22-2012, 03:12 PM
My brother has two Kahrs...an MK40 and a PM9. I have a MK9 and a PM9. Three of the four guns run great. His PM9 is having light-strike problems. He had swapped mags and ammo. Seems to be one tell-tale sign of the problem. All of his primer indents are slightly off-center.

Methinks that the barrel is not fully locked up so that the center of the chamber is in line with the center of the firing pin. Other option is that the firing pin is not properly placed in the slide (too low, or too high). Regardless, I told him to write Karh and get a return number...let them sort it out.


04-22-2012, 03:27 PM
light strikes are also caused by an out of spec trigger bar. let kahr sort it out, . is a good idea..u do what u can at home without harming the gun andif it doesn't make it well, then let kahr have it..they have the ability to replace parts and test and then replace more parts and test,l WE DO NOT.

04-28-2012, 08:52 AM
TTT for the update.

05-14-2012, 09:23 AM
Tested after it got back from the factory: 350 rounds fired, all clean. Whatever was wrong, the slide replacement fixed it.

Snidely Whiplash
05-14-2012, 09:27 AM
Good news, indeed! Thanks for the report.

05-14-2012, 10:04 AM
Good news, indeed! Thanks for the report.

05-14-2012, 03:28 PM
I'm glad I read this thread. Same problem I am having. Now I know the best course of action. Thanks hardscrabble.

05-14-2012, 08:14 PM
If the trigger bar or striker block was out of spec the striker could have been falling a tad early partially catching on the striker block (that wasnt fully retracted) enough to slow it down and not get a solid hit on the primer, or if the slide striker channel wasn't milled down deep enough, yada, yada, yada, there are a few things that have to happen exactly right for it to go bang, but once they are right they shouldn't "drift" out of sync the way the Kahr is designed.

I learned this the hard way when I tried to modify the trigger bar on an LCP to very slightly decrease the trigger stroke where it wasnt a CH off the back of the trigger guard when it went bang. Hammer dropped early as I wanted, and the not fully clear hammer block caught it every time, reliably. I was able to un-modify my mod and all is well again. Makes me leary of letting that sear area run dry, wouldn't take crazy amounts of wear on the trigger bar to cause the same problem. Again, the way the striker fired Kahr is built, it would take a good bit more wear to throw it out of sync in a similar fashion.

08-29-2017, 07:33 PM
I bought my CM9 mid 2016 and am coming up on 2000 rounds. It would fail to fire 1 out of every 200 or so using Remington white box. Lately is doesn't fire 1 or 2 out of every mag. No dent on the primer, put the round in again and it fires. Going to the range tomorrow with several types of ammo to see what happens. I hate to send it back but also can't own a gun I have no faith in.